Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Deep Thoughts on the development of Hanzhong and Yin Zhi suggestions (c)

 Breakthrough in the development of both hard and soft Hanzhong
the depth of development thinking and Yin Zhi suggestions
NEXT: Chapter
hard power to enhance continue to strengthen and improve the current transport and urban development
thousands of calls in the Western Han Dynasty million high-speed call the delay in opening of this road can be described as the lifeline of Hanzhong, Hanzhong traffic on landmark improvements; but only this path is clearly not enough, far less accessible, this still needs to be strengthened and improved. Meanwhile, In recent years, with the days of the Han Plaza, North Avenue pedestrian street and other projects completed construction of Hanzhong city there have been some change, but the number of prefecture-level city and country, the gap is still very great, and features are not clear, so there is still urgent need to strengthen .
current Hanzhong was very reluctantly into the visualize the business culture as a positioning is very accurate, so should also pay attention to the other three neighboring provinces of Hubei and even interactive.
one, continue to strengthen and improve traffic conditions
Hanzhong Hanzhong city based on location, according to the current traffic situation in Hanzhong, I think the most is still needed to improve highway and railway, followed by water and air.
(a) expediting the Jingkun high-speed Hanzhong, north-south high-speed is the major channel, the current high-speed Hanzhong Xi'an to have been through, but not high-speed Hanzhong to Chengdu through, thus forming a ten high-speed Hanzhong again delaying and marginalization. I hope Hanzhong sessions, especially government, to a strong face, on the one hand works well with one hand to do urge, not the provincial government still delayed. Hanzhong has lost too many opportunities for development , who then delaying the development of Hanzhong, Hanzhong, who will be condemned by history.
(b) strengthening Hanzhong rail transport, for There are three main points of the railway transportation: First, to open on the basis of the existing trains; current transport Hanzhong little as departure station, only Beijing and Guangzhou, the lack of big cities to the east of the passenger, it is recommended to open Hanzhong to Shanghai railway Yangtze River Delta cities of Hanzhong and promote interaction. The second is to fight through the Hanzhong After Hanzhong for the China is of great significance in the Northwest, if the future well-being of repair through Hong Kong to Chongqing Wanzhou railway, the western region will create a close, North Water supply ; works to revitalize the southern Shaanxi and Hubei to improve north-west, open up the The br> I believe that the promotion of Hanzhong air current is not particularly urgent, because the economic backwardness of Hanzhong, Hanzhong spending power from customers less, difficult to support air operations. But with the development of Hanzhong, air had to seriously. to promote aviation Hanzhong transport, I think that should be on two aspects: one is full of hardware construction of the airport to be forward-looking; second is to emphasize the development of source directly linked with the air lines, such as when to develop the tourism industry after Hanzhong, Hanzhong can be opened to Jiuzhaigou route, so that domestic and foreign tourists to Jiuzhaigou Tour Hanzhong as the next stop after.
Second, continue to strengthen and improve the Hanzhong Hanzhong city in recent years, urban construction
urban construction and the county, although some progress, but the total On the whole progress is too slow, and mostly lack of character (the county is still rather strong with certain characteristics), which history of irresponsible. So how do a good job of Hanzhong city construction, I think we should focus on three points:
(a) the general idea: focus features, the development of
Hanzhong across the huge cultural heritage, which for urban construction provides a good material, but did not make good use of the current; and often confined to the experience of Xi'an and the surrounding cities, there is no line of sight extending toward developed areas, persons as br> (ii) accelerate the building and a big step forward, how to make the next one across the Riverbanks development projects can be more beautiful and more features? I think south, north and Qiaozha surrounded by the lake (I propose the name Tianhan Run Lake fishing park, etc., but there must be creative and features, not mindless copying, and making a copy of the field water playground. The following focus on the two sides:
South Bank currently has a With the extension along the expansion project, the square function fade, the future should be more like the new Bund in Shanghai, so the whole project is not very appropriate, said Plaza, it is proposed name change to . Han Guang story and the story of the cross-Cheng Fu hero with the Han River Goddess problems. this might be the entire project along the river known as the Hanzhong mortgaging idioms and so on. Because this project is large, there are many articles do, in which the author provides some ideas: Since the Han River is the river that interlinked with the Galaxy, so take this park into a Hanzhong outstanding personality to inspire people today to learn.
(c) The proposed city for the construction of Hanzhong city of charm, the end of Hanzhong tourism product attention, and to put into action to go, work out the planning and implementation timetable. This year the first year for the congress, hoping to complete construction of three or four years and put into operation successfully (this rate is not Operators soon), eighth largest in the PRC, before a new look to the city of Hanzhong.
chapter to the green industry as the starting point for rural development
the major strategic planning, but also in southern Shaanxi Hanzhong, side grab:
one from green industry, Hanzhong and related geographical differences in the huge, so obvious advantages, but should make a step to improve the quality, attention should be competitive with other cities in Southern and interaction in order to firmly consolidate the market position. The second is the jobs The same applies to the market development in Sichuan.
current Hanzhong, Shaanxi, including proposed the What tests can produce any quality of local agricultural products, the second is to resolve the shortage of funds, lack of risk management experience, so there is scientific. But with the further development of agriculture, the drawbacks of this approach will also be exposed, is not the main The economy of scale, reputed in the country five competitive products, people rich enough rich city. To this end, the Government can do a good job guidance, including technical support, branding and promotion, sales channels and so on.
Second, to strengthen high-quality agricultural products, brand building < br> With the improved quality of life of consumers and the market economy matures, brand value in the commodity increasing share of the profit, so there is great quality agricultural products must also enhance its brand, the price will be difficult to sell Shanghao . how to improve? should focus on the following three points:
(a) the integration of forces, set up platform, which is the basis to enhance the brand
Government helps enterprises with large agricultural trading company formed to develop . build. conditions are ripe, you can upgrade to a large-scale trade company R & D, marketing, production, processing in one of the company to further enhance the brand and mining profits.
(b) identify the location, four attack, This is the key to enhance the brand advantage in the end produce
Hanzhong What? this advantage to the market awareness? is out of step with international trends? identify the direction to figure out the problem after four attack: First, strive to in the relevant rewarded by the prize competitions; the second is more involved in regional or international agricultural exhibition or trade fair; Third, the strong speculation, such as under the (should have authority laboratory reports) fried protection.
(c) barriers to enhance the protection, which is the brand long-term guarantee
enterprises should establish a strict brand management, product packaging done enough effort, as a barrier to counterfeiters. Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs each were wearing a No party should result in heavy losses to the enterprise. once again to focus on anti-counterfeiting, to set up a dedicated department. When the very
development of green industries can not remain in the stage of raw material supply, or only a primary raw materials, profit margins will be sidelined for others, this must make deep processing of agricultural products, fostering profit growth pole. The current should do two things: First, focus on the development of food, health products and Chinese herbal medicine in the depth of processing enterprises in the region should work, if still unable to competence, can be free to seek technical cooperation with, or direct introduction of foreign enterprises. Second, further research to explore more competitive advantage of high value-added products, such as research and development of the previous stage Hanzhong popular and expensive market welcomed the strengthening non-agricultural income of farmers in rural areas some
current This ability, to further guide the future, the Government can boot from four aspects: First, a bold vision to encourage some farmers to develop the farm economy of scale to facilitate the work of farmers near the slack season. Second, the traditional manual process to encourage farmers to organize workshops such as the famous brown Hanzhong the township, because of its environmental protection industry, the palm has a broad market, but the current was gradually lost in Hanzhong, it is very sad. Third, with the development of tourism can be considered with the music, heritage, I have not seen as typical of Hanzhong, I believe that most outsiders have not seen even in tourist areas such performances can generate income arrangements.
Related Links:
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong Yin Zhi suggestions (a)
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong suggestions Yin Zhi (b)
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong suggestions Yin Zhi (c)
the depth of thinking and the development of Hanzhong suggestions Zhi Yin ( d)

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