Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My big pay their own way to go see ----

fireworks fireworks dissipated, a more volatile world show to the world
sixtieth anniversary, sleepless nights, the warm atmosphere has rendered cooling; Articles Khotan music played there, dotted out Peace has become a thing of the past ...... spectacular all the buzz, excitement eventually attributed to silence, has gradually moved the hearts of calm, cold-eyed Hermit this small globe, can see is a more volatile world mmmm! < br> Yes, now we are in a period of peaceful construction, economic development, building a better home, close to each other's economic and cultural exchanges, is the main theme of today's world. However, the real conflict of interest, historical issues unresolved. ..... and so on, obstruct, endanger world peace did not completely eliminate the factors. In certain conditions, may even intensify these contradictions, and even local wars triggered! not only in this world is not peaceful, and the relative during the Cold War United States, its hawkish politicians to seek global hegemony, the ambition to build a unipolar world, the rapid expansion! particularly needed wake-up call, they have the potential of China as a major rival to curb the momentum of the plot I have put into action!
In their overtly or covertly encourage, support, extreme forces of religious fanaticism, extreme nationalism separatism, have playing the so-called coat, resurgence, reincarnated, to stir up trouble everywhere, Xingyaozuoguai! from Central Asia, West Asia to Africa, from China's Tibet and Xinjiang to Taiwan and Taiwan can be seen everywhere ...... FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Service) agents of the specter, the specter of democracy and the Foundation!
interesting, because of the financial crisis hit, Afghanistan and Iraq drag on the war on terror, the United States dropped significantly overall national strength, had to implement strategies on a global scale contraction ...... In this backdrop, particularly striking is that in the Pacific, but stepped up the pace of military deployment! advanced fighters (fourth generation, F22A, also known as birds of prey), nuclear-powered aircraft carrier , attack submarines have deployed ...... Guam, Okinawa ...... ulterior intention of covering up, the development of strategies to curb my intention is very clear ......< br> and the surrounding countries, the hawks in the United States political figures try to figure out the secret heart (ulterior motives), the would have just around the corner, you want to fish in troubled waters! Ever since Vietnam, the Philippines and I dispute the right of a sudden the South China Sea from Yan , Japan, and I'm warming up of the East China Sea gas dispute Yan, the land boundary between India and I struggle intensified Yan ......< br> should be particularly vigilant in India, Asia's oldest colonial countries, the recent a handful of hawkish politicians with ulterior motives, instigated, suddenly, the collective suffering of the Of course. Such people once they are placed in the master position, he does not know how to hurriedly do a real person sss! example: almost openly interfering in Nepal's internal affairs, diplomacy, overtly or covertly intervene in Sri Lanka's internal affairs. ..... the sixties of last century, dare to invade the wild frontier of Tibet! though the people in my invincible army, before the bravery to self-defense, suffered a shameful defeat, but I still occupying Tibet large tracts of land in Southern and, despite China's repeated strong opposition, forcibly included in this territory, in turn upgrade the so-called the Dalai Lama headed to the extreme religious fanatics, ultra-nationalist separatists ...... also pretended to be bullied by the poor phase, clamoring in the media, the ...... now stumbled into the Next, the challenge I am territorial integrity, sovereignty, dignity and ambition, can not be overlooked!
even in my just-concluded National Day military parade on the occasion, the Indian Defense Ministry officials, mmmm can not wait to high-profile public declaration of the Indian Air Force (including India The rival Pakistan) has the overwhelming advantage mmmm mmmm!!!
us as brothers and even North Korea, but also time and again three plays a game of cliff policy mmmm mmmm! openly declared permanently withdraw from the six-party talks , called I feel then!
above activities, etc., requires us to always keep a clear head and be prepared! addition to unswervingly strengthen the modernization of national defense, so Changbeibuxie have prepared without risk, should also have a clear idea of diplomacy is not strong man mmmm
mmmm mmmm
mmmm mmmm
mmmm not Quji ceremony held weight mmmm
mmmm mmmm
Jhuangjing self extensive and active participation in international affairs, and establish a negative responsible major power, make friends, moral support from many, the revival of the Chinese nation to strive for enough space, create a favorable peace and development, shared prosperity and peaceful atmosphere.
one understanding of the past
��, tragicomedy on the big stage
Throughout the founding of six years, changing on the diplomatic stage, is really dramatic, huh, huh.
nutshell mmmm
1, Big Brother brink
of our revolution has provided selfless assistance to the Soviet internationalist Big Brother, as standard-bearer of the socialist camp, after the founding of our study has been a model example!
However, in the late sixties of last century, but it misfires , there were regrettable conflict Treasure Island!
Strictly speaking, this is a quasi-war, both sides use the regular army mmmm (Soviet motorized infantry division deployed, I was a reinforced regiment), the use of heavy weapons (Soviet use of firepower hail rockets, I use the anti-tank guns), suffered heavy casualties (about a hundred or so Soviet, I was hundreds of people).
border in Xinjiang, such conflicts have occurred, Oh .
Since then, the Big Brother million troops in the border we, like a tiger! this end, both sides have paid a huge economic and social costs! This situation continued until the end of Gorbachev's administration, only a radical change .
the conflict-hit countries to bring unprecedented pressure on the security situation, which forced the objective we first abandon the rigid ideology stand in the diplomatic ideas!
Ever since, let's put the United States so near, Oh .
no doubt that this will not only help the United States was Nizushenxian Vietnam, more dignified escape from Vietnam, can focus calmly deal with the aggressive military threat from the Soviet Union; Moreover, it was for our country reform and opening up policy formulation, implementation, also made a pre-warm-up thinking big, very beneficial to rid itself of capitalist, last name and the like rigid social constraints of thinking, big step forward in the rapid development of the fast lane, huh, huh.
2, small
brothers to war with the Soviet Union, like Big Brother help us, we selflessly helped little brother mmmm Vietnam.
build new China, Premier Zhou to be an old friend of Ho Chi Minh's request to send the three heroes called the Whampoa The first of Chengengdajiang to help the North Vietnamese off the French colonialists, against the U.S. invaders mmmm ...... it is the militant friendship cemented in blood. with the Northeast saying that relations between the old iron, old iron myself, just drop children ...... Oh.
also regrettable that, to the late seventies, we had to mmmm self-defense, and the old little brother to war, huh, huh.
today to see , the blood cemented the friendship is not strong enough fist lesson may not be able to make sincere Yuefu little brother, we'd own development and progress, making the former less obedient little brother, we followed the footsteps behind honestly learn from China's development path, and Oh.
3, extending toward the olive branch across the Atlantic
mmmm master contest of strength in the Korean War, first by my volunteers hit, after the war in Vietnam was by me as strong backing of the Vietnamese People's Army a heavy blow, that time has become a spent force of the United States, not to mention compete with the Soviet Union in the games world hegemony disadvantage, even the safety of their home into question, huh, huh.
to Hermit know, the former Soviet Union had built a super submarine, to attack the United States plans!
Ever since, has always been very practical, realistic interests first to the United States, did not hesitate to think to win over China, restricting the Soviet Union, to alleviate the pressure on its strategy, huh, huh.
Ever since, the former enemies will warm hands, held out the world's most vast ocean, waving green olive branch, hehe. more so dramatic is the Hermit that travel mmmm The people who hand waving an olive branch, but it is always loved hard-line Republican presidential foreign affairs, Nixon you, huh, huh.
particularly interesting is the contest of strength, when both sides are at least to keep his the face, but also to find out the true intentions of the other (hole cards), and established diplomatic relations on this basis to reach the swan, and very difficult to drop, huh, huh.
this, generation of foreign giant mmmm our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai ( Shanren Xiangxian can be considered the predecessors, huh, huh), and the United States learned that a very some Secretary of State (the equivalent of foreign minister) Henry. mmmm Kissinger diplomatic skill to skill, ease and resorted to attached testing the waters golden master contest of strength, could not help but Ji Yang, Bo Members of Friends of heroes to dismantle, disassemble, hands about one council, but also look Fang Comments, Oh.
hair uncle beat a side drum
Treasures Island incident (69 years of thing), the main character's hair always liked playing uncle, unusually for a guest role back to the setter, the elderly took pains to sound the drum side, huh, huh.
1970 years 10 1 May (also a National Day, huh, huh), Mao Zedong invited the Chinese people's old friend, Edgar. Snow to our guests, and boarded the rostrum with him one of the viewing stand!
, no doubt, equal to the people of the world declared friendship with the American people we are just children drops, old iron, old iron myself, huh, huh.
Moreover, Mao uncle Snow chat with old friends but also by the machine, freely about world affairs children, including of course the situation in the world of that time, huh, huh. claim whatever hair uncle by the way so that Snow take along (with) a word, to the then U.S. President Richard Nixon, Sir, to the friendship between the two peoples and world peace vision, His Holiness is willing to talk with His Excellency the President, huh, huh. without any preset premise, about anything, talk about rope better, could not agree mmmm this fight does not matter very much like people drink rivers and lakes Heibailiangdao people do not talk about tea mmmm pro, pro bowl Well, huh, huh.
Ever since, with the back of ping-pong diplomacy mmmm mmmm
Premier Zhou pitching (stone) to ask the way
1971 �� 10 to 17 April , Nagoya, Japan to participate in the 31st World Table Tennis Championships held in the United States team, one called the Glen. Cohen, the team lost team, and all odds to give a lift to catch the team's cars in China, received a warm welcome.
special It is worth mentioning that I was senior table tennis national champion Zhuang Zedong not only play good ball, the Friends of the Road will also be worth noting, from a full demonstration of an ancient civilization, ceremonies of the Grand National style mmmm polite enthusiasm, neither overbearing nor servile! The car with a short time, to Cohen left a good impression of life indelible, huh, huh.
This is especially important if there is no such cushion, Premier Zhou superb follow-up focus on diplomatic skills will have no place, not only was not The wonders of a perfect, even hawkish politicians upset Yindulesi flow, leading to the establishment of Sino abortion, huh, huh.
As for the later, Premier Zhou Enlai invited the U.S. table tennis team visited China closed, creating a need for the two countries established diplomatic relations ...... the ultimate atmosphere of public opinion turning the big ball from the ball to promote world peace and progress mmmm ...... those were the knowledge of history, and will not say, huh, huh.
fishing Qiao sing A mmmm media
tone changed immediately, the two sides of the media tone changed.
example, China's propaganda explicitly revisionist, as the main threat to world peace!
Another example, the U.S. media shy in the beginning, during the period in rampant McCarthyism, political persecution of ethnic Chinese (Overseas) scholar, celebrity name the, huh, huh.
peace dove with an olive branch mmmm Kissinger Geming at large, darkness Chencang
, of course, above all, are Dr. Henry Kissinger was hidden in thick black-rimmed glasses was a pair of old fox behind the eyes, see clearly, and Oh.
Ever since, he used the opportunity to cross-border Pakistan, pretended to be ill, not behind closed doors, out of the press who are almost inseparable, practice deception, in public view, quietly disappeared in a short time! the same time, repairing the plank road, darkness Chencang, quietly came to Beijing to serve as delivery of a return to peace dove olive branch President Nixon mmmm your willingness to pass a special messenger of peace, huh, huh.
later Well, the Earth Master know, Hermit are limited spade myself, huh, huh.
Perhaps, the first commit Bo friends whispered heart heroes mmmm Hey, a quick bother ah, say it does not become straightforward Well mmmm?!!
Please note that the heroes like a contest of strength mmmm master, seemingly casually, strolling, playing with similar drops, Ha ha. actually wave cloud sly deceitful, sinister! too easy to accidentally caught, and nothing on the face in the mix wherever he goes, this is a small thing; fix, and ruin for the world to laugh, and even his life can not hold it, Ha ha.
it said that Sino-US diplomatic relations, are not allowed to advance anyone to grasp the true intentions of each other, as can be and not a still between the two, ended up a better idea is that, if get failed, big trouble , Oh.
this point, if all hands to clear their position hastily bright attitude, if difficult to accept other short-lived fad, what not to make the appropriate gesture, would not become a barber Tiaozi a hot! shame disgraced the we not say, at the time that something serious confrontation between the ideologies of the historical environment, their own people, but once transferred to mmmm Waner leftist erroneous ideas we have not eliminated, the United States McCarthyism still lingers mmmm designated this as a traitor, traitor, traitor! is their treatment of their socialist, capitalist camp of the allies, can not account for the past ah, hehe.
perhaps, have to say Bo Friends of the heroes: the sense of something that is Form serious confrontation of the Cold War, and now there is no thing that myself, huh, huh.
remark poor men, and you noticed that Barack Obama now mmmm
rush to pack up, reckless cowboy George W. Bush left behind mess mmmm negative political heritage, wishful thinking you want to many major international issues, to obtain Russia's support. his cushion in the prior case is not appropriate, hastily overtures to Russia, to the media that is not lightly to deploy a missile defense system in Eastern Europe , in addition to winning several more empty applauded Putin, the Russian did not get a substantive response, huh. continued while, he was in the reduction of offensive strategic nuclear weapons and so on range of motion is too large, the invisible moving the hawks among the politicians cheese with big arms dealers, therefore, lead to conservative forces within the United States a strong reaction, and then McCarthyism tone is almost exactly the same, saying that he is betraying the national interests of the United States, he is simply not typical of Americans ... ... comparing him to Hitler, Mussolini ...... varied, numerous, and even once on the network arena fatwa came mmmm mmmm! Perhaps this is the three disciples of the party for the K , huh, huh. Poland, the Czech Republic and other new NATO allies, but also betrayed by the United States showed strong indignation ......< br> ��, rational review
eye from dark to send Wang Ningmei
general idea of what foreign policy line after the founding of the context, we can easily find this issue in Sino-US relations, twenty years of needlessly wasted valuable time, huh, huh.
liberation army I played back in the Yangtze River, the liberation of the KMT mmmm, when the ruling center in Nanjing, diplomatic route choice problem revealed, huh, huh.
although based on ideological consistency, the U.S. government during the civil war in China has always supported the Chiang Kai-shek led the Nationalist regime, but when I liberation army under the gates of the city of Nanjing on the occasion, under the leadership of Mr. Stuart's U.S. embassy, still stay in Nanjing, mmmm as our big brother is not the Soviet Union did, in Romania, led by Ambassador Shen, with the KMT's defeat and death together with the residual, moved south to Guangzhou (KMT remnants of forces on the mainland temporary capital)!
follow suit and stand in line to be as
Clearly, Premier Zhou was suggested to read the American eye from Pipa mmmm do you want to hold myself, huh, huh.
Upon the United States is a country of pragmatism as a standard, they certainly would not have been festering for a small potatoes (KMT remnants of the regime), while the loss of a freshly baked cake (New China), hehe. Szeto Mr. Lei Deng love hard soil moved, it reasonable that, huh, huh.
Ever since, he asked Uncle Mao mmmm nothing if the fence is to take Foreign Affairs in the end, or is it down to the side of the children mmmm?!!
Unfortunately, however, that early in the peace talks during the period of KMT KMT approach favored by Hurley, the hair deeply stabbed uncle, to follow suit mmmm stand in drastic decision to take one-sided foreign policy to do number two in the socialist camp, hehe.
soon, let's follow suit and stand in a taste of the bitter uncle mmmm hair the first time I visited the Soviet Union, and Stalin's birthday, received a frosty reception in Moscow mmmm sat for a month in the back seat, was Stalin crowded out, Ha ha.
As for later, the Sino-Soviet dispute, the brother of former enemies, is knowledge of history, also will not be redundant, huh, huh.
fact, this reason is very simple, Hermit that the international community is a super rivers and lakes, Big Brother must beware of the old brother mmmm sometimes even of the enemy!
my three after the battle, Stalin's intention is to draw a river, we want to rule, as history has ever produced, as Wei split situation! Ambassador RSM acts that followed the KMT mmmm rear end, the Embassy of the south of Guangzhou, is the best footnote Stalin intended, hehe.
Also, such a foreign policy line, the inevitable result is loss of potential mmmm friend, a brother was not able to place a good relationship, increasingly isolated international status; on domestic politics sharply to the left, the anti-rightist expansion, politics in command, a childish, silly ideological line has fueled the objective ...... adverse effect of the deterioration of the situation at home and abroad ...... cross closer and eventually become a cause of the Cultural Revolution mmmm external incentives.
the lessons of history, is nothing less painful too.
��, not always low profile, focusing instead on rich

predecessors in power after Deng Xiaoping, adhering to the style he has always been pragmatic, assess the situation and set a low profile mmmm, mmmm something of the character principle, clear tone of diplomatic work at the time.
no doubt that the reform and opening up policy was introduced, to secure a loose and friendly international environment.
Ever since, the Sino-US relations, Sino-Japanese relations have entered a honeymoon period, the support we have it coming collapse of the national economy, the much-needed capital, technology, advanced management experience to Yan ...... ...... steady stream of achievements in economic construction today, an exercise in Sri Lanka also benefited.
tree leaves are still, the wind blows < br> ninety-seven financial crisis blows, the hardest hit Indonesia, the country has seen riots. They bully, not the real culprits mmmm rogue destabilize the international financial Wall Street, puts gas spread to my head overseas! outrageous!! !
However, since we have been focusing instead on their own interests in wealth, not properly involved in international affairs in the past, therefore, not very straight spine, that can not afford to hard words! shame!!!
Second, moral and interests
Churchill's famous quote former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had
famously mmmm
we (the British) have neither permanent friends nor permanent enemies, but our interests are eternal.
Similarly, guiding principles of pragmatism as a state the United States, probably also hold the foreign concept, huh, huh.
moral support from many
as a long history and created a splendid culture ceremonies, ancient civilization, we certainly can not be confined This was, huh, huh.
Kunlun old saying: moral support from many.
What is different connotations, not static, the times. We can not always conservative, stand still, cling to the Duke during the so-called consistency, the equivalent of I the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation is a bright future; or is the fate of falling into disorder in reincarnation cycle, even as countries like the former Soviet Union countries will not!
where to go, not only the test of the country who seek the highest political wisdom, but also test of foreign ideas and means, huh, huh.
Hermit think many in today's complex international relations, China-US relationship is still the spindle and properly handle China-US relations can Gangjumuzhang, driving the rest; Otherwise, seven at the fire, eight smoke, exhausted, can not solve any real problems, huh, huh.
in handling Sino-US relations, not only to continuously consolidate and develop bilateral traditional friendship between the people, but also timely disclosure, defeated hawkish politicians in the United States, out of ambition to dominate the world, but for me the line power to curb the conspiracy! necessary, should be given a lesson, a warning to others!!!
is particularly important to stress that we want to mmmm mmmm people to overcome the temptation of G2 in the fire on top of my ear Yuzhi!
opened a new era of China's diplomatic work, we have steadfastly pursued in addition, Premier Zhou Enlai at the Bandung Conference (non-aligned countries) and that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence The banner of moral and actively participate in international affairs, the international community in doing a responsible member of the maintenance of world peace and promoting common development and prosperity, and make its due contribution! rather than, as some of the short-sighted American politicians that eyes firmly fixed on a however is something a little less self-interest, huh, huh.
the situation and not to follow suit, do not sit on the fence, and unswervingly out of a diplomatic way out of their own development!

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