Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Several cold dishes to accelerate your weight loss

 Mushroom salad:

mushroom, yellow pepper, spring onion, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, honey (sugar).
1, boil the water first into the mushroom, yellow sweet pepper, hot wire 30 seconds, and finally add onion and mix well, remove;
2, 1 to remove and place materials half a minute into the ice water immersion;
3,1.5 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, a small half a teaspoon of honey (sugar) and garlic stir well into the wet material, remove the 2 materials, gently squeezed water into the mix;
4, a few drops of sesame oil on the table.
1, mushroom is very delicate, boil in hot water, preferably not more than 30 seconds, otherwise the taste too old, chewing time will Seya;
2, boil hot good the mushroom into the ice water immersion, not only for the purpose of rapid cooling, and can boil the food burns to maintain the best texture and color;
3, boil hot to gently squeeze a good mushroom dry water, so as not to serve too much water after the dishes overflow, affecting the taste and beauty;
4, eat with the best mix, place a long time, mushroom sauce will absorb the color, the color does not look too good ;
5, if the fear of garlic flavor, can be poured into the Heat a little sesame oil on the garlic, so garlic will not be too exciting, but not spicy;
6, can be spicy add a dash of chili oil, natural taste even better.

(2) How to eat healthy and radiant skin ------- spinach salad sesame spinach
nutritionists believe, white, green, red, yellow and black color of these five kinds of natural food , women of great benefit to the skin because the color of each type of food has its
red food: strawberries, cherries, dates, tomatoes, peaches, watermelon, carrots and so on.
white foods: tofu, milk, cheese, rice, lotus root, water chestnut, melon, coconut, jelly, tender pear Sun Jian, Campanulaceae, white radish, onions, white mushrooms and so on.
yellow food: soy, peanuts, walnuts, banana, peach and so on.
Green: gourd, cucumber, bitter gourd, green peppers, green beans, kiwi, green tea, plums, spinach, olives and so on.
black food: seaweed, black fungus, black sesame, black beans, black rice and so on.

spinach, pepper, sesame oil, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, salt, green onion, red chilli, garlic, ginger, black pepper, cooked white sesame seeds.
1, add sesame oil pan, add appropriate amount of pepper, a small fire blow fragrance, released from the pepper;
2, the green onion, red chilli, garlic, ginger placed in a bowl , into a hot sesame oil;
3, then add appropriate amount of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, a little salt and mix into sauce;
4, the pot add enough water to a boil, add appropriate amount of corn oil, salt, hot boil for 2-3 minutes;
6, boil hot water showers good fish out the spinach, squeezed water add sauce, cooked white sesame mix.
1, spinach contains oxalic acid, round leaf variety of content Beaudoin, after eating of the body to absorb calcium, therefore, advised when eating cooked spinach to remove such food in water, to reduce the oxalate content;
2, seasoning to adjust itself according to their own tastes, as appropriate, changes in materials;
3, after the Heat sesame oil and pour over ginger garlic, you can effectively reduce the spicy, the taste stimulus;
4, white sesame seeds until fragrant small fire, glass jars sealed, with the use to take, convenient;
5, is mixed with cold dishes are best to eat, do not place overnight.

(3) peel the two most HAPPY
eat watermelon rind can also be made of a variety of delicious dishes, you can roast, stew, soup ... ... and even take a direct to clean the surface of beauty. In short, if you dare, for fear can not do. benefits not only save money cooking
watermelon rind, watermelon rind can be anti-inflammatory and blood pressure, reduce cholesterol deposition, softening and dilation of blood vessels, promoting metabolism and so on.
hot and sour watermelon rind raw materials:
watermelon rind, coriander, red pepper, lemon, soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar, oil Laoganma Spicy, garlic, sesame oil, pepper oil.
1, choose thick batch of watermelon rind washed to remove most of the red flesh, green skin, cut into thin slices;
2, soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar, Laoganma Spicy oil, garlic, sesame oil, pepper oil amount transferred into the sauce and add a little lemon juice;
3, the epithelia of cut watermelon and red pepper silk, parsley poured into a container;
4, Finally add a good tune sauce, mix well, about 10 minutes after the refrigerator pickled edible.
1, easy to use thick watermelon rind, peeled, when done carefully, pay attention to safety;
2, adding a little lemon juice can increase the lemon flavor, not to;
3, lemon, balsamic vinegar has a sour, please consider to use, so as to avoid excess acid;
4, according to various tastes adjust sauce and adjust flavor after the first taste test, where appropriate, increase or decrease;
5 , after the Heat sesame oil can be poured into the garlic, the garlic can be effective in reducing the choking smell;
6, now mixed salad is best to eat, do not place overnight.
stir-fried watermelon rind
watermelon rind, green peppers, red peppers, onion, garlic, black pepper, salt, sugar.
1, take thick watermelon rind washed film to most of the red flesh;
2, carefully slice to the Green Paper;
, the watermelon rind into thin slices, thrown into the appropriate salted for 10-15 minutes, then flush filtered salt, squeezed water;
4, green peppers into strips, garlic shoot flat, wash, and cut green onion chives;
5, the pot by adding amount of oil pan, into the green peppers, garlic and saute for 1-2 minutes;
6, into the brown water of the watermelon rind to stir for 2-3 minutes, add salt, sugar, black pepper, chopped green onion seasoning.
(4) the tip of a gentleman dishes material:
bitter melon, ice. Approach:
1, bitter split in half, remove seeds with a spoon to dig;
2, and then boiled in boiling water, not more than 30 seconds, remove and soak quickly into the ice water for 3-5 minutes;
3, remove the bitter brown water, inclined blade into thin slices (thin film the more the better, please cylinder tube's knife I have ignored Kazakhstan);
4, plate and a layer of ice, the slices into code in the ice sheet on bitter gourd;
5, sauces:
a, you can deploy some of their own sauce: soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, oil and hot pepper, honey, cooked with sesame seeds.
b, the cheese like mustard can also be coupled with mustard, soy sauce and serve.
pleasant, cool crunchy, spleen appetite, increased appetite, bitter cold, healthy, relieve inflammation and refreshing! Approach is very simple, fast, worth a try, oh.
1, bitter flesh must be as much as possible to clean, this is not the key to suffering;
2, slice into thin pieces and we should try, because it can reduce the bitter taste , but also make tasty ingredients;
3, bitter gourd, blanch the time not too long (30 seconds), or bitter gourd will become soft, the color yellow, nutrient loss, it is important not eat crunchy;
4, although the bitter food nutrition and health, but because of bitter cold, eat a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, spleen Deficiency people should not consume too much time, and is best not to eat every day;
5, bitter gourd cooked food of temperature, raw diet cold, so pregnant women should be Shensi;
6, cold you need to pay attention to food hygiene, coupled with vinegar and garlic and other ingredients with a germicidal effect, and delicious;
7, bitter cold, So the best with the pungent foods (such as chili, pepper, onion, garlic), it can avoid the bitter taste into the heart, helps to benefit lung.
tip gentleman dishes

(5) Oil ring raw cowpea
cowpea, pepper, ginger, garlic, sesame oil, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar.
1, cowpea put off the old stems, cut into small pieces, peppers and cut into sections, boiled water into the bean section, paragraph pepper, add a little corn oil, salt and boil for 3-4 minutes or so hot ;
2, ginger, garlic, chopped fine Chengdu, adding an appropriate amount of sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil 1 tablespoon hot water in the bowl, a seasoning;
3, boil hot fishing good cowpea out, thoroughly soaked in ice water after the cool, remove and drain fully;
4, the seasonings and beans, chili mix.
1, cowpea pinching up a solid choice for good, the color white, void of too old brittle, not suitable for cold;
2, boil hot bean, add a little edible vegetable oil, salt, boil hot good soaking with cold water, can make the green bean to maintain good-looking;
3, free to taste the seasoning mediation, must use sesame oil, and must be hot, remove the garlic can be part of the discord taste;
4, make any salad, water must be fully drained, and the best mix is ​​to eat now, do not place overnight.

bean sprouts bean sprouts salad seemed smug, nutritious, and contain more fiber, is to lose weight, ideal for soothing medicine, and its rich in nutrients can improve the hair organizations, people keep hair glossy black, so the women eat bean sprouts can be UFA, skin, weight loss, the overall cosmetic results in three aspects.
soybean germination process in the more nutrients are released, more conducive to human absorption, nutrition, a chip far better than soy, hot summer, the use of bean sprouts produced a delicious salad of thin black hair, not just a bag of delicious food and take into account beauty, diet, UFA from the effects of the three, it is a wise move slightly.

bean sprouts, green onions, red bell pepper, cooked white sesame seeds, sesame oil, vinegar, chili oil, garlic, soy sauce, sugar
1, bean sprouts put off the old root, red pepper strips, onion strips;
2, sesame oil, vinegar, a spoonful of each, chili oil, garlic and the Banchi, two spoons of soy sauce, sugar, a little mix into the sauce; < br> 3, the pot boil the water first into the bean sprouts, red chilli hot boil for 2-3 minutes, add onion pot off the heat picked up before, soak in ice water;
4, drain water a good tune into the sauce in advance, cooked on the table to sprinkle sesame hundred.
1, boil hot dishes picked up a good soak in ice water for a while, you can keep the crisp bean sprouts;
2, spring onion can be a little more, but do not boil hot time a long time, so as to avoid too soft yellow;
3, sauce tastes different according to individual tastes freedom of mediation, you can try the re-mix advance;
4, saute a small fire of white sesame seeds, place in sealed glass jars preservation, can be used with the check;
5, is mixed with cold dishes are best to eat, do not place overnight;
6, and some bean sprouts and fresh look fat, but an unpleasant chemical taste, may be containing hormones, do not eat.

(7) Fried
small pond of raw materials:
white lotus, lily, celery, water chestnuts, red pepper, salt
1, go to the White Lotus Peel and cut into thin slices, soaked in clear water;
2, cut the red bell pepper rings, celery cut into small pieces, break it into pieces lily, water chestnut Peel thick;
3, amount of water to a boil, add lotus root hot boil about 1 minute, picked up the shower water and drain well;
4, boil if heat adding a little oil, add red bell pepper, celery, water chestnut stir fry a while;
5, down Drain the water into the lotus root, quick stir fry a while, add salt seasoning;
6, turn off the heat from the stove, stir well then add Lily.
1, lotus choice: the lotus body fat, succulent and crisp, water and more and sweet, with a better fragrance. Use two pedunculated lotus body, cut quickly after the comparison, no mud;
2, the red lotus and white lotus distinction: the general to the red lotus for the brown skin, short, thick body, eat raw lotus root taste bitter; white lotus is smooth skin with silver white, long, thin shape, raw lotus root tastes sweet. Usually stewed with red lotus root lotus root soup, fried lotus root with white lotus;
3, did not immediately cut cooking lotus root, there should be soaked in water to oxidation black;
4, boil hot lotus root films, do not use the iron pot, in order to avoid oxidation of black lotus root, and time is not too long, hot soak and boil lotus can be removed in the starch, fried until crisp and delicious out of the lotus root;
5, Lily will be black when the temperature fried, so I finally turn off the heat from the stove before adding;
6, the food dish in order to highlight their own sweet, crisp, so the only seasoning salt, the amount of oil have less;
7, except lotus, the other colors to color side dishes, free to choose, but in principle can not be too much material, taste-based approach is better, so as not to dominate.

(8) hot and sour Luo Boding
white radish, carrots, cherry radishes, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, sugar, salt, pepper, dried red peppers, cooked white sesame seeds.
1, white radish, carrots Peel and cut into finger size to the small, cherry radishes cut into finger size D;
2, the Luo Boding into the dry oil-free container, thrown into the appropriate salted 20-30 minutes, pour out the water preserved;
3, the pan by adding appropriate amount of cold sesame oil, pepper oil, into the amount of crushed dried chili, pepper, a small fire Fried;
4 will be fried down Ruluo Bo Hong on the 3 materials, the vinegar, sugar, is also drawn into the sauce and pour over radish;
5, after the radish and sauce mix, sealed storage bags, excess discharge air into the refrigerator pickle;
6, after a night out plus a little salted fried white sesame seeds, sesame oil and mix well and serve.
1, is the protagonist of white radish, carrots, radishes and cherry only slightly enriched;
2, Luo Boding preserved when the container is best to be clean and free from oil, add the appropriate amount of salt Not too much, so salty, preserved the water to pour out;
3, deep-fried pepper, dried chili, when the fire should be small, so as not to produce deep-fried batter bitter, odor;
4, sauces principle dosage can be a little more with vinegar, soy sauce so as not to amount to little salty, the taste can adjust the degree of their favorite;
5, a ceramic pot is best, not, good quality storage bags can also be thick container, after you installed it inside the air as much as possible;
6, place the refrigerator will be preserved when the water, half-way to shake the bag to make it more uniform tasty;
7, in principle, the refrigerator overnight can be eaten, but the first 2-3 days after taste of the best, if found not taste, can also add seasonings way, please try to finish in 1 week.

(9) iced plum pickled gourd

plum, bitter melon.
1, take appropriate plum into the pot, add a bowl of fire to boil water, cook slowly over medium heat;
2, water has been boiled to reduce by half, turn the fire strong harvest juice, let cool reserve;
3, bitter gourd cut open, seeds and white membrane digging;
4, oblique knife slice the bitter gourd into small pieces to teach book;
5, all the good bitter gourd slices pieces into boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes remove and hot showers white open, so that the cooling;
6, bitter gourd, drain water, and cooling the mixture and mix well, then Plum, placed in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes or preserved be.
1, plum amount not too much, so as not to taste too heavy, you can substitute with ebony;
2, try to remove the bitter white membrane clean, not too bitter taste ;
3, above science, the more bitter film book, it will not taste bitter;
4, bitter gourd time not to boil hot water for too long, so as not to become soft and yellow;
5, then plum flavor itself, so no additional seasoning;
6, good and bad features of bitter gourd, bitter gourd to look the part protruding above the election to pick the convex part of the bitter gourd in addition to large and upright, but also pretty smooth. If there bitter yellow, Ruanmian, on behalf of over cooked, crisp flesh is not enough, lost its taste.

(10) Tips
shallot turnip shot:
1, radish can crack shot, do not shoot too broken;
2, take the time to put fresh bags to prevent the carrots, juice splash;
3, preserved, they can close the lid shake mix all materials;
4, there will be no carrot sauce, this will be delicious marinated radish;
5, on the sauce:
(1) minced onions, a tablespoon;
(2) Zhenjiang vinegar, soy sauce, honey each a spoon, two teaspoons of sesame oil, chicken amount (which can also hold);
(3) Serve delicious sweet and sour sauce mixture and mix thoroughly (like spicy you can add a teaspoon of chili oil);
with honey instead of sugar the sauce tastes very unique flavor than white sugar to much, and more sweet and aromatic taste.

(11) spicy kelp
cool and crisp, spicy and refreshing, it is rare for a delicious summer salad.
kelp, dried chili, garlic, garlic, ginger, coriander, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, sugar, oil and chilli, cooked with sesame seeds.
1, will be cut into sections a little kelp wash, add 1 tablespoon white vinegar, boiling water, the kelp into the boiling water, cook 15-20 minutes, then remove and soak in ice water to cool;
2, a small circle cut dried chili, garlic, ginger cut into Chengdu, garlic cut fine backup;
3, the pan into the amount of sesame oil, pepper oil pan, then pour in all the two materials, blow out a small fire smell, turn off the heat from the stove by adding appropriate amount of vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, oil and chilli stir well for a few minutes, a sauce;
4, the drain water kelp, parsley sections into large container, add sauce, cooked sesame mix.
1, if it is fully dried seaweed bubble to advance, before cooking;
2, when boiled kelp adding an appropriate amount of white vinegar, not only to remove the smell of seaweed and some C & T can also make it easier to cook soft seaweed, colors look good, like the softer texture may be extended cooking time;
3, garlic, ginger, cut as much as possible Rong, the particles affect the taste too much, no garlic can replaced with a shallot;
4, suggested Hong fried ingredients, because of its unique flavor to the extreme heat evaporation, no pepper oil can be fried into the amount of peppercorns, pepper and other flavors out, remove peppercorns so as not to affect the taste of the finished product;
5, fry seasonings must be low heat, have a short time in order to avoid deep-fried batter, and finally add vinegar, soy sauce, when to turn off the heat from the stove, so as not to hurt the oil spill ;
6, oil chilli oil chilli, etc. can be replaced with Laoganma, if not spicy food can also be omitted, the sauce can be used chopsticks dipped in a little taste testing, cooking than usual can be a little bit of slightly salty;
7, the prior low heat until fragrant white sesame sharing cool, put into sealed glass jars can be used with the check.

(12) shot winded way of raw materials and cucumber
1, 1.5 spoon soy sauce, salt, 1 tsp honey 1 tsp white vinegar 1 tsp (or 1 lime juice, yellow lemon is not enough acid) and mix well;
2, a spoonful of sesame oil into the wok, then add dried chili Suixiao fire saute, add garlic and mix well when the pot;
3, the 1 and 2 Serve pickled mixed materials;
4, finally making good pickled cucumber into the material, the best placed in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 hours;
5, good pickled cucumber to remove the swing set, Sprinkle with fried peanuts can be.

not afraid of repetitious:
1, choice of honey, the key is to use honey instead of sugar makes the sauce's sweetness is very unique feeling of an sweet and fragrant;
2, use white vinegar, is marinated cucumber with vinegar makes for a long time to keep the green cucumber bright colors,;
3, Hong fried with chili oil, to cool the oil under the hot pan, fry chilli oil that cooked the chili better flavor, heating time not too long, or chili paste will be broken;
4, generally before the Mavericks do not choose to use salted pickled cucumber, because of crisp cucumber becomes soft feeling, and when the last pickled cucumber water and integration can be expected pickled cucumber soaked up most of the easy and better smoke flavor;
5, cold cold oil pan stir fried peanuts small fire until the peanuts peanut skin becomes red and full, copy after have to wait for it to cool for a while, until fragrant, flaky, crisp and good taste.

(13) Spicy Shredded Burdock
1, cucumber, carrot, burdock amount.

2, burdock root with a knife scrape off the skin;
3, cucumber, carrot, burdock were shredded, soaked in water for burdock to be in;
4, water to a boil hot after 3 minutes into the burdock;
5, add carrots to hot for 2 minutes;
6, picked up into the ice water to cool;
7, 1 tsp soy sauce, vinegar , sesame oil, honey (or brown sugar), 0.5 tsp, chili oil amount Stir wet material will be prepared and drained a good three-wire mix;
8, sprinkled with white sesame seeds can be fried.
(★ without pepper to keep the finished product more crisp and sweet, the water boiled burdock tea can also be used when ★)

1, how to select Burdock:
a, burdock shaped like yam, such as 1-dollar coins to select the size of the diameter, length, thickness uniformity of better than 60 cm;
b, light brown skin is best not long roots;
c, if the diameter of more than 3 cm, coarse skin of the roots long, loose flesh that tastes bad, should not be purchased;
d, burdock can weigh the weight of his hand, the same size, the more weight the better, taste better that no internal hollow;
e, hand over burdock thick section, such as burdock natural bent down, means that the delicate taste of fresh on the burdock is very good.
2, burdock Save:
a, burdock easy to drain water, the fragrance will gradually lost, so it is best eaten as early as possible;
b, eat smaller part of the best, if not time to eat finished, the remaining do not touch the water with plastic wrap, then into the refrigerator freezer bottom;

3, burdock treatment:
a:, Burdock is rich in iron easily oxidized, Guapi the best time to put water under treatment, did not immediately cut and cooking can be soaked in clear water;
b, burdock can be a good deal of 3% vinegar soak into the water for 15 minutes, can make Burdock white aroma will not be lost;
c, burdock, and nutrient-rich thin skin, can be washed if it is braised stew, do not peel.

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