Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chinese people like to wholeheartedly engage in construction buried

 But it was not allowed, the first one is Japan. Hundred years, Japan has twice destroyed the history of China's economic development opportunities. A Sino, destroyed the Qing's Westernization Movement; a Policy after the Meiji Restoration in Japan is strong in China are not allowed, then add a Revolution: the reunification of China are not allowed. After two wars of aggression against China in Japan has a vendetta with the Chinese knot, and Sipilailian honestly would not apologize to the Chinese people to get the Chinese people for forgiveness. Japanese themselves are clear: once the powerful China, Japan, the only school Japanese apology issue. So the Japanese do everything possible to destroy China's rise to third-time opportunities. Some Chinese people just too busy making a fortune, did not see a new war against China,Discount UGG boots, the crisis is taking shape, do not see the Japanese third-time again. But this is at the head of those in Taiwan do not rely on the Japanese when the Japanese, who desperately want to be the next Japanese Said that Analysis of the Taiwan Strait crisis, the first analysis of who is the biggest beneficiaries of the crisis. Encouraging Taiwan's It will then launch the This is most consistent with Japan's interests. China is not facing reality, Taiwan Strait crisis is actually an agent of Japan off the hands of third-time Once the That is, once again, Forced by the situation, China has no choice, there is not the issue when the Japanese, the United States is hard to say. Japan's wishful thinking can work, look at how to fight the U.S. calculations. America's strategic goal is to maintain its world hegemony. If the United States involved in the Taiwan Strait conflict, China is fighting for the sovereignty of the United States is fighting for the hegemony. The issue of sovereignty is a question of life and death.

life and death battle is fought only at all costs; Hegemony is the matter of interests, is the business of war fighting, not at any cost. Fight the battle of life and death is life and death, advance, never retreat; fight mercenary business is a battle, so too preoccupied with fighting the business war, fighting side edge abacus: China is a direct threat to my world domination? Taiwan will not lose lost my world hegemony? Taiwan and China to keep the war to pay what it costs? If the protracted war in how to do? Dragged in the Taiwan Strait if the troops could not move to other places how terrorist organizations an opportunity to do? If China desperate to sell nuclear weapons around the world how to do? ... ... Who is this large series of sesame watermelon like the definition of who is small and selection is what the Americans themselves, the Chinese people to mind, but the U.S. is real under the determination depends on how China's strength and will.

online circulation of a U.S. troops landed in China, because Have blasted the Stone Age and you still can not login? Contradictory recommendations seen that a logical conclusion: the United States dare to imagine that with China playing the Relying on this one, who said there is no great people's war strategy of deterrence? Now China wants to crack the Taiwan Taiwan Strait crisis was imposed on Chinese people, China has been trying to escape. Can the wishful thinking of Japan started to see the United States under the United States how to resolve *** yourself. Great idea by: lost illusions, ready to fight; tit for tat, couch dispute every inch; people's war; to prepare such a protracted war, the Chinese may also safely defuse the . Chinese people have a precarious existence, let alone what is to become rich. Want to get rich first have to keep China's peaceful environment, and earned great environment is suffering from the Japanese peace So to get rich come to solve

two largest and most poisonous of the

home difficult to prevent a thief, the * is the most poisonous. To get rid of exotic Drug from China, the largest and most within the unrestricted access to full play. Of course, the Brilliant idea is to change people's way of argument in disguise, an excuse to great errors in his later years to fundamentally deny the great man and great ideas. As long as the negative set up,

Chinese people like to For centuries the Western world's white hot topic invincible hand, all yield to all other people of color, monensin contend. So the white man and defiant, as all people of color as inferior. China since the Opium War battle with the foreigners fight a battle lost, lost a battle to cede territory and pay indemnities,bailey UGG boots, humiliating, so that national bankruptcy, mental breakdown, . Later, some Chinese people do not fart in Western countries are afraid to put a speaker.

9.18 to 1941 from 1931 Incident on Pearl Harbor more than decade, suffered a Nanjing ***, suffered endless injuries, the KMT government has not declared war on Japan actually has the gall to have been maintained diplomatic relations with Japan. Until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on Japan the day after they hastily followed the United States formally declared war on Japan. This weakness in the eyes of people not In the great man before the face of Western powers, China has never been successfully invaded the hero, never only the tragic hero. They fought, they sacrificed, but they failed. Failure to defeat China in none of them can change the mercy of fate. , While the eyes of the Chinese people who lived and died, glorious defeat, but in the eyes of foreigners, they are still losers, does not prevent foreign powers to invade, to any disposal of China. Only truly great man to turn things around, completely changed the Chinese Great leaders of all Chinese people, resisting foreign interference. Even the world's number one superpower, the United States still planted in great hands. North Korea told the United States in the great battle led directly to the Chinese army, failed. Americans are not convinced, take the battlefield in Vietnam when the experiment, indirectly with the great man theory of people's war and then battle, but also failed. United States,

serve the world for the strong ideological and theoretical countless weak succumb to the strong preaching the teachings of the multitude, except the great man thought to speak specifically for the weak by the innocent; teach aggression suffered weak powers do not * depend on others , not * groveling, not * sovereign transactions, fully in accordance with * self-reliance and hard work to change fate. Neither the U.S. nor the Soviet Union no way to get great, can not win, will not be intimidated, deceived, however, can not hold. Brains do not know how to crack the great ideas, but to pray God bless the descendants of the great man to great man thought the color should not be too thick. In the face of great worship, Chinese culture is not thought inferior culture. The only great man in history of Western capitalism and his white tasted the taste of defeat still unbeaten Chinese. Denied the great man thought to an admission that Chinese culture can not contend with the ideological weapon of the Western invasion of China, not consider themselves inferior, then what is? China since the Opium War battle with the East-West foreign aggression, the only successful example is the great man and great ideas. If that is denied, then what is there to fool with? Wanted to see what Here it is.

some Chinese people are very keen to cite the Chinese people how smart and capable, how splendid culture and history, hoping thereby to prove that China is not the bad kind of people should be respected. Some people like to say that the reason why the Chinese people were looked down upon because of the low quality of the Chinese people, uncivilized, and so on. This logic only applies to personal relationships, does not apply to state relations. Between countries respect only the strong, weak and then cultured likewise be looked down on. Countries in the real world is essentially the relationship between the law of the jungle. West was popular saying: If Chinese people do not understand the two fundamentally different ways of thinking, will always do not understand how to deal with others, was not sure what not rashly rushed in to compete with you directly, but also intentionally or unintentionally, Paul not allowed to kick you from time to time trial test to see if you have not so strong. If you fall asleep or become their own true, that Respect and contempt never absolute, unconditional, once and for all, but only relative, conditional, temporary, with the balance of power and change.

people's ability to create material wealth and the absorptive capacity and the human spirit is closely related to wealth, spiritual wealth, the more feet, the creation of material wealth, the stronger the absorption capacity and more durable, and vice versa, the weaker the more short-lived. Weak material of a nation is not terrible, because this situation can make the effort to change; mentally weak if it gets really scary, because that means that the nation lost the future. Look at the description of Taiwan's Nationalist documentary history of the Chinese war of resistance, simply stretch of desolate, despondent faction, in addition to blaming Heaven is a particular person: blame the Chinese are poor, blame the Qing left a mess, blame the U.S. aid too little, blame the Communist Party does not listen, Strange Japanese ... ... Despite all the rhetoric is too strong to eat their own defeat rational, is Relying on this mental state, the KMT lost the Chinese mainland that is not injustice. This had not yet learned to take lessons, do a wonder that now their last foothold is precarious.

from China has been great, with great thought, from weaker to stronger in spirit completely, the material also from the decline to recovery. First of all Chinese people against blindly psychological inferiority own mistakes: the yield. regardless of any hardship cases, as long as a person, this person will continue to fight on. Spark into a new China, a poverty-stricken in China into Bullied by foreign powers in China a hundred years invincible hand, with the exception of the great men and great thoughts run into after a loss. Some great amount of Chinese people in China do not know, with great battle over foreign rivals is crystal clear. When the Korean War still alive in the great bare forgotten by Americans, indeed become the The beginning of a great man in China was denied, people began to think of the Korean War came,UGG boots, and repair of a The more you preach, You ask people, . All in all, sent to the people to conquer China's invitation. Self-destructive behavior of this laissez-faire attitude to give up the Great Wall to protect themselves, willing from strong to weak.

some of China's Such as the extradition of corrupt criminals, do not look all day long derided in some countries of corruption in China, an abhorrence of evil morally, but made in China to escape a past of corruption receive one, you have to extradition, it is not guilty of corruption to protect the is to your local court, a trailer for several years, first with the last of the ill-gotten gains of corruption committed wholly into his attorney's fees to say where. Such as oil and water drained his Laozu,UGG boots cheap, cited does not mean the extradition is not big. Moreover, the western area of justice is likely to be a trump card against China under the You want to blindly hands. Looking through the experience of the Chinese people, Chinese people were dependent on foreign, or because of blind hope and eat the loss of foreign people more often than the direct use of force to fight bigger. Look at the Soviet Advocating unconditionally

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