Friday, October 29, 2010

Converse maintenance of small details!

 Do not use detergent and soap to wash Converse canvas shoes. Washing out colors. Yellow washing soap. I. II shoe brush with toothpaste. Do not brushing after drying in the sun, so fade, to be placed in the shade,UGG bailey button, air dry.

☆ avoid leakage, exposure, and roasted; washed, avoid direct sunlight, causing one side of aging, deformation,bailey UGG boots, discoloration, and net surface rupture.

☆ avoid sharp objects, chemicals exposure. ☆ maintain more than two pairs of shoes can be replaced, so that the shoes take turns to rest.

☆ professionals should pay attention to special shoes, casual shoes, sandals should not do strenuous exercise, indoor outdoor shoes should not be strenuous exercise.

☆ shoelaces / magic system with not too close to the foot to activities is appropriate,UGG boots clearance, otherwise it will affect comfort.

☆ when not worn, remove the insole, the shoes are placed in dry and ventilated place, easy to distribute hot shoes, restitution.

☆ avoid squeezing the shoes to keep the original state is not deformed.

☆ used, the end to avoid contact with oil or other corrosive agents and, if contaminated,UGG boots cheap, immediately wash with water.

☆ regular cleaning shoes, shoe dirty after living with a soft cloth dampened with water to wash wipe article agent, do not brush fierce brush.

☆ leather shoes should be leather, petroleum associated to ensure toughness. ☆ can not use bleach when cleaning

☆ unused for long periods, the need to clean dry paper wrapped stored in a dry place.

☆ avoid the high temperature baking, in case of flooding in the shoes Cypriot newspapers, sucking up water and moisture, placement of ventilation air dry. Maintenance of the classic Converse

official website created by the Converse!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Expo opened at the beginning

 Expo opened at the beginning, a kind of must-see of the impulse, but with the people around them looked at the Expo's , I walked into the Expo, watching the grand and solemn various venues, suddenly found the camera in my hand can not be captured that feeling of solemnity, with varying degrees of red component of the China Pavilion, the kind of three-dimensional geometry shape, the kind of irregular shape, shocking designers and their creative inspiration.

two-day trip, it is urgent. only museum in the Puxi district activities, mainly the European Museum District because the entrance to this area. Although crowded, but there are a lot of harvest.

first day of the seven o'clock start, but fortunately, no traffic jams, less than an hour into the 7-3 gate The first control zone. guide to tickets, have the votes of people running to the line, the entrance has been ranked a lot of people. get the tickets after the tour emphasized ten p.m. in this collection. rushed to the team after another five rafts Ten minutes before the opening inspection. pockets are not allowed to install anything and everything required into the bag, including bank cards, I feel are more stringent than the airport check-in. 
not advance doing homework, should go into the park I do not know which museum, the first encounter Belarus Museum, Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria Hall, no one in line to get a look at a few pictures, it is boring, it went to pieces after the more I do not know to where. drive a go, many museum a long queue before the rafts to pick the few people to see. 

Norway Museum: the depths of the dense forest, I 've found only one chapter!

Hall from 15 trees to form an organic whole, from 5 meters to 15 meters varies, each tree's roots are fixed in the ground and air four branches. to the outer end of the branches of the shore for the attachment of the tarp, forming the appearance of the undulating roof pavilion. pavilion, those themes. museum visitors walk, to show some of the natural landscape North Ott, showing Norwegian-style living, urban charm and healthy lifestyle concepts and ideas. there is no Aspect, a visit to straight knock hastily at the chapter. 
Turkey Museum: Dreaming of the past,Discount UGG boots, the birth of modern, embrace the future.

into Turkey, the first thing that catches the eye is a map of ancient Turkey, Map is not clear through the text to draw from, showing that in the past complex terrain of human nature is not easy to draw. In Turkey, the The cinema will be through a 360-degree movie screen, to Istanbul, and Shanghai, linking the two cities. through the streets of Istanbul, the scene reflects the city as European Capital of Culture in the pride and glory. In the symbolic of the will show the Turkish city of br>
Pavilion abstract and irregular shape, the surface covered with hollow patterns are like folk paper-cut, so that visitors get an interesting visual experience: the color-changing light passing through the museum to create a paper-cut patterns in the effect of scattered light and dark . pavilion and flexible interior space, the wall can be used as the screen, play the movie reflects the life of the Polish city. building itself into the Poles living in the creativity and imagination, the interpretation of Concert Hall in the center of the square and held a day of Chopin piano recital in honor of the famous Polish composer and pianist Frederic Chopin's 200th anniversary. Unfortunately, I see only save moving head long lines and crowded. 
Italian Pavilion: half water, half fire. When Mediterranean sea water swept over the flame of Pompeii,UGGs, the Apennine peninsula, leaving only overweening temperament.
< br> ranked team for nearly two hours into the stadium there is a warp sense of the Italian Pavilion brings the greatest feeling is elegant and noble. Italian art of their cell-rich condensed into one piece, a section of Italy face,UGG boots cheap, a violin ... ... integrity lunch time, hungry and tired, to see into the restaurant, a Chinese young man to serve us, the point of a sub-Bolognese screw surface (120), a Italian Tomato Oxtail surface (120), send an Italian bread. feel no vegetables and soup, like to have shrimp (220 million), the waiter told the: to three, baby! real money-ah! with the question: have relatively affordable little dishes, soup, the young man said: There is no cost-effective point, that you eat noodles, not the look. substandard her husband's taste, the results are I eat out, expensive lunch ah. the Museum two points is the afternoon, take the bus went straight to China Expo Park Museum District. 
site production of the violin. (pipeline operations, as is the lunch hour, leaving only one.) 

giant high-heeled shoes (take the virtual,UGG boots, big shoes to keep up with high-heeled shoes covered with the ordinary.) 

Roman Holiday Audrey Hepburn riding inside the car is very creative 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chinese people like to wholeheartedly engage in construction buried

 But it was not allowed, the first one is Japan. Hundred years, Japan has twice destroyed the history of China's economic development opportunities. A Sino, destroyed the Qing's Westernization Movement; a Policy after the Meiji Restoration in Japan is strong in China are not allowed, then add a Revolution: the reunification of China are not allowed. After two wars of aggression against China in Japan has a vendetta with the Chinese knot, and Sipilailian honestly would not apologize to the Chinese people to get the Chinese people for forgiveness. Japanese themselves are clear: once the powerful China, Japan, the only school Japanese apology issue. So the Japanese do everything possible to destroy China's rise to third-time opportunities. Some Chinese people just too busy making a fortune, did not see a new war against China,Discount UGG boots, the crisis is taking shape, do not see the Japanese third-time again. But this is at the head of those in Taiwan do not rely on the Japanese when the Japanese, who desperately want to be the next Japanese Said that Analysis of the Taiwan Strait crisis, the first analysis of who is the biggest beneficiaries of the crisis. Encouraging Taiwan's It will then launch the This is most consistent with Japan's interests. China is not facing reality, Taiwan Strait crisis is actually an agent of Japan off the hands of third-time Once the That is, once again, Forced by the situation, China has no choice, there is not the issue when the Japanese, the United States is hard to say. Japan's wishful thinking can work, look at how to fight the U.S. calculations. America's strategic goal is to maintain its world hegemony. If the United States involved in the Taiwan Strait conflict, China is fighting for the sovereignty of the United States is fighting for the hegemony. The issue of sovereignty is a question of life and death.

life and death battle is fought only at all costs; Hegemony is the matter of interests, is the business of war fighting, not at any cost. Fight the battle of life and death is life and death, advance, never retreat; fight mercenary business is a battle, so too preoccupied with fighting the business war, fighting side edge abacus: China is a direct threat to my world domination? Taiwan will not lose lost my world hegemony? Taiwan and China to keep the war to pay what it costs? If the protracted war in how to do? Dragged in the Taiwan Strait if the troops could not move to other places how terrorist organizations an opportunity to do? If China desperate to sell nuclear weapons around the world how to do? ... ... Who is this large series of sesame watermelon like the definition of who is small and selection is what the Americans themselves, the Chinese people to mind, but the U.S. is real under the determination depends on how China's strength and will.

online circulation of a U.S. troops landed in China, because Have blasted the Stone Age and you still can not login? Contradictory recommendations seen that a logical conclusion: the United States dare to imagine that with China playing the Relying on this one, who said there is no great people's war strategy of deterrence? Now China wants to crack the Taiwan Taiwan Strait crisis was imposed on Chinese people, China has been trying to escape. Can the wishful thinking of Japan started to see the United States under the United States how to resolve *** yourself. Great idea by: lost illusions, ready to fight; tit for tat, couch dispute every inch; people's war; to prepare such a protracted war, the Chinese may also safely defuse the . Chinese people have a precarious existence, let alone what is to become rich. Want to get rich first have to keep China's peaceful environment, and earned great environment is suffering from the Japanese peace So to get rich come to solve

two largest and most poisonous of the

home difficult to prevent a thief, the * is the most poisonous. To get rid of exotic Drug from China, the largest and most within the unrestricted access to full play. Of course, the Brilliant idea is to change people's way of argument in disguise, an excuse to great errors in his later years to fundamentally deny the great man and great ideas. As long as the negative set up,

Chinese people like to For centuries the Western world's white hot topic invincible hand, all yield to all other people of color, monensin contend. So the white man and defiant, as all people of color as inferior. China since the Opium War battle with the foreigners fight a battle lost, lost a battle to cede territory and pay indemnities,bailey UGG boots, humiliating, so that national bankruptcy, mental breakdown, . Later, some Chinese people do not fart in Western countries are afraid to put a speaker.

9.18 to 1941 from 1931 Incident on Pearl Harbor more than decade, suffered a Nanjing ***, suffered endless injuries, the KMT government has not declared war on Japan actually has the gall to have been maintained diplomatic relations with Japan. Until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan the day after they hastily followed the United States formally declared war on Japan. This weakness in the eyes of people not In the great man before the face of Western powers, China has never been successfully invaded the hero, never only the tragic hero. They fought, they sacrificed, but they failed. Failure to defeat China in none of them can change the mercy of fate. , While the eyes of the Chinese people who lived and died, glorious defeat, but in the eyes of foreigners, they are still losers, does not prevent foreign powers to invade, to any disposal of China. Only truly great man to turn things around, completely changed the Chinese Great leaders of all Chinese people, resisting foreign interference. Even the world's number one superpower, the United States still planted in great hands. North Korea told the United States in the great battle led directly to the Chinese army, failed. Americans are not convinced, take the battlefield in Vietnam when the experiment, indirectly with the great man theory of people's war and then battle, but also failed. United States,

serve the world for the strong ideological and theoretical countless weak succumb to the strong preaching the teachings of the multitude, except the great man thought to speak specifically for the weak by the innocent; teach aggression suffered weak powers do not * depend on others , not * groveling, not * sovereign transactions, fully in accordance with * self-reliance and hard work to change fate. Neither the U.S. nor the Soviet Union no way to get great, can not win, will not be intimidated, deceived, however, can not hold. Brains do not know how to crack the great ideas, but to pray God bless the descendants of the great man to great man thought the color should not be too thick. In the face of great worship, Chinese culture is not thought inferior culture. The only great man in history of Western capitalism and his white tasted the taste of defeat still unbeaten Chinese. Denied the great man thought to an admission that Chinese culture can not contend with the ideological weapon of the Western invasion of China, not consider themselves inferior, then what is? China since the Opium War battle with the East-West foreign aggression, the only successful example is the great man and great ideas. If that is denied, then what is there to fool with? Wanted to see what Here it is.

some Chinese people are very keen to cite the Chinese people how smart and capable, how splendid culture and history, hoping thereby to prove that China is not the bad kind of people should be respected. Some people like to say that the reason why the Chinese people were looked down upon because of the low quality of the Chinese people, uncivilized, and so on. This logic only applies to personal relationships, does not apply to state relations. Between countries respect only the strong, weak and then cultured likewise be looked down on. Countries in the real world is essentially the relationship between the law of the jungle. West was popular saying: If Chinese people do not understand the two fundamentally different ways of thinking, will always do not understand how to deal with others, was not sure what not rashly rushed in to compete with you directly, but also intentionally or unintentionally, Paul not allowed to kick you from time to time trial test to see if you have not so strong. If you fall asleep or become their own true, that Respect and contempt never absolute, unconditional, once and for all, but only relative, conditional, temporary, with the balance of power and change.

people's ability to create material wealth and the absorptive capacity and the human spirit is closely related to wealth, spiritual wealth, the more feet, the creation of material wealth, the stronger the absorption capacity and more durable, and vice versa, the weaker the more short-lived. Weak material of a nation is not terrible, because this situation can make the effort to change; mentally weak if it gets really scary, because that means that the nation lost the future. Look at the description of Taiwan's Nationalist documentary history of the Chinese war of resistance, simply stretch of desolate, despondent faction, in addition to blaming Heaven is a particular person: blame the Chinese are poor, blame the Qing left a mess, blame the U.S. aid too little, blame the Communist Party does not listen, Strange Japanese ... ... Despite all the rhetoric is too strong to eat their own defeat rational, is Relying on this mental state, the KMT lost the Chinese mainland that is not injustice. This had not yet learned to take lessons, do a wonder that now their last foothold is precarious.

from China has been great, with great thought, from weaker to stronger in spirit completely, the material also from the decline to recovery. First of all Chinese people against blindly psychological inferiority own mistakes: the yield. regardless of any hardship cases, as long as a person, this person will continue to fight on. Spark into a new China, a poverty-stricken in China into Bullied by foreign powers in China a hundred years invincible hand, with the exception of the great men and great thoughts run into after a loss. Some great amount of Chinese people in China do not know, with great battle over foreign rivals is crystal clear. When the Korean War still alive in the great bare forgotten by Americans, indeed become the The beginning of a great man in China was denied, people began to think of the Korean War came,UGG boots, and repair of a The more you preach, You ask people, . All in all, sent to the people to conquer China's invitation. Self-destructive behavior of this laissez-faire attitude to give up the Great Wall to protect themselves, willing from strong to weak.

some of China's Such as the extradition of corrupt criminals, do not look all day long derided in some countries of corruption in China, an abhorrence of evil morally, but made in China to escape a past of corruption receive one, you have to extradition, it is not guilty of corruption to protect the is to your local court, a trailer for several years, first with the last of the ill-gotten gains of corruption committed wholly into his attorney's fees to say where. Such as oil and water drained his Laozu,UGG boots cheap, cited does not mean the extradition is not big. Moreover, the western area of justice is likely to be a trump card against China under the You want to blindly hands. Looking through the experience of the Chinese people, Chinese people were dependent on foreign, or because of blind hope and eat the loss of foreign people more often than the direct use of force to fight bigger. Look at the Soviet Advocating unconditionally

Monday, October 25, 2010

And the common list of habits that can be useful

 In this paper, this is our best to avoid the 7 habits.

as the habit of looking as good for you to find your way habits are equally important. Most of these 7 habits have

can easily become a part of your daily life, that you hardly notice it (or how it affects you.) I have tried these little habits,

result is no doubt that those few important things can be done. I'd also like to add that this is only in life you may

the efficiency of the formation of the 7 major habit, I'm sure there are more than just that.

1, absent.

Maybe you've heard this quote by Woody Allen:

more at - it is in life you can do to ensure more successful the largest and one of the simplest things, whether it is in your

social life, your career or your health. If you want to improve your health, one of the most important and most effective

thing is that every time you show up at the gym.

weather might be bad, you probably do not want to go out, maybe you have a lot of other things to do. But if even if you are not enthusiastic in

still continue to appear high in the gym, then you stay at home than relaxing on the sofa much more effective.

I think this also applies to most areas of life. If you write or paint every day, you will improve quickly.

If you get out more you can meet more new friends. If you go on more dates, your chances of meeting someone

will be greatly improved. Just showing up more can really make a big difference. Not showing up will get you anywhere.

2, procrastination.

To simplify, I will be 3 favorite ways to get out procrastinating ways listed below:

- swallowed a frog. That is the beginning of the day to complete the most difficult of the most important work. A good start in the morning will make your day

have maintained high spirits and positive energy. This often creates a pretty productive day.

- How do you eat an elephant? Do not try to bite into the fat, which makes you feel so too have the burden of procrastination.

to a task into small steps into action, and then focus only on the first step until it finished, the next and then continue to the next step


- convince yourself. I find this guided mediation to be very effective. Just spent 20 minutes lying on my bed and meditate for a few days I have

very efficient, I do not feel the drag of the situation into a 1-5 or browse my favorite Web site to find updated information necessary.

3, things do not matter.

besides procrastinating, you are most likely to fall into bad habits is busy with unimportant tasks.

To be effective you probably need some kind of time management. It may be a very simple matter, such as the start of the day

use the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule, that is, we usually are familiar with the Pareto Principle that 80% of the results from only 20% of the effort. The high demand

that you should focus your energy on those few most important things.

When using this rule in order of priority when you only need to write down the day you need to do three of the most important thing, and then start from scratch. Even if you can only complete one

one thing, you have still done the most important thing today. You may perhaps prefer others, such as GTD. But no matter how you

organization, the most important thing is to find the most important work, so you do not spend days, weeks or even several

months doing busywork that is not very important thing. If these things does not matter, even if you quickly complete their

is of little use.

4, unfounded.

because more seldom taking action. Paralysis by analysis can make you waste time. Thinking before action is nothing wrong with

. Do some research, make a plan to explore the possible positive and negative factors.

But compulsively thinking is just another way to waste your time. No need to try before you go to a corner from each degree

examine everything. And you can not wait for the perfect time to do something, because such a time never comes.

If you keep thinking you'll just dig yourself down deeper and deeper, so that actions become more and more difficult. In contrast, although the thinking in a certain extent

help you, but you now need to do is to just stop thinking, and then do what you should do.

5, everything is too negative.

when you consider everything from the negative side, your enthusiasm will be greatly affected. Everywhere you will find the problems and errors, which

these problems is the non-existent. You cling to details. If you want to find a reason to not do something, which of course no problem.

When you look at the issue from a negative point of view, the time you can find ten excuses.

so you almost nothing. You are willing to listen to anyone who complained (perhaps a lot of people do not want to hear), complaining about your job, life and leadership

how crappy. Your life depends on how you view the world, it has become a self fulfilling prophecy.

A solution is to understand the limits of the negative aspects, to recognize your negative thinking is not a true picture of the world.

Then try other perspectives. For example, you can try and get a more positive and optimistic about everything from the perspective of the

habits, which can be quite useful. In this way, you may want to try this positive challenge. This is not easy, but

If you accept this challenge,bailey UGG boots, for 7 days only think positive thoughts, you will suddenly realize that your angle of approach and ideas are so

a profound impact on your understanding of the world and you get results.

6, stubborn and isolated.

hard to admit that their ideas are not the best choice, so you cling to your ideas, get be out of touch with reality. This will let you

difficult to make progress, for example, will be difficult to improve efficiency. In this case, even seriously consider the possibility of change in life can change in

too difficult.

Obviously, one solution is to open up. Broadening their horizons, from others and learn from their mistakes,UGG boots clearance, from other sources like books

access to knowledge. As with anything, this is easier said than done. As previously mentioned, this proposal is to realize that my knowledge of your field of

knowledge was limited, and you do things the way there will be insufficient. Then just try something new.

and my other piece of advice is to read 埃克哈特托 Lee's As recommended by the Tory

, if you do not like thinking Ego, you will more easily accept new ideas and discard old ideas that have been useless. In addition

I'd like to add is: Do not superstitious books, and do not blindly pursue new information, or you might become a self-help obsessed

help people. In the operation and use of the new information, what you have learned and try it.

7, continuous information overload.

information overload is not to say you read too much,UGG boots, I mean all input surplus. If you let all of the information flow into large

brain, it will be hard to think clearly, because too much stimulation. This habit may be drawbacks:

- some of the information you receive may be negative. Media and the surrounding environment will provide a variety of reasons for negative information. If

If you do not have the information needed to choose, maybe you will fall into negativity, which affects how you think, feel and act.

- it will make you rush to catch up with what happened today, however, always ten more things happening so you can catch up with them a few

is almost impossible . Therefore, your life would be full of pressure.

- information if you continue to be bombed, and also tried all the information classification, you will be hard to make decisions and take action.

To me personally, if I get too much information, will result in a sort of paralysis, nothing. Or you will be trapped in habit

, eager busy day in some non-essential things.

order to be able to focus, think more clearly and put into action, you need to be more selective in absorbing information. When you work as

to avoid those distractions. Shut off the phone network, shut the door. You'll find incredible, when you do not have every

interrupted once every five minutes, have the opportunity to browse RSS-feeds or favorite websites to procrastinate so many things can be done


now I'm not suggesting you should stop reading all the blog or newspaper. But think about what you really want to read,

which is only used to pass the time. At the same time you can view other areas of the open nature of the information.

example, you do not have to let in all the negative emotions from your surroundings. If everyone is busy or impatient at the delay

in various non-important things, you will easily be influenced by that mood. If you have a door, shut it and focus on more important things

, it would be a good idea.

7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People

By Henrik Edberg

With a twist to the common list of habits that are useful to establish, here are 7 habits that you do best to avoid. Just like finding habits that can be useful for you it's important to find habits that are holding you back. Most of these 7 habits can easily become such a normal, everyday part of life that you hardly notice it (or how it's affecting you). I've dabbled with all of them quite a bit. Not surprisingly I didn't get much of the important stuff done. I? d also like to add that these are just 7 broad habits you can establish to become highly ineffective in most parts of your life. I pretty sure there are several more. 1. Not showing up. Maybe you've heard this quote by Woody Allen: do to ensure more success in your life whether it be in your social life,UGGs, your career or with your health is simply to show up more. If you want to improve your health then one of the most important and effective things you can do is just to show up at the gym every time you should be there. The weather might be bad, you might not feel like going and you find yourself having all these other things you just must do. If you still go, if you show up at the gym when motivation is low you will improve a whole lot faster than if you just stayed at home relaxing on the sofa. I think this applies to most areas of life. If you write or paint more, each day perhaps, you will improve quickly. If you get out more you can meet more new friends. If you go on more dates you chances of meeting someone special increases. Just showing up more can really make a big difference. Not showing up will not get you anywhere. 2. Procrastinating half the day. To keep it short, my 3 favourite ways to get out of a procrastinating state are: - Swallow that frog. What? s this means is simply to do the hardest and most important task of the day first thing in the morning. A good start in the morning lifts your spirits and creates a positive momentum for the rest of the day. That often creates a pretty productive day. - How do you eat an elephant? Don? t try to take it all in one big bite. It becomes overwhelming which leads to procrastination. Split a task into small actionable steps. Then just focus on the first step and nothing else. Just do that one until it's done. Then move on to the next step. - The Get around to It Paraliminal. I find this guided mediation to be very useful. After 20 minutes of mostly just lying on my bed and listening I'm far more productive for a few days. I don? t feel the urge to sink into that procrastinating state or the need to find out what's new over at one or five of my favourite websites. 3. When actually doing something, doing something that isn't the most important thing right now. One of the easiest habits to get stuck in, besides procrastinating, is to keep yourself busy with unimportant tasks. To be effective you probably need some kind of time management-system. It might be something really simple, like using the 80/20-rule at the beginning of each day. The 80/20 rule , or the Pareto Principle as it? s also known, says that you? ll get 80 percent of your results from only 20 percent of your tasks and activities. So you need to focus most of your energy on those few important tasks to be effective . When you have prioritized using this rule just write down the top 3 most important things you need to do that day. Then, from the top, start doing them. Even if you just get one of the things done, you have still done the most important thing you could do today. You may perhaps prefer some other system, such as GTD. But however you organise your work it's still of highest priority to find the most important tasks so you don't spend days, weeks or months doing busywork that isn't that essential anyway. Just getting things done faster isn't that useful if the things you get done are unimportant to you. 4. Thinking too much. And thereby seldom taking action. Paralysis by analysis can waste years of your life . There is nothing wrong with thinking before you do something. Do some research, make a plan, explore potential upsides and problems. But compulsively thinking and thinking and thinking is just another way to waste your time. You don't have to examine everything from every angle before you try it. And you can't wait for the perfect time to do something. That time never comes. And if you keep thinking you'll just dig yourself down deeper and deeper and taking action will become more and more difficult. Instead you just need to stop thinking. Shut of your mind it just helps you up to a point and go do whatever you need to do. 5. Seeing the negative and downsides in just about anything. When you see everything from a negative perspective you quickly punch a hole in your own motivation. You find faults everywhere and problems where there are really none. You cling to details. If you want to find a reason to not do something then that's no problem. From a negative viewpoint you can find ten reasons every time. And so very little gets done, you whine to anyone who wants to hear and many who don't about how crappy your job, life and boss is. Which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as you create the life that is appropriate considering how think and see your world. A solution is to realise the limits of a negative perspective. And that your perspective isn't some kind of 100% true picture of the world. Then try other perspectives. For instance, trying to establish a habit of seeing things in a more positive and optimistic light can be quite useful. In that vein, you may want to try the Positivity Challenge. It? s not easy, but if you do the challenge and try to only think positive thoughts for 7 days it can give you an insight in how much your perspective and beliefs changes how you interpret your world. And what results you get. 6. Clinging to your own thoughts and being closed to outside influences. It can be hard to admit that what you thought or believed was not the best alternative. So you cling to your thoughts harder and harder and keep your mind closed. This makes it hard to improve and for instance to become more effective. Even really considering the possibility that you can change your life can be difficult in this position. One solution, obviously, is to open up more. To open up and learn from the mistakes of others, from your own mistakes and from other sources like books. This is easy to say though. It can, as almost anything, be harder to do. One suggestion I have is to, like I said about the previous habit, realise the limits of what you know and the way you going about things. And then just try something new. Another tip is to read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and especially look at the chapters about the Ego. If you stop identifying so much with your thoughts and your Ego, as Tolle prescribes, it becomes a whole a lot easier to let new ideas and thoughts come into your life. And to let go of old thoughts that aren't useful to you anymore. On the other hand I 'd like to add and counter-balance with these tips: don't get stuck in reading, in just taking in new information either or you might become a self-help junkie. Use the new information, put what you have learned in to action and try it out. 7. Constantly on information overload. With information overload I don't just mean that you read a lot. I pretty much mean an overload in all input. If you just let all information flow into your mind it will be hard to think clearly. It's just too much stimulation. A few more potential downsides to this habit are : - Some of the input you receive will be negative. The media and your surroundings often put a negative spin on things for various reasons. If you aren? t selective in what input you want in your life then you'll be dragged into this negativity too. This affects how you think, feel and act. - It creates an urge to keep up with what's happening but there are always ten more things happening so you can't keep up. This makes life stressful. - It becomes hard to make decisions and take action if your mind is constantly bombarded with information or trying to sort through it all. Personally I find that if I get too much information it leads to a sort of paralysis. Not much get? s done. Or you get stuck in habit # 3 and keep busy, busy, busy at high speed with low priority activities. To be able to focus, think more clearly and take action it? s useful to be more selective in what you let into your mind. When you work shut out as much distractions as possible. Shut off the phone, internet and shut the door. It is strange how much you can get done when you aren? t interrupted every fifth minute or have the opportunity to procrastinate by checking your RSS-feeds or favourite websites. Now I? m not suggesting that you should stop reading all blogs or newspapers. But think about what you really want to read and what you read just read to fill your time. And have a look at other areas of input where the doors are wide-open. For instance, you don? t have to let in all the negative emotions from your surroundings. If everyone else are procrastinating or are anxiously keeping themselves busy by doing low-priority tasks at warp speed it? s easy to be influenced by that mood. If you have a door, then it might be good idea to shut it and focus on doing more important things. 

Artificial intelligence

 Force, female, professor of philosophy at Beijing Normal University. Master of Philosophy Department of Beijing University, mathematician Kurt G?del and Cantor is committed to academic research, the results of the academic community attention. Her monograph, )

Abstract: In this paper, people are always better than the computer, the human can become a slave to the machine, and the heart, brain, how the relationship between computers and other issues to discuss and explore Incomplete G?del theorem if the limit set the issue of artificial intelligence.


heart and brain computer G?del Incompleteness Theorem AI

1. Meadow Eighteenth math problem

Seoul Godel incompleteness theorem in 1900 in order to solve Hilbert's 20th century mathematics to solve one of the 23 mathematics results from the landmark, and after 100 years , chairman of the American Mathematical 曾任 Smale proposed the 21st century need to address the 24 mathematical problems, of which the first 18 question is: the limits of human intelligence and what the limits of artificial intelligence, and he notes that this issue G?del's Incompleteness Theorem and relevant.

This is the philosopher of mind and artificial intelligence experts and their opponents argue over half a century puzzle. It was aroused great interest, one reason is because this issue directly with the difference between body and soul, or the difference between brain and mind related to this ancient problem. In addition, a more important reason is probably, in the past few decades the great achievements of computer technology is the challenge of human intelligence, remarkable progress in artificial intelligence to bring a lot of delay worries and confusion (1972, , never thought twenty years later, that computer If the computer and the human brain has the same ability, the computer can do everything people can do, then people are just machines only, human existence would be no uniqueness. Therefore, from this perspective, in fact, people are asking Interestingly, in this debate Godel incompleteness theorem plays an important role. A group of mathematical background is difficult to resist the use of scientists and philosophers G?del Incompleteness Theorem demonstrated .

because G?del theorem tells us that elementary number theory in any form that contains the system, they are sure there is an undecidable proposition. With the Turing machine concept in the future, it is an equivalent proposition is that any theorem proving machines will miss at least a true mathematical proposition can not prove, mathematical truths can not be fully classified as a formal system of nature. This seems to indicate that the machine simulation of human intelligence that there must not go beyond a certain limit, or the computer will never be a man can do everything.

then, according to G?del's theorems can directly launch the conclusions of intelligence must be more than artificial intelligence? heart, brain, computer, G?del theorem of relationship between what? G?del this is how I evaluation? According to recent published manuscripts and G?del's part of the conversation with Wang Hao, perhaps, some experts think the number will exceed that G?del I think, just based on his Incompleteness Theorem enough to launch such a strong conclusion need to attach other assumptions.

from artificial intelligence program in the late 40s. according to the field of contemporary philosophy of mind the most famous representative of the U.S. Sale (JRSearle) artificial intelligence field,UGGs, in view of the distinction, the weak artificial intelligence point of view ,cheap UGG boots, the computer's main value lies in the heart and brain to provide useful tools for research, for example, it enables us to accurately use the more stringent approach to a variety of formal hypotheses, and procedures and make verification. And strong artificial intelligence point of view not only on the computer as a tool to study heart and brain, more extreme view that due process of the computer itself is in a state of mind, the computer program is given the right things can really understand and identify with other known state. Thus, a computer program to not only help us to verify psychological interpretation, on the contrary, the process itself is the psychological explanation. Strong supporters of artificial intelligence point of view in accordance with the position of spiritual activity during the implementation process with the same machine, but is engaged in some well-defined known as the The human brain, and simple computer only major difference is that the activities of the human brain has a greater complexity, or the performance of more advanced structures, and all the spiritual qualities of people, including thinking, emotion, intelligence, consciousness is but the brain implementation of the These views were once strongly criticized by many scientists, since the 90s even into the heart and brain was the same against the philosophers of the mind deep criticism. For example, Russell published his 1997 heart and brain computer problems to explore the

Sale Tongguo repeat the famous with human understanding of computer-related stories and to answer problems. In Searle view, understanding the computer and calculator understanding the car is no different, the computer compared with the human mind, the understanding is not only incomplete, it can be said is a completely blank. Of course, for Searle, it is important not to demonstrate The machine is a function of a physical system, or only from a computational point of view, the brain is a computer Computer program is purely defined in accordance with rules of grammar,bailey UGG boots, and syntax alone can not guarantee the intent of the heart and semantics of the presentation, the program runs only generated when the machine is running with the next step in the formal capacity, and only those who use computers and to computer interpretation of the input while some people have the intention of the output. Intentionality is the function of heart, the heart of nature must not be programmed, that is, the heart is not the nature of the algorithm. Therefore, to explore the heart - the brain - computer problems, should first clear

2. Algorithm Evolution of the concept of

30 years of this century, before the algorithm is only an intuitive concept, people intuitively understand the algorithm is a limited time, according to clearly defined rules of operation, finite steps in the exact results obtained during the mechanical steps, or can do it computable procedure. The most familiar classical algorithm is 300 BC Euclid's greatest common divisor of two numbers on the request of the Euclidean algorithm. Hilbert 1928 International Congress of Mathematicians in Bologna made a challenging decision problem: whether there is a general principle can be solved one after all (under some appropriate definition of the class) mathematical problems mechanical steps? Here the 1936, British mathematician Turing (AMTuring) through the introduction of

In fact, before 1934, in a speech at Princeton, according to Al Brown (Herbrand, J.) put forward the proposal G?del Since then, improved by Keli Ni incompleteness theorem as a by-product of a mathematical concept of a computable representation. U.S. logician before the Turing Church (A. Church) to solve the problem of Hilbert proposed decision Later there were some of Poland and American logician Post (E. Post) of the 1935 Church pointed out that the All algorithms are Turing machine computable functions computable function, In fact, it was discovered that . With the algorithm is the concept of

accurate representation, mathematicians soon proved that there is no general mathematical problem solving of all algorithms, the decision problem of Hilbert only negative solution! Since 1936, it proved that a large number of important specific decision problem is unsolvable (for example, determine the predicate calculus, determine the halting problem, semigroup on the word equivalence determination, Diophantine equations to determine the solvability, etc.). More importantly, it is the precise mathematical formulation of the concept of algorithm to make the modern sense of the computer can be generated.

said G?del to Princeton in 1934, these results are being circulated among the Princeton logician, but G?del has argued that only the first to clearly articulate a set of axioms, so that they can reflects the generally accepted computability or mechanical process on the basic characteristics of intuitive concepts, to find a precise definition of the concept of algorithm. 1934 discussions with the Church can do it,Bailey UGG boots, he talked about the nature of computability and recursion relations, but he did not guess the concept of including all recursive recursive, so do not consider themselves to introduce the concept of a general recursive function with intuitive concept of computability is equivalent to, he says, unless from the And G?del have long expressed doubts on the Church thesis, but then highly praised the concept of Turing machine, Turing machine that completely characterize the intuitive definition of the concept of computability. G?del was not aware of, can do both functions computability is equivalent to Turing computable function, is also equivalent to define the functions λ and his own concept of the general recursive functions. Today

3. Lucas and Penrose argument

argument about the relationship between heart and brain computer may be the earliest visible debate about people than machines Post superior conjecture. In 1921, the Post concluded: We can always prove a theorem that it can not prove. : man-machine complex. number of states is poor. This is because, if we recognize the state of mind that there are infinitely many of them will be due in some states 'arbitrarily close' and be confused. Turing's statement at that time was regarded as In 1950, Turing and the The The article implies a In this debate some of the opposition is more interested in philosophers and logicians to G?del's theorem is based on the argument against Turing. It is indeed difficult to resist

a strong temptation: from Godel's incompleteness theorem proof 1961, American philosopher Lucas (JohnLucas) in 36 volumes, Conclusion: a formal system, then you can find a card in the system is not the formula that make them undecidable propositions by G?del constructed to combat the kind of procedure, the machine can not put this formula is derived as theorems, but the people able to see it is true. So this machine is not an appropriate model of the heart. People always want to create a mechanical model of the heart, which in essence is a 'dead' model, while the heart is 'live', it is always more than any formal, rigid system of doing good. This is the famous Lucas argument.

Later, another American philosopher Whiteley (CHWhitely) 37 in the next volume ), Gillis (D. Gillies) and others.)

1979 Pulitzer Prize was awarded the American best-selling book Theorem in a unique way to link up with great visual impact and very dramatic to write the song heart and brain computer Intelligent solutions views.

1989, the British mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose) in that the rage, Lucas first argument has been expanded, and a lot of ink trying to G?del's theorem, direct proof, The Penrose is a strong argument: According to G?del's theorem things, determine the mathematical truth of human processes is beyond any algorithm. This is because consciousness is the truth which we understand the mathematical key to this awareness through intuitive insight that we can This awareness can not be formalized, it must be a non-algorithm. Therefore, beyond the human mind can never be a computer, the computer artificial intelligence expert, but is a strong favorite pair of

Thursday, October 21, 2010

All changes are because the fire

 Not only on fire, the suspects also hit the train died, an accident, a life, has already given us a good Nanjing travel plans ruined. Everything was ready, and I have to lie Yang Shan and Fenger took leave of absence, saying that the unit organization's activities, not allowed to bring family members. His wife is even more inconvenient for the two, although they do not want my heart, lips, or agreed. Fenger is how all, the words ring true name is not correct anyway, competition is also no good, as long as children keep a good word on the line. Yang Shan would not be easy to deal with, one another grew up with soul mate, who is hiding what becomes sheer terror. Second, she is too fine, and almost a stick up my ass, he knows what I want to pull feces, my eyes and look a little change in her guess on. Finally be able to call on the next holiday, or once I have something half-way home, used to knock on the door, no one can open, thinking that no one at home that he personally opened the door with the key directly to get something. Just go out again, Yang Shan and their male colleagues, a unit came out from the bedroom. Yang Shan to the very calm and unconcerned, that man see me, eyes a bit scattered, talking incoherently:

> I said coldly:

Yang Shan ignoring my stubble was asked me: Shanshan finally throwing in the towel to the unit asked me to take the initiative, The Bronze Teeth really nothing to explain them, I reluctantly go home, back to his pledge: First, men are not allowed to take home. Second, the units are not allowed to do things to get home. Third, the working hours are not allowed to take people home for no reason, but the work on time to go home. I am not allowed to be considered to be three to hold the Yang Shan. Because the handle in my hands, Yang Shan is not hard to speak, and every time I looked carefully to see. I say with my wife, my girlfriend Mary on the activities of eye, and say we should follow. No way, I have no other choice. In fact, I and Mary really nothing, one co-workers, long and beautiful young people, voice and dance are dancing beautifully drawn I have received to help her, someone joked that Mary is my Pong home. Each employee holiday dinner, I used to toast, a lot of people are booing: my arm around the man to stir. Had no choice but to make a drink, and this program, Shan Yang, got married and I have not played. One to two to go, Mary seems to say we also recognized, and I am particularly close. I am the tongue but not hands, because it is a joke. Mary told to go to Nanjing, like a baby that had never been out in Beijing, asked me to take her. I deliberately teased her:

sets. you? jumping run away. But this fire and life came out, I'm busy bruised and battered, with great difficulty the Trustee had bought the tickets for May dropped out. After Mary heard, went to my office crying red eyes, just do not go. Travel the Zhuzong over running the business, see this, take the opportunity to give me sets. in two operations, flew to Yunnan, his wife and Fenger thought I was going to do in Nanjing.

to the airport the day, Mary had long been waiting for me to the agreed place, almost 5 minutes a call, always ask me where I knew she was excited. After we met, sat in the car, Mary's excitement kept on not the past, the fragrance of the mouth directed at my face a Jinmeng spray.

What are saying, I could not even get the chance to speak at all. Takeoff, the plane required off the phone, and outside we seemed to be out of touch, his hand suddenly grasped my hand tightly clutched, like holding a straw, for fear I ran the same.

plane left Beijing in the high-altitude flying in the clouds on the smooth. She insisted to the window to see clouds, I Haoshuodaishuo, and sent to the people knelt down before her change to a window seat. He sat there, like a child, one would look out the window, now go back and talk to me, it is so, two hours and forty minutes later, when we re-open the phone, we have been more than three thousand kilometers away from Beijing strange Kunming. In addition to the street where similar buildings, and the language has been greatly different, especially the local men to speak, how to listen to it like a duck call. Here trees, lush plants, flowers blooming all over, the only difference is that we should not think that the Spring City low temperatures, perhaps we can put the sun in the clouds to see shame, and the plane not see the sun, cloudy weather with light rain little can be intermittent, the weather is very cold cream, cold in winter than in Beijing, this is not the cold air, but air-conditioned with a Unit drilled into the bone, make you feel so cold. I wanted to fight the tour group, there are always single women or men, they can blame, they gathered one of our group are cooperatives, no gifts that, only I and Mary, and both are of a place. Asked the tour guide did not even ask, give arranged in a room, and I just took the keys and guides to negotiate, Mary pull me:

23 years old, not only did not get married, even the boyfriend did not, now that said so, pull my mouth why family thing with it. Fortunately, tight itinerary, the hotel is to sleep, to sleep it wants to play tired. Who knows Mary is really tired and came back dressed in a bath towel drilling Pi Woer sleep. I watched TV while also on the own bed. I have just one light on, and heard Mary began sleeping in the bed came the laughter. I asked her how, she said:

So, I went to Mary's bed. And Mary is sufficient reason and my hand just one side and her breasts big, listen to her tone, it seems that it is preordained. On to this plateau region, the moment I seem to lack the brain of oxygen, a blank, only the front, only Mary, not to mention in this unfamiliar place, just me and Mary became a family, I was helping Mary warm body at the same time, Mary also helped me, and Yang Shan and Fenger, seems to have been in the clouds below, during this time was I forgot, another layer in the backup.

high altitude is probably so, people got amnesia, not only do not remember the former things, the immediate thing that can be easily forgotten. The day, I do not know what my eyes see, the foot went where, but mechanically those not familiar with the camera click, stone and landscape, and is thinking of Mary, was leaving for his arm to walk, just like lovers and couples the same. Curiously enough, in light of the low clouds that day where everything is natural, as if a cloud and another cloud together, does not make sense, but sometimes thunder and lightning in the rain, and sometimes overtake each other in chasing each other. Mary I, too, is out of tourism, in addition to a guided tour to go, or in accordance with the provisions of schedule guide action, there is no other choice, nothing to remember, there is no impression that the car, to the tourist shops , took the scenic spots, ticket, and we remember with the most clear is the hold to sleep at night. Everything else is not important, as if we are not to travel, but to honeymoon, and even Mary thought so, too, from my heart think so.

night sleep is just something during the day or to swim, swim in the good or bad trip worth mentioning, not arrangement, only in the mood. To eight hundred in Dianchi Lake in Kunming, the city hidden in the edge of the sun, or a flat stone forest suddenly grow, so that our honeymoon adding innumerable fun. We live together with the romantic hotel, just the same as arranged. Although I have Yang Shan and Fenger two women, two children, can be, and Mary together, or different. Said his wife as concubine, concubine as prostitution, prostitution as stolen, this sneaky feeling that seems to make most men feel the mood. Only for sightseeing, scenery became a supporting role, opposite me and Mary became the protagonist of this story. The story has begun, the final outcome is not important, even if important, you can not control. Many is the way things always change in some of chance events, by some unexpected events Hengdao.

I am this person have a temper, no matter what, we must make what they were, out of a range of children to play. And my lucky number three, as with Mary, even the women are total to three, everything is so casual, not help you do not believe. I have just this year is another year of nodes, I really do not know what will change, perhaps, and Mary combined, is the reincarnation of this year. I did martial arts like these, just want to play something special, and remember one of my writer friend wrote her country's Lugu Lake, where the Mosuo people do not marry men and women are not married take the marriage customs, is unique to the proposal and Mary with the killing in the past. I asked tour guide, said that from can also go to Lijiang, Yunnan, Lijiang ancient city known as the plateau and Suzhou, a lot of flavor, so we left the tour alone and that a good time to return the car to Lijiang moving. On the plateau road, driving cars like a cloud,Bailey UGG boots, always in the air through, clouds at your feet, or gathered near the col, a great feeling of a Dwelling Place. And the clouds, as if the hand can touch all the clouds like sheep as the grasslands, as if someone stocking. After dark, the car and the moon, the stars with the game. We wake up, has come to Lijiang, you can still dark, people look at car, felt a cold wind blows, let me make a chill shock Lingling, small Lisuo of quickly ran back to the car, whining cold, I hugged her waiting for dawn.

things in front of people is often the temptation to be obscured by the immediate interests, I also like ordinary mortals, is no exception. At daybreak,UGG boots cheap, I have into the street accessibility, River intertwined, lush flowers, fancy dress who shuttle the Old Town of Lijiang. Standing ancient city of Square, one can see the protector of the ancient city of Lijiang - Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, there is a feeling of deja vu, like I used to dream, dream about this scenario. Others around, just still cloudy, how to look for a real body emerged, certainly to the big names in Lijiang. My dragon is a dragon, a hearing on the Yulong Snow Mountain to the spirit, I think maybe we have a common ancestry. Originally wanted to pass Lijiang, a meal and left, but now I changed my mind, we pay homage to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dragon this nature. We are up to 4,500 meters of the glaciers, mountains stand, standing above the clouds, shouting:

Yulong - the Yulong -

voice carries far, while clouds to gather around me, still waving triumphantly to the sky to float the snow. Listen to me because the dragon was on the Yulong Snow Mountain, peer told me that in addition to the Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang, there is the ancient city south and the north of the White Horse Dragon and Black Dragon Pool, which is located in Xiangshan the side of the Black Dragon Pool, Lijiang water source within the ancient city of three rivers, but also former residents of Old Town of Lijiang three spring Kap Shui exports, three springs are three highly respected old guard the Dongba Scriptures, Black Dragon Pool crystal clear, the fish inside the game itself, are not allowed fishing. Longtan is ancient white water exports, the guardian of a temple on the Lion Temple incense of a very prosperous. Longtan for this black and white to me and Mary in Lijiang and linger for two days, strange, Wherever he went, I seemed very familiar, as if to have the same, and sometimes see the long shadow as mortal, sometimes into the cloud Jade Dragon, Black Dragon, sometimes the water, or drifting across the mountains of the dragon, to the hand, Lugu Lake's interest diluted.

back from Lugu Lake, Mary and I go closer, almost two or three days will gather again. Sometimes Mary rent a good hotel, I used to be intimate with her, we seem a little separated, and the thought of these, I do not know how to end this Love. It finally came out of hand, the day Mary called me anxious, saying it was not his own period, the fear is pregnant. I know there will come a day, and had begged her to send their children out to do, tell her no results. Mary bent may want this child, said that the two of us love the show over his mouth holding my neck, burst into tears. No way, they can not marry her, we still a unit, that can hide live. For a long time to do her job, still in the hospital care of the people to help her, but he checked, not only did people do, but also excited to tell me that is pregnant with twins, holding my neck and said this must be children, or themselves with their children die. Sure enough, my three-year cycle is forced out. I think from different angles, that is, can not have both fish and bear's paw, not down, you can not go out, let alone on a ridge in the three years, we must have a choice. I put my thoughts and Mary said, Mary began to think of losing his job does not matter to her, I was finally complete on the cause, she would rather a person with a child's life. She is to say that made me a firm belief, leaving current job, or even leave the city, you can leave the can go?

Riyousuosi, night had a dream, but also incidentally, I had a dream, the dream of a silver shaped like a vulva snow-capped mountains, the peak of the clouds into a white dragon, down from the sky, carrying the beginning said to me: You are the sky dragon, you should walk in the sky, the clouds where you have your Dragon, with your wealth and people, where you are the only king. And that the gray background of countless houses, looked very familiar. I listen to the clear, a bare, the sky is already bright. Lying in bed, I will certainly be to think a long time before thinking is like Lijiang. Yes, go to Lijiang, Lijiang, not to mention I also met two friends, and good people take care of. Such a decision, I decided to quietly Mary evaporation from the city, in the disappearance of the familiar crowd, and we quietly prepared and waiting. In Beijing in just the first snow of winter, we left Beijing, and our Beijing, has been a sudden snow, and no trace of us, even the footprints have been quietly buried. Moreover, the benefits of the aircraft is to allow you to quickly disappear, and disappear without a trace, leaving no trace. In order to avoid traces of air tickets, we fly to Guangzhou, and then via train to Lijiang.

me and Mary to live in the Black Dragon Pool Lijiang side, select the one back here, Black Dragon Pool and Elephant. A local told me, spring is very spiritual Xiangshan, special events will be met without water stop. That year 1976, the latest, spring break all the springs are dried up, the whole dam house is off the water, deep wells or playing only solve the problem. Second, you can see every day the Yulong Snow Mountain, Jade Dragon guarding the ever-changing, daily look at the top of the earliest and latest snow-capped mountains of the sun, as if the world is always full of happiness. More importantly,cheap UGG boots, we have trees in front of Magnolia trees, flowering started in mid-January, after the Spring Festival in full bloom one after another, plus a roadside spring bloom, so I do not think the weather like spring, but the person's state of mind year-round spring. Mary every day and I live in this beautiful, drinking spring water Black Dragon Pool and enjoy the beauty of the Dragon, leisure tends to write a few verses, made in the press pastime. Perhaps the dragon to hit the dragon. Black Dragon Pool, I met a painted dragon on friends, the conversation was that he also is a dragon, I have an older, painted dragon painted twenty-five years have also created a kind of painting did not bone through the cage Long techniques. We are a very speculative to talk about, he also intended to be used for the two months I drew a pair of ninety Kowloon map. Point of water by the grace of person, when the springs Xiangbao, not to mention I was born with a planning material, and even Masters also admire those who planned the five body cast, not to mention the dragon culture. I spent a number of network resources in Beijing to Lijiang, in the name of the dragon to send picture transmission in Yunnan, Shanghai, Beijing, Russia, and France as he has done exhibitions. Therefore he became famous dragon paintings, was included in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leaders of the overseas country gift, back to Lijiang Administrative Region of the main wall painted a huge map, Kowloon. Argument with a friend, I was the head of the dragon in Kowloon, I also look into Lijiang Reds.

there may be a successful big chance, but with a considerable reputation and influence, I again Lijiang, a folk music group to the foreign national, organized a series of domestic tour, the mountain The Civic Orchestra of temporary fame, but also arranged a meeting with state leaders, the leadership in each meeting in Lijiang, and I have the list of half a day, ask a half-day content of the speech. Lijiang thing as I had done, there's something Beijing is my arrangement. This time I was in Lijiang government's Beijing office, something came to me, the important activities of the Government are also looking for me to accompany dinner. At their request, in order to enhance the visibility of Lijiang, Lijiang, I declare success through the relationship to help the world cultural heritage. To build the cultural connotation of Lijiang, Lijiang government has to help me a package of non-arm people with disabilities calligraphy for his calligraphy, he organized the exhibition at home and abroad, he also recommended the operation as China's top ten outstanding young people. Lijiang for the Beijing Olympic Games as the Olympic torch to pass to, so little attention at home and abroad in Lijiang city look into. These people, who I just want to eat it as their job, the other is free to play, drink. But I see no reason the Yulong Snow Mountain is Luancai stealing the gold, the temporary gas, however, wrote a report. Also according to the resources and location of Lijiang characteristics, demonstrates the military-strategic position of Lijiang was sent out, no other meaning, that is something for it to play, after all, is the home country, even if I can not control, can not stand idly by. Mary said I was nothing good.

things to me is life, nothing in it really makes me depressed. I have a principle of doing things is just to do, to do a clear conscience, asking nothing in return. But this is only to do things, and I am more interested in, or Yangtze River First Bay. I am a liberal arts school on the integration of regional geography and history very interested in school to transfer to the Yellow River turns south east of Xi'an node been known, that the water in Xi'an is located in voicing Jingwei land, is thirteen dynasty's capital, but also the Western Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang dynasties such as the capital of China's prime location. Even if the uprising of the peasants in the region volunteers to the late Qin, Huang Chao Uprising, Yijun Li Zicheng ultimately successful, but failed to control the power. Even if the modern is also the business more than ten years in the south, the Long March was ushered to turn this region, thereby keeping a low profile realized with the replacement of those in power, and ultimately to power. In the Buddhist sutras, the Political move on, take the Buddhist world governance. To maintain long-term stability, respect for farming and seeking common ground to dominate the world, educate people with artistic spirit. The Lijiang is also a reversal in the north east of the Jinsha River Nanliu, the area has a similar black and white dihydrate, are in possession of a strong ethnic white, in order to survive as the first. Chieftain Road after the Confucian culture here as the edge of Confucius can reach the farthest place, but also borders the edge of the Kingdom of Shambhala. Kublai Khan is originally from crossing the river, conquered southern barbarian, surrounded by the Southern Song to complete, then the full amount of the world. Even if the Red Army is on the Jiangbei ever after. Here on the survival of the Yulong gold, silver and treasure spent in Malaysia had enough food and clothing. Perhaps this is another of Xi'an, Xi'an, the South, but it indicates what I came here why.

in a different season, I've been to the big turning of the times, especially like the town of Shek Kwu cultural atmosphere, beautiful scenery, rich resources and great beauty of the small south. The river valley to see flat, open valley, terraced layers, spring, pink peach, Shakes the Barley turned Pitt, rape pan gold. Every fall, fragrant rice, fruits garden, tile homes exist side by side with the villages. Liulin, such as with lush riverside, tree straight and dense canopy may cover, tree beach, made it very cool, the fishing boat to and from Green River above the net to throw at, Kim splash, Chi Mei view. Standing on the hillside overlooking the monastery is surrounded, but see the setting sun at its brightest, the river Jin Guangyao eyes, very colorful, bright golden yellow mapping have four mountains, and even I myself being enveloped in golden light. Suddenly a group of children came to see, who is also dressed in golden light, toward the direction of the sun, walked neatly singing: Shiren on the Shek Kwu, gold and silver should never veranda, who can guess broken, buy Lijiang Prefecture . Children smelled it, hanging in a piece such as the clouds on the Pegasus. That one white for a cloud, he is a Long Yun, overwhelming coming towards me. To my front, I suddenly saw the ancestor of Kublai Khan,UGG bailey button, came to me, said: cloud, with Kublai Khan flew to the Sky, flying high.

the third year I went to Lijiang, Lijiang has become the propaganda minister. I went to Lijiang in the second year, became the mayor of Lijiang. I went to Lijiang in the third year, became vice governor of Yunnan Province. I went to Lijiang in the fourth year, was transferred to the State Development and Reform Commission vice-ministerial level on the deputy director. When I returned to Beijing, already have two children and two women. Yang Shan asked me all these years to the mountains to do? I said I was in your sky, the clouds are my stocking, lest you think I am, I arrived on a whip to cloud your head, so you can see me rise, Yang Shan laughed. I told Fenger, your children and rain dew of heaven, my tears, you see snow, I fly to you, Fenger also laughed.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Although not fully consistent with the national situation

 But there are a lot of reference value.

always wanted to write such a post with the other posts are answered many times in some of the problems, so they feel too lazy to write. But the recent discovery, writing this post is is necessary to know the friends, cats of friends, receive, buy the Cat note before the need to think about, edition have a lot of posts, many people have seen, but they do not have a how to find, buy cat system description and standards, has become the starting point of many cups occurred. Lead to the cat, too young, ill health, spent the money purebred cats, but bought a Hope you read this post, and then find your favorite baby, they can avoid the mistakes we have.

First, like the kitten friends, how can adopt kitten home?

My answer is, at least 8 weeks or more, recommended more than 12 weeks. (Many, many people find people that they will take home too young cats, and even cried themselves to 4-week-old kitten, that the smaller the better, closer look at why you are wrong)
< br> There are two main reasons: First, immune problems: Kittens 8 weeks old, brought immunity from the mother disappears, you need the first injection of vaccine, the vaccine will take effect from 4 to 7 days. Therefore, the safety kitten away from home the first time, in fact, after one week after vaccination. Why regular breeder never agreed to put the cat before 12 weeks of it? Because the vaccine the first year of the cat, not just the first needle, the most important is the second needle, that is, played three weeks after the first dose, they go to make up the consolidation of needle play. Kitten played only a week after the second dose can be said that official immunity success. In other words, if your cat, just a shot, did not play in the 3 weeks after the second dose, then the first dose did not mean to fight. Vaccinated again, we must start again, two injections. The price of two needles, the uk different in various regions, there are floating, but probably between 70 to 80 pounds. Therefore, some for cheap, casual look for a kitten to buy back, maybe you only 20 pounds, but the follow-up work, to spend more. Second, the behavior problems. Kittens 8 weeks ago, and the cat is the golden age of learning is an important process of behavior formation. This stage the cat has to learn not only how to use cat litter, but also learn many things that humans can not teach. Things such as the treatment of the reaction, attack, hunt, play, what to do and what not to do (many of my friends feel that cats will use cat litter, that is, learning has become to be away from home, and wrong) with cat litter is the nature of cats, cat will teach, but also do not teach your cat will gradually learn. ) 12 weeks ago both my mother and brothers and sisters and the cat with the cat, and then hold home to raise, and 8 weeks prior to the home of the cat, there will be very different. Many cats like to attack humans, bite not arrest people without light weight, it is likely that an early age to leave home early, no mother cat to teach, but also due to play with no brothers. The reason is simple. He did not bite it off, have not been reprimanded over cat mother, and brother did not chase the experience, how can control the priorities of the human it?

Second, keep a good kitten or cat develop good?

every man according to your circumstances. I would say that the cat's age, and family level does not matter. Unlike other animals, more dogs, your childhood support, and to love the most. Because cats and humans, there is no master-servant relationship, a partner at best, more the case that human beings are slaves of the cat, hehe. Therefore, the relationship between people and cats, and cat's age has little to do, the main character is a cat, and human and cat how to build a trusting relationship. Kittens raised from childhood, as long as the owner the wrong way, it still may not be relatives. The adult cat, through a certain patience, time, slowly build a good relationship, they are also cute as can be as little human intimacy. Specifically refer to the Ruled out, kittens and cats are not pro-family factors.

me first say a few, select kitten started to raise the appropriate people: want to keep a cat milk, you need is enough knowledge, experience, time, energy and money. Kitten is very cute, do not keep too many cats who have said, I hope the cat is just like a kitten, so cute. But people who had owned a cat milk should have the same experience, Good sense of accomplishment. First of all, they are small, so they are very fragile, a little bit of small human errors to be fatal wounds. Before raising a kitten, you must do enough research, to master knowledge, say hello to the cat mother experienced (experience does not equal right, so to establish the basis of scientific knowledge. Not one that I keep a cat cat eat cabbage, you go to feed cabbage. cats are carnivores, this is the most basic common sense.) In addition, the kitten in the 3-6 month period, is an important period of physical growth, requires a lot of nutrition, and exercise. But the kitten's stomach and small, so it is necessary to implement the feeding Eat small meals often. 3 months of the cats, suggested one day feeding at 5 or 6 times, 3 months to 6 months between the cat, one day at least 4 times, 6 months to 12 months, 3 times. 1 years of age, morning and night on it. Besides the problem of activity the following kittens. For the cat, everything Everything is new, they need a lot of time to explore, discover, running, jumping, sleep. So if you take a long time to work, then you are not suitable for a kitten. Because when you arrive home, it does not know what will be waiting for you, maybe snapped wires, electric dead cat corpse (sorry), perhaps the floor of the garbage,Bailey UGG boots, maybe you can not find Where is your cat, maybe it is when you do not have slept at home, when you need rest, the spirit of times the will not let you rest. Also, how do you ensure that at least 4 to 6 times a day feeding it? As to why you need money, think about the damage to your cat now, think about your cat was injured, vet bills it to you, think of cat food than baby into a little bit of cat food also Xuhui Gui, but you still need to cat some chicken to cook, nutritional supplements. So, if you are rich, but do not work, or freelance, a lot of time and experience, then you are suitable for a kitten.

Some would say, you say, the raising of kittens terrible,UGG bailey button, why do some people want to keep, where the benefits? Benefits in the first, kittens are cute, can meet the people's vanity and aesthetics. Second, the cat's body from childhood lay the foundation for the future with too much to worry about its health problems, as long as they have enough knowledge. Third, the early behavior cat training is good, as long as they have enough knowledge. Fourth, you will be more dependent on the cat. (Note, not the cat depend on you) every step of the growth of the cat have your hard work and watch it grow, is a sense of accomplishment, you will order it to change, for it fascinating.

for people to develop the cat: office workers, the total is not at home. Well, the link to your home every few days is not really back, then you care nothing for. Most do not understand some stars, not 10 months a year at home, but also shocked to mention their own a pet out to dazzle, do not know who this is another pet care. However, if you are office workers every day from nine to five, or is not required to work overtime, out of a difference. Then the adult cat, is your best choice. Adult cats, have been stereotyped character behavior. Normal adult cat, can take care of yourself. manage their own food and drink, Laniao, entertain. In your home, Mei Mei will give you a hug, rubbing your legs around the curved, cooing to enjoy your arms. You have to do is to put away its cat food every day, water, cleaning at least once a day, the cat toilet, home, play for 15 minutes to accompany it, and then you can not interfere with each other. With luck, you will accompany a warm sleeping cat. Travel, then, do not worry, according to the cat's personality may be, as long as 3 to 5 days and two-bedroom home there is enough water, and cat litter, cat is to take care of themselves. Really do not worry, you can make friends and seek a change of the litter, consider the situation. Is no need to keep other animals like, worry about a lot. (Only adult cat, kitten must be someone watching)

Third,UGG boots, keep good male cats or female cats are far better

my personal experience and the communication between Most of the male cats are more loved ones, kind, honest. The comparison of the relative cat personality, a number of independent and active. This concept may subvert some of the human male and female animals, the gratitude of the judge, that the public is naughty, the mother is gentle. In the cat world, is difficult to say ~ in fact, male cats cat is not important, it is important that you and which is only fate. Female cats neutered male cats so if you do not, will be irritable, aggressive (see my knowledge of science posted on sterilization, under the link) In other words, if you had enough knowledge to know scientific feeding, to create a good cat living environment, what kind of cat is a good choice.

Fourth, a cat, or cats, or cats

this is a common problem. My advice is, you do not know the cat to keep a bar first. Cats are not social animals, they in fact do not need partners, many cats enjoy their own lives are, so you can easily see that some adoption ad says, it just can be the only cat. A cat problem, better than the two to resolve. A cat's need to spend energy and time and money, as long as a lot less than two. If he did not raise a cat, then cat before and was not prepared. Then a cat it. Well, first raised, again consider the second only.

If you already keep a cat, or to learn enough knowledge about the cats, including physical and psychological, and you just see a pair of inseparable brothers grew up or sisters, or brothers and sisters, then do not separate them, and with a wonderful reflection of domesticated it. There will be multiple enough fun waiting for you. Perhaps then, you will be lonely, because as long as two cats to eat, no have time for you. (A joke, ha), of course, two cats, neutering the more more important, you do not want two male cats fighting, spraying urine, enclosure, the occurrence of Han Chinese brothers and sisters pet it.

cats, have the ideas, want to keep three or more people. I strongly recommend, first think about their own pockets enough drums. Three cats food, can not guarantee quality. Three cats in space, can not guarantee that a cat house, three cats injections annual costs, accident costs. Three cats, enough of you want a lot.

Fifth, purebred cats, or cats

each have their own good. Purebred cats like people, nothing less than the first, like their appearance. Second, their character, the third, a status symbol (some people only.) I belong to the second. Cats do, smart, cute, easy to get, health and longevity. Purebred cat's genetic disease, is that many people overlook. Such as the Department of Persian cats, likely to have polycystic kidney disease. The Fold cat, must have a certain bone diseases. I focus on the issue emphasize Fold. Should find a lot of friends, the British hard to find the ears off, even if the overall Fold Scottish Fold. Why? Fold powerful is because of genetic diseases, has been found in humans. Is the Fold cat is sick cats, this is already the conclusion of the. Fold the tragic disease, pain, has been more and more well-known cat lovers. Therefore, the cat refused to discount the ear, there is no trading, no damage.

the sixth, which is the key issue, where to find this

several ways. 1, 2, online trading sites, sites dedicated pet trade, pet shops 3, purebred cat breeder. 4, Pet Adoption Center

speak one by one. The first one, do not fly more than 90% rate. Generally get sick cats, the cat was too young, or even get money taken in by friends, mostly through the first medium. The reason is simple, its not professional, but also the place to find such a non-professional, selling nothing more than the cat some of the local residents to the sterilization of cats at home, but also stroll around, have a cat that is cumbersome, eyes open, and to hurry to find someone to sell, to earn extra money is good. This mentality of the people out of the cats, mostly young, unfortunately, covered with cat diseases. Because the master is at home to no knowledge, nor how care. Environment in the absence of love was born and raised in the cat, very sad really poor. (Some love the transition might say, as so poor, we bought, not that saved them. I want to say, put away your love, for that is because someone bought this cat, this cat would have been sold . there is no market, then there will be no sale, there would be no such damage. cat can sell, they will allow their cats to the students, the poor cat to continue, ignorant people to continue to the last file)

second, do not fly 50%. Have to say, these media where there are people who understand cats cat. For example pet4home website, if you have the knowledge and experience, careful look, but also be able to pick a good breeder. Pet dogs and cats, general health or guaranteed. However, there do not fly 50% of the volume. Some people like to drill the loopholes, that these places may seem professional and well deceive. pet4home your dog to have a great scandal. I know a lot to buy the pets at home, have a good body of information can help, you can also buy a small pet. And pet shops, the general is to give you some breeder information. Japan does not like the UK and China, will not buy cats and dogs came in a cage. So every time I see some students asked, here there are no pet cats and dogs can get ah? Really want to say, in fact, is ranked dogs and cats in cages, is very uncomfortable and inhumane. Convenient for people watching, cute, landscape, but the animals?

third, 25% do not fly. Some people say, breeder is breeding purebred cats, and how, or do not fly. Friends, breeder also has black ~ less than 12 weeks, the vaccine did not play the whole to put the cat, I know not only 1,2. So what really good breeder is like? I want to say is, good! Not regular! Good breeder, really care about their cats, so the vaccine did not play all, or even before entry into force, it will not let you touch the cat. That is, if you find the breeder, in the 8 weeks prior to holding the cat let you play, you can know that she is not the Good breeder, pay attention to the cat's nutrition, the environment, the growth process. If you find the breeder, but then feed the cat wishkas, fliex kind of cat food, then she is not the Good breeder, not breach of contract, not to the time the provisional said the cat left me, not sold, to you the other instead. Then, do not promise instead, the money to come back, then look elsewhere. Good breeder, the cat will lead you, give you a lot of notes, to tell you this cat's personality considerations. In the cat home, will contact you, ask your cat's case, it is only to settle down.

tell you, people should choose a cat how to do. Not to say that you find breeder, you saw the photos on the Internet, the cat you are settled. We must go in person! ! Time yet. Growing cat, more than 6 weeks, to allow you to see the cat, but will not let you touch. 9 weeks after the first dose of vaccine, you can try to cuddle kittens. Only to 13 weeks, you can go to receive the cat, but also to look at, and then lead. See the cat, not simply look at it from time to cute, is pretty. See, is to see the cat's health, the growth of the cat, cats, and you have no margin. As for how to look unhealthy and healthy kittens at night a lot of data, need to check are the eyes, nose, teeth, limbs, hair, anus, under the concrete at your own google. I want to say is that many of my friends, pick a sick cat, unhealthy cat, ? Because they see the cat, totally did not see the point. Be I'm not exaggerating, because they are the same. Cat is really a kind of magic, you see it, forgot everything, and would like to ask, will forget to check clean. so, we must be alert to this problem. Control his little sentiment, breeder home, the cat checked good, is very, very important thing. Once you pay to the cat taken away, then what happened, people can write a clean. Case I, my first cat, gumtree on the find, when you watch it, can not see anything, and to see this cat is so cute. A home only to find something wrong, who are jumping show, eye mucus, nose a lot. The next day went to the vet and spent more than 100 pounds, confirmed that the cat had flu. Case II, a friend's house cat, Persia, goods relative to not say, take home to find that the cat had peritonitis, a fatal disease. Then go to breeder, people did not recognize. Peritonitis had such a small cat, in addition to transmission from the mother, almost no other way out. Friends even know this, but also can not say anything, only to see the doctor himself. Fortunately, big cats life, spent thousands of pounds of seven thousand seven hundred eighty-eight rule, but another attack is possible at any time, raised to be quiet hearts, and do not let the cat angry. Case III, a friend set the cat, taking cats, breeder said, I do not sell the cat, and that money back right, drag the 2 months has not returned. Last breeder said, I give you another bar,UGG shoes, have been neutered, and very worry the cat, and you give me a sterilization fee. The results in cats when the time to check the body, was vet found that sterilization did not have ... ...

said so, I have not mentioned the issue of certificates purebred cats. Because I am speaking, more objectionable to the cat to give lessons. Why you say this cat lover products. Cat product phase is not good. These are the human race, and the cat is not fair. So, I want is a perfectly healthy cat, pretty much everyone said too much of a cat. However, if you spend ? 300 to buy one on a cat, but did not get any certificate, I am sure that your breeder, not the

fourth, do not fly rate of 5%. Some people say, adoption agencies also do not fly it? Personal point of view, rscpa cat, really no other good adoption agency. Uk for rscpa is the official animal rescue organizations, so the money to build more cat games, cat homes, one by one keep the cat in a cage. And other institutions, many volunteers keep at home. Captive cats, and domesticated cats, we can imagine the difference. Personality, behavior, and level of understanding of the cat, there will be different. When a person chosen to adopt a cat, then it is important thing is to understand that the cat is not the kind you need. Some cats are family members, but also pro-animal, but some people have had bad experiences, can only do home alone cat. Some cats for indoor, some suitable for outdoor, these things are all adoption agencies need to adopt in the bird before you decide to tell you. Save you a long process of pondering the cat can be more intuitive to understand and choose their own pets. This is better than they buy a cat, wondering much better to go slowly. Another reason for this is not like rscpa a long time to send the cat does not go out, they'll gas out, euthanasia.

2 hours to write a, lz tired of, first write to you, do not know if anyone else sees, does not know how many typos. Let me make a change it later. Better words, and resolutely opposed to impulse buy! ! ! ! ! Cats and dogs are living creatures, not a plaything. Before leading them home, think well, you in the end can not be responsible for their life!

Monday, October 18, 2010


 Covered Zashu, SU only Cedar. The reason is the small, western slope of snow continue to branch, east slope of the cedar branches will bend, and shake off the snow and then rebound, the other trees have died without this feature. Tell us the truth: indeed, sometimes not yield bending and destruction, but to survive and develop better. This sentence gives us a lesson that: in the face of pressure and adversity, we must dare to fight, we must learn to give way to retreat and they can better survive and develop. Such as the Great Revival.

2, . An important condition to strain; timely The ultimate goal and the inevitable result.

3, large, the mad; Cedar has an indomitable spirit that, In short, the experience of cedar and the process of struggle and hard snow.

4, you know what natural mysteries: the mystery of dinosaur extinction

5, Language Practice 2 (Book 87)


After a child, another as suddenly understand something, said: qǔ) look, to make appropriate concessions, in order to rebound (tán dàn) opportunities.

1, to give the text a little to select the correct pronunciation of the word.

2, the text is the role played by a dash (),

A turning point in explanation B C Progressive

3, struggle, such as Zhe, Bai, privet and other Zashu,

4, read these two passages, what you think of idioms, sayings and proverbs. Please write a few words. (See notes usually)

X 5 hours

exercises to practice 5

1, recite idioms and meaning

dropping water and single-minded, can tell us to learn to concentrate and persevere. Time flies and fleeting, easy to describe the passage of time, learning to step up, not waste time; in learning to cultivate the good habit of thought; mistake to correct is the lost and found.

debate: whether the phrase should be used as ad

Square: I think that this change was very clever ad. ① like the this product, so do the ads use the phrase was a success! If I were advertising, I will naturally do it!

Cons: We can not agree with this approach. ① because although the change with idioms to really try to be different, but the effect is lost by the use of existing idioms and cultural connotations. This is too mercenary, right? ② now the whole community in promoting the word written specifications that standardize words. If the children just learning to read the phrase, the ad is on the original meaning of idioms, and when they took these

Six: Lyrical Lyric

18, Magnolia grandiflora

1, and leaves a unique taste, up to a table of Magnolia grandiflora of affection. Love the fragrance of the Magnolia grandiflora, and pure, love it even more vitality.

2, May and June is the season of blooming magnolia flowers. In the lush green foliage, the flowers are so clean and elegant. I can not describe it in words exactly petal color, say white bar, and seems to be a green light filters through; I can not describe it in words exactly the texture of the petals, it Yuzhuo ice it, it seems as pliable and elastic. In short, just by a few beautiful words can not summarize all of its meaning.

3, magnolia blossoms are already late, in the same tree, to see flowers in various forms. Some shy to be released, lovely fresh green buds. Some just bloom, a few small bees could not wait to drill into, and that the flower inside the oval about an inch long. Magnolia flowers in full bloom, white and soft like a baby's smile, sweet, pure, lovingly. Previously bustling Magnolia opened it wide, although the petals wither, the flower is still erect branches, it has grown into a nearly two inches long round stem. Round the stem above the small bead-like studded purple as small particles, which is pregnant with the seeds of new life. Well look, a number of Magnolia grandiflora is like a world living under one roof, going big family.


I can not describe in words exactly the color it white petals that it seems to have a green light can not penetrate out of my words that accurately describe the petals jade texture it (cut pecking) it seems like soft ice bar (either Ren) and flexible

1, cross out the incorrect word.

2, inside the box with punctuation.

3, these words and these two aspects of writing from Magnolia grandiflora petals.

4, Imitative.

XI class

1, Two poems that are asked of statement, by a man thing to express their aspirations and noble ideas sentiment.

2, Poetry is a form of ancient poetry. Asked the poet of statement with the method, by defying the stone, the poet is not colluding with the evil forces determined struggle against the thoughts and feelings in the end. Famous are: the whole body powder Gusui not afraid to stay clean in the world.

3, This is a poem on painting. Plum out of ink strokes by the color and elegant, not to praise other people only wish to leave a scent filled with contempt of heaven and earth to express the prevalent custom, indifferent to fame and fortune, chastity automorphic noble sentiment. Famous saying is: do not boast the color of people is good, only the flow of clear air over heaven and earth.

4, write the poem Plum: Plum (Song Wang) the number of branches corner Mei, Ling Han alone open. Remote know enough snow for a subtle fragrance to.

5, write a poem care of statement. Takeishi (Qing Zheng Xie) insist the Castle is not relaxed, rooted in the broken rock. Kennedy also hit thousands of grinding million strong, Seoul, East and West Wind

6, dictation

hammer million hit thousands of mountains, the fire burning if lightly. The whole body powder Gusui not afraid to stay clean in the world.

hammer hammer thousands

million hit if the earth lightly, if lightly

poem means:

7, dictation, sentence.

hammer million hit thousands of mountains, the fire burning if lightly. The whole body powder Gusui not afraid to stay clean in the world. I wash inkstone pool

tree marks the first light ink marks

clear air over heaven and earth praise poem


exercises to practice 6
1, learn the book Imitative sentences.

2, Exercise 6 people learn to use the proposed approach describes the characteristics of each season. Description collected in spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons of the idiom.

spring: spring flowers spring flowers and leaves bright colorful spring flowers summer

beauties of springtime: trees sun in the sky when the thunder and sweat the heat was hot and hot, pressing sweat Fall: The Story of Qiu cool autumn breeze fragrance seeds Aoshuang autumn leaves rather critical

sweep Winter: ice and snow,UGG boots clearance, cold, stormy cold of winter, snow Aoxue know cedar bucket Aoshuang Lingshuang Dishuichengbing

3, > 4, to add a little word phonetic: Oleander () Kim network computer () Yanshan () Swallow ()

class XII

Seven: Shien memorable

21, Maupassant Hayashi (writer business cards - Guy de Maupassant)

1, well-Flaubert. Flaubert, Maupassant's content is taught three times: 1, willing to endure hardship, keep practicing, 2, 3, careful observation, perseverance, to find something unique.

2, the text tells us that careful observation ①, ② find features, ③ good at writing, ④ The persistence is the only way to improve writing skills.

3, Maupassant is ___ ___ century, the famous writer. His representative works include He is considered His short story plot ideas ______, ______, ______, description depict humans or the world is reading ______。 state of ______,

4, Means __________________________________________



6, with the

Maupassant (really bent) thanks to Flaubert as a teacher. One day he wrote with his own article (sincere) Please guide Flaubert, Flaubert for his patience, (patient Xi Xin) guidance. Flaubert emphasized: Science Writing light (carefully) look closely enough, not written to discover the characteristics of others. Guy de Maupassant (concentrate) to listen, to be sure to remember the words of the teacher, then, he carefully observed and accumulated a lot of writing material, and the words to (carefully) filter, and finally wrote a lot of impact the world famous .

7, described the study seriously, hard idioms: tireless and sleepless nights Shoubushijuan cantilever Cigu preoccupied

described was worried all night idioms: fidgeting anxiously wait to describe it would be anxious to speak

idioms: endless flow of words uttered articulate Chengzhang glib


Flaubert taken seriously by few, his face a smile, said: These works show that you have progress. But The persistence of young people, talent is to insist on writing the results. characteristics and did not write that. If you want to describe a bonfire or a tree, we should try to find them and other fire, the other trees of different places. gave him great inspiration. Flaubert took a sip of coffee, then went on to say: should take the first kind of explanation.

① high prices; ② high evaluation; ③ is valuable in some circumstances; ④ position is superior.

2, the underlined phrase in mind are: industry, diligence and perseverance dropping water, and waste in the play think of sayings, aphorisms are: Taishan not let the soil, which gives it great; Hohai not the small flow, it can on its depth. --- Scott Qieer homes of, rotten wood does not break; persistence wears away the stone. - Xun short step, without which thousands of miles; no accumulation of small streams into a mighty torrent. - Zi's

3, How can that has a Removal of impetuosity, sense, constantly writing

4, during the writing of Flaubert Maupassant guidance of two sentences, let us know how important method of writing is necessary to careful observation, two others to find and did not find and did not write the characteristics of

5, that Flaubert would also give you a lot of Writing. Look closely at the school gate every morning to the school scene, seize the characteristics of writing a paragraph.

every morning, in front of large and small schools, there will be a variety of vehicles to send their children to school rush, and even cause traffic jam phenomenon. Considerable portion of these vehicles cars from Chery QQ to the Audi Mercedes-Benz, clearly show the care the children of these parents and even spoiled. In fact, the students own independent school, after school, is to exercise independence, a good way of social adaptation, but with modern living standards, the doting parents of children growing extent, it greatly limits the child's independence life skills. For children's healthy development, but also a relatively independent child living space bar!


? carriage under the scorching sun how to go? storm in the carriage is how to go? carriage uphill, how hard horse? car downhill, the coachman shouted what? his face is like? Here are some You can write clearly? You see, how could not write it any good?

1, which is Flaubert to Maupassant's nothing to write questions to answer. First, he claims to Maupassant's three And then used in conjunction nine questions, including his harsh as a teacher, more guidance is patience, patience.


3, read this passage, what inspired you?

A: As long as careful observation, you can find a lot of writing material.

thirteenth class

22, the ideal kite

1, teacher indomitable will and love of life and pursuit, expressing the author's memory of Liu and admiration.

2, Ideal kite carries on life and career of boundless love and pursuit.

3, this text of the tender ((who) fondly joke of Liu's three things Tuiji, writing on the blackboard, kite-flying.

4, talk about the text in the ellipses different uses. (see br> ②, if unfortunately he has left us ... ... no, he will not.

③, Liu, ah, you are where? I am deeply, deeply miss you to ... ...

5, please write a few words on the correct famous face of adversity:

6, why the round wooden meritorious?

log crutches because he not only supported body, propped up also Liu's optimism and confidence.

7, Liu's only one flying kites? Do you know what he fly?

flying - their own: to challenge themselves, beyond the self; ideal: relentless pursuit; happy: love life; belief: persistent

8, after-school exercise 2. (Book 119)

(a )

went to the spring.

infected with the green willow, enjoy floating in the spring pendulum, stretch his own waist. forsythia golden trumpet flowers held up toward the long days playing the songs of life. the blue sky, a kite is only played out in the same clouds, motivate the millions of people look up to sky, so that my heart flew up into the clouds.

1, this sentence the willow, forsythia take as to write, this is called rhetoric. you can read them feel that the natural features vibrant.

2, the first two sentences describing the scene is a busy pen? why? A: No free pen, vibrant natural features, on the following description of the life of Liu positive attitude played a good role in paving the way.


his kite long variety: There are simple The holding their own line of street, and to his children or students were holding the kite far. He cries, look white, black,cheap UGG boots, Xiaoyan stared flying in the wind circled. I used to stand beside him, watching his face. Yangchu his face that sweet smile, so I think he is not an old man, and is a teenager like me.

1, Liu legs have a disability, and why each spring drunkenly fly a kite?

because he loves his own life, life is full of confidence emotional sustenance in the kite. Also, > better performance on the life of Liu's optimism and relentless pursuit, he set an example for students, sowed the seeds out one ideal.

3, there are various types of kites, that is carefully Liu were prepared.

4, disabled). Challenge yourself.

6, Liu smile Liu as a Sky's the legend made man, smiled and said to us: Some people, due to the power of rejection is too great Goddess, fell to the ground was lost legs and arm wrestling. I was then she got rid of one leg. After each student's mind are thrown up an sour feelings, but also adds Liu respect.

(1) In this paper, a detailed description of the students describe, from sour smile → → Dear

(2) two paper wrote, funny, intimate classroom teachers and students beneath the laughter, because laughter student of Liu's funny.

(3) laugh, the students formed the heart of the sour feeling that this sour feelings, This is because students were Liu's strong, optimistic, funny, and students touched by intimacy.

fourteenth class

23, Confucius Spring Tour (with slightly modified)

1, >
2, the text, we recognize the learned, patience, teaching without, individualized, successful teacher Confucius, the great educator, met hearty and generous, kind-hearted, charitable Zi Lu, gentle, modest and calm the Yen Hui.

3, friendship, this sentence has a central role in deepening.

4, Confucius, name Qiu, styled Zhong Ni, late Spring and Autumn the State of Lu, the great educator in ancient China and the thinker, the founder of Confucianism. He political ideology advocated statement:

① sensitive and eager to learn, help in the field. ② silent and insight, learning without words, indefatigable.

③ people Proverb worries. ④ do not want to have the Do not impose on others.

6, from have ambition, good teaching of the true gentleman.

8, after-school exercise 3


sunny earth, Surabaya river pink Liulv, grass green, the spring breeze and beautiful sound of the piano as the accompaniment to the elegant arrival of spring. nature much like a great mother! vast earth is she big heart, lush forest is her long hair flowing, warm The sun is her bright eyes, his warm breeze whisper sweet ... ...

1, this period a total sentence. one written by a general nature, much like a great mother.

2, third sentence is a specific written, written from the ground and the air, the earth mother than for the great breadth of vision, compared with a forest of her hair, the sun bright eyes than for the mothers, slightly spring whisper sweet like a mother. These metaphors express the author heartily praise of nature and love.

3, the text ellipsis left readers endless aftertaste and rich imagination, you can then write a few sentence it? (see notes)

her; is her.

4, this paragraph are the use of rhetorical devices: metaphor, parallelism, wrote a beautiful view of Surabaya river. < br>
5, write the opposite of the following terms.

wide - (Sweet - (Bright - (thick - (


Yen Hui said, : creatures of the milk, it seems to have virtue. water without a certain shape, or square or long, flow will be down, rolls gently, it seems to have bonds of friendship. water through rocks, cutting stone walls, never afraid of color, it seems to have ambitions. everything into the water, will be able to clean up the dirt, it seems to good teaching of the ... ... Seen in this light, the water is real gentleman ah! commonplace in the water, the teacher can escape to see such a profound truth!

1, will add a full paragraph.

2, word exercises

①, meaning to write to the following the corresponding words: used to seeing not surprised. (

②, from the essay to find the two with br> interpreted as doing better in some ways;

③, write the following words synonyms.

meaningful - affection deep cleaned up - Washing gaze - gaze feeding - care < br>
3, the second paragraph of fragments around to write that sentence? water is really a gentleman ah!

4, Confucius to his disciples about the characteristics of the water, in fact, to the disciples We will the truth in life. this from Confucius on the water discussion, we can see that good teaching of Confucius was a teacher (from the text to find a fill in the word on the line).

5, Confucius mentioned water are ambitious, you think of the phrase is: the stone, about the water virtuous, you will naturally think of a slogan:, talked about water water flows downwards with the flow

6, second paragraph of the use of metaphors and anthropomorphic figures of speech, so that the benefits of writing: write vividly of the character of water, so that his disciples really feel the )

water, it seems; water, it seems;

9, write a story about Confucius: ■ perfect: to describe the extreme good, no defects. Confucius Qi, have the opportunity to enjoy the most beautiful music he believes [[Shao]]. claims that flavor. March do not know meat, originally described the case of Confucius's addictive. descendants to describe it but by poverty, really Guaizai.

associated with words and deeds of Confucius proverb: Do unto others Do not impose on others

10, Confucius wrote four sentences characteristic of water is the relationship between the parallel, is Parallelism. the last sentence in the article summed up the role play.

11, Confucius said, I would like to traveling, clothes out together with friends to enjoy, is to use broken, worn out, I will not care. friends should share bliss thing. Yen Hui thoughtful, leisurely to say: the Samaritans, have water, feeding beings, humane and calm modesty Yan Hui, as the water rolls gently.

4, Confucius had a saying, kind and generous people like Hill, wisdom, smart people like water.

24, bid farewell to his alma mater

1, recalled, to express his alma mater, teachers and students a sentimental attachment.

2, three elementary school alma mater, to express love of life.

3, , love, and praise.

4, beautiful soul, noble quality,UGG bailey button, 5, 7, I still clearly remember, six years ago, we cling to Mom and Dad, With a vision of the school, the teacher's admiration into the campus. green grass of the playground, tidy and quiet classrooms, innocent and naive students, affable teacher, ink fragrance exudes textbooks, everything was so moving. in the text with the following words to find words with similar meaning. longing () introduced () Dear ()

8 Six years have passed, we are here to grow strong and healthy, and we learned a lot of knowledge and skills, know how to behave, but also feel the joy of childhood and happiness.

9, please write a school teacher Zeng Yan:

__________________________________________________ __________________________。

10, request you to graduating students to write a Zengyan:

__________________________________________________ _________________________。

11, please write to the President a graduate Zengyan:

__________________________________________________ _________________________。

12, please write a graduate of his alma mater, Zeng Yan:

__________________________________________________ _________________________。


dear teachers, review the course of 6 years, every point of our achievements are embodied your blood and sweat for every point of our progress □ □ not do without your help and teaching in the classroom □ □ is your impart to us on a variety of meticulously □ is your knowledge, and we join Team □ □ Eagles holiday activities □ □ is your practice to guide our technology team on Sunday ran a small library using the invention □ □ □ worked hard day and night access to information □ Your forehead is covered with chalk dust, wrinkles □ □ have your hair dyed black hair □ However, no matter what the cause of education can not change your love and infatuation; no matter what you are sinking, never gonna change young and creative mind. teacher ah teacher, your own words and behavior set an example for us. In our eyes, you are an angel, you are the tree, you are the ocean.

1, with content of the text to explain the following words:

① black hair :_____________________

② meticulous :_____________________

2. The paper also used and metaphors and other rhetorical devices in a sentence.

3. Think of the text, what is omitted in the ellipsis? Please continue to write a few words.

your ,____________________________________

is your ,____________________________________

4. You will also graduate this moment, please write to the teacher you most want to say :________________


5, this text from

teachings - teachings condensation - condensation Dear - Dear Review - Looking back

7, fill in the appropriate box punctuation.

(b) < br>
six years of study and life, much like a colorful picture. Every morning, we stepped into the school gates facing the sun, quiet night on campus suddenly waves of laughter from us. morning exercises started We lined up to enter the playground, and that the actions tidy and supple figure, really sort of soldier's spirit too! bell rang, and we very quickly into the classroom, in the classroom, we listened to concentrate, read emotion , meeting was warm, like Keke seedlings, enjoy sucking Oasis put put stream.

fifteen minutes at noon to write, is a required course for every day, relaxing in the elegant sound of music , we have a painting of a Miao Hong Mingtie. from which a Chinese character, we feel the profound Chinese culture. interest groups twice a week extra-curricular activities, particularly by our welcome. one this time, we ran to their favorite world: some computer training, and some choir rehearsals, and some out painting, and some production samples.

six years later, we are here to grow strong and healthy, and we learned a lot skills, know how to behave, but also felt the joy and happiness of childhood. alma mater, alma mater, ah, these are the spiritual wealth you have given us, how can we forget!

1, the horizontal line to fill in the appropriate words.

2, to the following additional points of phonetic words.

picture () to give ()

3, according to look, write a brief paper described the other four picture:

queuing early in the morning exercises concentrate on their studies into the school extra-curricular activities

4, draw wavy lines reading the sentence, fill in the blank text content

exercise his alma mater to give us the (c)

1, in the classroom, we listened to concentrate, read emotional, meeting was warm, like Keke seedlings, enjoy sucking Oasis put put stream.

br> This sentence to be _________, _________ expressed than the alma mater of love and praise on the thoughts and feelings.

3, in this moment of parting, dear teachers, we have to give you a song, when you listen to in the rest of our voice; we want verses like fire plug in your pillow, so you can feel in his sleep, the heartbeat of our hot.

imitation wrote: In this hour of departure,Discount UGG boots, beloved teacher, I want to send you a poem called the
at this parting moment, dear teachers, I have to pray to God, let him smooth the wrinkles on your face, so get rid of your love for the white frost temples.

Imitative: In this farewell moment, dear teachers, I would like to take your rough and powerful that the big hand, I think that the grip, make our hearts closely linked to each other. ) Eagle induction (yòu xiù) people suck (shǔn yǔn) absorption picture (juǎn juàn) Bright windows (jī jǐ) net

DPRK (zhāo cháo) along the eve of reference (cēn cān) days of a tree

5, teachers in the world: the human soul hard gardener Spring Silkworms angels of human intelligence burning candles ... ...

6, teacher praise poem: spring silkworm silk square to the death to make the candle into