Monday, January 3, 2011

Zodiac beautiful picture story (even a striker hehe)

 1. Aquarius (AQUARIUS) 1   20  -2 18
Troy [Toroy] Prince Gainey Mexico Peters [Ganyedes] (another argument is that cover that Dmitry [Ganymede]) is a golden beautiful boy, his handsome face, beautiful women are strange enough in Citylink.
one day, the banquet will be held in the spirit world, while the original sky Aquarius waiter - is responsible for Zeus [Juze] pour the Xibi Princess had married to the Hercules Hercules. As Zeus like Gainey Mexico Peters [Ganyedes]'s handsome appearance, so, in Gainey Mexico Peters [Ganyedes] sheep, the Zeus [Juze] into an eagle to catch him to Olympus [Olympus], and let him replace the original as the work of the Princess Xibi responsible for Zeus pour. Since then, Gainey Mexico Peters [Ganyedes] as Queen shepherd, Zeus gave him Yongbao young, but they must be life-long job as a sommelier. Kani Maidstone feel very honored, always hard work. deeply moved by Zeus, is full of wisdom to give him a bottle of water, after the bottle has been called heaven Block. from the sky looks as if he put the bottle looks like it is Aquarius shape pour, pour out the wine right on the mouth of Piscis.
in ancient Rome, the position of the sun in the constellation the first month of the rainy season, so named water bottle, also known as Adams attributes: air signs
birthstone: amethyst, red garnet Lucky Metal: uranium
Birth Flower: Orchid Lucky numbers: 1,7
the birth of the tree: Fruit Lucky Day: Wednesday
for color: bright blue auspicious plants: ferns, mimosa, Xilin lines, exotic flower plant
Guardian: Margaret florid: love divination, love, flower astrology predictions
: to grant a fair bottle the ability to treat a friend of small dark green orchids
words: pure, innocent
flower astrology: to give diffuse bottle innocent personality, and bring luck
2. Pisces (PISCES) 2 19 - March 20
American spirit Weina Sri Lanka (Venus Greek name Aphrodite) and her son Cupid (Jupiter) was once the giant Typhon (Typhon) of the chase, both jumped into the Euphrates, the embodiment of the fish to escape . Minerva (Mineave, Athena's alias) As the fish into the stars of heaven, to commemorate the event.
another legend: One day, the gods see the weather is fine, is hosted in the river. Hobbies Music The gods are happy singing and playing musical instruments, the atmosphere was quite warm. suddenly there came a sharp cry, which is to grow one hundred snakes under the shoulder, with large wings of the giant demon monster Tai Fung (Typhon) rate Qunyao Temple siege. gods looked bad, are everywhere to escape. Zeus into birds, into a crow of Apollo, Hera into cattle, goats, Qiu Lin shuttle into Sri Lanka, the gods begin with the posture of animals to flee. goddess of love and beauty A Foluo Qiu special love of God and his son ---- Ye Luosi incarnation as fish, fled to the Euphrates. these two fish in order not to be broken up, decided to use the ribbons to the two tails tied together, never apart , it is so successful escape from the monster hands. mother and son was so attached to the tail, never isolated position to heaven, this is the origin of Pisces.
star map painted on the two jumped into the water, the fish looks like. and as the representative body at one end, one end of the representative of the spirit of the Pisces.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the sea god in Greek mythology, Zeus's brother Percy day Dayton.
stars pretty words
ruler: Neptune symbol Symbol: Two fish
patron come together: Poseidon attributes: water sign
birthstone: aquamarine, diamond Lucky Metal: Platinum
birth flowers: lilies, daffodils lucky numbers : 2,6
born Tree: Willow lucky day: Tuesday
for color: light green, lucky green plants: flowers and all aquatic plants, algae, camellias and magnolia flower
Guardian: Alice florid: love message, the good news
Flower Astrology: Pisces can be given to rich and keen artistic sensibility
florid tulips: love; Love Confessions (red); everlasting love (purple)
Flower Astrology: Pisces will be awarded a strong compassion, and willing to sacrifice the spirit of the
3. Aries (ARIES) 3 月 21 日 -4 19
the zodiac Aries is the first sign is also the location of the ancient equinox, which is Greek mythology gold sheep.
in Greek mythology, Aries refers to a capacity of only a magical sheep, he helped a pair of suffering brothers and sisters out of the woods. ancient Greece wave Lydia married Thomas King Atta cloud fairy Ni Feier (Nepele) to do the queen gave birth to twins, brother Priyanka Marx (Phrixus), sister Helle (Helle). However, the A Tamas discarding, the Ni Feier Princess out of the house, marry a princess of Thebes Ina Weifei. Ina wife abuse, children, regard them as a thorn in the side. When children have their own Princess Ina After the decision is left to kill Princess Ni Feier only twins. She bought diviner complain to the king: if the former Princess of children born to Zeus when the offerings given to the gods was furious, then famine this year. Ni Feier then made to the Olympic gods Hermes obtained in a golden body, with long wings of the sheep for their children to ride a golden flying sheep to escape. the way his daughter Helle accidentally into the sea, only the general Like Si Cole Chiss fled the country, welcomed by the king, and married a princess. Priyanka gratitude for divine mercy, Marx was dedicated to Zeus, King slaughter, so gold was out in the stars among the sheep, Puri Marx Cole Chiss also gave the king the golden fleece, the king will be the god of war Mars hang (MARS) of St. Park, day and night by a sleepless dragon guards.
later to take the Golden Jason sheep wool, also launched a wonderful adventure story. Aries is also called Sri Lanka property: fire sign
Birthstone: Diamond, Bloodstone Lucky Metal: iron, silver
birth flower: Yu Zhu Kwai lucky numbers: 5,8
birth tree: all the trees with thorns lucky day: Friday
for Color: Red auspicious plants: pepper, carnation, ginger, onion, rhubarb and aloe flower
Guardian: Star Flower Language: surprise change of heart
Flower Astrology: Aries can be granted rich adventurous, and direct access to a variety of services to enhance the enthusiasm of
aster florid: worry about your love
flower astrology: Aries can be given to the determination to change things and mobility
4. Taurus (TAURUS) 4 月 20 日 -5 Taurus 20 April
identity on two claims.
one that flows through the Greek Harmonia Bei Nasi local river, a beautiful countries. King Bei Nasi there was a beautiful princess called Europa (Europa). god Zeus admired Princess beauty, wanted to grab her hand, but do nothing, fear of jealous Hera knew the day after a fit. There One day, when the Europa and the ladies were playing at the beach when I saw a bodybuilding and white as snow like cattle, to a very gentle look at her, in fact, only cattle Zeus changed. Europa can not help the body to tame white bull side, gently stroking it. Because it is very well-behaved and tame bull, so the princess back to ease the climb to try riding a cow, cow suddenly run up, and finally jumped into the Aegean Sea. Princess hug cows, sea biology are Zeus out to salute the Princess finally know cow is the embodiment of Zeus to the island of Crete after the wedding, held on, and Zeus, the embodiment of Zeus and Europa, princess of cattle living a happy life, and Zeus had three sons .
Europa was the first man to reach the land, Europe (Europe) also to commemorate her name. As Zeus turned into a white cow, have become a Taurus.
another that is to say that Taurus is the sea god Poseidon (Poseidon) the punishment of the king of Crete. In the land of Crete, has a head of a cow eats a monster and the Boys & Girls, King Midas had built a maze you Dila difficulties live in Chicago (das Dila said that even out of the maze could not and had to make wings and fly out), and the annual tribute to the Boys & Girls need to feed it. Athens, Pa Prince Hughes (Perseus) determination of pesticides, intended in entering into the Boys & Girls , careless love him princess of Crete, Pa Hughes sent a sharp knife and a red ball, then by virtue of Pa Hughes knife kill cattle, and follow the red line came out, of course, the last princess Hughes married a par!
star Liang language
ruler: Venus Symbol: Bull
patron saint: Venus properties: in-phase constellation
birthstone: emerald, sapphire Lucky Metal: Copper
birth flower: violet, poppy lucky numbers: 1,9
born Tree: Cypress, apple lucky day: Friday
for colors: pink, purple plant good luck: Peony , Mallow, Primula, violets and wild flowers
Guardian: Star Flower Language: great beauty, clean
Flower Astrology: Taurus dignified and generous to grant the grace and power of love
attainment aster florid : maternal love, love (pink), I believe you love (red)
Flower Astrology: Taurus can be given the ability to face reality, but also high Romantically
5. Gemini (GEMINI) 5 月 21 日-6 21
stars legendary
Gemini is indeed the name suggests a pair of twins, and is a masterpiece of PLAYBOY Zeus.
day he turns into a beautiful swan and rendezvous Spartan princess, the princess gave birth to the results two eggs, one hatched lead Troy (Torjan) war peerless beauty Helen, the other jumped out of the twins. Princess 哥哥卡托斯 (Castor) is to their husband, brother Pulekesi (Pollux) is to the god Zeus, so Pulekesi footer with a long life. grow up they become very heroic warrior, Carlitos good at riding, Pulekesi skilled in martial arts, they set a lot of merit in the war, but Carlitos in a second battle killed, Pulekesi very sad, he even prayed to Zeus for his brother's life, life, and vowed revenge for the Carlitos. Zeus was moved, so the appearance in the sky around them to become Gemini.
Later, the Greek ship voyage, encountered a storm, the two brothers head the stars appeared, and the storm will stop. Therefore Gemini became ruler of the navigation. often from dusk to night, winter, all You can see it zenith position.
star Liang language
ruler: Mercury Symbol: Twins
patron saint: messenger of God Maggiore properties: air signs
Birthstone: Agate , jade Lucky Metal: Mercury
birth flower: lily, lavender lucky numbers: 5,9
birth tree: a tree with nuts lucky day: Wednesday
for color: yellow auspicious plants: daisy, oregano , fennel, acacia, hazel
Guardian flower: roses words: love (red), jealousy (yellow), distinguished (white)
Flower Astrology: Gemini has given the ability to warm and rich intellectual
Gladiolus Flower language: secret rendezvous, look
Flower Astrology: Gemini guardian of flowers, the power play, so the twin desires to send to each other
6. Cancer (CANCER) 6 月 22 日 -7 months 22
Cancer is emotional, sensitive and a symbol of motherhood, arms around his chest, then escort the children to show mother nature. However, in another symbolic sense, the arms on behalf of the helpless fragile infants self, and around the arms, then a strong self-protection awareness of Cancer.
story begins in the Greek legend of Hero - Hercules start. Zeus and Hercules is a human girl A Kemei Minnie born, so was the day Hera's jealousy and hatred. According to legend, when an infant Hercules, Hera had sent two serpents to stab him, but that he had the result that two snakes that kill it . Later, Hercules became the greatest hero of Greece, is the world strongest man, even the gods who are relying on the help of his family was to conquer the giant. later, he and Derby princess get married, have children live a happy life. It is precisely because of Hera's spell, so Heracles lost his mind, and Shouren wife.
Zeus to make him atone for him to complete the ten achievements, of which the second task is to get rid of hurt people and animals of Hydra Hydra. In the heat of battle, there is a Hydra came to assist in the fight Cancer, clamping the foot of Hercules, he was with a large Hercules Stick the shells crushed to death. The bird in the swamp monster Hydra was also killed, as the current constellation Hydra.
God Hera hated the hero, so put the Cancer a constellation in the sky. In March, the night sky can be seen Cancer in the South.
stars pretty words
ruler: Moon Symbol: Crab
patron saint: sister of Apollo Diana attributes: water sign
Birthstone: Pearl and Moonstone Lucky Metal: Silver
birth flower: the genus delphinium lucky numbers: 3,7
birth tree: tree rich in sap lucky day: Friday
for color: sea green, silver auspicious plants: Water lily, willow, poppy, poppy, cucumber
Guardian flower: lily words: pure
Flower Astrology: magic power, can be given Cancer sensitive heart and imagination
Lisianthus florid: purity, innocence
Flower Astrology: gives the holder the kind, sensitive and compassionate.
7. Leo (LEO) 7 月23 -8 22
face challenger, Zhilaizhiwang alone the king of, is the symbol of Leo, according to legend is the origin of Leo, the work of Hercules.
Hera Koehler Sri Lanka as a sin and to complete the first task is to uniforms in Greece Ni Mian (Nimean) cannibal valley lion. This is a bulletproof, of steel, the Titanic's big lion, roar up as the storm , designed to eat animals and villagers, all fear. In the past it has been to subdue, but no survivors.
Heracles Valley to Ni Mian also got lost for several days, only to find traces of the lion. For Heracles archery attacks, but the lion skin too hard and void. curved sword cut off the sword also, so stick with the olive made of thick, hard to fight to the lion. At this time the lions are not afraid of the sword bow fear angry Hercules, Hercules strangled by the neck, eventually suffocate and die. So Zeus, the lion in the sky, to show off the record Hercules.
our south in late April the sky to see Leo. in the sky you look east from the Cancer and saw lions, skip Virgo is Hydra, then Hercules, and Hercules is Hercules himself, looking in the sky their own masterpiece, very interesting.
worship of ancient Egypt, Leo, who some say is the Sphinx's body with a lion.
stars pretty words
ruled: Sun Symbol: Lion
patron saint: the sun god Apollo attributes: fire sign
birthstone: Ruby Lucky Metal: Gold
birth flower: sunflower, marigold lucky numbers: 8,9
born Tree: Citrus tree lucky day: Sunday
for colors: gold, orange auspicious plants: sunflower, cypress, palm trees, laurel, gentian, Arnica, Angelica plant
Guardian flower: Japanese Kuei florid: admiration, gazing Flowers for you
Astrology: For the fire sign, Leo, in particular, who have a strong role in enhancing transport of love
flamingo flower language: passion, worry, wedding flowers astrology
: Yes rise to a potential appeal, and there are dazzling performance
8. Virgo (VIRGO) 8 月 23 日 -9 22
maiden name is the Greek Demeter (Demeter), she is Zeus sister, in charge of agriculture. she had a beautiful daughter, named Puhi Fanny (Persephone), Puhi Fanny brilliant goddess of spring, as long as she gently tread where the blossoms are full of mouthwatering.
one day, Puhi Fanning flowers in Sicily, suddenly saw an unusual blooming with beautiful flowers in bloom, and, while her fingers just touched the petals, the ground opened, and a carriage pulled by the two dark horse, out of the ground, the Puhi Fanny prisoner go. It turned out when the flowers just Puhi Fanny, happen to be on the ground to see the Pluto Hades (Hades) saw, then Harder Fanny Adams saw Passions of Puhi, immediately caught her back to the government.
Demeter lost her daughter in no mood to take care of Gengjia, the earth a desolation: the seed will not germinate into a fertile land Results not string of ears of corn, the human must be starved to death. so Zeus came forward, sent representations, Hades agreed to release, and yet the design Persephone, let her eat the pomegranate to the government (to the government if something to eat, you have to always remain in Hell). Results Persephone ate only half, so the mother can only spend half the year, when the world vegetation Ran, grain growth, is the spring and summer; when Persephone returned to the underworld, the earth a chill atmosphere, and is autumn and winter. autumn represented death, spring and summer on behalf of rebirth, spring, summer autumn and winter is a symbol of all things rise and fall of circulation.
According to Roman mythology, Virgo has 名阿斯特里亚 (Astraea), is the son of Zeus and the goddess Venus daughter, is the goddess of justice. golden era, things chaos, rampant evil, the gods hate this world, have far. but still hoping against hope that Karl Dresser, everywhere, but still no progress. we regret to leave earth, ascended into heaven as the constellation Virgo.
evening in May and June, in the southern sky, you can see the Virgo love of overlooking the human figure.
stars pretty words
ruler: Mercury Symbol: Virgin
patron saint: messenger of God Maggiore properties: in-phase constellation
Birthstone: Sapphire, red onyx Lucky Metal: Mercury
birth flowers: petunias, pansies lucky numbers : 3,5
the birth of the tree: the result tree, lucky day: Wednesday
for colors: dark blue, gray auspicious plants: lavender, verbena, valerian, juniper
Guardian flowers: hibiscus florid : fresh romance, micro yarn, accounting for U.S.
Flower Star: with the appearance of warm and active, inner strength and delicate language
Dali flower: the transfer of interest, gorgeous flowers
Astrology: There are to enhance the flexibility and , do whatever the power of carefully
9. Libra (LIBRA) 9 月 23 日 -10 22
Libra is the goddess of justice Asteria (Astraea) to do good and evil for human use when the referee scales , Aspen Eritrea a handheld scale, one hand on the sword cut the evil spirits, for the sake of justice, so the eye was covered, this will become a symbol of Libra.
former gods and men of peace were in the earth, although God has eternal life, but human life is limited. so lonely God Only through the creation of man. In the golden age of late, the world is chaos, rampant evil, human Haoyongdouhen, evil industry run amok, the gods human disappointed in the return to heaven. only Aspen could not bear to go back and stay Eritrea goddess in the world, traveled extensively, teaching people good, and continue to the world with scales to measure the fair. However, human remains continue to fall, So the frequency of war, the beginning Causing loss of lives. Last Astrid Maria and we regret to leave and return to humanity to heaven. and the sky of peace and justice on the high love just hanging out Libra.
another legend is to say, Libra is the hands of Greek mythology, priestess of the balance of good and evil, the ruler of heaven and become a fly, and therefore also called related to the balance used to measure the soul of good and evil.
stars pretty words
ruler: Venus Symbol: Libra
patron saint: Venus Properties: air signs
birthstone: opal, peridot Lucky Metal: Copper
birth flower: roses, cosmos, hydrangea lucky numbers: 6,9
birth tree: cedar, almond lucky day: Friday
for Color: Blue , lavender auspicious plants: Primula, collards grass, periwinkle, elder, boxwood, apricot, flower garden flower
Guardian: Lace Flower Words: heart
adorable flower Astrology: can be given a noble, charismatic personality
Gerbera florid: mysterious, sublime
Flower Astrology: help to enhance the transport of marriage, and increase coordination with others to
10. Scorpio ( SCORPIO) 10 月 23 日 -11 21
Greek mythology, Poseidon and the Amazon Queen Ouliyalei Aorui En son Hunter (Orion) is a famous fighter, is not only a beautiful youth, but also male beauty, strong physique. But he was violent temper, and arrogant, often willful trouble. He often boasted that he is best in the world, martial arts greatness eventually lead to dissatisfaction with the gods, Hera then sent a proud day general big killer Scorpion Orion Aorui En assassination. Scorpio slipped away quietly without the knowledge of Aorui En side, with its lethal striking their heels, Aorui En no time to react, had Qijueshenwang. (the other A similar argument is that Aorui En quest for the moon and the goddess of hunting Al Intuit Smith (Artemis Diana), so angered Hera, Hera to send scorpion killed the Aorui En.)
another occasion, Scorpio release poison gas attacks are driving the sun god through the Phaeton carriage, leaving the opportunity to launch lightning of Zeus, the sun will run car wreck.
because there is such feats, so there is Scorpio heaven. Even now, as long as the Scorpio from rises in the east, Olive Ann Block (Orion) to hide quickly sank to the western horizon, the two major winter constellations in the sky never meet the day.
Antares in Scorpio is the standard two or three thousand years ago, the summer solstice, but also name of the fire, there is a Book of Songs Liang language
ruler: Mars and Pluto Symbol: Scorpion
patron saint: the king of hell Puer De attributes: water sign
Birthstone: Topaz Lucky Metal: plutonium
Birth Flower: Chrysanthemum, Peony lucky numbers: 2,4
birth tree: Mountain Java, shrubs lucky day: Tuesday
for color: dark red, burgundy auspicious plants: red pepper, thistle grass, wormwood
Guardian Flower: Osmanthus Flower language: humility
flower astrology: it exudes sex appeal, enhance the attractiveness of the opposite sex
Chrysanthemum Flower language: noble recluse
Flower Astrology: the role of a blow away the cobwebs, when the old love gone, the new love will show the front of the
11. Sagittarius (SAGITTARIUS) 11 月 22 日 -12 21
Greek mythology, Sagittarius is a , ie willing to Los Tao tribe (Centaurus), Mingjiao Ka Rong (Chiron). because he has the form of half man and half horse, animals and human double face, and therefore called prophets, doctors and academics, he is the master of Greece, many famous heroes: Jason (Jason), Achilles (Achilles) and Aeneas (Aeneas), Hercules, geniuses Dubois Kou La Bisi (Ophiuchus Ophiuchus), Tin Kam hand-Europe-Adams, Twin Carlitos (Castor) and Pulekesi (Pollux) were his disciples. Chiron is being created, they were given immortal life in Kenya Los Tao clan is highly respected sage.
However, Chiron is accidentally killed Heracles poisoned arrow shot under. That day, Ken Tower Hercules came to the residence of Los tribe to visit friends, and to his friends as he opened the whole tribe to drink his wine collection. While Hercules glycol indulge in the bouquet on the occasion, the wine's aroma had filled the whole tribe, all willing to Tao Los Heracles people harshly reprimanded. So Hercules, angry, struggling to hold his bow to kill the God who is willing to Los Tao, Tao willing to Los others fled in panic in the tribe's most respected Chiron home. Chiron million shoes outside the house heard the tread and the panic cry for help Ben, opened the door straight away. that at that moment, pull over the bow of Heracles to the moment of injection, even shot in Chiron! stick side by Arrow a toxic monster Hydra, with immortal Chiron painful, and can not be free from pain. Later Chiron asked the gods to let him out of this endless suffering and death will in exchange for the release of Prometheus (Prometheus, a fire due to steal from the gods gave man, and tied to a stone eagle greedily devour his office continued ethnic Titan liver regeneration). Finally, finally agreed to release Prometheus, Zeus , and let Chiron died peacefully.
then Zeus will move heaven and Chiron, chase the sky toxic shot - Scorpio, Scorpio bow ramp in front of the heart, as Sagittarius (Sagittarius).
star Liang language
ruler: Jupiter Symbol: Archer Archer
patron saint: the king of the gods Zeus property: fire sign
Birthstone: Turquoise Lucky Metal: tin
Birth Flower: Daffodil, Dandelion Lucky numbers: 5,7
born Tree: Mulberry, Oak lucky day: Thursday
for color: purple plant good luck: Yang Su grass, mint, borage flowers
Guardian: Butterfly Orchid Language: Flower Astrology humility
: particular portfolio protection and fortunate to have led to successful role
bird of paradise flower words: noble recluse
Flower Astrology: both intellectual and will be granted to holders of the unique charm of the Wild front
12. Capricorn (CAPRICORN) 12 月 22 日 -1 19
Capricorn rigorous and restrained, as its name. In Greek mythology, Zeus in his possession with cattle and sheep, they call He Faun Pan (Pan).
Pan like taking a nap, and very annoying sound of a noisy nuisance, what once was scared, often at a loss. It is said that the word is derived from his name.
Once, Pan and the nymphs down to fairy (nymph) Xilinkesi (Syrinx) meet by chance. Xilinkesi Intuit goddess of hunting Al Smith (Artemis ) entourage. Xilinkesi looks charming, Pan for her love at first sight, no 奈席琳克丝 see Pan wild looks, actually started to run scared. forest nymphs, fairy foot range than expected also fast, the sheep foot sprint to how Pan can not catch up. The two of them chasing me to escape into just embankment side Xilinkesi river god for help because of desperation Bianxiang father. Pan thought he finally grabbed the Xi Linke wire arm, holding the hand is turned out the river reeds, nymphs, fairies are invisible. Pan recovered after a while a loss, cut the number of reed stems, tied them together made flute. will be named Xilinkesi Pan flute, Qianxin to play. Now that the reed flute, also known as order from the flute, some say it is the organ of the prototype. Poon has been carrying the root flute, playing a beautiful melody.
God in public gatherings in the Nile river, also as usual blew Pan Flute. Who would have thought a hundred the first giant monster Taifeng (Typhon) went so far as the gods were only frightened monster roar of terror, the embodiment of the animals have their own lives. Pan in emergency situations, excessive panic, and can not be turned into a fish, they to not look like the embodiment of flying into the shallows of the Nile, became immersed in the water part of the tail, the part above the surface to keep the original look. So Zeus (Zeus) was in accordance with the appearance of Pan, the Pan into a constellation.
Capricorn (Capricrnus) can be traced back more ancient, that is, 7 to the 6th century BC, when the position of the winter solstice sun will be in Capricorn. In the northern hemisphere winter solstice when the sun was the lowest in the south, towards the north in the winter and then gradually climb , the sun was likened to that of rock climbing goats.
stars pretty words
ruler: Saturn Symbol: Goat
patron saint: God Satan agricultural property: the birth of rock to the phase constellation
: garnet, agate lucky child cut metal: lead
Birth Flower: Carnation, the Ivy lucky numbers: 2,8
birth tree: pine, poplar lucky day: Saturday
for color: dark green , brown auspicious plants: belladonna, ivy, cypress, coriander, Mandala, raspberry
Guardian flowers: daffodils Language: auspicious, virtuous, narcissistic
Flower Astrology: Capricorn has given the strength of role
stars florid: a pure heart, joy
Flower Astrology: sense of humor will be granted to holders

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