Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2010, the latest shocking quotes - Funny

A man of taste is to choose what kind of wife

A man of taste is to select his wife, choose what kind of wife is equivalent to choose what kind of life. As the saying goes, men fear into the wrong profession, women are afraid to marry the wrong husband, a man is it not, write as well. Great William Shakespeare wrote many wonderful life drama, but his marriage was no romantic. Marriage because he clearly learned the hard way, life would wear a better understanding of love.
people live this life, what we have to it? Really need is a good attitude and leisurely mood. Only family harmony, healthy state of mind only people who have the quiet conditions. For example marry a good woman, you can give a man leisurely mood -
1. The most important quality a woman should be good, and virtues, filial piety. The world does not know how many hardy men suffering from his wife and his real mother of plywood between the gas? If I were a man, if going to be my girl dare to ask my wife,
2. Virtuous, this is everlasting female virtue.
3. Notices of ceremony, this is a new era for women in the times of the requirements. A woman's temperament and upbringing is a rich outpouring of the heart, but also with others where the real distance.
4. Thinking, and taste. Have bothered to get involved in thinking of making her gossip among others, she has always been a Good taste, so she can express their own imaginative style. I can not stand to see anything his wife walk road, not me poor, can not be spoiled her it wrong!
5. Sensible. The most important thing is for the dignity of man, and she attacked me at home, but not in public satire, making fun of me. Do not know the dignity of a woman to maintain her husband, not worth mentioning.
6. Full confidence in the relative freedom. Grass is always greener is a human instinct, there is no guarantee of a lifetime only to have a positive impression. All the world to advise women to be married to learn hard Otherwise, it is the marriage to death. He wanted to be left alone for a while, what do Suizui asked whether, send a cup of tea, gently shut the door just fine.
7. Have a stable income. Survival of women dependent on men can not be independent, self-esteem.
8. No excessive material desires. This is very important! Since ancient times, as the thrift failure by the extravagance. Moreover, the status quo and optimistic nature enabled her to continue their youth. Excessive vanity tends to not BMW my wife should sit, riding a bike can; five-star hotel stay, camping tents do not mind, eat, adversity tries.
9. Reject false picture, not the opposite sex too much enthusiasm. She has a good living habits, smoking, drinking, all-night carnival feast will not happen to her, she would not go to bars, night clubs spend their time. She knows her worth is not to please the opposite sex, so it will not take the initiative to strike up a conversation with other men, is the highbrow highbrow.
10. A little childlike innocence. If a man really love a woman, you should maximize the care of her innocence. Not lost a childlike woman, standing face to face can make a long boring sport.
11. Enjoys reading and music. Prefer not to see what colorful reading fashion magazines, is nothing like listening to music to forget the popular ballad. Classic books and music can make life trivial and not the years in her soul bears the traces.
12. Work ability, skill. The woman apparently did not work too much time skeptical. Have skills make her own entertainment, good control of emotions.
13. Of course, absolutely can not look ugly, and not too good, should be that and then ever more pleasing to the eye.
14. Health, and know good health and basic medical knowledge.
15. It is also important, marriage is a color, there is interest, there is movement in the world, it is difficult to imagine one does not have the romantic appeal of the women do not have a good wife.

Monday, April 25, 2011


the dead of night
always feel a little lonely some help
night I always feel insecure
as if afraid of what is always in the dark
always felt he was just a man

in the night
isolated heart can not be with anyone close to

I liked and laughed
Perhaps in the eyes of others some crazy
can not control
but I like it
need a release

like night-blooming cereus

recently there are some things I always feel my heart can not determine it is not like this feeling inside that some confusion is always cranky
suddenly very keen to make a stable life can settle down inside the feeling
it has no sense of security are always looking for looking for a way to protect their power
But in the end they know what to do more and understand more and more anxious How old is your

want to live a comfortable feeling really tired and do not want to let your heart far away from home

give me a place


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Scenic road

In and you first, that the exchange of a few hours after I

feeling you have a feeling my life (or life, it is called) will have an impact on
; tell the truth I had worried that fear of

But I'm sinking, young, curious mind
eventually let me open my heart to you - to accept you - until now - like

you on the start, I think there is no result

scars will bring to each other but I still cheat myself
; and you are contacted in the course of

; I found myself stuck to the
not from the dial until

I had regrets, and you should not regret
; I have been excited
excited to have you this friend
I have been overwhelmed
I wonder if you really think
heart Now, I have some sad
for my slow, for your sincere and sad
geometry may also give you once had the same sour

if I know you and my heart is the same idea
Now, I will tell you the courage to
I did not say the words but I know now
may have no chance

; anyway

in my heart or save the
a debt of gratitude I thank you for this experience and feelings
; I have a growth stage to maturity approached you to help me in this way was a bit
Although heartache
but it is definitely the most profound and most have memories of a journey
perhaps can not forget in my life journey it!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

80 small fry , so you will not worry about cooking !

1, the hot and sour potatoes Wire:
production process
1. The potatoes peeled, cut filaments, bubbles in the water wash away the starch, both to avoid the dark, but also to keep it burning in the fried soft white , crisp. Before the fish fry and drain.
2. blue, red peppers seeded, stem, cut into filaments, chili strips.
3. wok lit, add peanut oil pan, put onion blasting pot, add dried chili stir fry, then add green peppers silk, silk potatoes, stir-fry until eight mature add salt, MSG seasoning, then pour the sesame oil and vinegar, fry can be.
2, braised eggplant:
1 把 Wash eggplant and remove the head and tail, cut into hob-like, foam in water, picked up the drain water and sprinkle a little starch and mix well. Wash the onions to the head and tail, cut into segments.
2 pork slices, chopped into soil, add 1 / 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 / 2 tablespoon oil and 1 / 3 tablespoon chicken powder mix, marinated for 10 minutes tasty
3 back into the saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons oil, fry minced meat into the casual, stand-up picked up after white flesh.
4 to plus 10 tablespoons oil, saute onion, add eggplant and stir fry quickly opened fire, add 5 tablespoons of water, stir-fry until eggplant softens the water, about 5 to 6 minutes.
5 into the fried minced meat before stir for 1 minute, sprinkle 1 / 3 tablespoons salt, 1 / 5 tbsp chicken powder and 1 / 2 tablespoons soy sauce, you can clean wok 啦!

3, fish-flavored eggplant:
eggplant 2, a little pork.
ginger, garlic, onions, hot bean paste, vinegar, sugar.
system of law:
1. Wash and drain the eggplant, cut into small round sections alternate. Washed mince garlic, onions wash, and cut green onion,
mince ginger spare. The vinegar, sugar, Qianfen into the bowl, add water back. Note: The first sugar bowl,
came alive again in vinegar. Vinegar and sugar into the same level.
2. The oil is heated, add eggplant fried soft segment into golden brown, picked up the oil drain.
3. the ginger, garlic, Cong Bao Hong, pour the pork, then pour the fried eggplant and stir-fry about, then add the sauce bowl
fry, you can pour into pan.

4, green pepper and scrambled eggs:
practices: 1. Rinse the bell peppers, seeded and cut into filaments. Beat the eggs in a bowl, stirring with chopsticks spread.
2. pan put oil (40 grams), Heat, will be poured into the egg, fried poured.
3. Pour the remaining oil to the pot, pan, add chopped green onion soy pan, add green pepper with wire, add salt fried a few, see the emerald green silk green pepper, put a good fried egg , MSG, stir evenly, about cooking with vinegar, you can pan.

5, to Sam Sun
materials: Potatoes 1, 2 eggplant, green pepper sauce 1
: cooking oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt, green onion, garlic, raw powder, the amount of stock
practice: 1, eggplant and potatoes peeled, cut into pieces hob; break it into small pieces of green pepper and hands. 2, into the pot to more oil, Qicheng hot, add potato pieces first, golden yellow, slightly transparent when you remove and reserve.. 3, then the eggplant into the pan, until golden brown, add green pepper along with the block that is picked up.. 4, a small amount of hot oil saute chopped green onion and garlic, add stock, soy sauce, sugar, salt, eggplant, potatoes and green pepper pieces, stir fry.. 5, by adding water to the sauce raw powder fire
6, stir dry beans
Ingredients: 400 grams of lentils, 150 grams of minced meat, spices: dried chilli 4, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, mustard at the end, pepper, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, the amount of practice: 1, lentils two tear old muscle, break it into two sections, wash, dry control.
2, Heat 250 grams of oil, add lentils, fried lentils skin to wrinkle when the strainer remove and control with the Absolute.
3, In another saucepan, heat 1 tablespoon oil saute with minced meat, chili, pepper, mustard, garlic.
4, into the soy sauce, lentils, stir, turn off the heat when cooked lentils, salt and MSG, stir well then.

7, chicken stir-fry spend
Ingredients: chicken breast, cauliflower spices: onion, ginger, aniseed, edible oil, cooking wine, salt, chicken, oyster sauce, starch paste Method: 1 chicken breast Wash meat, cut into pieces salt salted cooking wine cooking oil for a while, and then grasping absorbed starch paste.
2, split into small pieces Wash cauliflower, sitting water pot, the pot boiled, remove and had cold water, control water use. Shredded onion, ginger mince, garlic slices.
3, In another frying pan, put oil, aniseed oil to warm the place, add ginger, the chicken breast meat, but also into the pot and fry color Sheng slip out of standby, and then onion Stir ginger into the flavor, put the boiled cauliflower stir well.
4, put cooking wine, chicken, oyster sauce, chicken breast is also good to slip into the pot, stir quickly, salt, stir fry, pan plate.

8, Fen Zhengrou
materials: a piece of pork spices: star anise one, spring onion, ginger and a number of films, a little wine, pepper, some pepper, rice, purple number, soy sauce, soy sauce, chicken, sugar, bean paste Method: 1 pork slice.
2, the meat with wine, onions, ginger, star anise marinate.
3, after the meat marinate, prepare chili, pepper, rice, purple rice.
4, 3, put the prepared pan fried.
5, the three put the pot with the torch and become fragrant yellow rice copied.
6, 3 with a mixer to break a good fried. Do not get too broken. Easy to larger particles.
7, the 6 into the marinated meat. Add soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chicken, a little sesame oil. Mix well.
8, finally adding a tablespoon bean paste. Add some water to wet powder.

9, chopped green onion scrambled eggs:
cooking methods (two copies)
materials: egg (4), onions (3)
seasoning: salt (1 / 3 tablespoons ), oil (6 tablespoons)
1. onions washed to remove very light blue, green onion cut into the green onion and put it in the glass bowl
2. into the four eggs, tilting the glass bowl 45 degrees, along with chopsticks in one direction, quickly stir the egg and green onion, beat until the egg mixture was viscous.
3. to boil hot, until all the water evaporated the pot, burning about 1 minute, put 6 tablespoons oil wok, turn the pan so the oil spread across the pot surface, and then into a small fire, then poured into the egg fluid.
4. along one direction, quickly stir the egg mixture, about 1 minute, the egg will be freezing up, then quickly clean wok, so scrambled eggs too old.

Chefs tips
1, scrambled eggs, the pan must be very hot, so that eggs will be fried up tender point, the pot is not hot scrambled eggs prone to failure.
2, into the egg through the refrigerator, first put out for an hour, and then used for cooking.
3, scrambled eggs avoid MSG, if added MSG, MSG after heating cover up the flavor of the egg itself.
4, if the consumption of too many eggs, will lead to increased metabolism and increase the burden on the kidney, eat 1 or 2 eggs on the line.
10, tomatoes, fried eggs, fried eggs, tomatoes method
Description: Scrambled eggs with tomatoes that everyone will do, but to do good, hard. Mainly by the number of errors, and so will I will detail.
material: tomatoes, eggs
Ingredients: vegetable oil, salt. Note, do not put chicken eggs, fried tomatoes, or MSG, as tomatoes scrambled eggs is to eat a This is also when the dish tightly Cong Jiangsuan reasons.
Production Method:
1. Tomatoes, cut into pieces, to large and small, what shape does not matter, eggs open into a bowl, beat uniform, put a little salt.
2. Into the amount of pot (scrambled eggs, when put the number of oil is critical, in my experience is putting the equivalent of eggs 2 / 3) of oil, such as oil, when hot, (I speak in more detail later how to determine the oil temperature), pour eggs, pay attention this time, the eggs will naturally freezing, do not move, until the eggs are freezing time (be careful the oil dried up, causing the egg paste), with rice shovel (also known as Chao Shao) from the edge of the egg gently into the eggs over and fry about, such as the color of both sides are golden color rendering, when taken out of the egg from the pot (you can not take, but talk about it after so skilled), this time there should be some oil inside the pot, turn the tomatoes in, stir a few times, because tomatoes contain a lot of water inside, water will be precipitated, this time to a good fried eggs into them, put a little salt, stir fry a few under the pan. PS: Some people like to do it, put some water in, I do not recommend, in fact, enough tomatoes in the water completely, and do not water. Also, the current poor quality tomatoes, fried food is not out of bitterness and some sweet, pan when you can put some amount of sugar.

11, scrambled eggs
loofah material: loofah eggs
Seasoning: oil, salt, cooking wine, chopped green onion.
1. the eggs 2-3 pieces, add a small amount of salt, cooking wine. Stir use.
2. the loofah slice or dice aside.
3. raging fire into the frying pan heat oil, fry until the oil temperature rise into the egg Sheng bowl.
4. raging fire into the frying pan heat oil, fry until the oil temperature rise into the sponge, add the egg is cooked fry, then add salt to taste, chopped green onion to pot stir fry will eat the small.
eat benefits: a high nutritional value of loofah, sponge gourd contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and other citrulline and vitamin B, vitamin C, also contains components contained in ginseng - saponin

12, Feng Lin eggplant
basic material was crushed to 20 grams, 200 grams of eggplant, onion 10 grams, 10 grams of ginger.
Seasoning: peanut oil 500 grams (actual fuel consumption of 100 grams), 10 grams of salt, MSG 5 grams, 3 grams sugar, 20 grams of raw powder, sesame oil 5 grams, 50 grams of chicken broth, soy sauce 10 grams of the king.
production process:
1, eggplant, peeled, cut into large thick strips, wash and cut onion, ginger Alchemy.
2, burning pot of oil, oil temperature 120 degrees nowadays into the tomato section, fry until golden picked up.
3, leaving the oil pan, the next into the ginger rice, mess, eggplant, chicken broth, salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce king, and then low heat till thicken the sauce when the wet powder, starch, sesame oil is poured percent.

13, the basic material gold raw garlic bone
: Rib
sauce: seafood sauce, barbeque sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, MSG, sugar, chili, garlic .
1, change the blade pork ribs into a 12 cm long segment, with water drift to the bloody
2, marinated with spices 2 hours (seafood sauce, barbeque sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, MSG , sugar) or more.
3, the second into the hot oil burn, the ribs into the pot, slowly fry oil made from low to high, to the ribs mature skin crusts removed Drain the oil.
4, and then put in pot with garlic, chili flavor Stir, then add the ribs a little fried, add spices, Zhuangpen can.

----------------------------------------- dividing line - ----------------------------------------< br> Practical tips for cooking
1, boiled dumplings, put an onion in the water or in the water is boiling, add salt, add dumplings, dumplings taste delicious without adhesions; in and faces, each 500 grams of flour mixed with an egg, dumpling skin Tinggua not adhesion
2, stew, in the pot with a few pieces of orange peel can be added in addition to smell and oily and the soup flavor
3, boiled bone soup when you add a teaspoon of vinegar, the bones in the can phosphorus, calcium dissolved in the soup, and save the soup of vitamins.
4, stewed chicken: Wash the cut, pour the hot oil in stir fry until dry water, into the amount of vinegar, then quickly stir fry until chicken explosive crackling sound when issued immediately heated water (not too chicken), and then Wang fire ten minutes, then add spices, then boiled on low heat transfer 20 minutes, topped with sesame oil to pan; should be a good stew soup, the temperature drop 80 to 90 degrees Celsius or salt before consumption. Because the higher moisture content in chicken, stewed chicken with salt first, the chicken soaked in salt water, the water outside cells infiltration, coagulation protein produced, shrink and tighten the chicken was, of dissolved nutrients to the soup, and tend to hard-cooked chicken, the old, rough texture.
5, when the boiling broth, or pork ribs soup, put a few pieces of fresh orange peel, not only delicious, but also reduce the greasy feeling.
6, bean curd, add a little fermented bean curd, or juice, taste, aroma
7, fry the green beans in the wok and cook for 10 minutes, quickly boiled, but do not Chaojiao
8, When the water boiled add a little vinegar to prevent the shell cracked, add some salt in advance can also be
9, when kelp add a few drops of vinegar cooked easily broken; put spinach trees also line
10, cooked ham, before put some skin on the ham, sugar, easily boiled, taste even more delicious
11, mutton to smell: the carrot and lamb with pot, remove the carrot in half an hour; put a few pieces of orange peel better; each put green beans 5 grams kg mutton, boiled for 10 minutes, pour with water and green beans; put half a pack of hawthorn tablets; be washed two or three walnut shells into the hole; 1 kg mutton curry powder plus 10 g; 1 kg mutton cut open additional 200 grams of sugar cane; 1 kg of water to a boil, add 1 kg of lamb, 50 grams of vinegar, boil, remove and then re-add water, add spices.
12, boiled dumplings, add a little salt in the pot, the pot of water does not spill when opened
13, noodles, cooking oil when you add a small spoon, pasta will not stick with, and prevent the soup from the foam, spill pot outside
14, cook the noodles, add a little salt in the pot, cook the noodles easy mushy
15, porridge or Zhudou Do not put base, otherwise it will destroy rice, beans, and nutrients in < br> 16, boil the new shoots easily cooked, and crispy and delicious; make boiled bamboo shoots are not reduced, can add a few mint leaves or salt
17, tripe cooked, cut into pieces, placed steaming bowl for a while and then add some soup, pig stomach will be thicker than doubled
18, boiled tripe, do not be the first salt, then eat when cooked such as salt, or pig stomach will shrink like a cow muscle as hard
19, cook beef: Beef stew to make fast, too bad stew, add a pinch of tea (about the amount of a pot of tea, wrapped with gauze) cook the meat quickly rot and delicious.
20, cook beef and other tough, hard meat, poultry and game time, add a little vinegar to soften.
21, the old chicken stew: two thirty in the pot and add beans with stew, cooked quickly and taste fresh; or kill the old chicken before filling a tablespoon of vinegar to the chicken, then scrapping with a slow fire cook stew, it will cook thoroughly cooked; or put 3 to 4 Hawthorn, chicken easily rotten
22, the old with the fierce heat and simmer for poultry, meat, hard is not good; if they start with cold water and a little vinegar Paoshang 2 hours, and then micro-cook the meat becomes tender and delicious
23, stewed duck: In a few snail easy Guo Lifang overripe
24, duck midnight, the end of both sides of the duck Remove beans smell of urine is more delicious
25, cook bacon: there are many with a dozen holes drilled walnut cook, remove the smell
26, braised beef, add a little potherb mustard, meat is delicious
27, do Pork before marinate the meat with a little bit of borax, burn fat and not greasy meat out, Ganxiang delicious
28, fried food, Guo Lifang a little salt, oil does not splashing
29, the spring roll in the amount of stuffing mix to add some flour and frying to avoid the juice out of the process of filling paste pot phenomenon
30, fried potatoes before the first cut and The cooked potato chips while on the water, so that the surface of the skin potatoes thin plastic layer, and then fried
31, pork cutlet, in the place where a tendon cut incision 2 to 3 , fried pork chops will not shrink out of
32, first, the chicken marinate for a while, sealing the cuticle into the refrigerator, to be removed again when fried, fried chicken, crispy and delicious
33, when fried egg In the occasion of the yolk is about to pour freezing cold water that will make the egg yellow and soft
34, fried eggs, put enough oil in the pan, heat the oil slightly egg pot, slowly getting cooked eggs, the appearance of United States, non-stick
35, fried eggs, the point spread in the hot oil flour, eggs will be fried too nice Huang Liang, the oil spill is not easy to pot outside
36, with the sheep Fry eggs, no Weixiang odor
37, scrambled eggs, a small amount of sugar was added, the freezing temperature will rise in protein denaturation, thus delaying the heating time, together with sugar with water retention, which can become bulky products, eggs, soft
38 , scrambled eggs are added a few drops of vinegar, Stir the egg soft Weixiang
39, fried eggplant, in the Guo Lifang vinegar, Stir the eggplant color is not black
40, when the vinegar fried potatoes , to avoid burning, and biodegradable potato toxins, and to color, taste affordable
41, fried bean sprouts, first add a little butter, then salt, to remove the beany flavor
42, speculation spinach should not be stamped when
43, Pork slices: plus sliced ​​meat sauce, butter, starch, into an egg, mix well, stir powder; and other meat color, together with a few fried a little seasoning, the steak delicious, fresh
44, Fried Shredded Beef: chopped, salt, sugar, wine, cornstarch (or eggs) mixed with what, with students Youpao marinate for 30 minutes and then fried, fresh and delicious
45 , Pork dishes salt too early too slow, should be cooked in salt, a few drops in the pan before the addition of vinegar, fresh and delicious
46, after a good meat cut wire dipped on the baking soda solution about Zaichao, especially osteoporosis and delicious sweet and sour dishes no matter what, as long as the sugar by 2 copies of the proportion of 1 part vinegar to deploy, can be sweet and sour moderate
47, fried sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour outer leaves, etc., should be first sugar, then salt, or salt, filling put 2 tsp salt
49, made with 50 grams of meat balls 10 g starch, the ratio of modulation, into a dish Ruannen
50, do slide film or Spicy Pork cubes of 50 grams of meat 5 g starch proportional sizing, fresh vegetables into delicious
51, make bread, if a small rub in the lard in baking, steaming out of the bread is not only white, soft, and Weixiang
52, when mixed with steamed buns a little orange Pisi, can increase the fragrance of bread
53, steamed buns from the base put more yellow, as in the original pots 2 to 3 tablespoons of vinegar water, then steam for 10 to 15 minutes white
54, Add a small amount of alum and salt water in, to immersion cut ten minutes of raw sweet potato, washed and cooked, to prevent or reduce bloating
55, boiled milk, paste, and put some salt, taste better after cooling Good
56, placed the food too spicy chili or add a little vinegar, fried chili, spicy greatly reduced
57, cooking, put down the vinegar sauce, if wrong, can put a little sprinkle of baking soda, vinegar taste can be removed
58, food is too acid, the egg smashed into a
59, food too spicy, put an egg fry
60, food too spicy, put some vinegar reduce the spicy
61, bitter vegetables, drip a little white vinegar
62, when the soup is too salty and not watered down, can put a few pieces of tofu, or potatoes or a few slices of tomato into the soup; also be one meter or wrapped together flour into the soup
63, soup is too greasy, a small amount of seaweed and roasted on the fire, and then thrown into the soup
64, peanut oil Zhashu, poured into a dish, while Heat sprinkled with a little white wine, cooler and then sprinkle a little salt, place a few days and nights are crisp Jesus ever
65, rapeseed oil has an odor, can the amount of oil after the Heat put ginger, garlic, onions, cloves, dried tangerine peel fried moment, the oil can become Hong
66, a fried peanuts with no food smell, the smell of delicious dishes Stir, and make cold dishes
67, after the bombing for food, leave some residue of oil and become cloudy, can be cut into thick discs of white radish, carrot with chopsticks to poke a few holes into the remaining oil in frying, the residue will be attached to the radish slices, and remove the residue removal , and then fried again into the pot, the oil variable cloudy clear
68, cooking should first boil hot, then pour into the oil, then add the vegetables
69, when the pot temperature reached the highest When adding wine, easy to make wine evaporation to remove the smell of food
70, rendered lard: electric rice in water or put a little praise in vegetable oil, then add pork suet or fat, after power automatically the oil refining, and do not splash, do not paste diesel, oil pure
71, pickle jars put pepper or a little more than a dozen grain malt, a preventive of white flowers.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Always some words to sound very much to the force

 I was studying super-BH, bicker with people who are often able to direct a word choke. Time shopping, the BAR is a big bother us students love take to ignore. Finally had a falling out, actually said that poor students do not have the trial installed, it is estimated the exposure to the big nothing, and so on as a charity. Young immediately before the student: Well too bright points can be nothing but a sell out ~~~~In an Italian brand of clothing to stopped, hand rubbed it between his girlfriend beige windbreaker, just ready to propose to try the salesperson contempt, said: Sorry to drag my colleague's hand to leave, this time the salesperson vicious irony: Do not come here to sell!! he said to her:
angry faces almost cramp.
4, met a mobile phone after-sale cattle have not yet, look in the eyes really is not an ordinary man could learn from, and call her Miss pay any attention to you. Even at the time, said with a smile: Miss silly, * who deserve ah.
5, to hear the tough approach is: two girls dressed in ordinary shopping - cosmetics counters, the staff were not willing to look, especially cross-talk tone, just like in local dialects like a dog Well, one of a girl with the clerk says: and face, said: Reluctantly, muttering: Pie Piezui salesman said: 7, there are times my mother went to LV store, I see a bag waiter asked how much the man not look I mentioned casually that more than 5,000, the only shop I said you do this substandard , too cheap! The dog immediately face the day.
8, I have a friend's dad to eat, points of pine nuts corn, vegetables come out to see the corn floated a few pine nuts, my friend's dad called the waiter said: What is food? The suddenly speechless
9, I was studying to buy clothes, wear a salesman to see him ah di bother to say here is very new, next to a discount, my classmates said something on the spot : You set a price I could not even buy you a piece!
10, students met his father in a shop salesman in a very fitted, usually low-key calm his father, the rage, and said: What do you know how much I month, I earn you a one month of money. Attendants face green ...
11, I lost a friend to see her future mother of gold jewelry, did not buy, take the time waiter was despised, and say no money to buy gold jewelry is also the kind of thing, my friend to a: did you have money, you sell gold during the day and night, selling silver.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

If I want you ... ...

 If I want you, I will pull out phone, see if there is your message, even though I know that the probability is so , slim ... ...

if I want you, I would use the thumb on the phone Laid on the rapid series of greetings , and finally they did not press the send key. Just afraid to disturb you.

if I want you, I will open a look at our chats , no matter what kind of dialogue , always a kind of sweet feeling, like , chocolate flavor.

if I want you, I will put into the far away look . Do not know ... ...

was thinking if I want you, I would think , would you be like me? Even if only for a second time.

if I want you in the evening to do a hazy dream of you. I do not want to wake up. Just afraid , a dream when I wake up , you will leave ... ...

if I want you, I will take a deep breath , the smell filled the air with my thoughts of inhaling the nearest place away from the heart !

if I want you, I will miss exchanged for notes , it revealed in the fingertips .

if I want you, I will look in the mirror , I look forward to this , so you can match .

I think. I've been hooked. Addictive , and I miss you!

everyone's mind , there are people who make you miss .

relatives , lovers, or friends.

miss sometimes there is no way to control their own time , simply go down the missing memories!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Several cold dishes to accelerate your weight loss

 Mushroom salad:

mushroom, yellow pepper, spring onion, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, honey (sugar).
1, boil the water first into the mushroom, yellow sweet pepper, hot wire 30 seconds, and finally add onion and mix well, remove;
2, 1 to remove and place materials half a minute into the ice water immersion;
3,1.5 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, a small half a teaspoon of honey (sugar) and garlic stir well into the wet material, remove the 2 materials, gently squeezed water into the mix;
4, a few drops of sesame oil on the table.
1, mushroom is very delicate, boil in hot water, preferably not more than 30 seconds, otherwise the taste too old, chewing time will Seya;
2, boil hot good the mushroom into the ice water immersion, not only for the purpose of rapid cooling, and can boil the food burns to maintain the best texture and color;
3, boil hot to gently squeeze a good mushroom dry water, so as not to serve too much water after the dishes overflow, affecting the taste and beauty;
4, eat with the best mix, place a long time, mushroom sauce will absorb the color, the color does not look too good ;
5, if the fear of garlic flavor, can be poured into the Heat a little sesame oil on the garlic, so garlic will not be too exciting, but not spicy;
6, can be spicy add a dash of chili oil, natural taste even better.

(2) How to eat healthy and radiant skin ------- spinach salad sesame spinach
nutritionists believe, white, green, red, yellow and black color of these five kinds of natural food , women of great benefit to the skin because the color of each type of food has its
red food: strawberries, cherries, dates, tomatoes, peaches, watermelon, carrots and so on.
white foods: tofu, milk, cheese, rice, lotus root, water chestnut, melon, coconut, jelly, tender pear Sun Jian, Campanulaceae, white radish, onions, white mushrooms and so on.
yellow food: soy, peanuts, walnuts, banana, peach and so on.
Green: gourd, cucumber, bitter gourd, green peppers, green beans, kiwi, green tea, plums, spinach, olives and so on.
black food: seaweed, black fungus, black sesame, black beans, black rice and so on.

spinach, pepper, sesame oil, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, salt, green onion, red chilli, garlic, ginger, black pepper, cooked white sesame seeds.
1, add sesame oil pan, add appropriate amount of pepper, a small fire blow fragrance, released from the pepper;
2, the green onion, red chilli, garlic, ginger placed in a bowl , into a hot sesame oil;
3, then add appropriate amount of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, a little salt and mix into sauce;
4, the pot add enough water to a boil, add appropriate amount of corn oil, salt, hot boil for 2-3 minutes;
6, boil hot water showers good fish out the spinach, squeezed water add sauce, cooked white sesame mix.
1, spinach contains oxalic acid, round leaf variety of content Beaudoin, after eating of the body to absorb calcium, therefore, advised when eating cooked spinach to remove such food in water, to reduce the oxalate content;
2, seasoning to adjust itself according to their own tastes, as appropriate, changes in materials;
3, after the Heat sesame oil and pour over ginger garlic, you can effectively reduce the spicy, the taste stimulus;
4, white sesame seeds until fragrant small fire, glass jars sealed, with the use to take, convenient;
5, is mixed with cold dishes are best to eat, do not place overnight.

(3) peel the two most HAPPY
eat watermelon rind can also be made of a variety of delicious dishes, you can roast, stew, soup ... ... and even take a direct to clean the surface of beauty. In short, if you dare, for fear can not do. benefits not only save money cooking
watermelon rind, watermelon rind can be anti-inflammatory and blood pressure, reduce cholesterol deposition, softening and dilation of blood vessels, promoting metabolism and so on.
hot and sour watermelon rind raw materials:
watermelon rind, coriander, red pepper, lemon, soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar, oil Laoganma Spicy, garlic, sesame oil, pepper oil.
1, choose thick batch of watermelon rind washed to remove most of the red flesh, green skin, cut into thin slices;
2, soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar, Laoganma Spicy oil, garlic, sesame oil, pepper oil amount transferred into the sauce and add a little lemon juice;
3, the epithelia of cut watermelon and red pepper silk, parsley poured into a container;
4, Finally add a good tune sauce, mix well, about 10 minutes after the refrigerator pickled edible.
1, easy to use thick watermelon rind, peeled, when done carefully, pay attention to safety;
2, adding a little lemon juice can increase the lemon flavor, not to;
3, lemon, balsamic vinegar has a sour, please consider to use, so as to avoid excess acid;
4, according to various tastes adjust sauce and adjust flavor after the first taste test, where appropriate, increase or decrease;
5 , after the Heat sesame oil can be poured into the garlic, the garlic can be effective in reducing the choking smell;
6, now mixed salad is best to eat, do not place overnight.
stir-fried watermelon rind
watermelon rind, green peppers, red peppers, onion, garlic, black pepper, salt, sugar.
1, take thick watermelon rind washed film to most of the red flesh;
2, carefully slice to the Green Paper;
, the watermelon rind into thin slices, thrown into the appropriate salted for 10-15 minutes, then flush filtered salt, squeezed water;
4, green peppers into strips, garlic shoot flat, wash, and cut green onion chives;
5, the pot by adding amount of oil pan, into the green peppers, garlic and saute for 1-2 minutes;
6, into the brown water of the watermelon rind to stir for 2-3 minutes, add salt, sugar, black pepper, chopped green onion seasoning.
(4) the tip of a gentleman dishes material:
bitter melon, ice. Approach:
1, bitter split in half, remove seeds with a spoon to dig;
2, and then boiled in boiling water, not more than 30 seconds, remove and soak quickly into the ice water for 3-5 minutes;
3, remove the bitter brown water, inclined blade into thin slices (thin film the more the better, please cylinder tube's knife I have ignored Kazakhstan);
4, plate and a layer of ice, the slices into code in the ice sheet on bitter gourd;
5, sauces:
a, you can deploy some of their own sauce: soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, oil and hot pepper, honey, cooked with sesame seeds.
b, the cheese like mustard can also be coupled with mustard, soy sauce and serve.
pleasant, cool crunchy, spleen appetite, increased appetite, bitter cold, healthy, relieve inflammation and refreshing! Approach is very simple, fast, worth a try, oh.
1, bitter flesh must be as much as possible to clean, this is not the key to suffering;
2, slice into thin pieces and we should try, because it can reduce the bitter taste , but also make tasty ingredients;
3, bitter gourd, blanch the time not too long (30 seconds), or bitter gourd will become soft, the color yellow, nutrient loss, it is important not eat crunchy;
4, although the bitter food nutrition and health, but because of bitter cold, eat a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, spleen Deficiency people should not consume too much time, and is best not to eat every day;
5, bitter gourd cooked food of temperature, raw diet cold, so pregnant women should be Shensi;
6, cold you need to pay attention to food hygiene, coupled with vinegar and garlic and other ingredients with a germicidal effect, and delicious;
7, bitter cold, So the best with the pungent foods (such as chili, pepper, onion, garlic), it can avoid the bitter taste into the heart, helps to benefit lung.
tip gentleman dishes

(5) Oil ring raw cowpea
cowpea, pepper, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar.
1, cowpea put off the old stems, cut into small pieces, peppers and cut into sections, boiled water into the bean section, paragraph pepper, add a little corn oil, salt and boil for 3-4 minutes or so hot ;
2, ginger, garlic, chopped fine Chengdu, adding an appropriate amount of sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil 1 tablespoon hot water in the bowl, a seasoning;
3, boil hot fishing good cowpea out, thoroughly soaked in ice water after the cool, remove and drain fully;
4, the seasonings and beans, chili mix.
1, cowpea pinching up a solid choice for good, the color white, void of too old brittle, not suitable for cold;
2, boil hot bean, add a little edible vegetable oil, salt, boil hot good soaking with cold water, can make the green bean to maintain good-looking;
3, free to taste the seasoning mediation, must use sesame oil, and must be hot, remove the garlic can be part of the discord taste;
4, make any salad, water must be fully drained, and the best mix is ​​to eat now, do not place overnight.

bean sprouts bean sprouts salad seemed smug, nutritious, and contain more fiber, is to lose weight, ideal for soothing medicine, and its rich in nutrients can improve the hair organizations, people keep hair glossy black, so the women eat bean sprouts can be UFA, skin, weight loss, the overall cosmetic results in three aspects.
soybean germination process in the more nutrients are released, more conducive to human absorption, nutrition, a chip far better than soy, hot summer, the use of bean sprouts produced a delicious salad of thin black hair, not just a bag of delicious food and take into account beauty, diet, UFA from the effects of the three, it is a wise move slightly.

bean sprouts, green onions, red bell pepper, cooked white sesame seeds, sesame oil, vinegar, chili oil, garlic, soy sauce, sugar
1, bean sprouts put off the old root, red pepper strips, onion strips;
2, sesame oil, vinegar, a spoonful of each, chili oil, garlic and the Banchi, two spoons of soy sauce, sugar, a little mix into the sauce; < br> 3, the pot boil the water first into the bean sprouts, red chilli hot boil for 2-3 minutes, add onion pot off the heat picked up before, soak in ice water;
4, drain water a good tune into the sauce in advance, cooked on the table to sprinkle sesame hundred.
1, boil hot dishes picked up a good soak in ice water for a while, you can keep the crisp bean sprouts;
2, spring onion can be a little more, but do not boil hot time a long time, so as to avoid too soft yellow;
3, sauce tastes different according to individual tastes freedom of mediation, you can try the re-mix advance;
4, saute a small fire of white sesame seeds, place in sealed glass jars preservation, can be used with the check;
5, is mixed with cold dishes are best to eat, do not place overnight;
6, and some bean sprouts and fresh look fat, but an unpleasant chemical taste, may be containing hormones, do not eat.

(7) Fried
small pond of raw materials:
white lotus, lily, celery, water chestnuts, red pepper, salt
1, go to the White Lotus Peel and cut into thin slices, soaked in clear water;
2, cut the red bell pepper rings, celery cut into small pieces, break it into pieces lily, water chestnut Peel thick;
3, amount of water to a boil, add lotus root hot boil about 1 minute, picked up the shower water and drain well;
4, boil if heat adding a little oil, add red bell pepper, celery, water chestnut stir fry a while;
5, down Drain the water into the lotus root, quick stir fry a while, add salt seasoning;
6, turn off the heat from the stove, stir well then add Lily.
1, lotus choice: the lotus body fat, succulent and crisp, water and more and sweet, with a better fragrance. Use two pedunculated lotus body, cut quickly after the comparison, no mud;
2, the red lotus and white lotus distinction: the general to the red lotus for the brown skin, short, thick body, eat raw lotus root taste bitter; white lotus is smooth skin with silver white, long, thin shape, raw lotus root tastes sweet. Usually stewed with red lotus root lotus root soup, fried lotus root with white lotus;
3, did not immediately cut cooking lotus root, there should be soaked in water to oxidation black;
4, boil hot lotus root films, do not use the iron pot, in order to avoid oxidation of black lotus root, and time is not too long, hot soak and boil lotus can be removed in the starch, fried until crisp and delicious out of the lotus root;
5, Lily will be black when the temperature fried, so I finally turn off the heat from the stove before adding;
6, the food dish in order to highlight their own sweet, crisp, so the only seasoning salt, the amount of oil have less;
7, except lotus, the other colors to color side dishes, free to choose, but in principle can not be too much material, taste-based approach is better, so as not to dominate.

(8) hot and sour Luo Boding
white radish, carrots, cherry radishes, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, sugar, salt, pepper, dried red peppers, cooked white sesame seeds.
1, white radish, carrots Peel and cut into finger size to the small, cherry radishes cut into finger size D;
2, the Luo Boding into the dry oil-free container, thrown into the appropriate salted 20-30 minutes, pour out the water preserved;
3, the pan by adding appropriate amount of cold sesame oil, pepper oil, into the amount of crushed dried chili, pepper, a small fire Fried;
4 will be fried down Ruluo Bo Hong on the 3 materials, the vinegar, sugar, is also drawn into the sauce and pour over radish;
5, after the radish and sauce mix, sealed storage bags, excess discharge air into the refrigerator pickle;
6, after a night out plus a little salted fried white sesame seeds, sesame oil and mix well and serve.
1, is the protagonist of white radish, carrots, radishes and cherry only slightly enriched;
2, Luo Boding preserved when the container is best to be clean and free from oil, add the appropriate amount of salt Not too much, so salty, preserved the water to pour out;
3, deep-fried pepper, dried chili, when the fire should be small, so as not to produce deep-fried batter bitter, odor;
4, sauces principle dosage can be a little more with vinegar, soy sauce so as not to amount to little salty, the taste can adjust the degree of their favorite;
5, a ceramic pot is best, not, good quality storage bags can also be thick container, after you installed it inside the air as much as possible;
6, place the refrigerator will be preserved when the water, half-way to shake the bag to make it more uniform tasty;
7, in principle, the refrigerator overnight can be eaten, but the first 2-3 days after taste of the best, if found not taste, can also add seasonings way, please try to finish in 1 week.

(9) iced plum pickled gourd

plum, bitter melon.
1, take appropriate plum into the pot, add a bowl of fire to boil water, cook slowly over medium heat;
2, water has been boiled to reduce by half, turn the fire strong harvest juice, let cool reserve;
3, bitter gourd cut open, seeds and white membrane digging;
4, oblique knife slice the bitter gourd into small pieces to teach book;
5, all the good bitter gourd slices pieces into boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes remove and hot showers white open, so that the cooling;
6, bitter gourd, drain water, and cooling the mixture and mix well, then Plum, placed in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes or preserved be.
1, plum amount not too much, so as not to taste too heavy, you can substitute with ebony;
2, try to remove the bitter white membrane clean, not too bitter taste ;
3, above science, the more bitter film book, it will not taste bitter;
4, bitter gourd time not to boil hot water for too long, so as not to become soft and yellow;
5, then plum flavor itself, so no additional seasoning;
6, good and bad features of bitter gourd, bitter gourd to look the part protruding above the election to pick the convex part of the bitter gourd in addition to large and upright, but also pretty smooth. If there bitter yellow, Ruanmian, on behalf of over cooked, crisp flesh is not enough, lost its taste.

(10) Tips
shallot turnip shot:
1, radish can crack shot, do not shoot too broken;
2, take the time to put fresh bags to prevent the carrots, juice splash;
3, preserved, they can close the lid shake mix all materials;
4, there will be no carrot sauce, this will be delicious marinated radish;
5, on the sauce:
(1) minced onions, a tablespoon;
(2) Zhenjiang vinegar, soy sauce, honey each a spoon, two teaspoons of sesame oil, chicken amount (which can also hold);
(3) Serve delicious sweet and sour sauce mixture and mix thoroughly (like spicy you can add a teaspoon of chili oil);
with honey instead of sugar the sauce tastes very unique flavor than white sugar to much, and more sweet and aromatic taste.

(11) spicy kelp
cool and crisp, spicy and refreshing, it is rare for a delicious summer salad.
kelp, dried chili, garlic, garlic, ginger, coriander, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, sugar, oil and chilli, cooked with sesame seeds.
1, will be cut into sections a little kelp wash, add 1 tablespoon white vinegar, boiling water, the kelp into the boiling water, cook 15-20 minutes, then remove and soak in ice water to cool;
2, a small circle cut dried chili, garlic, ginger cut into Chengdu, garlic cut fine backup;
3, the pan into the amount of sesame oil, pepper oil pan, then pour in all the two materials, blow out a small fire smell, turn off the heat from the stove by adding appropriate amount of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, oil and chilli stir well for a few minutes, a sauce;
4, the drain water kelp, parsley sections into large container, add sauce, cooked sesame mix.
1, if it is fully dried seaweed bubble to advance, before cooking;
2, when boiled kelp adding an appropriate amount of white vinegar, not only to remove the smell of seaweed and some C & T can also make it easier to cook soft seaweed, colors look good, like the softer texture may be extended cooking time;
3, garlic, ginger, cut as much as possible Rong, the particles affect the taste too much, no garlic can replaced with a shallot;
4, suggested Hong fried ingredients, because of its unique flavor to the extreme heat evaporation, no pepper oil can be fried into the amount of peppercorns, pepper and other flavors out, remove peppercorns so as not to affect the taste of the finished product;
5, fry seasonings must be low heat, have a short time in order to avoid deep-fried batter, and finally add vinegar, soy sauce, when to turn off the heat from the stove, so as not to hurt the oil spill ;
6, oil chilli oil chilli, etc. can be replaced with Laoganma, if not spicy food can also be omitted, the sauce can be used chopsticks dipped in a little taste testing, cooking than usual can be a little bit of slightly salty;
7, the prior low heat until fragrant white sesame sharing cool, put into sealed glass jars can be used with the check.

(12) shot winded way of raw materials and cucumber
1, 1.5 spoon soy sauce, salt, 1 tsp honey 1 tsp white vinegar 1 tsp (or 1 lime juice, yellow lemon is not enough acid) and mix well;
2, a spoonful of sesame oil into the wok, then add dried chili Suixiao fire saute, add garlic and mix well when the pot;
3, the 1 and 2 Serve pickled mixed materials;
4, finally making good pickled cucumber into the material, the best placed in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 hours;
5, good pickled cucumber to remove the swing set, Sprinkle with fried peanuts can be.

not afraid of repetitious:
1, choice of honey, the key is to use honey instead of sugar makes the sauce's sweetness is very unique feeling of an sweet and fragrant;
2, use white vinegar, is marinated cucumber with vinegar makes for a long time to keep the green cucumber bright colors,;
3, Hong fried with chili oil, to cool the oil under the hot pan, fry chilli oil that cooked the chili better flavor, heating time not too long, or chili paste will be broken;
4, generally before the Mavericks do not choose to use salted pickled cucumber, because of crisp cucumber becomes soft feeling, and when the last pickled cucumber water and integration can be expected pickled cucumber soaked up most of the easy and better smoke flavor;
5, cold cold oil pan stir fried peanuts small fire until the peanuts peanut skin becomes red and full, copy after have to wait for it to cool for a while, until fragrant, flaky, crisp and good taste.

(13) Spicy Shredded Burdock
1, cucumber, carrot, burdock amount.

2, burdock root with a knife scrape off the skin;
3, cucumber, carrot, burdock were shredded, soaked in water for burdock to be in;
4, water to a boil hot after 3 minutes into the burdock;
5, add carrots to hot for 2 minutes;
6, picked up into the ice water to cool;
7, 1 tsp soy sauce, vinegar , sesame oil, honey (or brown sugar), 0.5 tsp, chili oil amount Stir wet material will be prepared and drained a good three-wire mix;
8, sprinkled with white sesame seeds can be fried.
(★ without pepper to keep the finished product more crisp and sweet, the water boiled burdock tea can also be used when ★)

1, how to select Burdock:
a, burdock shaped like yam, such as 1-dollar coins to select the size of the diameter, length, thickness uniformity of better than 60 cm;
b, light brown skin is best not long roots;
c, if the diameter of more than 3 cm, coarse skin of the roots long, loose flesh that tastes bad, should not be purchased;
d, burdock can weigh the weight of his hand, the same size, the more weight the better, taste better that no internal hollow;
e, hand over burdock thick section, such as burdock natural bent down, means that the delicate taste of fresh on the burdock is very good.
2, burdock Save:
a, burdock easy to drain water, the fragrance will gradually lost, so it is best eaten as early as possible;
b, eat smaller part of the best, if not time to eat finished, the remaining do not touch the water with plastic wrap, then into the refrigerator freezer bottom;

3, burdock treatment:
a:, Burdock is rich in iron easily oxidized, Guapi the best time to put water under treatment, did not immediately cut and cooking can be soaked in clear water;
b, burdock can be a good deal of 3% vinegar soak into the water for 15 minutes, can make Burdock white aroma will not be lost;
c, burdock, and nutrient-rich thin skin, can be washed if it is braised stew, do not peel.