Saturday, January 29, 2011

China needs to train climate environmental protection,

 Outcome of the Cancun meeting is the largest global climate change negotiations to save the situation facing the breakdown in the Foreign Economic and Trade University professor, deputy director of the International Institute for low-carbon economy Bo 25 in Beijing that is worthy of attention, industry emissions standards have been quietly approaching, China has a

amended in 2008, according to EU Directive 2003/87/EC provides that since 2012, arrived in the territory of EU member states from the airport all flights will be included in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EUETS ), the EU's aviation emissions out of the total quota, quota allocation, implementation procedures, ton and violations of punitive measures after the regulations were.

Bo analysts said, which means that 2012 will be allocated to each aircraft operator the total amount of emission quotas historical emissions (the average of 2004-2006 emissions) of 97%; 2013 After the total amount of emission quotas reduced to 95% of historical emissions. Operators of the aviation industry paid on time each year the actual emissions over the previous year, according to the specified full amount paid, and will be sentenced to 100 euros / tonne of carbon dioxide emissions of the fine, and even be prohibited. It is in its infancy and look forward to the great development of China's aviation industry at a disadvantage.

He stressed that the face of this thanks to the widespread industry standards, avoiding not solve the problem, only active in the face of China, through a positive negotiating more favorable situation.

Bo pointed out, China is also facing pressure from other areas: climate change, the United States to return to the negotiating table, with China as a reduction of the shield is not active, more chips as a carbon tariffs China put pressure on the tool; Indian emissions than China, the basis of the four countries in a favorable position in a free-riding; the least developed countries and small island countries of China and to assist developing countries in their own emissions reduction has a larger expectations.

this, he admits: introduction and absorption mechanisms, and international standards, independent innovation and international cooperation in R & D combined; the same time, open up markets to developing countries and developed countries to achieve win-win situation.

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