Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Make every effort to bid farewell to three free - to those Middle School students in the first 19 letters

 Make every effort to bid farewell to the free time, even the question of the wrong order, can not find the time to review textbooks to. hearing, I conducted in-depth look, feel students job is a lot of great pressure. However, use of time on But a lot of wasted widespread phenomenon, visible, pre-class dinner was frolicking in the classroom, class ring has been out of the classroom is not affected, even self-study skipping. late seems to be forever the landscape, to sleep in class The people there are always one or two hh for these students is hard to say what to do in the classroom, he seems to be time rich and time goes on he seems to always be different, bored, long hard to get. Maybe you missed these phenomena, So, you have full use of the time you really?
stop to consider that you have the Three Busy utilization, and statistics about today's br> The so-called Reluctantly, the brain or any free thinking, big deal do not help either hand, but also sometimes become a talking shop members involuntarily.
should say that I considered a very busy man, but even the time of the completion of more tasks I feel like my mind is still thinking consciously contribute to the two or three hours free time.
which I think high school students who lack self-control, was the br> Statistics He was joking, that mysterious word, talk big, extra-curricular words that, of course, to no avail. public places, such as the reading room, science and technology activities room, electronic game room, said he had to do, of course, useless. people listening to the radio , watching TV, attending meetings, he talk in a matter of eating snacks, natural useless, these words do not say as well. The other is harmful words. people learn, he deliberately interfere with other people, people scattered attention; people progress, he compiled a tale, which made the rumors hurt people; people united, he secretly sent a message, tell tales, behind the weaknesses that people, even unintentionally, is harmful, then.
big deal to mean something useless or harmful thing. as a high school student, not experts of electronic games, yet spare time to spend on electronic games room, which is obviously useless things. The teacher is about mathematics, mathematics achievement of individual poor people, but to see martial arts in the following, of course, useless. students in the study hall, where he has something to do preschool, stack paper boats, painted children's drawings, useful? a student is not interested in fashion design, but with a lot of time with parents money, shopping the market to buy a new guise of clothing. so dominated energy, apparently useless.
middle school students have a lot of things detrimental to the individual students try to be brave, rash, to lord it over in my brain how to play others and calculated How to avoid someone else's fight, and put into action. people on the study hall, he sing songs; people with third class the afternoon of activities, running, he secretly went to buy candy; there are many violations, should be within the control.
think beset leisure time more. There is a class of free thinking is useless, wasted to do solid work, free thinking itself has no direct harm. such as: is listening to a history class, could not help thinking about the late Qing Dynasty from the classroom teaching of literature, think of Half the students of the class. and some students are listening to English classes, thinking unconsciously to the clothes in front of students, with the clothes and went to the garment factories, textile mills, dye houses, clothing stores where such association is hh a purpose, to creation, the association intends to train their own ability, of course, useful. If the time without the need for Lenovo, Lenovo is freely run free, and that there is no use to say the least. serious statistics, look carefully, you will find many less advanced students is a lot of time thinking in such leisure to spend in the Huhututu. far more than the students, that is, to me, yesterday, one day, this afternoon, at least 4 hours claimed by such free thinking.
another free thinking is harmful. such as learning, life experience something goes wrong, or examinations is not satisfactory to worry to worry about how the students talk their parents how to criticize themselves, how the neighbors will look down on their own . The results more depression deeper trouble, the more mistakes can calmly analyze the causes, let alone take effective measures to correct the mistakes. This will form a vicious cycle chain: depressed mood to correct mistakes in exam scores even worse. not students is less backward along this vicious cycle chain, or even themselves from such upper position, slid to the bottom. Siyou difficult to control this type of leisure.
by themselves, I think the students suffered setbacks, the resulting I think some more leisure, Without effective control, is indeed endless troubles.
guide the students to control the Words and Deeds, thinking distinguished. Once you have differences, subconscious and unconscious will work, unconsciously its restrictions. distinction, and made every effort control, although not completely under control, but one thing is certainly, the control is much better than no control, After writing this diary and statistics to be 5 hours. to have so many? According to my observation, he actually write much better than in the past, sees his Turning control of the did not ask him to specify the number of his sentence gossip, did not think he had made such a goal, asked him: more than half, however, and students are still more than to remove all obviously impossible. I calculation and self-study and class that I can control myself not gossip, but at home and school recess activities, they also do not know feel happy to say that others do not gossip. Each class is 36 among 6, sooner or later there so long, could not help all that eight is 16, total 52. did not say well, did not say no, just say you can try. effective to continue to try.
another month, I look at his diary, the students in this month education program l c r to control the free people, no matter what posts can be a happy people, happy people, people who make a difference. students understand the kinds of bias in social welfare of students or even to work, do not want to participate in physical exercise, group refused to participate in extracurricular activities. This way of thinking is itself a harmful free thinking, Without controlled, students will be difficult to grow up in the information diversity, exchanges to survive a wide range of modern society.
specific control of the One of the most effective way is to do practical things as much as possible, clearly you do, do a few things, how long to do something. in a bad mood, do like to do the little things more difficult. practical things to do more, the formation of a firm and lasting than the excitement of center, the students of their status is quite satisfactory, because he made a careful study program, and then in an orderly manner to complete the program, take advantage of time is reasonable, even more than expected but also the effective use of the corner, and so, he has been full of enjoyed continuous improvement and progress of the happy, enjoy the fun of knowledge itself, hoping the former, his way more and more wide, more and more fast pace.
you for the time and not have any chances , as the Ministry of Examination will always have the same chances.
One winter, hunters go hunting with hounds. The hunter hit the rabbit hind legs, desperately injured rabbit escape, chase dogs in the back . But to recover for a while, the rabbit ran the distance. dogs know it is lagging behind, and had bitterly back to the hunter side. hunter said angrily: rabbits are just beyond your grasp! get them curse, but if I do not make every effort to run, can have been dead ah! , and sometimes luck, to lazy to steal a moment when the lazy, do you think according to their quality and efforts to test a course should be promising. When faced with cold entrance results only when clearly understand their How naive idea! Some people say: Science is an honest knowledge, does not allow for hypocrisy and pride, and work hard to pay. entrance, too, without any luck at all, only to make every effort, hard work selflessly, only there is hope that Road crossed the threshold of the sacred.
admitted to the university ideal, in order to enjoy the quality of higher education, you do need to make every effort to fight!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bone development of the company (a game about the life story)

 First, the target will be the rabbit out of a nest dog has been chasing it, chasing a long time still not caught. Collie see such a scenario, mock hunting, said: . heard, the hunter would like: dogs are right ah, I want to get more of the game, need to find a positive solution. As a result, hunters and bought a few dogs, who can be caught in hunting rabbits, you can get a few bones, can not catch no food to eat. This move really useful for dogs who have to work hard chasing rabbits, because no one wants to see other people have bones to eat, not eating their own. so, after a period of time The problem has emerged. big rabbit is very difficult to catch, good to catch a small rabbit. But the rewards are big rabbit caught and got caught a small rabbit bones about, dogs are good at observation, discovered the trick, specifically to catch small rabbit. Gradually, we have found this trick. hunter hounds to catch the rabbit that recently you getting smaller and smaller, why do dogs say not much difference anyway, why charge so much enthusiasm to catch those big it? Third, after thinking long-term bone hunter, decided not to share with whether the number of bone hook caught the rabbit, but with each over a period of time, dogs caught a rabbit on the statistics the total weight of the method. in accordance with the weight to evaluate the dogs, to determine their treatment within a period of time. So the number of dogs have caught the rabbit and the weight increased. hunters very happy. but after a period of time, hunters found that the number of dogs and rabbits were caught less, And the more experienced dogs, hunting rabbits decline in the number of the more interest. So they ask the dog hunters. hounds, said: grow old, when we catch a rabbit when you will give us the bones to eat? to the number and weight of the rabbit, provides that if a rabbit caught more than a certain number, even catching a rabbit, every meal can get a certain number of bones. dogs are very happy, we are all striving to achieve the provisions of the hunter number. After some time, finally there are some provisions of the hounds reached the number of hunters. At this time, including a hunting dog, said: bones, why not give yourself hunting rabbits The dogs grab the rabbit. the situation getting worse, hunters forced to lure a stray dog, stray dogs asked him in the end stronger than the dogs in there. dingo said: ! In addition to the basic bones of dogs, the availability of its total rabbit hunting n%, and with the service longer, larger contribution, the ratio can be increased, and the right to share in the total rabbit meat hunters, m%. to Thus, dogs have to work together with the hunters, the dogs are forced to suffer a great deal, have strongly urge the return to dog team. the story continues only permanent interests, no permanent friends day by day over the past day, winter, rabbits increasingly fewer hunters harvest even a single day than one day. and those long hours were too old to old dogs caught the rabbit, but still enjoying the carefree self-righteous that they deserve a large portion of food. finally One day the hunter can no longer bear them out the door, because hunters need more able-bodied dog ... ... Birth of Micro Bone Co. (bone's birth) was swept out of the old dogs have got a lot of money in compensation, So they set up a Micro Bone Company. the way they used to recruit Franchise dogs, hunting rabbits to the wild dogs are taught the skills they obtained from hunting to extract part of the rabbit as a management fee. When almost all the compensation for the ads, They finally have enough dogs to join us. the company began to make a profit. A year later, they acquired a hunter's belongings. Development of Micro Bone Co. (bone development of the company) Micro Bone company promised to get the company to join the wild dogs n% of the shares. This is too tempting. These talents are the dogs themselves as they all believe they have found the Concert: finally did the company's owner, and no longer dictated to by hunters endure unpleasant, no longer enough to catch rabbits and working so hard, they do not give the hunter begged helplessly while the play was delicate and charming two bones. All of these dogs, it is more than good enough to eat two bones. So Wild Dogs have a family and I joined the Micro Bone, studied under some of the young hunters started hunting dogs around the corner, many think he is wise or even practical stupid hunters also want to join. many of the same type as the springing up of companies set up, Bone Ease ,, China Bone ... ... For a time, the forest noisy. Star Is Born Hunter took the money with the sale of the company walked the streets of the old dogs, the last untold hardships to the negotiations with the company when the Micro Bone , the old hound hunters unexpectedly agreed to sell his company Micro Bone. old dogs are no longer run the company and began to write his autobiography, Hound Garden

Monday, December 27, 2010

A city should not be inferior to their own past while!

 A city should not be inferior to their own past, which saw Bo
small town north of Friends of the noise of economic Voice (TYPE THEOREMS), Zhao Metropolis, time is to keep the . (August 11, ; capital, can not see the slightest bit proud of the way. Think of the original indigenous people in Shijiazhuang are Power Ranking > in fact, changed its name does not change its fundamental.
small town north as the noise of economic Voice (TYPE THEOREMS) in the text, said: The English name is Now for a good read, Chinese people are generally referred to as colony, the British began a large number of immigrants to this area first owner to .17 century emigration to the United States from the town of York, England, have a saying no precipitate deep humanistic, political, economic base and develop policies to support the case up!
Shijiazhuang some of the current development of pillar industries such as medicine, clothing and so is not inherited from the traditional industry, but to create out of , Shijiazhuang, the development process, how many great creation?
1947 onwards, from a small village into a modern provincial capital, Shijiazhuang, history, history of entrepreneurship is an earth-shattering.
business, given this emerging in the city to the vitality and vigor, so that the city maintained a hard struggle, the fine tradition of modesty and prudence, and with an inclusive, innovative features of the times. the revolution of the city, business city, is a unique city of Shijiazhuang charm.
mm Red China Venture Shijiazhuang City! This is my business card presented to the city of Shijiazhuang.
, of course, Shijiazhuang City District dozens of venture. After all, transformation of urban space, urban image of the building, the modern city is the core content.
2004  5  mm12 months, I lived in the city 8 months of work, mainly serve the local's largest real estate developers to do the planning consultant of Hebei Zhuoda Group, which was mainly to do two projects: a broader market 6,000 acres of countryside, a 100 million square meters of city building complex. Take these two projects, on the real estate development is a large country project, there are a lot of initiative.
reference to the city business, is in a name in mind and Hebei Zhang Jun flower tea estate chatted about, and get her the recognition, and that good to persuade <Topics of the city.
a city should not be inferior to their own past while!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sun Jihai know personally crushed cleaning rumors are still fighting for the main component

 Sun Jihai
Beijing ushered in the first 30 days starting early morning, the English League Cup second round, the English Premier League veterans Sun Jihai has finally won a chance to perform. After 20 days of waiting, Manchester City coach Egypt Rickson to the outside world with practical action that: position playing on consecutive nights.
from former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra took over the club after Manchester City began a large-scale procurement action, breath in the team after buying eight Jiang Yuan, Sun Jihai's position has also been a threat, coupled with old suffered multiple injuries and older, Sun Jihai and even once to position themselves: Jackson Sun Jihai will be cleaning the rumors, Sun Jihai is still said: br> the game Manchester City boss Sven-Goran Eriksson has arranged several key players a rest, the two Manchester City defender Dunne and Richards, as well as left-back Garrido have a truce, the original people of Croatia as a right back Cole served as a central defender Lucas, the original replacement Aonu Rioja right back to playing as a captain in the back, empty out the right back position to the Sun Jihai.
League Cup in the focus of this battle, Sun Jihai's main focus is on defense. opening 10 minutes, Sun Jihai to use their experience in the backcourt steals opponents. the first 17 minutes, Manchester City striker succeeded Farm Malpensa shot. The first 69 minutes, Bristol City team will free kick to tie the game. However, Sun Jihai 37 minutes stopping first field slightly larger errors, nearly hit by his opponent counter-attack, and good time was teammate steals the ball. The first 73 minutes, Sun Jihai to win before the games kick opportunities, Man City free kick into the box open, Cole shot wide header in front of Lucca. The first 81 minutes, Manchester City striker Bianchi shot nets to help Manchester City 2 to 1 win. the last moment, the two key Sun Jihai rescue teams to help Manchester City 2 to 1 lead maintained until the competition ends. through the competition, Jihai is better to restore the state, but also to coach Sven-Goran Eriksson proved his ability, as previously said Eriksson comprehensive Jihai is still a very important team member.
view of the circumstances from the whole match, Sun Jihai in the game very well executed tactical thinking coach, but also better accomplished defense mission. good reviews, Sun Jihai received only 6 points, and another left-back Colin Powell tied with the lowest points of this team. The recovery operation is not critical. This means that Sun Jihai may need to wait for further opportunities.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My big pay their own way to go see ----

fireworks fireworks dissipated, a more volatile world show to the world
sixtieth anniversary, sleepless nights, the warm atmosphere has rendered cooling; Articles Khotan music played there, dotted out Peace has become a thing of the past ...... spectacular all the buzz, excitement eventually attributed to silence, has gradually moved the hearts of calm, cold-eyed Hermit this small globe, can see is a more volatile world mmmm! < br> Yes, now we are in a period of peaceful construction, economic development, building a better home, close to each other's economic and cultural exchanges, is the main theme of today's world. However, the real conflict of interest, historical issues unresolved. ..... and so on, obstruct, endanger world peace did not completely eliminate the factors. In certain conditions, may even intensify these contradictions, and even local wars triggered! not only in this world is not peaceful, and the relative during the Cold War United States, its hawkish politicians to seek global hegemony, the ambition to build a unipolar world, the rapid expansion! particularly needed wake-up call, they have the potential of China as a major rival to curb the momentum of the plot I have put into action!
In their overtly or covertly encourage, support, extreme forces of religious fanaticism, extreme nationalism separatism, have playing the so-called coat, resurgence, reincarnated, to stir up trouble everywhere, Xingyaozuoguai! from Central Asia, West Asia to Africa, from China's Tibet and Xinjiang to Taiwan and Taiwan can be seen everywhere ...... FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Service) agents of the specter, the specter of democracy and the Foundation!
interesting, because of the financial crisis hit, Afghanistan and Iraq drag on the war on terror, the United States dropped significantly overall national strength, had to implement strategies on a global scale contraction ...... In this backdrop, particularly striking is that in the Pacific, but stepped up the pace of military deployment! advanced fighters (fourth generation, F22A, also known as birds of prey), nuclear-powered aircraft carrier , attack submarines have deployed ...... Guam, Okinawa ...... ulterior intention of covering up, the development of strategies to curb my intention is very clear ......< br> and the surrounding countries, the hawks in the United States political figures try to figure out the secret heart (ulterior motives), the would have just around the corner, you want to fish in troubled waters! Ever since Vietnam, the Philippines and I dispute the right of a sudden the South China Sea from Yan , Japan, and I'm warming up of the East China Sea gas dispute Yan, the land boundary between India and I struggle intensified Yan ......< br> should be particularly vigilant in India, Asia's oldest colonial countries, the recent a handful of hawkish politicians with ulterior motives, instigated, suddenly, the collective suffering of the Of course. Such people once they are placed in the master position, he does not know how to hurriedly do a real person sss! example: almost openly interfering in Nepal's internal affairs, diplomacy, overtly or covertly intervene in Sri Lanka's internal affairs. ..... the sixties of last century, dare to invade the wild frontier of Tibet! though the people in my invincible army, before the bravery to self-defense, suffered a shameful defeat, but I still occupying Tibet large tracts of land in Southern and, despite China's repeated strong opposition, forcibly included in this territory, in turn upgrade the so-called the Dalai Lama headed to the extreme religious fanatics, ultra-nationalist separatists ...... also pretended to be bullied by the poor phase, clamoring in the media, the ...... now stumbled into the Next, the challenge I am territorial integrity, sovereignty, dignity and ambition, can not be overlooked!
even in my just-concluded National Day military parade on the occasion, the Indian Defense Ministry officials, mmmm can not wait to high-profile public declaration of the Indian Air Force (including India The rival Pakistan) has the overwhelming advantage mmmm mmmm!!!
us as brothers and even North Korea, but also time and again three plays a game of cliff policy mmmm mmmm! openly declared permanently withdraw from the six-party talks , called I feel then!
above activities, etc., requires us to always keep a clear head and be prepared! addition to unswervingly strengthen the modernization of national defense, so Changbeibuxie have prepared without risk, should also have a clear idea of diplomacy is not strong man mmmm
mmmm mmmm
mmmm mmmm
mmmm not Quji ceremony held weight mmmm
mmmm mmmm
Jhuangjing self extensive and active participation in international affairs, and establish a negative responsible major power, make friends, moral support from many, the revival of the Chinese nation to strive for enough space, create a favorable peace and development, shared prosperity and peaceful atmosphere.
one understanding of the past
��, tragicomedy on the big stage
Throughout the founding of six years, changing on the diplomatic stage, is really dramatic, huh, huh.
nutshell mmmm
1, Big Brother brink
of our revolution has provided selfless assistance to the Soviet internationalist Big Brother, as standard-bearer of the socialist camp, after the founding of our study has been a model example!
However, in the late sixties of last century, but it misfires , there were regrettable conflict Treasure Island!
Strictly speaking, this is a quasi-war, both sides use the regular army mmmm (Soviet motorized infantry division deployed, I was a reinforced regiment), the use of heavy weapons (Soviet use of firepower hail rockets, I use the anti-tank guns), suffered heavy casualties (about a hundred or so Soviet, I was hundreds of people).
border in Xinjiang, such conflicts have occurred, Oh .
Since then, the Big Brother million troops in the border we, like a tiger! this end, both sides have paid a huge economic and social costs! This situation continued until the end of Gorbachev's administration, only a radical change .
the conflict-hit countries to bring unprecedented pressure on the security situation, which forced the objective we first abandon the rigid ideology stand in the diplomatic ideas!
Ever since, let's put the United States so near, Oh .
no doubt that this will not only help the United States was Nizushenxian Vietnam, more dignified escape from Vietnam, can focus calmly deal with the aggressive military threat from the Soviet Union; Moreover, it was for our country reform and opening up policy formulation, implementation, also made a pre-warm-up thinking big, very beneficial to rid itself of capitalist, last name and the like rigid social constraints of thinking, big step forward in the rapid development of the fast lane, huh, huh.
2, small
brothers to war with the Soviet Union, like Big Brother help us, we selflessly helped little brother mmmm Vietnam.
build new China, Premier Zhou to be an old friend of Ho Chi Minh's request to send the three heroes called the Whampoa The first of Chengengdajiang to help the North Vietnamese off the French colonialists, against the U.S. invaders mmmm ...... it is the militant friendship cemented in blood. with the Northeast saying that relations between the old iron, old iron myself, just drop children ...... Oh.
also regrettable that, to the late seventies, we had to mmmm self-defense, and the old little brother to war, huh, huh.
today to see , the blood cemented the friendship is not strong enough fist lesson may not be able to make sincere Yuefu little brother, we'd own development and progress, making the former less obedient little brother, we followed the footsteps behind honestly learn from China's development path, and Oh.
3, extending toward the olive branch across the Atlantic
mmmm master contest of strength in the Korean War, first by my volunteers hit, after the war in Vietnam was by me as strong backing of the Vietnamese People's Army a heavy blow, that time has become a spent force of the United States, not to mention compete with the Soviet Union in the games world hegemony disadvantage, even the safety of their home into question, huh, huh.
to Hermit know, the former Soviet Union had built a super submarine, to attack the United States plans!
Ever since, has always been very practical, realistic interests first to the United States, did not hesitate to think to win over China, restricting the Soviet Union, to alleviate the pressure on its strategy, huh, huh.
Ever since, the former enemies will warm hands, held out the world's most vast ocean, waving green olive branch, hehe. more so dramatic is the Hermit that travel mmmm The people who hand waving an olive branch, but it is always loved hard-line Republican presidential foreign affairs, Nixon you, huh, huh.
particularly interesting is the contest of strength, when both sides are at least to keep his the face, but also to find out the true intentions of the other (hole cards), and established diplomatic relations on this basis to reach the swan, and very difficult to drop, huh, huh.
this, generation of foreign giant mmmm our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai ( Shanren Xiangxian can be considered the predecessors, huh, huh), and the United States learned that a very some Secretary of State (the equivalent of foreign minister) Henry. mmmm Kissinger diplomatic skill to skill, ease and resorted to attached testing the waters golden master contest of strength, could not help but Ji Yang, Bo Members of Friends of heroes to dismantle, disassemble, hands about one council, but also look Fang Comments, Oh.
hair uncle beat a side drum
Treasures Island incident (69 years of thing), the main character's hair always liked playing uncle, unusually for a guest role back to the setter, the elderly took pains to sound the drum side, huh, huh.
1970 years 10 1 May (also a National Day, huh, huh), Mao Zedong invited the Chinese people's old friend, Edgar. Snow to our guests, and boarded the rostrum with him one of the viewing stand!
, no doubt, equal to the people of the world declared friendship with the American people we are just children drops, old iron, old iron myself, huh, huh.
Moreover, Mao uncle Snow chat with old friends but also by the machine, freely about world affairs children, including of course the situation in the world of that time, huh, huh. claim whatever hair uncle by the way so that Snow take along (with) a word, to the then U.S. President Richard Nixon, Sir, to the friendship between the two peoples and world peace vision, His Holiness is willing to talk with His Excellency the President, huh, huh. without any preset premise, about anything, talk about rope better, could not agree mmmm this fight does not matter very much like people drink rivers and lakes Heibailiangdao people do not talk about tea mmmm pro, pro bowl Well, huh, huh.
Ever since, with the back of ping-pong diplomacy mmmm mmmm
Premier Zhou pitching (stone) to ask the way
1971 �� 10 to 17 April , Nagoya, Japan to participate in the 31st World Table Tennis Championships held in the United States team, one called the Glen. Cohen, the team lost team, and all odds to give a lift to catch the team's cars in China, received a warm welcome.
special It is worth mentioning that I was senior table tennis national champion Zhuang Zedong not only play good ball, the Friends of the Road will also be worth noting, from a full demonstration of an ancient civilization, ceremonies of the Grand National style mmmm polite enthusiasm, neither overbearing nor servile! The car with a short time, to Cohen left a good impression of life indelible, huh, huh.
This is especially important if there is no such cushion, Premier Zhou superb follow-up focus on diplomatic skills will have no place, not only was not The wonders of a perfect, even hawkish politicians upset Yindulesi flow, leading to the establishment of Sino abortion, huh, huh.
As for the later, Premier Zhou Enlai invited the U.S. table tennis team visited China closed, creating a need for the two countries established diplomatic relations ...... the ultimate atmosphere of public opinion turning the big ball from the ball to promote world peace and progress mmmm ...... those were the knowledge of history, and will not say, huh, huh.
fishing Qiao sing A mmmm media
tone changed immediately, the two sides of the media tone changed.
example, China's propaganda explicitly revisionist, as the main threat to world peace!
Another example, the U.S. media shy in the beginning, during the period in rampant McCarthyism, political persecution of ethnic Chinese (Overseas) scholar, celebrity name the, huh, huh.
peace dove with an olive branch mmmm Kissinger Geming at large, darkness Chencang
, of course, above all, are Dr. Henry Kissinger was hidden in thick black-rimmed glasses was a pair of old fox behind the eyes, see clearly, and Oh.
Ever since, he used the opportunity to cross-border Pakistan, pretended to be ill, not behind closed doors, out of the press who are almost inseparable, practice deception, in public view, quietly disappeared in a short time! the same time, repairing the plank road, darkness Chencang, quietly came to Beijing to serve as delivery of a return to peace dove olive branch President Nixon mmmm your willingness to pass a special messenger of peace, huh, huh.
later Well, the Earth Master know, Hermit are limited spade myself, huh, huh.
Perhaps, the first commit Bo friends whispered heart heroes mmmm Hey, a quick bother ah, say it does not become straightforward Well mmmm?!!
Please note that the heroes like a contest of strength mmmm master, seemingly casually, strolling, playing with similar drops, Ha ha. actually wave cloud sly deceitful, sinister! too easy to accidentally caught, and nothing on the face in the mix wherever he goes, this is a small thing; fix, and ruin for the world to laugh, and even his life can not hold it, Ha ha.
it said that Sino-US diplomatic relations, are not allowed to advance anyone to grasp the true intentions of each other, as can be and not a still between the two, ended up a better idea is that, if get failed, big trouble , Oh.
this point, if all hands to clear their position hastily bright attitude, if difficult to accept other short-lived fad, what not to make the appropriate gesture, would not become a barber Tiaozi a hot! shame disgraced the we not say, at the time that something serious confrontation between the ideologies of the historical environment, their own people, but once transferred to mmmm Waner leftist erroneous ideas we have not eliminated, the United States McCarthyism still lingers mmmm designated this as a traitor, traitor, traitor! is their treatment of their socialist, capitalist camp of the allies, can not account for the past ah, hehe.
perhaps, have to say Bo Friends of the heroes: the sense of something that is Form serious confrontation of the Cold War, and now there is no thing that myself, huh, huh.
remark poor men, and you noticed that Barack Obama now mmmm
rush to pack up, reckless cowboy George W. Bush left behind mess mmmm negative political heritage, wishful thinking you want to many major international issues, to obtain Russia's support. his cushion in the prior case is not appropriate, hastily overtures to Russia, to the media that is not lightly to deploy a missile defense system in Eastern Europe , in addition to winning several more empty applauded Putin, the Russian did not get a substantive response, huh. continued while, he was in the reduction of offensive strategic nuclear weapons and so on range of motion is too large, the invisible moving the hawks among the politicians cheese with big arms dealers, therefore, lead to conservative forces within the United States a strong reaction, and then McCarthyism tone is almost exactly the same, saying that he is betraying the national interests of the United States, he is simply not typical of Americans ... ... comparing him to Hitler, Mussolini ...... varied, numerous, and even once on the network arena fatwa came mmmm mmmm! Perhaps this is the three disciples of the party for the K , huh, huh. Poland, the Czech Republic and other new NATO allies, but also betrayed by the United States showed strong indignation ......< br> ��, rational review
eye from dark to send Wang Ningmei
general idea of what foreign policy line after the founding of the context, we can easily find this issue in Sino-US relations, twenty years of needlessly wasted valuable time, huh, huh.
liberation army I played back in the Yangtze River, the liberation of the KMT mmmm, when the ruling center in Nanjing, diplomatic route choice problem revealed, huh, huh.
although based on ideological consistency, the U.S. government during the civil war in China has always supported the Chiang Kai-shek led the Nationalist regime, but when I liberation army under the gates of the city of Nanjing on the occasion, under the leadership of Mr. Stuart's U.S. embassy, still stay in Nanjing, mmmm as our big brother is not the Soviet Union did, in Romania, led by Ambassador Shen, with the KMT's defeat and death together with the residual, moved south to Guangzhou (KMT remnants of forces on the mainland temporary capital)!
follow suit and stand in line to be as
Clearly, Premier Zhou was suggested to read the American eye from Pipa mmmm do you want to hold myself, huh, huh.
Upon the United States is a country of pragmatism as a standard, they certainly would not have been festering for a small potatoes (KMT remnants of the regime), while the loss of a freshly baked cake (New China), hehe. Szeto Mr. Lei Deng love hard soil moved, it reasonable that, huh, huh.
Ever since, he asked Uncle Mao mmmm nothing if the fence is to take Foreign Affairs in the end, or is it down to the side of the children mmmm?!!
Unfortunately, however, that early in the peace talks during the period of KMT KMT approach favored by Hurley, the hair deeply stabbed uncle, to follow suit mmmm stand in drastic decision to take one-sided foreign policy to do number two in the socialist camp, hehe.
soon, let's follow suit and stand in a taste of the bitter uncle mmmm hair the first time I visited the Soviet Union, and Stalin's birthday, received a frosty reception in Moscow mmmm sat for a month in the back seat, was Stalin crowded out, Ha ha.
As for later, the Sino-Soviet dispute, the brother of former enemies, is knowledge of history, also will not be redundant, huh, huh.
fact, this reason is very simple, Hermit that the international community is a super rivers and lakes, Big Brother must beware of the old brother mmmm sometimes even of the enemy!
my three after the battle, Stalin's intention is to draw a river, we want to rule, as history has ever produced, as Wei split situation! Ambassador RSM acts that followed the KMT mmmm rear end, the Embassy of the south of Guangzhou, is the best footnote Stalin intended, hehe.
Also, such a foreign policy line, the inevitable result is loss of potential mmmm friend, a brother was not able to place a good relationship, increasingly isolated international status; on domestic politics sharply to the left, the anti-rightist expansion, politics in command, a childish, silly ideological line has fueled the objective ...... adverse effect of the deterioration of the situation at home and abroad ...... cross closer and eventually become a cause of the Cultural Revolution mmmm external incentives.
the lessons of history, is nothing less painful too.
��, not always low profile, focusing instead on rich

predecessors in power after Deng Xiaoping, adhering to the style he has always been pragmatic, assess the situation and set a low profile mmmm, mmmm something of the character principle, clear tone of diplomatic work at the time.
no doubt that the reform and opening up policy was introduced, to secure a loose and friendly international environment.
Ever since, the Sino-US relations, Sino-Japanese relations have entered a honeymoon period, the support we have it coming collapse of the national economy, the much-needed capital, technology, advanced management experience to Yan ...... ...... steady stream of achievements in economic construction today, an exercise in Sri Lanka also benefited.
tree leaves are still, the wind blows < br> ninety-seven financial crisis blows, the hardest hit Indonesia, the country has seen riots. They bully, not the real culprits mmmm rogue destabilize the international financial Wall Street, puts gas spread to my head overseas! outrageous!! !
However, since we have been focusing instead on their own interests in wealth, not properly involved in international affairs in the past, therefore, not very straight spine, that can not afford to hard words! shame!!!
Second, moral and interests
Churchill's famous quote former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had
famously mmmm
we (the British) have neither permanent friends nor permanent enemies, but our interests are eternal.
Similarly, guiding principles of pragmatism as a state the United States, probably also hold the foreign concept, huh, huh.
moral support from many
as a long history and created a splendid culture ceremonies, ancient civilization, we certainly can not be confined This was, huh, huh.
Kunlun old saying: moral support from many.
What is different connotations, not static, the times. We can not always conservative, stand still, cling to the Duke during the so-called consistency, the equivalent of I the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation is a bright future; or is the fate of falling into disorder in reincarnation cycle, even as countries like the former Soviet Union countries will not!
where to go, not only the test of the country who seek the highest political wisdom, but also test of foreign ideas and means, huh, huh.
Hermit think many in today's complex international relations, China-US relationship is still the spindle and properly handle China-US relations can Gangjumuzhang, driving the rest; Otherwise, seven at the fire, eight smoke, exhausted, can not solve any real problems, huh, huh.
in handling Sino-US relations, not only to continuously consolidate and develop bilateral traditional friendship between the people, but also timely disclosure, defeated hawkish politicians in the United States, out of ambition to dominate the world, but for me the line power to curb the conspiracy! necessary, should be given a lesson, a warning to others!!!
is particularly important to stress that we want to mmmm mmmm people to overcome the temptation of G2 in the fire on top of my ear Yuzhi!
opened a new era of China's diplomatic work, we have steadfastly pursued in addition, Premier Zhou Enlai at the Bandung Conference (non-aligned countries) and that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence The banner of moral and actively participate in international affairs, the international community in doing a responsible member of the maintenance of world peace and promoting common development and prosperity, and make its due contribution! rather than, as some of the short-sighted American politicians that eyes firmly fixed on a however is something a little less self-interest, huh, huh.
the situation and not to follow suit, do not sit on the fence, and unswervingly out of a diplomatic way out of their own development!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Deep Thoughts on the development of Hanzhong and Yin Zhi suggestions (c)

 Breakthrough in the development of both hard and soft Hanzhong
the depth of development thinking and Yin Zhi suggestions
NEXT: Chapter
hard power to enhance continue to strengthen and improve the current transport and urban development
thousands of calls in the Western Han Dynasty million high-speed call the delay in opening of this road can be described as the lifeline of Hanzhong, Hanzhong traffic on landmark improvements; but only this path is clearly not enough, far less accessible, this still needs to be strengthened and improved. Meanwhile, In recent years, with the days of the Han Plaza, North Avenue pedestrian street and other projects completed construction of Hanzhong city there have been some change, but the number of prefecture-level city and country, the gap is still very great, and features are not clear, so there is still urgent need to strengthen .
current Hanzhong was very reluctantly into the visualize the business culture as a positioning is very accurate, so should also pay attention to the other three neighboring provinces of Hubei and even interactive.
one, continue to strengthen and improve traffic conditions
Hanzhong Hanzhong city based on location, according to the current traffic situation in Hanzhong, I think the most is still needed to improve highway and railway, followed by water and air.
(a) expediting the Jingkun high-speed Hanzhong, north-south high-speed is the major channel, the current high-speed Hanzhong Xi'an to have been through, but not high-speed Hanzhong to Chengdu through, thus forming a ten high-speed Hanzhong again delaying and marginalization. I hope Hanzhong sessions, especially government, to a strong face, on the one hand works well with one hand to do urge, not the provincial government still delayed. Hanzhong has lost too many opportunities for development , who then delaying the development of Hanzhong, Hanzhong, who will be condemned by history.
(b) strengthening Hanzhong rail transport, for There are three main points of the railway transportation: First, to open on the basis of the existing trains; current transport Hanzhong little as departure station, only Beijing and Guangzhou, the lack of big cities to the east of the passenger, it is recommended to open Hanzhong to Shanghai railway Yangtze River Delta cities of Hanzhong and promote interaction. The second is to fight through the Hanzhong After Hanzhong for the China is of great significance in the Northwest, if the future well-being of repair through Hong Kong to Chongqing Wanzhou railway, the western region will create a close, North Water supply ; works to revitalize the southern Shaanxi and Hubei to improve north-west, open up the The br> I believe that the promotion of Hanzhong air current is not particularly urgent, because the economic backwardness of Hanzhong, Hanzhong spending power from customers less, difficult to support air operations. But with the development of Hanzhong, air had to seriously. to promote aviation Hanzhong transport, I think that should be on two aspects: one is full of hardware construction of the airport to be forward-looking; second is to emphasize the development of source directly linked with the air lines, such as when to develop the tourism industry after Hanzhong, Hanzhong can be opened to Jiuzhaigou route, so that domestic and foreign tourists to Jiuzhaigou Tour Hanzhong as the next stop after.
Second, continue to strengthen and improve the Hanzhong Hanzhong city in recent years, urban construction
urban construction and the county, although some progress, but the total On the whole progress is too slow, and mostly lack of character (the county is still rather strong with certain characteristics), which history of irresponsible. So how do a good job of Hanzhong city construction, I think we should focus on three points:
(a) the general idea: focus features, the development of
Hanzhong across the huge cultural heritage, which for urban construction provides a good material, but did not make good use of the current; and often confined to the experience of Xi'an and the surrounding cities, there is no line of sight extending toward developed areas, persons as br> (ii) accelerate the building and a big step forward, how to make the next one across the Riverbanks development projects can be more beautiful and more features? I think south, north and Qiaozha surrounded by the lake (I propose the name Tianhan Run Lake fishing park, etc., but there must be creative and features, not mindless copying, and making a copy of the field water playground. The following focus on the two sides:
South Bank currently has a With the extension along the expansion project, the square function fade, the future should be more like the new Bund in Shanghai, so the whole project is not very appropriate, said Plaza, it is proposed name change to . Han Guang story and the story of the cross-Cheng Fu hero with the Han River Goddess problems. this might be the entire project along the river known as the Hanzhong mortgaging idioms and so on. Because this project is large, there are many articles do, in which the author provides some ideas: Since the Han River is the river that interlinked with the Galaxy, so take this park into a Hanzhong outstanding personality to inspire people today to learn.
(c) The proposed city for the construction of Hanzhong city of charm, the end of Hanzhong tourism product attention, and to put into action to go, work out the planning and implementation timetable. This year the first year for the congress, hoping to complete construction of three or four years and put into operation successfully (this rate is not Operators soon), eighth largest in the PRC, before a new look to the city of Hanzhong.
chapter to the green industry as the starting point for rural development
the major strategic planning, but also in southern Shaanxi Hanzhong, side grab:
one from green industry, Hanzhong and related geographical differences in the huge, so obvious advantages, but should make a step to improve the quality, attention should be competitive with other cities in Southern and interaction in order to firmly consolidate the market position. The second is the jobs The same applies to the market development in Sichuan.
current Hanzhong, Shaanxi, including proposed the What tests can produce any quality of local agricultural products, the second is to resolve the shortage of funds, lack of risk management experience, so there is scientific. But with the further development of agriculture, the drawbacks of this approach will also be exposed, is not the main The economy of scale, reputed in the country five competitive products, people rich enough rich city. To this end, the Government can do a good job guidance, including technical support, branding and promotion, sales channels and so on.
Second, to strengthen high-quality agricultural products, brand building < br> With the improved quality of life of consumers and the market economy matures, brand value in the commodity increasing share of the profit, so there is great quality agricultural products must also enhance its brand, the price will be difficult to sell Shanghao . how to improve? should focus on the following three points:
(a) the integration of forces, set up platform, which is the basis to enhance the brand
Government helps enterprises with large agricultural trading company formed to develop . build. conditions are ripe, you can upgrade to a large-scale trade company R & D, marketing, production, processing in one of the company to further enhance the brand and mining profits.
(b) identify the location, four attack, This is the key to enhance the brand advantage in the end produce
Hanzhong What? this advantage to the market awareness? is out of step with international trends? identify the direction to figure out the problem after four attack: First, strive to in the relevant rewarded by the prize competitions; the second is more involved in regional or international agricultural exhibition or trade fair; Third, the strong speculation, such as under the (should have authority laboratory reports) fried protection.
(c) barriers to enhance the protection, which is the brand long-term guarantee
enterprises should establish a strict brand management, product packaging done enough effort, as a barrier to counterfeiters. Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs each were wearing a No party should result in heavy losses to the enterprise. once again to focus on anti-counterfeiting, to set up a dedicated department. When the very
development of green industries can not remain in the stage of raw material supply, or only a primary raw materials, profit margins will be sidelined for others, this must make deep processing of agricultural products, fostering profit growth pole. The current should do two things: First, focus on the development of food, health products and Chinese herbal medicine in the depth of processing enterprises in the region should work, if still unable to competence, can be free to seek technical cooperation with, or direct introduction of foreign enterprises. Second, further research to explore more competitive advantage of high value-added products, such as research and development of the previous stage Hanzhong popular and expensive market welcomed the strengthening non-agricultural income of farmers in rural areas some
current This ability, to further guide the future, the Government can boot from four aspects: First, a bold vision to encourage some farmers to develop the farm economy of scale to facilitate the work of farmers near the slack season. Second, the traditional manual process to encourage farmers to organize workshops such as the famous brown Hanzhong the township, because of its environmental protection industry, the palm has a broad market, but the current was gradually lost in Hanzhong, it is very sad. Third, with the development of tourism can be considered with the music, heritage, I have not seen as typical of Hanzhong, I believe that most outsiders have not seen even in tourist areas such performances can generate income arrangements.
Related Links:
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong Yin Zhi suggestions (a)
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong suggestions Yin Zhi (b)
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong suggestions Yin Zhi (c)
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong suggestions Zhi Yin ( d)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Stock Market Watch May 27 (rolling updates)

 [2009-5-27 7:18:08]
the parties concerned management system, built the first public service government modern urban management.
[2009-5-27 7:21:42]
experts predict rate of gasoline and diesel prices by more than 500 yuan / ton, since the chairman Su Shulin Sinopec said last week that the price adjustment or until May 28 announced after the oil industry again tonight, the expected high price adjustment. Many oil experts said to this reporter yesterday evening as the price adjustment and a price adjustment is also in full compliance with the conditions.
[2009-5-27 7:23:51]
the afternoon of the CPC Central Committee General Secretary Hu Jintao, 26, Kuomintang Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung met with his visiting delegation led by KMT stressed cross-strait relations over the past year made a series of important results, showing the prospects of peaceful development. Hu said both sides should work together to promote cross-strait economic cooperation agreement and signing of the preparatory work for the second half of this year, talk about it.
[2009-5-27 7:25:22]
up to six months in the outside world amid rumors the international iron ore price negotiations finally finalized the first Rio Tinto of Australia and Nippon Steel Corporation officially reached a long association in 2009 iron ore contract price negotiations. This is a long-term iron ore price agreement for the first time since the past 8 years has dropped significantly. 2009 with Nippon Steel Rio Tinto / 2010 fiscal year iron ore price agreement, the Pilbara iron ore mining and Yang Di-mixed powder fine ore prices by the degree of $ 1.446 per dry ton decreased 33% to $ 0.97, mixed ore from the Pilbara dry tons per degree of $ 2.0169 to $ 1.12 down 44%.
[2009-5-27 7:27:06]
National Bureau of Statistics yesterday, , positive changes in the urgent need for consolidation. yesterday, preliminary results.
[2009-5-27 7:30:25]
according to China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation recently released statistics show that last week the number of A shares rebound positions account 380800-48421200 , a new high record in 2008, the number of positions account for the proportion rose to 38.23%. The data show that A-shares last week, involved in the transaction account number is 18736700, ring which was an increase of 1.82%. Statistics show that the two cities last week, new stock account number is 303588, the chain dropped slightly over the previous week 1274. As of last weekend, the two cities account for a total of 129,067,600 shares, of which valid account number is 108609900.
[2009-5-27 7 : 35:42]
by North Korea has fired two short-range missiles on news of the Asian stock markets fell across the board yesterday. China, Hong Kong Hang Seng Index down shock all day, afternoon, A shares accelerated involved taking the whole day down 0.76%, to close at 16,992 points ; China Taiwan stock market change disk reproduction Dragon spell, before the market forces uninterested holiday, showing a first strong shock grind after the weak trend, and ultimately fell 0.76% to close at 6683.11 points.
[2009-5-27 7:38 : 13]
by the rate of U.S. consumer confidence index rose more than expected and other factors, the New York market, oil prices rose to 6 months, 26 new high. to the day when the market closed, the New York Mercantile Exchange July delivery of light Crude oil futures rose 78 cents to settle at $ 62.45 a barrel. London Brent crude oil futures rose 1.03 dollars to close at $ 61.24 a barrel.
[2009-5-27 7:40:46 ]
by the May consumer confidence index rebounded quickly to promote economic reports, the strong surge in U.S. stocks on Tuesday. May consumer confidence index rose to 54.9, the highest high of the year, market expectations of 42.6. At the close, the Dow Jones industrial average rose by 196.17 points to 8473.49 points, or 2.37%; the Nasdaq composite index rose 58.42 points to 1750.43 points, or 3.45%, Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 23.33 points to 910.33 points, or 2.63% .
[2009-5-27 8:35:16]
1, Shenzhen, comprehensive reform program approved
5 月 26 of Shenzhen Municipal Committee, vice mayor Xu Qin in the reform plan, areas to achieve new breakthroughs in the lead in the formation of scientific development of institutional mechanisms for building socialism with Chinese characteristics and create new experiences. Shenzhen will set up the nine aspects of financial reform and innovation, a comprehensive experimental zone. Xu Qin said the financial sector accounted for the city of Shenzhen 12.9% of GDP in Shenzhen will be the national launch of the GEM as an opportunity to accelerate the development of financial industry in Shenzhen.
2, Wang Qishan said the world economic slump has not bottomed out, the need to fully protect the export share of 25
Vice Premier Wang Qishan hosted at the foreign trade enterprises in Suzhou, Jiangsu forum, stressed that stability in foreign demand for capital growth, preserve employment, protect the people's livelihood is crucial. to further implement and improve policies, to maintain our export market share. 3, the central bank issued the Ministry of Finance and other financial guidance to support the development of forestry
news site, according to 26, the central bank, the People's Bank of China, Ministry of Finance, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Forestry Administration jointly issued the guidance. > New Energy and Industrial Revitalization Plan will soon introduce a new energy crisis is expected to become the next new growth point of China's economy. A person familiar with the copies of the draft plan before the trade, told Reuters in 2020 the total investment in new energy in China is expected to 4.5 trillion yuan. will pull the whole society a total investment of 9 trillion yuan. This amount is much higher than previously planned 3 trillion yuan
[2009-5-27 8:36:08]
Although U.S. house prices in March fell 18.7% year on year, to U.S. and European equity markets depressed atmosphere, but the U.S. May consumer confidence index rose sharply, a great encouragement to the market sentiment, investors turned optimistic about the U.S. economic outlook is expected. May 26 is Xianyihouyang European major stock markets, the London stock market to close up 46.43 points, or 1.1%, the FTSE 100 index closed at 4411.72 points. Frankfurt rose 67.15 points, or 1.37%, DAX Index closed at 4985.60 points. Paris the stock market rose 33.93 points, or 1.05%, CAC index closed at 3270.09 points. May 26 Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and other stock markets rose slightly, Russia, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, stock markets edged down
[2009-5 - 27 8:36:26]
the U.S. Conference Board reported May 26 that the U.S. May consumer confidence index rose sharply to 54.9, the highest since the recent high of 8 months, far better than economists 43 The average forecast. by the significant increase in U.S. consumer confidence index incentive, May 26 U.S. stocks surge as U.S. economic growth Qicheng from consumption. blue chips rose 196 points, or 2.37%, the Dow Jones index closed at 8473.49 points . technology stocks rose 58.42 points, or 3.45%, the Nasdaq closed at 1750.43 points higher. Morgan Stanley raised the investment rating and target price of Apple, Apple shares rose 7%. Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 23.33 points, or 2.63%, to close at 910.33 points.
[2009-5-27 8:50:55]
Despite the A-share market last week, the third consecutive day to end the rally, but the accounts remained unchanged at 300,000 the number of high, also on behalf of investor confidence in the positions account new high, indicating that investors remain optimistic and determined. According to the latest disclosure in the registration data, May 18 -5 22 week, the number of new A share accounts to 302,400, a slight decrease of 0.47% over the previous week, the number of new B shares for the 1203 accounts, increased by 14.9% over the previous week; ended May 22, 2009, Shanghai and Shenzhen A shares account for a total of 126.6 million, B share accounts 2,422,400; valid account 108600000. market analysis, despite the macroeconomic data for April is not optimistic, but the A-share market rose for three consecutive weeks after the accumulation of fermentation is still popular, the stock market investors enthusiasm remain high. But with the advent of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the market's wait and see mood will heat up again, accounts, material will experience a short fall. investor confidence continues to increase, the number of market positions account soared nearly 40 million weekly households, another new high on record, while the degree is also a rebound in trading activity. The data show that A-shares last week, involved in the transaction account number 18736700, picked up 334,800 over the previous week, closing 22, the positions A shares account number is 48421200, picked up 380,300 over the previous week. A-share market last week, the end of the previous three with Yang, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index are nearly 2% weekly decline. on the domestic economic recovery, credit tightened and worries about the future, so investors rallies have chosen to honor
[2009-5-27 9:02:14]
5 departments and other central banks issued guidance required to actively make the reform of collective forest right system of financial services and forestry development and increase the effective credit for investment in forestry development, and actively explore the establishment of forest insurance system.
[2009-5-27 9:03:33]
as U.S. consumer confidence index in May is much better than market expectations, 26, New York the three major stock indexes rose more than 2%. New York market, oil prices rose to 6 months, 26 new high. In addition, the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) member countries mainly Saudi Arabia, Petroleum and Mineral Resources Minister Ali Naimi told the media that hope that the international oil price in the third quarter and fourth quarter to between 75 dollars a barrel, the remarks also played a boost to the market.
[2009-5-27 9:04:57] < br> CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, 25, hosted in the foreign trade enterprises in Suzhou, Jiangsu forum. He stressed that stability in foreign demand for capital growth, preserve employment, protect the people's livelihood is crucial. to further implement and improve policies, effort to maintain China's export market share.
[2009-5-27 9:06:41]
equity incentive plans of listed companies began to recover .09 years, a total of nine listed companies announced the launch or restart the equity incentive program, 7 has successfully entered the implementation stage. However, since 2008, so far, 57 companies have stopped the implementation of equity incentive, the road of economic recovery there again and look forward to full active equity incentive listed companies is still too early.
[2009 -5-27 9:08:34]
by the State Council approved the adoption of the countries the reform and opening of the major initiatives pilot; the second is in line with international practice and common rules, in line with the future direction of our country, need to explore the design of the system pilot pilot; Third, economic and social development of Shenzhen has an important influence , have a significant demonstration of the role of the national system of innovation pilot; fourth is to strengthen the national economic cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong's key issues pilot.
[2009-5-27 9:10:59]
the case of yesterday's dive should be hard again today, today is the last trading day this week, followed by a four-day holiday for money may be on the policy aspect of the imagination, but some worry about money yesterday, letting diving, so the disk is still optimistic about a little shock today up. implementing policies to support the larger message of the forest, but the last day, do not rule out day trip market, Forestry and Fujian Nanping Paper Wing will have a performance today, difficult to pay attention to open higher risk than expected while the new energy plan , so do not rule out new energy stocks continue to have the urge to force
[2009-5-27 9:20:48]
comprehensive rehabilitation programs today on the introduction of Shenzhen, Shenzhen local short-term transactions appear, 0029 Shenshen Fang, 0089 Shenzhen Airport is worth the short-term interest
[2009-5-27 9:21:01]
new energy is expected to become the financial crisis a new growth point of China's economy, and its revitalization plan is about to surface, China will greatly enhance the planning objectives and investment in this area.
familiar with the copies of a draft plan in the industry told Reuters that China's 2020 total investment of new energy will reach 4.5 trillion yuan is expected to pull the whole society a total investment of 9 trillion.
This amount is much higher than previously planned 3 trillion yuan.
Although the draft may still be modified, but a substantial increase in new energy planning objectives have been almost certain. first draft of the show in 2020 The total installed capacity of wind power will be increased to about 1.5 million kilowatts; solar photovoltaic development goals for the total installed capacity of 2,000 kilowatts; nuclear run about 8,000 MW installed capacity.
New Energy National Energy Board Director LIANG Zhi-peng also revealed that the first draft of new energy revitalization plan has been finalized and completed, and related businesses around the world to seek the views of Development and Reform Commission's work, will choose the introduction.
In addition, General Secretary, National Energy Board also confirmed Zhou Xian the news, he said earlier, recently held a new national financial work conference on energy and energy saving has been clear that the current government will focus on support for new energy development and energy conservation, new energy and revitalization plan are expected soon. < br> However, the industry, and experts say China's massive development of new energy technologies are still a bottleneck, because there is no sound of electricity storage technologies, network access technology of wind power, solar photovoltaic power generation and so the process of intermittent may become obstacles to the development of new energy in the short term such as wind power and nuclear power is still hard to become the main business of alternative energy.
[2009-5-27 9:27:14]
auction from the collection point of view, Shenzhen local unit and forestry stocks led the broader market to open higher again in 2600 on top of the message from the current tape and there is not much to see directly the basis for a higher open, early recurrence is high and gradually decline from the trend? We continue to observe
[2009-5-27 9:32:55]
there have been many local Shenzhen stock Gaokaidizou trend, the current index dropped over, we are still concerned with our previous reviews of the Anyuan shares finished lower yesterday But according to our analysis system that the main decision-making and the king did not leave, so we judge declined slightly after the stock still have a chance, so we will continue to follow the main steps
[2009-5-27 9:35:19]
yesterday prompted Hill 000,720 * ST can be expected today, the daily limit yesterday, will continue to perform, we also have to closely track the stock early breakthrough platform, it can be done overnight? stock from the trend of restructuring in progress to see if there? one of a fog Let us also need to solve, the trend might be able to explain many problems
[2009-5-27 9:47:48]
Citigroup Inc. (Citigroup) Asian business leader yesterday ruled out the sale of the bank held by China and India the possibility of bank shares.
Citi Asia Pacific CEO E Guye b Banga (Ajay Banga) yesterday to the British The economic situation trading and private banking.
can see that foreign institutions and investors are optimistic about China's stock market, then we have no reason not to optimistic about it?
[2009-5-27 9:53:22]
After the tape may be more reassuring to fill a vacancy, the current near the toss in 2600, funds become more hesitant, forestry stocks today is not the day it is? now see there are still a possibility, but added although the Shenzhen local stocks open lower with high walking movements, but the policy or affect the long term, so the buffer out of the gap continues to rise after the market outlook is the potential there.
[2009-5-27 9:57:13]
supporting policies today as Shenzhen introduced, Shenzhen, Hong Kong shares led a disk plate, and policies like the introduction of pre Fauci, when economic zone, led a number of large plates of Fujian, and some stock for a few days after the dim, I believe that Shenzhen is also the local stock Some of these stocks will fish in troubled waters, a good kick to them, I chose Shenzhen, a local unit of the trend better, pull situation was, and is expected to plate in Fujian as the sun continued to take a good development of stocks
[2009-5-27 10:01:46]
5 dated 19 Watch the stock market over the wheel of shares of our comments, was that hedge profits double insurance, but rushed a bit to come down the next day three days, buy this stock take a little deviation occurs we know that after 5 days, the stock was rushed to, evidently shares the sea knows no boundaries Yeah, the main operating practices are worth further study, we try to grasp more a good fighter.
[2009-5-27 10:10:41]
the oil suddenly began refueling in the air, but was only 10 points more than the broader market pulled up so early for what? After all, the oil has always been do not how good reputation, look at the broader market on a straight line almost always feel Dianxuan, the market now is only one limit, the index rose by a stock will be able to pull out of other stocks also follow suit and do not know this phenomenon is not unique to A shares , although the index is very beautiful walk, but the stocks are not many large operations, the oil is selected around May day in a good performance? we may see more.
[2009-5-27 10:16:59 ]
Although the liquidity-driven inertia is still strong, but the market itself has been the requirements of structural adjustment, and then restart the IPO suffered clear. Although the vast majority of the market, including institutional investors, including the main market trends continue to be optimistic, but generally regarded as the 2600-3000 market stage point region the overall framework of the 2600-3200 region is the connecting link with the past and point the area, this market will surely be repeated later to digest and ready, and a breakthrough for the future needs of this market structure of the regional recycling process. Therefore, prices are from the previous stage rising trend of regional shocks to the finishing stages of phase evolution, it was widely expected early next year ; also a big trend, after the shock phase of consolidation if the complexity of the market appear on the multiple constraints to focus on the release of the band of the plunge, is still a rare strategic opportunity Jiancang.
[2009-5-27 10:20 : 21]
by the IPO market is about to restart, and the impact of poor economic data, starting last Wednesday, there continue to adjust the broader market, slid 88 points 3 days total. However, some funds have bargain Xihuo, adding positions, rather part of the partial shares of the Fund is close to full warehouse operation. According to statistics, nearly full warehouse operations (stock positions for more than 90%) of the Fund, the number of 77, have been accounted for partial stock funds nearly 30%. show that the bull market of the operating characteristics remained and even to some extent, enhanced
[2009-5-27 10:24:54]
crazy rise in oil, red tape is also very fast, but the decline in the number of stocks are increasing!!! see this scenario, some friends joked that I am afraid the broader market is in the oil house open bar. Although it is a joke, but thought-provoking, often super-carrier can be easily driven index rose, while the other stocks out more easily identify opportunities, and Early stocks rose sharply when these aircraft are in the home Xiecai, this situation is probably a lot of people did not expect, although the index of artificially high, but still suggest you carefully chasing the high, medium oil this man is hard to do in the past not practical Yeah.
[2009-5-27 10:33:08]
from April to the U.S. dollar against global currencies edged higher across the board fall in the RMB exchange rate to a big reversal yesterday. Yesterday the central bank unexpectedly U.S. dollar against the RMB exchange rate will increase 50 basis points to 6.8285 yuan against one U.S. dollar for the last two months daily central parity rate since the most significant adjustments. and in spot foreign exchange market yesterday, the RMB exchange rate has dropped to close at 6.8325, as 6.83 Regional nearly 个月来首次 return.
In fact, we always thought that have nothing to exchange with people, how concerned we are not, in fact, the exchange rate is an important data about the economy, the country's exchange rate policy also directly affects the the stock market's nerves, we travel abroad to study, product export, etc., the greatest impact is the exchange rate data, since we are stocks, hit by exchange rate uncertainty will affect the day the larger stocks, so we have everything more under the care of
[2009-5-27 10:36:47]
New Energy and Industrial Revitalization Plan is still brewing, the Ministry of Finance for the new energy industry subsidies have been pre-exposed corner.
before , new energy in the national financial working conference with the energy savings, said Deputy Minister of Finance Zhang Shaochun, financial support for new energy development and energy savings, will be present to implement the proactive fiscal policy important.
which strongly supported the wind electronic scale development, to accelerate the launch of domestic PV market and so become the focus.
5 25, close to the Ministry of Finance to develop new energy industry sector, subsidies to relevant sources, the domestic PV market as a start one of the important initiatives which is expected to introduce in the near future. the key elements of the project will be based on the form of state financial subsidies to support the domestic PV market launch is planned within the past 2-3 years, in the country to establish 500 megawatts of photovoltaic power generation demonstration projects.
In addition, PV power plants and photovoltaic power generation projects, will become the Ministry of Finance will be the early introduction of engineering the In a bull market,UGG boots, small cap stocks outperformed large-cap stocks than ever
market capitalization of 336.4 billion U.S. dollars of oil in China, higher than Exxon. Mobil Corporation May 22 close of $ 335,900,000,000, once again become the largest market capitalization company. Chinese people and cattle for a while, even foreigners, also said: arrogant, how the market value of China's oil operator, and in fact we have a number of mind. The higher the share, the greater the market value. how come the price? earnings per share multiplied by the price-earnings ratio, and in the Chinese stock market, price-earnings ratio was greater than the world market high, and earnings per share, comparable to those who matter sorted monopoly?
I do not want the ins and outs of such a monopoly gain, just want to say whether the long-term sustainability of such proceeds, whether the long-term price-earnings ratio at a high level. from the investment theoretical terms, investors are willing to use a price higher than the net assets of the company to buy company stock, the most important reason is the company's business growth, it will give investors a growing level of income, so in the future the price-earnings ratio down, while China Petroleum and obviously difficult to provide such a growth.
In other words, China Petroleum's share price has been overvalued, a bubble contributed to the world's largest oil market in China trip. In the long run, with the A Stock Market continue to get reasonable levels of price-earnings ratio of China's oil will be reduced to fit its own position, and changes in earnings per share there are many variables.
[2009-5-27 10:59:21]
If Tommy also stocks, I am afraid of his songs was to make a change, is not called from 200 to more than 6 million more than now completely reversed, so desperately pulled the broader market, we are prompted to risk is the reason, no doubt once again the oil cover shipments made puppet
2009-5-27 11:06:30]
Xu Qin, vice mayor of Shenzhen, in yesterday's structure, the Shenzhen area in the Internet, e-commerce, bio-industries, to develop a number of new energy policy plan, make the industry a new level of innovation.
said Xu Qin, Shenzhen's innovation is the open innovation, is future-oriented, will attract external resources to shape the future of the industrial system. He expounded Road, Shenzhen, Shenzhen City, the future of innovation aimed at some of the major economic and social development needs, aimed at the future of the industrial structure, to take active steps to attract external resources, to build the future industrial system. a new level. policy environment, optimal allocation of resources for innovation to enhance innovation capacity, promote independent innovation of core technologies, realization of electronic information, biology, new materials, new energy, aerospace, environmental protection, marine and other industrial technology of rapid development, build international high-tech industry base, the first to build a national innovation city, into a center of innovation in international influence.
[2009-5-27 11:06:36]
CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, 25 in Jiangsu forum hosted by foreign trade enterprises in Suzhou. He stressed that stability in foreign demand for capital growth, security of employment, livelihood security is essential. to further implement and improve policies, to maintain our export market share.
After listening to the foreign trade situation in Jiangsu Province and business case report, Wang said, the current international financial crisis and world economic slump has not bottomed out, a sharp reduction of foreign demand a serious impact on China's economic growth. But the crisis does not change our strategic opportunities in China are in an important period of basic judgments. to strengthen their confidence, boost morale, giving some deeper thought to his own affairs well, to the innovation and enhance crisis response and the ability to seize market opportunities
[2009-5-27 11:07:21]
1-4 month put the money bank credit channel reached 5.17 trillion yuan, tracking the flow of credit may be better able to grasp the direction of investment. There are signs that the first: a large part of long-term credit funds into the real economy. Second, a lot of money may be returned to the banking system. Third, the flow of credit funds may be financial assets. The data are from the residents of loans show that funds may return the property market.
[2009-5-27 11:19:24]
repeatedly these days have a new pulse energy sector performance. As the new energy sector already quite large, and an estimated four or five stocks, every day is very easy to pull up a few things.
new energy policy side plates support the recent development of the industry, the recent favorable policies continued. the objective is also to invest were judged as the recent hot market, provides a strong factor.
the new energy sector in early April and had a very good performance indeed.
a policy face support, substantial increase in the previous wars, together with repeated several times recently active, so that this plate is the main focus of investors to determine a high probability.
but industry insiders believe: the new energy sector is currently too much attention to the market, attracting a considerable number of investors. From the game point of view, it is likely to be the main lure the market but the main focus of the miscarriage of justice, the most powerful tool.
course, because the plate is currently popular, so there will be some of the more unpopular, the market has obviously overlooked stocks, a compensatory growth stocks.
[2009-5-27 11:22:56]
stock index is still sideways trading band again, the king rode in the midline. from the hot plate to see today The hot plate was undoubtedly the relevant section of Shenzhen, which fell sharply yesterday, the resource stocks oversold rally staged today. two gold gold gold stocks mm and Shandong Gold among the biggest gainers, while the sharp spikes in oil has also led to early Energy stocks have risen, but the current trend of view, the oil began to fall another sign of early Moreover, the oil stock in the impression in people already poor, midday performance may not be significant, so the stock index to King of the trading band riding the midline on the good, could not be afraid afraid to ride. Moreover, today is the last trading day before the holiday, people really worried about the
[2009-5-27 11:24:13] wait for A shares of China Construction
gate opening or the maximum amount of financing will become the 2009 IPO
With the May 22 China Securities Regulatory Commission issued IPO restart the countdown began. in accordance with its spokesman, comments, and the end of the official release, that will restart the IPO.
in the company will have passed, the maximum amount of financing the proposed construction in China, forecast that China had body Construction is expected to finance the scale of over 40 billion yuan. passed last June to be the China Construction IPO this year is expected to become the first company after the restart.
Recently, the China State Construction Corporation's Board Secretary Meng Qingyu said: ; ...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chen Ying, China Resources not nervous yesterday to shoot some 2.56 billion within budget

 August 1, 2005, Qinghe Town, Haidian District, residential and support (the original three woolen mills) Land After 81 rounds of bidding to the final by the China Resources competing to 2.565 billion yuan. Anningzhuang Road east of the land, west of the town Qinghe West, North H-8 block to clear Hebei Road, H-6 block to the status of Beijing made it Works plant north wall, south to South Road, Qinghe town. by Beijing Textile Holding Co., Ltd. is responsible for cases in accordance with the agreed deadlines The other buildings. As the city's largest publicly traded since the pieces of land, over more than 50 developers to buy the tender offer. Since July 18, after listing the final bid through 80, this golden land won by the CRL. Resources Land said he was very optimistic about this plot, just a clear customer orientation and strong enough to support the industry driving the price. The land is adjacent to the Information Industry Base, Haidian Park in the central area of Zhongguancun Science Park, the edge 13 from the light rail line stand on only 1.3 km. Haidian including 75 square kilometers of the central area and 280 square kilometers of the development area, is rare in China and the world of science and technology-intensive areas of high intellectual resources. there, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, including 68 of the class tertiary institutions; the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including more than 230, including central and local types of independent research institutions; technical personnel up to 38 million people, academicians accounting for 36% of the total number of academicians. Currently the park has reached high-tech enterprises more than 10,000 to Lenovo, Founder, Tsinghua group of the same party as the representative of high-tech enterprise group has been formed, the park sustained rapid growth of various economic indicators, economic output in the country in a leading position in high-tech development zone. Huarun Qing River Wool Factory land position in 2004, Haidian technology gross income exceeded 2,000 billion yuan, GDP, industrial output value, total taxes paid, total export and others have greatly increased .5 years, Haidian total economic volume more than doubled, technology gross income has been for many years in the national high-tech zones in the 53 countries ranked. only been on the Information Industry Base, assigned to Lenovo, Digital China and other high-tech enterprise 673, the accumulated the output value of 131.03 billion yuan, 365 million per hectare to create a work in the IT business park development and management of senior technical staff, Tsinghua University Beijing University and other tertiary institutions, young faculty, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of the young researchers and run high-tech enterprises, foreign research institutions, Zhongguancun Information the company's mid-level managers and industry engineers developing segments comfortable, eco-of the home products. China Resources Land will get rid of the old routine single residential development to a new mode of operation, full account of all residents living needs, to the land for the comprehensive development as a whole. In addition to 55 million square meters of housing, the block will be built within the nearly 2 million square meters of sports club, a position to provide complete various sports venues around the region will greatly improve the sports the situation of acute shortage of facilities. China Resources Land is particularly bullish on construction area of 100,000 square meters of commercial and financial sites, although the surrounding business has been more mature, but the format is relatively old, could not meet the future needs of emerging growth. commercial and financial sites will large part to the introduction of international supermarket, the developer also said that does not exclude the introduction of a large shopping mall, China Resources Land believe that as the site put into use, to enhance the quality of commercial facilities in the region. the community has a primary school, will also build a kindergarten, children of school facilities for the owners. For the convenience of customers to travel, the developer will open to the light rail line 13 to the bus station. Planning and Beijing-Baotou expressway and is about to land east Ning Zhuang East Road rings are connected to the land will greatly improve travel conditions of traffic. The Government has plans for an expressway leading to the Olympic Village, making the land accessible. in accordance with the overall planning of the new Beijing, the plot is ecological zone in the west, surrounded by the Summer Palace and other royal gardens, from a hundred Wang Shan, the Fragrant Hills and other natural landscape is also very close to superior natural environment that makes the developer of the land in Zhongguancun area will surely become the most livable large community. on-site guest China Resources Land (Beijing), General Manager Chen Ying of China Resources Land (Beijing) Deputy General Manager He Zhengrong China Resources Land Finance Director Lin Kui Chang China Resources Land (Beijing) Vice President Xie Ji, China Resources Land (Beijing) Brand Director, Zhu Hua Yuehua Run Land (Beijing) Chief Architect Guo Xiaodong scene Fax - China Resources Land plots purchased the city's largest live conference, China Resources Land (Beijing), Zhu Hua, director of brand more and vice president of brokerage firm conference hosted more  Zhuhua you media friends Good morning! Yesterday we received a lot of media calls, express our congratulations, and today we have arranged a press conference and so, I am here first as a chair, and now I will brief you meet the media today to attend the main leadership. The first is Executive Director of China Resources Land Limited, China Resources Land (Beijing) Managing Director, Mr. Chen Ying; Executive Director of China Resources Land Limited, China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Deputy Managing Director Mr. He Zhengrong; Chief Financial Officer of China Resources Land Limited, China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Chief Financial Officer Mr. Lin Juchang, China Resources Land (Beijing) Deputy General Manager Mr. Xie Ji, China Resources Land (Beijing) Chief Architect Mr. Guo Xiaodong.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Interview Release - Tong Lihua Interview

 A sense of social responsibility bones were
mm Interview Tong Lihua lawyers
crown of thorns you wear the way, you hold the sword of justice from. Lawyers, the door to the sacred, but also the gates of hell, as you all the temptation is nothing, your motto: everyone is equal before the law, the only objective fact is the highest authority. This is Mr. Hu Qiaomu for lawyers wrote the classic poem. read it countless times, always able to read a lawyer can not shirk its responsibilities, is called social responsibility.
my ideal is to be a responsible person, the life of their own responsibility for their own professional responsibility, to be responsible for their communist beliefs. a lawyer said.
29 years old, he founded the first in the minors, the National Legal Aid and Research of the public welfare non-governmental organizations mm Youth Legal Aid and Research Center.
35 years old, he established the first nationwide specifically for migrant workers provision of legal aid agencies mm Beijing Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station.
thirty-five thousand people he has for the provision of legal advice, legal aid cases for about three thousand, nearly ten million people directly benefit the people, save for vulnerable groups economic loss of over thirty million yuan. He is the All China Lawyers Association Professional Committee of the Protection of Minors, the Beijing Youth Legal Aid and Research Center, Beijing Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station Leader, Rev. Cheng Tong Lihua, director of law firm mm.
when faced with the mass media spokesman for the many public welfare, people will have not always moved by unspeakable. But, in my eyes, Tong Lihua is an exception. in front of him, you do not have the slightest reason to question his kindness and public spiritedness, not to mention vulgar suspected him to fame. He to his ideals, beliefs, ability, mobility get down to doing everything, doing what he loves.
minors Guardian Angel
1995, the Tong Lihua graduated from the China University of Political Bureau of Justice belongs to Fengtai To Cheng law firm, when the unit is about good condition: only issued three months salary, a monthly 300 yuan, after self-supporting. Tong Lihua said at the time but that is not considering the development of living conditions forced him to consider had to work hard. to the end of 1998, three and a half, he graduated from Beijing, became the youngest director of a law firm. to In the same year, Tong Lihua produced an average person seems to be Legal Hotline named are the police to bring him home. live, only to steal, rob. The relief system is perfect, how can he survive away to avoid the crime, that crime prevention is not simple to use, this is a system. This time he found a lot of minor problems in this area there are many things worthy of him to do. Tong Lihua has been think about a problem: a sound national law, one must be a sound legal system, and second, people must believe in the law. The former is not difficult to do, which is quite difficult, but the latter is the key solution. hotline , parents spank their children, the phenomenon of corporal punishment of students everywhere, this educational environment, children educated, how can we let him believe the law? little by little, people will lose confidence and lose trust in the law. The child is the country's hope and future, and if they do not believe the law may be a long time can not build a genuine rule of law. matured, he began his step by step implementation of the Juvenile Delinquency Research Society Youth Legal Aid and Research Center, have lived more than two months, the child's family has never showed up, hoping to get their legal assistance. Tong Lihua Zhang Xuemei and colleagues rushed to the little girl living in a small hotel, in a basement, he saw two little girls , a 11-year-old, a 7-year-old. that they no longer get money to go home audio. in order not to be too unfamiliar environment, I decided to send them home. by day his father was still no news. Tong Lihua that constitutes the child's father has abandoned the crime, so the sisters decided to provide legal assistance. The case at that time also caused a lot of media attention, a lawyer through the media know it Guangxi After the event he is willing to Tong Lihua called to help the two children in Guangxi court. Finally, in this lawyer's help kids find their aunt Nanning, raising issues have been resolved. This case brings to the Tong Lihua the establishment of the National Lawyers Network inspiration. He realized the power by a person confined in the Beijing area is not doing legal aid work, more professional lawyer in different provinces involved. So, Tong Lihua individual's name to the National Lawyers community initiated the call, there were more than a hundred lawyers respond that they would use their spare time to participate in the work.
2003, the All-China Lawyers Association for Children Protection Committee was established, marking the cause of protection of minors from into a person's public behavior became public behavior of an industry and eventually into today's Chinese lawyers Protection of Minors voluntary collaborative network. Tong Lihua said, not without pride: to 29 with the Protection of Minors Committee, we are the country's more than 7850 volunteer lawyers,UGG boots cheap, that is, the vast majority in the country where the rights of children if a serious injury, his family was poor we can not afford a lawyer to help him close to you to lawyers, this is not a person I do, this is an industry doing it. lawyers in the minors this thing done in the field is to demonstrate the presence of a Chinese professional counsel beautiful landscape. Born in state-level poor counties
Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, Hebei Tong Lihua, the poor family to a child, he experienced the hardships and the plight of Chinese farmers, it was his concern for migrant workers foreshadowed. childhood learning good He is very sense of justice and responsibility. wrote a letter to the media to give a solution to this problem. psychological distress Jikun concern him in the minors, but also concerned about the rights of another vulnerable group.
2003, the With deep feelings of migrant workers, Tong Lihua problem of migrant workers began to pay attention .2003 by the end of Premier Wen to migrant workers He touched on the pay talks a great thing, is also very hard, and was owed wages have often happened. belief, it is also at this point, a man named Guo Zengguang found him.
Guo Zengguang is a farmer in Hebei Laishui, with 67 people to Beijing to work, the work was done contractors do not give money enterprises do not give money. Guozeng Guang band of workers who are out, we all asked him for money. faithful to workers the money to come back, he kept shuttling between Beijing and Hebei, again and again to look for construction company. Who Dodge knows the company is just beginning, and later was actually Bierbuxian. desperation, Guo Zengguang thought of seeking help from the government. he first found a deal with labor disputes, labor bureau, labor bureau's law enforcement unit, said the labor contract is not the case, does not belong to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Labor and pushed him to the court. The court held that the case of labor disputes in turn pushed to the labor bureau, and thus repeatedly hitting the wall, Guo Zengguang has reached the point of nowhere. this time is Guo Zengguang been wages for two years. To pay talks, he not only spent all their savings, but also can not continue to work, current situation is getting worse at home. However, in order to have a say, he did not give up .2003 in December, through a friend introduction, he knew the legal aid hotline, so find Tong Lihua lawyer. Tong Lihua agreed to provide legal assistance. money can not win the lawsuit are not spending that do? Guo Zengguang had doubts. Tong Lihua first decided to take the most direct means twice the behavior of wage arrears on the construction site in Daxing District of labor monitoring group to report, but the monitoring unit to Guozeng Guang, who have no labor contract and business relations and employment on the grounds to reject the case. twice failed to report Let Guo Zengguang completely lost wages through legal channels to go back to the idea. Guozeng Guang after returning home and the workers who once wanted to take some aggressive behavior, Tong Lihua time discouraged him, and meet colleagues and find another breakthrough carefully .2005 , Tong Lihua Daxing District Labor Council and construction company executive is not as wage arrears to the Daxing District Court on grounds of administrative proceedings and civil proceedings, as Tong Lihua Guo Zengguang help supplement the evidence, the court accepted the request of civil Guo Zengguang .2006 January, after 5 years of difficult litigation, Guo Zengguang and the workers finally get back wages owed to more than thirty thousand yuan, a lot of migrant workers even called the living Buddha Tong Lihua.
the difficult process of handling the case for Tong Lihua recognized that relying solely on the strength of migrant workers to the face of such complex cases, it is difficult to achieve fairness as required by law and justice, it is such a simple idea to Tong Lihua to help migrant workers make up the determination. very complex, in order to enter this field have to be patient and resilient, and must have the face of such difficulties and challenges the determination, or can not go on. To Cheng Law Firm in Beijing and the Beijing Youth Legal Aid and Research Center was established specifically for migrant workers to provide legal assistance to public agencies mm Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station in Beijing. in the legal aid station, Tong Lihua require all lawyers not only can not payment of litigation costs, and even go out and handle cases of migrant workers have their own money to eat. We firmly prohibited, to have dinner together, we have to pay lawyers, including take a taxi to go out, we pay, not to increase the burden of migrant workers, and this is our system. the road onto the court, they often have no money, Tong Lihua, have shown this time his chivalrous heart. The traditional heroes act has now been replaced by social status of the rule of law, so that can comfort the heroes , the modern rule of law is to uphold justice, but weapons are not the sword is the law.
public good color should not be touched by the tragic social
When I asked why the idea of doing public service, the Tong Lihua is simply to replied: Otherwise, rely on impulse, will soon be defeated in the face of difficulties. start-up capital of 50 million is the 3 years before his personal savings to do business lawyer. for various reasons, to 2001, he had owed several hundred thousand dollars of external debt, the last resort to their more than 170 square meters of houses to sell to debt, to maintain life and to continue legal aid. But he did not throw in the towel, still stuck to their philosophy and ideas. At that time, the media suggested that he in society promote the public good difficult to obtain the help of the community, Tong Lihua refused. Tong Lihua explained that in his public career, he has always insisted the two concepts: First, China's public welfare should not be moved solely on the color of the tragic social; second, public welfare is not simply rally sport, if it is necessary, but not all. Tong Lihua said he believes the difficulties are normal, like any one thing will make trouble, but as long as you have adhere to the ideal method, little action, there will always adhere to the past. Tong Lihua
moved his own actions to the inside of a large number of young lawyers in public welfare, in the unit formed a kind of money do not speak about the spirit of the culture. It has been wondering: hundred dollars, it took a greater cost, not as good as the money directly to the migrant workers too! He hoped that the law can help when being bullied him; standing legal person point of view, is the justice can be done. material support, while his lawyer to fight for more job security. In Tong Lihua's efforts, some foundations have begun to provide funding for his support. financial problems and further strengthened the confidence in the work of all lawyers . Tong Lihua by the words, caused to the rights of vulnerable groups in many areas of resistance. Tong Lihua do talk about a case last year, may still struggling vulnerable rights. When he and three fellow lawyers to consult a factory worker wages in arrears, the factory went to the four-car people , speak very bad attitude, and threatened unloading unloading arm leg. but in the end is good prevails over evil, Tong Lihua legal person should have the courage and wisdom to properly resolve the problem finally. from the case did not make physical threats of conflict withdrawal, On the contrary, strengthened his belief in maintaining social fairness and justice. he succeeds, he and his career is not the tragic ending of color. As a leader in the cause of public law, Tong Lihua hand to create their own career into the normal track.
one case the proper solution is the most basic of legal aid work as a lawyer of high ideals, Tong Lihua do not want to just stay in the artisan and knife pen Xiaoli stage. Therefore, its constant quest to find the ideal answer. He continued working in the field of practice, based on the theoretical level began to conduct in-depth research, creation, and editor of the Book Award. destroyed and re-write all of this part. In fact the whole research process is an arduous process of thinking. Please return to participate in the , After you pay, but also rewarding. high value.
fact in mind, Tong Lihua had during the school quality, revealing the extraordinary In 1991 he was admitted to the China University of Political Science. University sophomore, as the union president, he created the school's first student organizations mm Marxist study sessions. students of his assessment is good at capturing the social hot spots, the real problem thinking deeply. After Tong Lihua found that he and his side of the students lack of legal professional social practice opportunity He combines his professional and set up a second quasi Bar Association Student Organizations mm. Q and associations founded mind, Tong Lihua replied: to solve the problem. At that time I thought, if the Law and the Beijing University students to groups of very active judiciary that lawyers set up a platform, students will have more opportunities to study and practice. In order to do some community good lawyers have the opportunity to influence the students, so we created a quasi Bar Association. China University of Politics and Law Association, student organizations to join in an exam. society some very famous lawyer to University of Politics and offer lectures, not the students a penny. the original students of China University of Politics and the situation of these lawyers do not understand is I was the best group of Beijing lawyers first introduced to China University of Political Science undergraduate campus to start talks. Bar Association standards, or in the classmates of the largest student societies. Tong Lihua name is still known as the Association. because in the minds of students, Tong Lihua is of the most successful public interest lawyers, public interest lawyers can be called the champion!
Tong Lihua name worthy champion, obtained from a series of recognition and honor can be seen. He was awarded the Minors Ten Outstanding Citizen , Tong Lihua said with a smile: It is another honor is an affirmation of our support groups is a kind of encouragement, but also reflects a social need. asked the views of the championship, he gives the definition: to lead the community towards a healthy direction, who have made outstanding contributions. also added: life. But the triad gangs to harm human life for the dollars, it can not be said to be champion. in a very prominent area, reaching the height in particular, and the height of human society is a positive, healthy, then this is a champion figure . the case of a vulnerable group to experience life easier; month to face with a group of similar cases, can persist; year is more difficult; and one thousand for ten years, you need perseverance. no strong sense of social responsibility, not tough perseverance,Discount UGG boots, in the current field of public law is difficult to adhere to. Tong Lihua also spoke to the author a little story: one morning, and the sea many fish left in the sand, a child is struggling to be a small fish thrown into the struggle of Article water. the child was asked: do you stop? Who cares about them? children while throwing aside and said: This care, this care, but also care about this case hh justice through the law, may not have people to care about a lawyer, how much to achieve social justice, but the object of legal services, each time a case is to give the parties believe in justice, see justice opportunities. lawyer should have such a sense of mission, adhere to the legal community's beliefs and values, not because of their independence and professional status of commercial value and give up the legal pursuit of justice in the implementation process, but should become the spokesman for mainstream values and the guardian of the rule of law. In particular, civil society and political state in the strict distinction is growing Today, public security, prosecution, courts authority is the spokesman for the national interest, to some extent their lack of access to public social injustice soil, the unique identity and status of superiority made them difficult to intervene, and counsel should consciously take from the obligation to take for granted the courage to launch it on the unfair impact of the social bastion, to ignore the interests of the people challenge the authority of institutions, it is a duty of social responsibility.
for striving to be champions of young students in all fields , Tong Lihua advice is: University of time to treasure, very good graduates much-needed social, and graduates can not meet the general needs of the community. for the public good, not a lack of people, but the talent; China's social welfare to make sure people needed; China made public the words of an industry, there must be a number of personnel to support. talent is to have the most basic requirements of dedication, sense of social responsibility, personal ability. As for the value orientation, Tong Lihua that one of the greatest sense of achievement is the feelings, affect life in the process of life to realize his pursuit of value is the most meaningful.
conclusion there is a way of life you have not experienced, do not know the hardships; have a hard you have not experienced before, do not know the joy; have a happy, you have not experienced, do not know the pure. Tong Lihua lawyer is a constant pursuit of upward mobility and have a strong sense of social responsibility scholarly lawyer, public interest lawyers in the championship-type figure. He discarded as the lawyers can have this wealth, but to his entire body and mind are put to work to help vulnerable groups. He passed his knowledge, passion and dedication for vulnerable groups spreading ballast of a sun, the achievements of the legal person pursuit of the ideal of fairness and justice, persistent pursuit of the realization of their social ideals mm fine be raised, old age, are held by the weak, the strong have a harmonious state of fear.