Monday, May 30, 2011

Everyone should learn to laugh it off

world many things are unpredictable, often accompanied by failure of success and failure often breeds success; a good thing becomes bad, bad things can become a good thing. Person's life, has always been the success go hand in hand, the wise person will try to play a dirty trick Incident good thing, but beware of a good thing become a bad thing. For a state of mind can be a different way of life. An optimistic person, in life, winning or losing can Xiaokan gains and losses, not only identify the final outcome. They were convinced that the future is not complaining status quo, can use their advantages, realize their potential, Yibubuxiang on the climb, and move towards success.

kind to yourself, to become the best, more meaningful than kind to others. In addition we learn self-discipline, tolerance to others, the sake of others, we should also learn to fulfill itself, let it be, give yourself more time and space, to continuously develop and improve themselves. In this way, you only live full, happy.

want to change the world is difficult, and change their thinking, the more easily. Another perspective, life brighter. Who live in this world, there will be a lot of trouble. Pain or pleasure, depending on your heart. Not overcome the pain of the strong man is the weak yield to the pain. Some things just make it another point of view, a change in attitude, there will be some other circumstances. So, when we encounter suffering setbacks, may wish to temporary difficulties as a pre-dawn darkness. What kind of mentality, there is what kind of life. Face of life's troubles and setbacks, the most important thing is put themselves in a state of mind, to face everything. Zaikuzailei, we must maintain a smile. Laugh your life better!

if not suffering, we will be proud; no cross, no longer have the joy of success; not Cangsang, we will not sympathetic. Therefore, do not imagine life always so successful, not only the spring season of life. Each person's life are destined to experience Gully sill, taste bitter and helplessness, frustration and disappointment experienced. Therefore, in the long journey of life, the life line as if the two are smooth, like water, will be the same bland. Salty flavors and taste is only the ups and downs of life whole, only the sorrows and joys, all experience grief emotions constitutes a full life ... ... So, from now on, smiling face of life, do not complain about life offers you so much suffering Do not complain there are too many twists and turns in life, do not complain about the unfairness of life there. When you walk through the busy and noisy world, access to do things, you will Fanran know: life is not too successfully, to learn to laugh it off.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Quickly nipped ; home can be really cool ah! Oh ... can not play with the idea to freeze you ha ~ Le innocent is getting cold , want to have people who care and are concerned to keep warm ; for winter The tiger is really to pull ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~忽忽忽忽~ afar pull charge you more clothes

Monday, May 23, 2011


. No clueSuddenly busy again. I suddenly felt a mess . Not only is the time , and mood. Even claims also disorderly . Do not know how much money they used .

so recently no one had given contact. Would have to organize hiking or dinner. In or drink. I can not find a little bit uninteresting clue . . .

very quiet at night , let me think about the recent gains and losses.
will not miss anything. . Mainly people know how to choose. Selfish nature of man will always choose the most beneficial to their own business or property . And then openly labeled missed. .
as a famous lawyer said: country. Society. People. Themselves. No one really needs justice. It requires only a guideline for the bottom line. So that their interests do not suffer.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


legend: ; always thought he was a rational person high , until today I discovered that the original themselves Do not understand themselves, let alone others? I can ask others how to do it?
see Guo 's novel will be used to follow the inside or happy or sad story ; also because watching a romantic drama and sleepless nights ; always thought that time he was a very naive silly girl, even I do not know the original , it is because I have a sensitive side. Has been very annoying crying girl's home , and now they find that they , too, finally understood : Were scattered , feeling light , leaving only memories of it? ! ~ ! ~

reason why so much nonsense written before , because today I cried , And it 's rare in the uproar pull cry , do not worry about not because of anything else, because I have always wanted to see saw a TV ( no place to place our youth ), may be living in the same era, Although they did not have the years that passion , life and death of the parting , but the leaves are blowing in this made ​​me think of many, many seasons , that I ~ ? ! ~
heart, feeling infinite , so I lay in bed unable to breathe, there was not even the power forward ? It turned out that a person's life, some people can accompany you for life, while others can only stay with you a ride !
really life after death?
If there is afterlife , I would like to become a bird ; into a snow melt in the palm of your hand ? ! ! ! ~ ! ~ ! ~

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cover tightly stars reveal secrets of tattoos

Cecilia Cheung, a record of every love the brand
small S, the wrong committed by a young age , now know that turning back
large S, that this symbol represents the universe, Khan
Xu If , in the thigh There
Ya , how we all like pattern on the arm ?
Fan Xiao , Wen big piece ah well ! Bai Ling
this woman , hey, the ugly ! that such one-time
Andy Hardy , the taste is very boss Wu Zun

Louis Koo, low profile , wearing less like a

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life , in a word , a promise , life

. .One girl, when the legs are not small and agile, sitting in front of all year round can only see other children playing, very lonely.

a year in the summer, the neighborhood in the city to play pro-wei, brought their children, a large-year-old boys than girls. Relations are small because of age, boys and children around quickly became a hit, lower river up the mountain with them, like the sun is black, smiles happily, the difference is, he will not using foul language, and he noticed a little girl could not walk.

the first boy to catch the dragonfly on the girl's hands, the first the girl back to the river, facing the girl first told stories, the first one to tell her Her legs can be cured. First, carefully think about it, is the last one.

girl with a rare smile?

summer to an end when the boy the family to leave. To send the girl tearfully, whispered in his ear:

blink of an eye, two years later. Boys from a naive child grows into a mature man. He opened a coffee shop, had a fiancee, a very ordinary life is also very quiet. One day, he received a phone call, a woman said her thin legs and a good voice, she came to this city. One time, he can not remember who she was. He has long been a forgotten childhood story of the summer, forget that the pale little girl, but forget the kindness of a child's commitment.

However, he took her in, let her help in the store. He found that she was almost silent all day long.

time but he did not care about her, his fiancee is not pregnant with his child. He Xiufen Cross, ready to throw away a marriage with all the things every day alcohol, become violent irritability, and even his estranged family, is inadvertently take care of business, and soon he was seriously ill.

this time, she waited at his side, to take care of him, and tolerate the beatings when he was drunk, but insisted on an independent piece of crumbling store. She learned a lot, but also too tired to thin, can be the eyes, the total jumped two points look good.

Six months later, he finally recovered. The face of everything she does, only gratitude. He gave her shop, she insists on not, he had announced that she is half owner. In her help, he slowly cheer the spirit, he is a close friend of her as a friend, dig dig the hinterland of the heart to talk to her, she remains silent and listened.

he did not understand what she was thinking, he just needs a patient audience only.

This took another few years, he has paid a few girlfriends, not long. He could not find the feeling. She also has been single. He found that she is very elegant, charm the heavens, and no lack of suitors. He laughed her heart high, she just smiled.

one day, he tired of his calm state, decided to go for a walk. Get a passport before he officially handed over to the store all her. This time, she has no longer opposed, but said that to his custody, so he came back.

in a foreign land rover days of bitter, but in this bitter, he has found a wide open eye and mind. Delicate all over the grief was clear, he suddenly found that, in sickness or health, poor or wealthy, smug, or unhappy, really be with him, only her. His whereabouts no fixed, her letter was always behind with only a phrase or word, gently touch, has been felt warm. He thought it was time to go back.

when he came home for her care and thought and moved. Whether at home or the store, his position is something he has been well preserved, as if waiting for him to come back at any time. Him to call out her name, no one answer.

shop for a new director, he told him that she died because of overwork has been half a year. According to her instructions, he has been told someone pay attention to his whereabouts, she left behind hundreds of letters to be sent one by one, for his management of the store, pick up a house for him, so he came back.

He remains her to him, a dragonfly specimens, as well as a roll of tape is her last words.

with yard like a girl only when she was a supernatural light-like language:

blows twenty-seven years, he burst into tears like a child.

no one knows, sometimes a woman to use her life for such a simple thing ... ...

Monday, May 16, 2011

50 color, flavor and beautiful salad

1. fragrance Shredded cabbage -

spend 5 minutes to make 2 dollars a dish -
raw materials: 1 cabbage (about 500 grams) dried red pepper 6 garlic 2 -
spices: 1 tablespoon cooking wine (15ml) rice vinegar 1 tablespoon (15ml) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) salt 1 teaspoon (5 grams) -
practices: -
1) break apart by hand into a large cabbage, blanch in boiling water to soften remove, cool and drain off into the cold water, then hand-torn piece of children. Garlic cut into the end use. -
2) Heat up a saucepan and pour into oil, to be put into a hot oil 5 red chili peppers and garlic, stir into the cabbage pieces after the children smell, Drizzle wine, vinegar, sugar and salt transferred, Stir well before then. -
super wordy: -
** will be soft or too cold and then hot cabbage torn to pieces by hand to avoid the loss of nutrients in vegetables. The cabbage fried Shredded than the knife used in the delicious. In the fried cabbage, rape and other leafy greens, the method can be used Shredded. Relatively strong but that the vegetables, even if Kazakhstan, the present technical means, Shredded potatoes wire acrobatics or magic is still scope. -
** cabbage season here is very cheap and easy to save, is still on the bag for the refrigerator, keep at least two weeks. It and the potatoes, carrots, all vegetables can be stored a long time. -
2. Duojiao Marinated three wire -

ingredients: carrot a Qing Sun a dried fungus 1 small garlic 2 chop pepper 2 tablespoons (30 grams) cooked white sesame seeds 2 tablespoons (30 grams) salt 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sugar 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) of chicken salt 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) sesame oil 4 tablespoons (60ml) green pepper 1 tablespoon (5 grams) -
practices: -
1) 2 hours ahead of the fungus in cold blisters, wash shred aside. Carrot to Piqie Si. Qing Sun to Piqie Si. Crushed garlic, peeled garlic. -
2) the green bamboo shoot into a large bowl, add some salted for 10 minutes. By this time, the carrots and the fungus filaments blanch in boiling water for 20 seconds, remove and later over cold water in the drain and pour into a green bamboo shoot. And then transferred to Duojiao, sugar, chicken, and a little salt (must be discretionary, because when shredded bamboo shoots pickled green salt), mix well. -
4) pot into the sesame oil, 4 large fire into the heat, add green pepper and saw the oil smoke, you can turn off the heat, the oil 1 / 3 of the three wire poured on to the marinated, then thrown into the cooked white sesame seeds, stir well after edible. The remaining sesame oil, pepper put off after cooling, decanting the oil into the sealed bottles, mixed with other cold dishes left to eat. -
super-winded: -
** Marinated is a cooking method, learn this method, the raw material which can mushrooms, carrots, Qing Sun into any of your own food. -
** Hong fried with pepper, and then used to mix with cold dishes, taste more fragrant. If no green pepper, common pepper can, but it is not so Ma. -
** pepper oil again to do more. For example today, I write in raw materials, Summer mixed with cold dishes, with the pepper oil is a good choice, do more at once. Such as 200ml sesame oil, 20 grams of green pepper, fried After cooling, put off the pepper, decanting the oil into the sealed bottles, eat with use. -
** put garlic in the salad, eaten, the mouth will finish. At this time, eat pineapple, will be improved and Kazakhstan. -
{break ing ......} -
-3. pepper Hong kelp attached: Dried kelp processing



ingredients: 200 grams of kelp, green peppers 3 cloves of the garlic salt 1 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) sugar 1 teaspoon (5 grams) 1 tbsp vinegar (15ml) soy sauce 1 / 2 tsp (3ml) sesame oil 1 / 2 tsp (3ml) -
practices: -
1) to remove stalks green peppers seeded, cut into filaments, bubbles into the water, soak for 10 minutes, you can bend naturally. Kelp clean the surface, do not have to thoroughly clean the surface mucus, cut filaments. Made with garlic garlic press garlic. -
2) After the fire to boil water into the pot, add kelp, blanch for 2 minutes after immersion in cold water, remove and drain after cooling. -
3) the kelp, green red chilli, garlic in a bowl, add salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce and sesame oil and mix well. -

super wordy: -
** If using dried seaweed, kelp should wash the surface, and then into the steaming in the steamer for 30 minutes, then add 清水中浸泡 taste for cooking after a night until crisp. Do not seaweed, soak, or mix both fried stew, taste has a stiff feeling. (See Figure 2) -
** in cooking with seaweed, whether fried stew mix, add some vinegar, you can make taste better. -
** dried kelp surface frost, alkali plant after it is formed by weathering of the material called mannitol, not only harmless, but also the role of detoxification back swollen. Do not mistakenly think that layer of white frost is the salt precipitation, or degradation, of the phenomenon. -
** kelp surface layer of mucus, without over-cleaning, in that case, many nutrients are lost, oh. -
** will be shredded green peppers soaked in water, can form a natural bent, for the decoration of dishes is a good way. If the meat is thick green peppers, you can knife to pepper the film to the amount of fleshy, thin strips after soaking more easily bent. -

4. coriander potatoes wire explosion


raw materials: potatoes, half a red pepper coriander 3 Ginger 1 teaspoon (5 grams) onions 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of garlic 1 teaspoon (5 grams) -
spices: salt, 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) pepper 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) chicken vinegar 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) sesame oil 1 / 4 teaspoon (1ml) -
practices: -
1) to Pi Houqie the potatoes into filaments, immersed into the water to prevent oxidation of black. Red pepper shred. Cong Jiangsuan mince. Parsley cut into 3 cm long segment. -
2) to Cong Jiangsuan and parsley into the bowl, Sprinkle the salt, chicken powder, pepper, vinegar and sesame oil transferred into the juice. -
3) salt and oil into the water pot, the fire heated to boiling, blanch the potatoes look of silk (about 1 minute), remove and drain water. -
4) Heat wok into the oil while the potatoes into the wire and juice, stir a few quick (about 20 seconds, or parsley may rot), into the red peppers can be. -
super-winded: -
** Pi Houqie the potatoes into filaments, immersed into the water to prevent oxidation of black. Cut potatoes exploded wire method, -
** stir-fry dish because of the need, therefore (2) steps in the seasoning, you well in advance. Not in the frying process, add one by one. -
** red peppers cut into thin wire, let into the cold water, 15 minutes, will naturally curly, can be used to normal cooking embellishment. -
{break ing ....} -

5. Marinated bean sprouts -


ingredients: 250 grams of bean sprouts 1 carrot, parsley 2 -
spices: salt, pepper 10 1 teaspoon (5 grams) MSG 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) a little sesame oil -
practices: -
1) Wash bean sprouts, carrots to the skin into silk. Parsley cut into 3 cm long segment. -
2) into the pot boil water blanch bean sprouts for 1 minute, remove and drain on the Internet. Add carrots, blanch bean sprouts for 20 seconds remove and put on the drain water. -
3) the bean sprouts, carrots and parsley into the bowl, Sprinkle the salt, MSG, sesame oil and mix well. Youpo hot pepper with a spoon on it, and then mixed evenly. -
super-winded: -
** If you sprinkle some of this dish is more delicious cucumber, but I think when forget to buy a shot. Bean sprouts, I found that Carrefour supermarkets sell good, very fresh and not expensive. If you like to eat bean sprouts, practice is the same, ha. -
** pepper oil with a spoon to avoid burning waste, but must pay attention to safety when burning, do not open fire, gas stove with the smallest minimum of a file is sufficient firepower. Burn pepper begun to change color to splash in the dish off the heat, otherwise burnt pepper, in fact, taste is not enough linen. -
** up to 2 dollars a pound bean sprouts, but we use half enough, about 1 dollar now. Also 4 cents a carrot, coupled with the mess of other things, this dish that 2 dollars, but were you? -

6.XO sauce mix Liangpi -

A few days ago to listen to anniebaby XO sauce that is how how delicious. Refused to believe that not eating is broken, and today water and soil to see, and quickly won, ha ha! -
drop salad is quite simple to do spade music! -

1 dollar Liangpi ~ ~ -

seasoning ~ ~ - -

ha ha ~ ~ like Less - -

7. Xianggan Kalimeris -


to Sijing, not back to what Lay said:
order to make a salad, go to the market to buy a few mouth watering and authentic, a tasty and nutritious】 【Xianggan Kalimeris on the table. -
is quite simple. -


1) Wash Kalimeris flying water, control the water, chopped stand. -
2) Xianggan flying water, chopped pieces. -
3) wok put the oil, stir-fry dried grain, salt, chicken, sugar, mix well, turn off the heat add 1) and add sesame oil and mix well, OK. -
8. coriander tofu -


raw materials: -
South tofu (soft tofu), parsley, green onions, garlic, salt, chicken, sesame oil -


production steps: -
1, the tofu cut into small pieces, add the salt into the boiling water, boil water, remove the beany flavor, remove and drain water, let cool transfer to a plate stand; shredded green onions and garlic, parsley and cut into sections alternate . -
2, wok heat sesame oil, saute onion, pour over the tofu. -
3, sprinkle with garlic wire, add salt and chicken alignment taste, sprinkle with parsley section, mix well to OK! -
very refreshing salad, the taste just right for those cold! -
9. Celery Shrimp -


Ingredients: Celery, red peppers, tender baby corn, shrimp -
spices: salt, chicken, olive oil -
practices: -
1, celery, red pepper slices, baby corn on the cut, wash mud shrimp deveined; -
2, the above material to wear hot boiling water for half a minute, quickly picked up into the ice water to cool; -
3, Li River dry water; put a lid sealed crisper large, into the refrigerator for alternate -
4, on the table by adding spices, and then close the lid shake mix well; remove the transfer to a plate -
10. nori crisp cucumber -


Ingredients: tender cucumbers, yellow peppers, cherry radish (radish flowers ocean), seaweed tablets -
spices: salt, chicken, sugar, sesame oil -
practices: -
1, cucumber, carrot, yellow bell pepper slices; -
2, seaweed and cut thin strips; -
3, step 1 will be covered all the ingredients into a large sealed crisper, into the refrigerator for 2 hours standby; -
4, on the table by adding spices, and then close the lid shake mix well; remove the plate, sprinkled with seaweed and bars to -
11. crabmeat cucumber mashed potatoes -


Ingredients: tender cucumbers, potatoes, artificial crab meat (cooked), Cherry tomatoes -
spices: salt, chicken, sugar, mayonnaise sauce -
practices: -
1, cucumber, crab meat, diced; -
2, potatoes cooked with skin; immersed in cold water to cool; to Piqie Ding; -
3, 1,2 of the steps covered all the ingredients into a large sealed crisper, into the refrigerator for 2 hours standby; -
4, on the table by adding spices, and then close the lid shake mix well; remove the plate, a small can of tomato cut decoration. -
12. cold lotus root -


Materials: -
400 grams of lotus root, pear 1, 1 red pepper, green pepper a mountain a little celery, 4 red dates, white sesame seeds 1 tbsp. -
seasoning: -
1 cup glutinous rice flour, licorice juice 1 cup chili powder 1 tablespoon Salt to taste, vinegar a little. -
system of law: -
1, glutinous rice flour with a little water and mix thoroughly and to heat and simmer into a thick shape, peel and core pears, shredded, green, red pepper washed, seeded and cut into shreds, red dates sliced, wild celery cut into small pieces, boiled for use. -
2, Wash lotus root section to vinegar soak for about 3 minutes, cut into 2-3 mm pieces. -
3, all the ingredients into a large bowl add the rice water, licorice water, chili powder and salt to the tasty mix and can be pickled. -
13. cold watermelon rind -


raw materials: watermelon rind 1 / 8 2 parsley 1 garlic salt 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) of sugar 1 / 2 teaspoon (3 grams) rice vinegar 1 teaspoon (5ml) MSG 1 / 4 teaspoon (1 gram) sesame oil 1 / 4 tsp (ml) -


practices: -
1) to stay a little watermelon flesh, do not have to remove, so it will have tastes of taste. -


2) to the green of the crust with a blade section. Will cut down the watermelon rind, cut into 1cm size Ding. Parsley cut into 1cm long paragraph. -


2) to the green of the crust with a blade section. Will cut down the watermelon rind, cut into 1cm size Ding. Parsley cut into 1cm long paragraph. -
14. vinegar jellyfish head -

food: jellyfish head, parsley, garlic -

spices: Zhenjiang vinegar, sugar, mushrooms, fine -
practices: -
1, jellyfish head wash, cut into pieces and articles are available, with cold pure water soak 2 hours or more net, -
2, cut into very fine garlic, parsley chopped, -
3, jellyfish soaked head and tossed away the water, and then after the pure water rinse and drain -
4, jellyfish head into the bowl, garlic Unqualified, the right amount of refined sugar and mushrooms, stir into the post-Zhenjiang vinegar, so as to open the refined sugar and mushrooms, and finally sprinkle with parsley. -
15. cold black and white ears -

ingredients: black fungus, white fungus, dried red pepper 1 garlic 1 -

Sauce: vegetable oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, chicken -
practices: -
1, black fungus, white fungus were washed, after the bubble into small pieces by hand pick, -
2, the black fungus, white fungus into the boiling water for 1-2 minutes, picked over ice water and drain water; -
3, dried red pepper strips, garlic, cut into very fine, together into the hot oil quickly until fragrant, turn off the heat; -
4, black and white fungus loaded a bowl, add salt, sugar, chicken, and a little soy sauce, vinegar, and pour the oil until fragrant, mix well. -
5, can be marinated ahead of time when placed in the refrigerator for better flavor after eating. -
16. raw mix of purple cabbage -

practices: -

shredded purple cabbage, sliced ​​thin as possible with a little salt and mix well preserved after about ten minutes. -
this time can add garlic mixture into the sauce sweet and sour 1:1. -
add appropriate amount of vegetable oil pan, pan, add pepper, dried red pepper, pour in the cabbage wire, the mix -
poured sauce on the table, mix well, eat. -
Tip: The same approach applies to the white and green cabbage. -
17. spiced peanuts -

ingredients: 500 grams of fresh shelled peanuts, pepper 1 teaspoon (5 grams), 2 star anise, cumin 1 teaspoon (5 grams), 2 small pieces cinnamon, bay leaves 2, 3 slices of ginger, salt, 2 spoons. -

practices: -
1. peanut repeatedly washed thoroughly with water and then squeeze each peanut has a small mouth -
2. the pepper, star anise, cumin, cinnamon, bay leaves, ginger, and put into gauze bags, seal. -
3. you can not have peanuts into a pot of water (I added about 1 liter of water), add seasoning gauze -
4. into the wash of the peanuts, add salt -
5. Close the lid and use the fire to boil, turn into the fire, and continue to cook for 20 minutes after the fire. After the fire without opening the lid off and continue to soak 2 hours after eat, went in taste. -
Tips: -
1, if not so many kinds of spices, just put pepper, aniseed and salt make it taste good. -
2, when the pick peanuts, gently Nie Yinie, the more drums the better. -
3, if you plan to eat the next day, you can not pinch the mouth, hot night, Peanut to the tasty. -
18. bad Hong soybeans -

Fresh Vegetable head end of the tail part of the scissors cut, wash, cook in boiling water following the cooked crisp, rinse with cold water, 2 2 bad brine into a large container, add 1 3 of cold water, add cool thoroughly in the soybean, cover the lid fridge 4 hours of ice can eat. -

19. crab salad Stir -

ingredients: crab meat, chopped parsley, open ocean, sesame seeds -

Sauce: vegetable oil, chicken, seafood and spicy sauce -
practices: -
1, the crab meat into the hot water for 1-2 minutes in boiling water and drain out let cool reserve, open ocean with a hot water open -
2, low heat pan, add sesame seeds baked to golden yellow, the aroma, remove from heat let cool reserve; -
3, will put the crab meat torn into thin strips cool, drops vegetable oil, into the open ocean, chopped parsley, plus they see fit spicy seafood sauce (also chili or hold other) Stir together -
4, the marinated crab Stir into the dish, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve. -
20. Shredded sliced ​​cold chicken -

materials: small mushrooms dry, fat hen -

Ingredients: coriander, ginger -
1. small mushrooms dry foam and is ready in advance, chicken wash -
2. the chicken, mushrooms, a little ginger into the pressure cooker, boil 15-20 minutes after the pressure -
3. Cantharellus low heat and slowly fry the ginger, after the oil into the bowl and leave to cool after adding salt, pinch of sugar into the refrigerator after a good tune, cool reserve -
4. chicken ready, put the cold chicken with his hands torn to pieces, and then cooling the chicken fat into the mixing, you can

Wise man and fool the gap 48

48 wise and fool the gap
of: Chihuahua -
Chapter learn to respect others -
· 1. Wise man smiled, a fool frosty -
· 2. Wise to remember someone's name, the name fool want to be remembered -
· 3. A wise man knows other people's minds, fools that their own needs -
· 4. A wise man to listen, fools no patience -
Chapter do meaningless debate -
· 5. Wise be endorsed, the fool first denied -
· 6. Wise to gradually let others say
· 7. Wise intelligent humor, fool dull boring -
· 8. Wise know too on the change, fool stubborn -
Chapter words do not say breaking -
· 9. Wise tactful suggestions, fools straightforward denial -
· 10. Wise words do not break, the fool straight to the point -
· 11. Wise remain silent, fool Koubuzeyan -
· 12. Wise politely refused, fool indifference against -
Chapter Society of resourcefulness -
· 13. Wise men talk to see an object, a fool blindly indiscriminate opening -
· 14. A wise man how the wind blows, the fool will not
· 15. Look where the wise, the fool,
· 16. On the other matter of interest to the wise, the fool, said something of interest -
Chapter people to be people like -
· 17. Wise low-key humble, proud insolent fool -
· 18. Wise tolerant, fools material wealth -
· 19. Wise honest, fool hypocritical hateful -
· 20. Wise to take care of other people's feeling of importance, the fool to meet their own vanity -
Chapter caring, happy yourself -
· 21. Wise subtle caring, fools everywhere for his own plan -
· 22. Good praise the wise, the fool willing to criticize -
· 23. Wise inspire, the fool who splashed with cold water -
· 24. A wise man restricted to the rescue, fool failing to stay away -
Chapter VII of the efficient work -
· 25. Wise targeted, confused fool live -
· 26. A wise man plans, fools eyebrows beard grabbed -
· 27. Wise and effective cooperation with others, a fool like going it alone -
· 28. Wise tap their own potentials, the fool will work hard -
Chapter VIII action dreams come true -
· 29. Wise action, fools indulge in fantasy -
· 30. Wise resolutely and fool procrastination lazy -
· 31. Wise maverick, fool blind conformity -
· 32. Wise rainy day, a fool is too late -
Chapter IX does not drill life dead end -
· 33. Wise indifferent view of gains and losses, the fool in the name of IDS are tired -
· 34. The wise know how to give up, fool remember sadness -
· 35. Wise to improve their weaknesses, fools blame their own shortcomings -
· 36. A wise man knows modifications, fools die drill horns -
Chapter confidence is the success of the sun light -
· 37. A wise man does not cry over spilled milk, the fool often take their own negligence penalty -
· 38. Wise to overcome inferiority complex, a fool is inferior prisoners -
· 39. A wise man is full of enthusiasm for life, fool lack of passion -
· 40. Wise to prepare for the worst, should always be at worst a fool idea -
Chapter do and work hard on -
· 41. Wise to create opportunities, fools waiting for good luck -
· 42. Work by the wisdom of the wise, the fool by the physical work -
· 43. Wise men love their work, a fool at work become so numb -
· 44. Know how to break the wise, the fool be called a workaholic -
XII enjoy life, enjoy the fun -
· 45. Wise to leave the mind, a fool to chord tension -
· 46. Wise control the money, a fool with money tied -
· 47. Wise live each day, a fool to waste good time -
· 48. Feel happy bit wise, the fool is always unhappy -
From: Hua Hua log

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Andy Lau - Everyone is a first

He achieved a kind of spirit - never give up; he created a role model - endless struggle. He is a dancer on the blade, because the life blood of the water and gorgeous; he is a monk in the desert, because the persistent belief in the cause of Exhibition ... ...

everyone first
< br>
1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, ​​Andy Lau, a marathon recording special events, inadvertently learned about the Paralympics Games are over a month.
Andy decided to In order to stay out of it, the Paralympic Games in Barcelona at their own expense when he cheerleaders.
back to Hong Kong, Andy Lau, himself made a Hong Kong's disabled athletes are amateurs, there is no fixed salary. Since 1996, Andy Lau, Hong Kong dollars a year from 10 million funding for disabled athletes in Hong Kong, issued by the Home
Andy felt that encourage a person failed the people than to encourage a high score is more important: secondary education exam, the school champion. One final examination, his performance is the class of 12 - English failed. Even worse is that schools do not pass the English requirement can not rise the second year, the scholar becomes a repeater.
home, my dad transcripts, without a word beat his meal. Penalty after kneeling before the memorial tablets of his ancestors, all night, At this time, a teacher named Yu quietly looking for English tutor to help him, advance the tuition fee. Second year of the English test, Andy exam eighty larger share. In 2000, before the Hong Kong Film Awards, the film together to send a reporter to give him a plastic cup that says
2007 年 8 months, Andy Lau as a goodwill ambassador, has released his single, lyrics of the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games In the MV, Andy Lau, prosthesis, amputation and the role of a car accident on the lives lost hope of couriers. Since the courier to see disabled athletes on the field after courageously fighting, determined to cheer up and face life, his faith also infected people around that same boat. Andy Lau's long-cherished wish to achieve for years - way to use images of people pay tribute to the waist down!
Andy used to say: it? if you work hard, everyone is a first. himself Suanbu Qing. Not long ago, Hong Kong awarded He has shot a total of 120 remnants of the film, a total of approximately 17.3 billion Hong Kong dollars at the box office, far more than any other star.
said, Andy Lau, are used in nearly half of income on charity. In addition to movie royalty, and even friends to help cut the ribbon at the site from the red envelope, and he scored directly, The impoverished, Andy Lau diligence used to their very
film at least four a year or more Andy Lau, from the He also often invested in film boss, explore the value of the order to shoot a movie, to help young people on the show, so a new director who, he go all out, at a loss. In his funding, directed by Fruit Chan,
Andy always says that he is from the new over, had also been frozen, that is in the bottom of the urgent desire to be found in the mood, unforgettable. As long as he has time, a number of artists will attend the training activities, words and deeds.
see a script before each of his first thought was their own. Different now, his first thought is that people will think he can play? Who else is better suited than he it? Many newcomers, including some popular stars, Andy Lau had the guidance and help have been helpful, but Andy I have been refused recognition. Daniel Wu was in a movie when substitute Andy Lau, Andy Lau thought he resembled his year, has been hard to help him. Now Daniel has been successfully into acting school the most popular star of the column. Sandra Ng also benefited from his help, Star radiance.
Andy praises He said that many people want to be boss, in fact, should be like a thumb, stand up minimum; people dodging when it will come out the protection of all; and without it, others do nothing. Andy Lau is the first
the development of the Mainland of Hong Kong artist, he participated in the mainland many times offering love and charity, love action with time and time again to Chinese fans for his applause.
Peking University professor Zhang Yiwu, smiled and said,

not the old popular idol

in the eyes of many, Andy Lau is a Hong Kong entertainment, and even the Hong Kong representative. A widespread theory is: In Hong Kong, Chief Executive you can not know, but you can not not know Andy.
Andy's influence through time, any where there are Chinese, to spread his name during his 20 years, the light becomes stronger, has not changed. In 1990, Sally was elected the most popular female singer, he is the most popular male singer; 2007, the most popular female singer Joey Yung was elected, he is the most popular male singer. Every day, you turn on the TV, read newspapers, or when browsing the web, this can not always see a familiar figure. His singing, acting, filming ads and producer, to join the public welfare, non-stop winning the prize ... ... like a tireless perpetual motion machine, curtain call signs that never seemed to smile on you say: so much to look forward, there is no reason not to strive and work hard then? He also respect their best feature is the hard-working, people spend an hour to make things, he spent three hours, three times more than the others efforts.
Andy by the media as concentrated in the conduct, skill on the continuous exploration of one of several performing arts superstar. Each concert, he will bring something different. Hong Kong filmmaker Manfred Wong said the famous: up the scene can be sent in the past, but also to ensure audience satisfaction. but Andy did not think so, he is still not lazy, painstaking pursuit of perfection, can do more than a hundred points, he made a hundred points, but two hundred points. So, even if he did not like, and can not accept him? and had to worship him, can not be more dead set on you? cow sex. Hong Kong's most important to a radio station owner, Andy Lau to sing after listening to assert that the early years: he did not understand the singing, but no singing talent. Andy is not satisfied, double hard and practiced and every time a concert in Hong Kong are active excursion to him. People did not come, Andy is not discouraged, still photos sent worthwhile. Stalemate for a dozen years, until 2001, stood on the stage excited to see Andy Lau concert that the guests were sitting in the audience gallery, listened very carefully over the whole concert, the final face recognition: wrong, Andy really sing. . He five times been named the most popular male singer in Hong Kong and seven times won the Asia-Pacific Most Popular Male Singer, the two boarded the throne of the Hong Kong Film Awards winner, the top ten in Taiwan for six consecutive years ranked number one idol ... ... he 1999 Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong, the world's Ten Outstanding Young Persons of 2000, the year 2002 2007, the public image of the Chinese celebrities plane satisfaction survey questionnaire results, the Andy Lau topped the list. He also has a Since 1988, Andy Awards around the world and has more than 300 honors and was listed on the Guinness World Records.
Now, Andy has not only as a public idol, but rather a spiritual banner, become a role model for many young people Zhuimu and example.

Reprinted No woman in the town Lama Lama - A Review of Sufi Shu 's

No woman in the town Lama Lama - A Review of Sufi Shu's No woman in the town
Lama Lama - A Review of Sufi Shu's
Modern Chinese poetry horn, passed down for generations, when the release conditions, violence, political pop, soft serenade the verge of death, if possible, should be added the stepping stone to the poetry within the system, all count it, count it all , except in the usual coordinates aesthetic not found The first accused was not written by Sufi poetry Shu, who had himself so much that he launched an attack to their own, but rather that his honesty to The surface simplicity of the people quiet, while inside, the attitude to pull off, look down on parents in a short time, he's forced to give up power in the gateway, combined together into a shock-like material Narrative. -
one, not the text analysis: -
) Then I could not see even their own, so far. -
another example, the (eighty-six chapters), time we had from there, then back to the yard, and I Ching. -
This is not valid analysis, but I can not do better. Because of a Sufi Sun Shu live together, so her comments have a basic foundation of living, even so, I do not think this comment is reliable, she is not the Soviet Union, after all, I am not comfortable, the present value of lost. -
course, if abruptly interpretation is allowed, such as: could not see even their own, so far. (xli chapter) If I am thick skinned and then some, I can interpret the poem in the sense and self-expression in the micro indistinct - but this interpretation does not work! First, I do not trust, for The way things are is a matter of lie, indeed, -
Second, the possible practical significance of discovery with the text: -
Written material. I can assure you that, not only in China, even in the world, is the only one of us what the text presents material. In a sense, she can replace the materialist platitudes, like very disdain. Poetry writing, in the poet's pen, feeling is external, this is the state of writing in general. As for the technical journey, the image of adjectives to give birth to flood capacity expansion, and This is where Sufi Shu bold, he's part of speech of Chinese natural and calm all the narrative material, he expected the reflection of the material found in their own, or just a matter only. -
matter in the end it is what? Everything is all things. Readers should note that, in the matter, only human beings can think such things will be described with the language material itself, which is immutable and objects to maintain, of which, there are things Sufi Shu and mutual care. He forced For the nature and objects, I have always alert parasitic way of example, in praise of the objects, to express their own emotions, feelings and even physical metaphor, the common representative of the strength of character, such as bamboo, these are false strength, is untrue self-soothe. Another is the Taoist text, apocalyptic text, the name of God to the world's name for this writing, I respect, but never trust. Sufi Shu and This text is totally different, he does not sustenance, nor care for the natural spokesman for Health, he was just the constant gaze of the material to go with the flow properties of the body issuing the voice, which, I think it is -
three times and the package you can not do without the poet: -
for I mean, I read Sufi Shu and This is, to my reading is critical to. Why do I read the bland sentence, will be touched? That is because the text is behind the feelings of a poet and materialism, I feel the share of pain, it is because I also read Sufi Shu Man, this power through in the weight, exceeding the scope of Chinese adjectives. Then I remembered Lu Lu on the I want to say is, yes, -
this era, impetuous frenzy of the moment, is inseparable from the great Sufi Shu background - you leave, you leave, annoying is that you can not do without the Sufi is the era of Shu. In terms of age, Sufi comfortable with This is enough, enough poetry for today's discovery of the role play - you go to face bullying - though probably do not care Sufi comfortable - but I care. -
IV, Sun notes one: -
Shu Sufi said to me: One of the comments Sun, if thrown away Sufi Shu's text, will lose the credentials, the flow in the bulk culture of talking. Sufi poet Shu in the text next to be with her notes something poetic. -
Sun read one comment, the reader can feel the shape and tone of life, property described by Sufi comfortable, it actually passionate, but also a lovely, plants and flowers, you, you me, buy food to cook, imagined, these things internal, is the poetry of the natural flow, because the text in the Sufi Shu, Sun's comments of a poem with a wide range of tolerance. -
No Sufi Shu, Sun is only one self-healing effect of the text. No Sun a, Shu Sufi text will lose only a little emotional stop. Shu and Sun for a Sufi together, -
Five, the Soviet Union gave me the vision of non-shu: -
Sufi ​​evaluation is difficult and complex Shu, he is respected poet in my heart. This person, not a simple body shape, the surrounding of his thinking and attitude, determined to write his own pioneering deep-rooted. How to evaluate him? Reference to his performance art? As Sufi Shu will laugh at me thinking simple. Talk about the marks on his body? But he is not a star, I can not get to write the text version of the headline entertainment. It seems that on his evaluation, regardless of the angle from which to read, are suspicious. Well, I talk about the Sufi vision of comfort to me: -
1, writers not only write but also courageous life, and text to maintain autonomy - Sufi comfortable to autonomy. -
2, the text of Chinese practice, can reach distant places, sometimes, direction is not important that the way in the end can go far - comfortable to travel a Sufi. -
3, born do hermit, the WTO inappropriate puppet - not a hermit Sufi Shu, improper puppet. -
4, honest talk and write, do not see themselves a high, not low at his a - is a normal Sufi poet Shu. -
5, the same thing inside and outside, with the World - World Sufi comfortable there. -
6, do not see things, do not say no. See things, do not let go - Sufi Chuang Shu Lama to repeat in these things. -
7, the sound of laughter is very low, low to not think that laugh - is one such Sufi Shu cry. -
8, no matter what, what to ignore, but should be involved in the moment, never hesitate - is such a waste of Sufi comfortable life. -
9, live in the poem, than to write it, but close to the heart and lungs - is one such Sufi comfortable living. -
10, down from the mountain, but also the mountains - not a Sufi Zhongnanshan Shu, But he is so existed. -
finish this review, I smote with their fists in front of the wall, was hand pain. I do things is to really feel the sense of presence. I felt, but where the Sufi is that senior Shu, he does not have fists hit the wall, also felt the matter, feel pain and joy, a feeling difficult to comment on the -
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Heart War

plateau , said the weather as they please , a blink of an eye to the troubled .
tonight, and it began to intermittent light rain .
With the roar of construction sites to upload , so it is particularly upset the entire night sky .
silence the past few days and escape the body and mind even more tired. Dragged back to the pace of the so-called home , in addition to meet the same heap of beer bottles with the hills and moldy smell in the air , everything is still as before. I do not know when is the end of the day , looking back to the original choice of their own desperate , and now regret it is asked for .
Therefore , past memories, is not all joy.
Perhaps there buried pain and regret.

sometimes feel that they are helpless , and this does not help and no one can be of busy, can not change the face of reality , I can only learn to bear .
sometimes feel , language and behavior are superfluous.
naive to think that he can move , can move others .
However, I was wrong.
not only touched , bringing his own emptiness is endless and lonely .
the original , I'm just a ordinary girl only.
not moved heaven and earth possible.

really want to frankly wept sometimes , even if not responsible , I can jump from the fifth floor caught , disappeared. However, no alcohol, the vertical expression to , the tears will not matter how wet eyes ; less likely to allow the body to ashes. Because in my world, not only in body, there the soul ; still need me take more responsibility . At least , in my responsibility to live every day, I will not easily die.
Like I said , has been trying to find a quiet place and his own burial.
this argument , just imagine.

I was a helpless woman is a strong and confident woman.
I believe I lost everything, things will come back.

fireworks cleared if you understand a woman .
I hope you understand me , pity me.
but I just need your warm hands ;
this moment, hold me tight . . . . . .

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Quick Start Exploration戈恰恰伦巴jitterbug ballroom dancing disco dancing the waltz tap Latin hip-hop samba almost forty


Cha Cha Rumba


disco dance
tap the primary basis of five walking exercise

China Erzi

Latin hip-hop samba

