Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do you ever seen such a scam , must seriously look!

 Do not be fooled !Do you ever seen such a scam, must seriously look! Do not be fooled! ___ Reproduced
fraud 【1】
Beijing Shaoyaoju a landlord, a sudden power failure at home, outside the window to see another family has the power to go see their own meter box, opened the door to be touching the knife - a knife burglary ... ...
remind you that if a sudden power failure at home, Do not rush to open the door view, the

fraud 【2】
female compatriots Please note that your fellow men called their friends to pay attention: a young lady working the way home from work see a child crying, very poor, and then asked the children how the past, the children just like the young lady said: Look, said it was his home address, her simple-minded to go with children, most people are sympathetic.
to the so-called children's home after she rang the doorbell like a high voltage to lose consciousness. Wake up to be naked in an empty room, surrounded by nothing, she did not even see the prisoners long Sha Yangzi.
crime is bad now take advantage of our compassion, if you encounter similar to this, please do not take him, to bring him to the police station to take a good, some children wandered off into the police station Yes, please notify all the women around, for the general safety of Ms., after reading the trouble to forward it to everyone.

fraud 【3】
Construction Bank are quoted: Today through a building door, the door has a cash machine. One old man, has been looked at me and walked beside him, suddenly stopped me, he said he can not read, get a bank card to me to help him in the front door of the ATM withdrawals. I said I can not help you get, called security to help you.
result, he replied no, keep looking the other passers-by to help him get money. Friends to remember - but there are ATM camera. Robbery, or if he said I stole his ATM card, or even his card is stolen, to help him pick up the money left in the ATM video, definitely makes you one hundred fair hearing! Because my colleagues have taken, are still lawsuits. Obviously this is a scam looking for a substitute! Please immediately inform all your friends, deception is really endless, believe it will enter the trap, I am really very hard to detect! Sometimes the

fraud 【4】
few days ago I received a phone call, a very sweet voice Congratulations I won the lottery, and now I want to passbook accounts well the prize money remitted to me, I'm hearing a lot of this scam, and I account only 500 yuan, I want to see trick is to hold the mentality of how to play, it will provide out of account.
second call soon came to inform me to check whether accounted for, I use an ATM and a check account is really more than 50 million, and I I thought the door is really the God of Wealth. The third phone, the person in the confirmation of my account has received the prize money, you asked me to transfer the 20% tax payment to the company, account just to read half of my phone but no electricity .
charge in the home to prepare the way, I can not wait to use the public phone this good news to tell big brother, big brother of banking services but I will stop the transfer taxes, and help me check This bonus is
query results is accounted for by check deposits. Brother said that this should be yet another hoax, because the crooks can easily get a check deposited into my account, although the query will show the balance of this amount, but it does not mean I can be extracted, because the bank notes must be exchange procedures, usually three working days, and other banks have not been determined refund amount will be accounted true, so money really until three days later into the account later. Notify me of the results two days banks did refund the check. Although I have not fooled, but a liar is an outrage. So post it, so then taken innocent people.

fraud 【5】
gold sea last night in the bank ATM withdrawals when the old woman came back and asked if I could withdraw money, and said what cash machines have a key may be bad, do not know when next to a little girl, always wanted to squeeze me, I did not care, child naughty thing.
but that she should hand over the money towards the mouth of place, ready to take my money, I feel wrong, and immediately pushed her to the side, waiting for the money out and then I thought for a moment, they both set up a set for me -
old women are in charge and you Xialiao to attract your attention, little girl When you do not pay attention while away your money! If you do not prepare for it, maybe the money was taken away, into the sets so you - and you immediately go for a little girl, to recover the money, but who would believe a little girl, an adult can grab your money it?
more alarming is that the old woman standing behind you, light you will take all the money card, because your ATM card still inside.
you do not immediately catch the little girl, so get the card, catching, then the little girl disappears, the money has gone - they really Yesterday morning, to a strange middle-aged man, said he did not open motorcycle oil, and gas stations too far, motorcycles and heavy can not move, so would like to ask my parents to buy a Coke bottle of petrol, began, said, If nothing works out twenty-three yuan to buy an empty bottle better.
my mother took the empty bottles to him, not to mention he was really out of his pocket money, but a few hundred dollar bills, but also let my parents find the money . My mother Dunsheng alert, saying forget, but it is an empty bottle.
but must you break a 100 dollar buy, but still goes on hundred dollar bills. Fortunately, the mother has not confused, nor is it the kind of people who love petty advantages. Otherwise, a good eye was also guilty of cheating *** and not worth it.

fraud 【7】
a newly married couple to honeymoon in Paris. In Paris, the wife of a trendy clothing store trying on clothes, as her husband waited outside in the dressing room. But wait for more Shique not see his wife come out and asked the clerk to help her husband strained to see inside, they discover a fitting room empty.
husband wife jokes that make fun of people, asking him nervous. So back to the hotel waiting for her to come back. A few hours later but there is no trace of his wife, I discovered that the situation was serious. Husband rushed the police, and all the clothing stores and hospitals in Paris asked the whereabouts of his wife.
weeks later, his wife disappeared as if from, no reply, sadly pack up and move back home to her husband only. Unable to take heart from despair, the husband motivation to work, has been living alone, decided to self-banishment, wandering to various places.
few years later, his impulse to Bali, in a dilapidated house to visit a deformity show (freak show). He saw a dirty, rusty metal cage, there is a woman no limbs, body including the face, like a rag-like dilapidated, full of scars. She twisted on the ground, and issued a wild beast like a groan. Suddenly, a man screamed in horror. Since he is no kind of woman who saw his face, his familiar, belonging to his newly married wife, soon after missing a red birthmark on his face. Another version
occurred in Shanghai. Notify the public security a few years ago a woman of her cousin when shopping in the Shanghai unexplained disappearances, but could not find, until five years after the cousin of a friend and saw that the street beggars in Bangkok, Thailand. Terror is her hands and feet somehow gone, the body was tied to a lamp post next to the chains.

fraud 【8】
the original unit in the North Fourth Ring Road, with the leaders act to drive to the East Second Ring Road, the taxi companies to the bridge when a high-speed traffic jams, we know, like a wall of Beijing's traffic jams are often long. ,, Is bored when someone knocks on the glass, we have 4 people on board, leading to roll down the glass to ask anything for. The man looked around looking
said, came in a camera that held, I've got a digital camera, friend, and need to spend the money you give I'll give you one. Colleagues sitting behind: the machine. ,, Leading to heart the. 500 said it, they do not sell. She put the camera to get back. After that we add money, said has no traffic jams, the leading ready to drive away, stopping cars and he said, 500 to 500, I need to spend, hurry!
talking, watching over a **** Ben we came. 500 took over the leadership immediately took out the camera on the car. Dared not stop. After a will feel right, took a look at the camera. Has been transferred bag! I do not know Gesha holding stuff, long had a camera shell, absolutely does not take pictures! The old leadership taught us to take this matter: they are cheap suffer a great deal ah.

fraud 【9】
Someone just told me that his friend heard a crying baby on the door, but it was already late She thought it was strange, so she called ****。 **** Told her: would crawl to the street and get run over. **** Told her - we have sent people to, in any case can not open the door. Police believe a serial killer, the use of infant cry recorder, inducing women to think that the baby was abandoned on the outside, they go out to look.
have not verified it, but the police have received many calls by women saying that they're home alone at night, when he heard a baby crying outside the door, do not hastily open the door! - Please pass this on other people, not because open the door for a crying baby.

be taken seriously in this text! Do not say Criminals now do like the movie, like the horror film as you do not even know how going to an ambush, for your life and property safety, not only be cautious, but to tell you friends around!! !

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