Monday, February 28, 2011

National Bureau of Statistics 2010, large-scale industrial growth of 11.6% in the textile industry

 According to the National Bureau of Statistics released today
the Among them, the primary industry added value 4.0497 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.3%; the second industry was 18.6481 trillion yuan, up 12.2%; the tertiary industry was 17.1005 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.5%. The first industry accounts for gross domestic product was 10.2%, secondary industry accounted for 46.8%, the proportion of tertiary industry 43.0%.

testing of domestic and imported milk ingredients that no significant difference in seven adults do not want to purchase China-made milk-second five-year plan to determine the economic growth rate of 7% Wang: agriculture-related credit can not reduce the sugar daddy play a small role, and the third sector in general, News Network Information center Recruitment edit HD: Lu Wen Jiabao and communicate online with friends Kai: Why can not raise interest rates all year round inflation
16.003 trillion yuan of industrial added value, an increase of 12.1%. Scale industrial added value up 15.7%. Annual large-scale industry, the textile industry increased 11.6%. Major Industrial Products in 2010 production of 27.17 million tons of yarn, 13.5% higher than last year; cloth production in 80 billion meters, up 6.2% over last year; chemical fiber output of 30.9 million tons, up by 12.5% over last year.

The completed investment in fixed assets 27.814 trillion yuan, an increase of 23.8%, after deducting price factors, the actual increase of 19.5%. Urban fixed asset investment which the textile industry reached 223 billion yuan, an increase of 26.4%; textiles and clothing, footwear and headgear manufacturing urban fixed asset investment reached 141.2 billion yuan, an increase of 34.4%. In the above companies in retail sales, clothing was up 25.8%.

year $ 2,972,800,000,000 total import and export of goods, an increase of 34.7%. Among them, textile yarn, fabrics and products exports 77.1 billion U.S. dollars, up 28.4%; total exports of apparel and clothing accessories 129.5 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 20.9%.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ma Ying-jeou Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, the speeches

 The vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia view
Taiwan KMT presidential candidate Ma Ying-jeou

Kyoto, Japan, the Republic of Doshisha University
96 November 21
Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan Introduction
Thank you for your introduction, Professor Murata. If I remember correctly, this is my eighth time came to Japan. without exception, each visit can so I added a lot of this great country of knowledge and respect. Now let me scheduled for last July canceled a speech here to apologize. because of the typhoon's surprise visit, when, as mayor of Taipei, I must first return to ensure that fellow citizens safe. but it does not fulfill the coiled about not always in my heart. This is why I first put down a busy campaign, first here is my trip to Japan as the first stop then go on to meet other Japanese friends.
the past century, Doshisha University has proven that it is a very good higher education hall. founder of the new island-based Dr. Xiang (University of the United States have been awarded Amherst give him an honorary doctorate) expectations for education and commitment to the university are so many subjects to excel.
Some people have said Doshisha University, Waseda University in western Japan. But one of my Taiwanese friends, he also is an alumnus of Doshisha University has assured me that, in fact, is the East Waseda, Doshisha University in Japan.
But one thing is true: the new island is a Dr. who has a vision. In 1879 years of graduation, new graduates of the island of Dr. English said: This This Mr. Xiang embarked on a trip across the ocean to the United States to study Western science and Christian theology. A few years later, the new island to get the United States, became the first Japanese university graduate degrees. In the case of the parties to assist the new Mr. Island returned to Japan and set up schools in Kyoto in 1875, the establishment of Doshisha University. The new husband is a successful combination of island traditional Japanese culture and Western civilization, an important example. and this combination is key to success in today's modern Japan.
my visit Before I review a little history of Taiwan and Japan. Japan's colonial rule of Taiwan, despite a strong resistance caused by the people of Taiwan, but also create a lot of the people of Taiwan and Japan should cherish the friendship and nostalgia.
first worth We miss the Meiji Restoration of the fathers of Itagaki Taisuke count. He unequal status of Taiwan in the colony is very caring, Lin Hsien-tang, who earned the friendship and respect, has been advocated to treat the people of Taiwan.
We also thank the original Yanai Tadao professor. He has a profound sympathy for Taiwan and understanding, write the book for Taiwan Shenzhang Gong Road, and came to Taiwan to lecture in Taiwan Enlightenment site. Yanai, Professor Tadao later served as the original first post-war president of Tokyo University.
addition , and Yoichi Hatta President, he spent a decade building irrigation systems in southern Taiwan. Although he is running a living in Japan, 999 days; the predecessor of the Kuomintang Sun Alliance is established in Japan in 1905. In fact, the name of Sun Yat-sen, then add a word into years. In addition to the two gentlemen, the Chinese revolution sages and the relationship between Japan and many important people. At the same time, many Japanese who sympathize with the Chinese revolution, like the housing Chuang Chi-Mei, Yang Yi, the dog, but later became Sun and Jiang's friends.
I would say that you on the ancestors and our ancestors have close exchanges between the connected and each other learn from each other for many years. We both are in the history and geography tied as close, whether in the present, past and future alike. true historical past with a couple of places are not all that enjoyable. In some of the wrong policy, many people lose their lives national dignity suffered a heavy blow. But I firmly believe that today's twenty-first century, the end of World War II more than six decades, we have to nineteenth and twentieth century behind the shadows.
This is why I believe that in the case do not forget history, we must forgive, and out of the shadows. Let us now face each other honest. because our future is important to us, so we should not reoccurrence in history them. After World War II, Japan and Taiwan lack of mutual concern between the two sides tend only to look on the Western countries, while ignoring each other, and even still follow the old vision of the past. In the past we used to look at each other, black and white dichotomy , forget the fact there is great between the two ends of the gray areas.
Since all of you have been a new spirit of openness of the island, Mr., so I suggested to you as the primary application is the future of Taiwan and Japan, a new perspective re-examine the degree to each other. Japan is very different from earlier and the past, and now Japan is not only more confident, more view of the world, and more sure of himself. Taiwan are not the same as before, and more democratic, more noisy affairs, the international situation even more difficult , but also bring more trouble to others. Kuomintang of course, a transformation. Many Japanese friends may not have noticed changes in the KMT. KMT members not only to more younger, more democratic decision-making is also, of course, more identify with Taiwan. In view of These changes, if Taiwan and Japan still use the past to look upon each other, we will lose many opportunities, and even will repeat the mistakes of the past. If we can have thoughts and mind open, I believe we will not just acquaintances, but will become more intimate friend or partner. we have also more responsive to the changing environment in East Asia can be more effectively overcome this difficult problem within the region and the unpredictable variety of challenges. < br> President of the Republic of China if elected, I will wear a new pair of lenses in Taiwan-Japan relations stand. I will ask people exchanges to increase both the quality and quantity. Many people in Taiwan can speak Japanese; has more than twenty University set up a Japanese language or Japanese Studies. Japanese art and culture, including technology, dance, music, literature, video games, popular art, tea ceremony, flower arranging, architecture, gardening, Kendo, cooking, etc., can be seen almost everywhere in Taiwan. Just go to (95) in one year, there are 121 million people of Taiwan to the Japanese tourist; the same time Japanese tourists to Taiwan, there are 116 million people. two records are high. But I think that was not enough, we must beyond the scope of Japanese and Chinese, we must tell those who are not fluent in Japanese and Chinese people, they must be like trying to understand the Western world that is committed to understanding each other. I hope that in the long run this will give the history between us to bring a new page.
a in neighboring states rather than between far. two world wars, many more have been repaired enemies, and even become a close friend and neighbor. But this did not occur in East Asia which we live. For this situation, I often regret. When you and I look around four buildings, why we often feel a little resentment, suspicion or threat? We must be like this? have this happen is because ?
I believe in the long term, East Asia if you want to be prosperous, we must be prosperous together. to prosperity, we must increase the cooperation. In order to cooperate, we must remember the lessons of past history, and the unhappiness of the past left to history. Many other countries and nations have already done so. Some countries such as Germany and France had also experienced several hundred years and even the bloody war and suffering, but now they already decided to build a bright future together.
Therefore, I am very pleased to see the relationship between Japan and its neighbors can improve, but also look forward to the tensions on the Korean Peninsula to slow down. if elected, I will try to reduce tensions in the Taiwan Strait, the power to do their thin cotton.
In the meantime, between Taiwan and Japan in view of strong bilateral relations between the two countries will sign if the consultations in order to strengthen the bilateral economic interaction.
I am particularly pleased to see that Japan can play in international affairs a more important role. Japan is the world's second largest economy, it is Asia's most democratic politics, society's most open countries . Japan's culture as open and continue to progress and innovation. Japan really has much to learn from.
but as human beings, like other exchanges, learning is a mutual process. Taiwan must rediscover and learn the Japanese; Similarly, Japan should also come from a new understanding and appreciation of Taiwan's point of view. We both must learn to understand each other's expectations, self-esteem and fear. We need to warm the heart, rather than . from Itagaki Taisuke and Yanai original Tadao and others who I saw in Japan was a broad minded people. I am sure the people of Taiwan so too. If we can their feelings and listen to each other's hearts, I believe that between us there must be new the relations. Let us try, it really is good?
a pragmatic idealist vision
some of my Japanese friends have told me that they do not know me. from the nature of it, I an idealist, because I believe in democracy and freedom is a universal value. I condemn the Communist Tiananmen ***, in fact, since 1989 I have never been lacking in the annual commemoration of the meeting I had. I also represent individuals and KMT to 228 events in the White Terror period in Taiwan suffering deeply apologize to the family. I also hope that other peoples in this world can soon enjoy the fruits of democracy and freedom.
but I was also pragmatism persons. I am deeply aware of the diversity of East Asia and complexity. In this region, we can see that the democratic system, the communist totalitarian dictatorship coexist with the situation. East Asia like China, as countries with vast land, but also to dilute some of the kingdom of villains; here as in Japan's national economic progress, but there are some far behind the country's economic development. in religion is Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism coexist. In short, East Asia is very different qualitative areas, in order to live in peace here, in addition to adopt a pragmatic attitude, no other way.
Therefore, I can vision of Taiwan to illustrate the following aspects: First, we will be in East Asia to avoid. If you can get power, I will endeavor to help Taiwan become a hot longer.
Second, we present the basic policy of arms people have failed, I believe it is to re-confirm or consolidate the . In addition to continuing to purchase advanced weapons from abroad, we need to establish a be sustainable against the enemy), Treaty ways to encourage the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan Strait issue Second Consensus I think both sides should be in the Tourism .

Conclusion Ladies and gentlemen, as a pragmatic idealist, I will bring regional peace, political stability and economic development as the primary task of governing. For the foreign friends, we will not give us to create the core of our policy toward Japan. In this, I sincerely hope that if the KMT return to power next year, Taiwan and Japan will be more solid, earnest, and sincere relations. Thank you!
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Category: Foreign
Ma Ying-jeou to post a blog response, please log in or register. Forward Print
2007, 十一月 21 - 9:55 pm m the freedom of speech Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
1, Japan, the world's second largest economy, but because of World War II fascist and defeated background, politics and diplomacy have been suppressed by the international community, the most eager , Bai Gaoxing the Japanese that the Americans could not escape the control of, nor in China, South Korea, ASEAN's three attack, what in the hands of the international development arena.
2, Japan is a constitutional monarchy in the country, not What kind of may not be unhappy.
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:08 pm m speech Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
Koizumi to pressure China to use the United States, and the result to the cold and isolated Japan in Asia. put forward a US-Japan military alliance, but also to the Americans to control the Japanese army, but also spend money on mats for the United States military.
turn, Shinzo Abe want to destabilize by China with the United States, the results get to live in their own hospital.
now the aging and the new prime minister, may be the middle path, keeping a low profile diplomatic, economic and development, which is actually before the time of Japan's Koizumi policy. It also determines, on the Taiwan issue is not Japan, China and momentum Masamori face conflicts occur.
tenure in the new prime minister, Japan Taiwan fishermen to catch something random, should be convergent.
If you want to publish responses, please login or register. Forward Print
2007, 十一月 21 - 10:09 pm m intro Re: Sports
not know will not visit the Chunichi Dragons Hanshin Chen Weiyan Japan to help more players Lin Wei Rights
especially Wang Chen-chih ^ ^
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:10 pm m the freedom of speech Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
I do not understand politics, in fact Luanjiang ah. We the people is the way to talk about what comes to mind, even if it is said that the whole of touch. do not like politicians who talk about set, thought one thing and do another set.
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:18 pm m expression Re : the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
ask you a question: say the background Gangster *** right-wing forces in Japan, in addition to the Governor of Tokyo, as well as Who?
feel right-wing forces in Japan and Taiwan the relationship between the child feel special underworld.
response to post, please login or register. Forward Print
2007, 十一月 21 - 10:29 pm m intro Re: peace and prosperity in East Asia Vision
only know that Frank Hsieh, Alice King Otherwise they will not wear what heart of ocean color jacket ~ Action Coalition to engage with them has also been the dark side of the heart similar to pay attention to chatter!!
anyway, see also Asian Championship Do not seat a hundred to a soldier of the refund z uu!!
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2007, 十一月 22 - 6:47 am m KK Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
Ma would like a thorough ah well, super-impressed to say ^ ^
Yes, absolutely .. and pragmatic ideals can coexist,
the stick to stick, such as Ma said the defense part of the order to br> the only way to ensure that cross-strait peace, adhere to the Republic of China in the end,
but should also expand economic flows across.
year for the condemnation of the Tiananmen and the Diaoyu Islands Action Ma both
the peace and protect life as a starting point,
this point, this is all we have to learn the response, please log in or register. Forward Print
2007, 十一月 22 - 9:25 am m matw Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
share in this brief novel of a Japanese story of the Warring States period Japan's Warring States Period ~ ~
separate the various name ~ ~ ignore the existence of the major names have shogunate to achieve their own ambitions ~
but an enemy spy in order to prevent another big name out ~ have implemented strict system of locks States ~
people out of business is Baibandiaonan ~
named Oda Nobunaga at this time there was a name applied down the line ~ ~ ready to accept not only not to lock the country ~
also a lot of people open to enemy free access to their own business not be controlled territory ~ name ~
all know that after the ~ is laughing Oda Nobunaga is But the enemy did not expect the view ~ ~
Oda Nobunaga's Territory ~
as the result of free trade have happy ~ national merchants to do business ~ business all his territory to his sudden run ~
~ Oda Nobunaga's territory into the territory of the wealthy in Japan due to the economic prosperity ~ ~
Oda also put a lot of money instead of buying the Western territories of the gun only ~
also Houzhi the military ~ Oda
Oda at the beginning of the country when the time is ripe to attack the central control almost half of Japan ~ ~
name before all this time to recognize this not to surrender to the Oda army is coming defeat ~
and Oda Army forces will come from his strong economic backing ~
was wise Oda Mitsuhide hire, although unfortunately the assassination of ~
but he laid most of the country allows the Tokugawa Ieyasu unified the world ~ ~ laid the glory days of the Tokugawa shogunate was ~
the The moral of this story tells us very clearly ~ ~ ~
can not do that with our present government to be reflective ~ in the end who is the fool?
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2007, 十一月 22 - 10:03 am m tao Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
heart, rather than understanding and communication on the mainland. be able to resolve the people's well-being of confrontation is the politicians that the highest purpose. and not even for a small group at the expense of a person's self-interest groups split off and confrontation. broken heart, broken He Anning about the people and the nation and well-being?
hope that Mr. Ma for both sides to bring stability, peace and common prosperity.
share the dignity of the Chinese nation to share the years has been for thousands of flies, but still warm Humanities.
think of a famous sociologist Karzai Stewart's few words with you for mutual encouragement:
Gladiator-like activity and complex rational struggle. complex, all the way.
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2007, 十一月 22 - 5:20 pm m Fun basket Re: May peace and prosperity in East Asia King
Article name: a letter to President Chen pen name: Rangers
Hello Dear President:
I am the people living in Taiwan, I was in your mouth sweet potatoes are sub- This year I was about to begin life, 25 years old, it was about to end.
25-year-olds is heading towards a career working for the national contribution to President Chen hard, but I was Teachers College students, I have no stage have no money ,
early age I seriously inspirational reading for the second Chen Shui-bian, has been to university and I seriously take more than 200 graduate credits, because I have filled in the heat sink,
want to get rid of the family from the labor, so that their families had more good life, but my broken dreams broken
Why, I told you I had four poor people live, because I brother are soldiers, soldiers eat and drink bleach prostitution gambling habits do not change, his dislike my sister is wandering teachers,
think our family is a group of waste through college, yes I have many students have become waste, it is mental torture.
noon cabbage home is not just the elderly, he did not shoot me because the father is a worker and his mother did not work, my brother read super expensive private university tuition fees bad, I told brother living at home with my sister and I cabbage
home, particularly at night have the courage to write to you, Because I'm so hungry, yesterday's lunch was still a little meat Songane tofu vegetables with an Egg Roll, I told my mom, super nutrition
fact, my very hungry, this is physical torture. < br> His family had no more money to your nanny, my mother is six years old, so cold I woke up recently with children, good hand feel sore, and when the money to support teachers with only a few thousand
not support the family of the legs are very sore, did not sleep well at night with this, which is suffering insomnia.
go to work without new clothes to wear, the clothes often wear seven or eight years ago, often leak a length navel, the formal school teachers were scolded thirty-eight, I can not say I actually money to my sister's wedding because my sister ran out of
hope broke his market, he hoped that the school admitted her, so I would not say she was married, this is the dignity of the torture.
yesterday as hungry to write a letter to the Executive Yuan in the morning to go to work, and looked again, riding a 15-minute way to work, I told myself not to cry, because crying makeup will dissipate,
even waste time re-coated cosmetics, which is physical torture.
school teacher I did not drink tea discussion, the school teacher to discuss the new hair I did not, teachers drive to work, I do not . school teacher I did not have enough money for education. School teacher ........ I NTU medical students told me he went to India, free clinics, such as helping people fall, like lifted him up, but who help me.
25-year-old dream died, sunken eye socket, messy hair, old clothes, no makeup on the makeup, do not know what the community can do? altogether kill myself, 25 years old Thus ended my dream.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Somali pirates called the company to increase ammunition, the U.S. threatened to kill more hostages

 People's Feb. 24 hearing, according to the Associated Press has reported that Somali pirates said on Wednesday, following the confrontation before the incident, the American hostage, they were robbed of 30 to the additional personnel and ammunition ships, and threatening to kill more hostages.

the U.S. military said that as the American hostage was killed on Tuesday, they arrested 15 pirates will be tried in the United States. Currently, these pirates were detained in the East African waters in the United States aircraft carrier Enterprise.

in New York court under the 2009 Alabama sentenced a Somali pirate hijackings of 33 years in prison in less than a week to place the killing of four American hostages. The decision angered the pirates vowed to stand trial before being captured and killed hostages.

Osman Ali, who claimed
pirates said they had increased their hijacked vessels under the control of the defense system to deal with more rescue hostages. He said that following Tuesday's incident, they ordered the captain of hijacked vessel States Navy told not to go near, or to kill the hostages.

Ali said: can not close.

the face of the U.S. Navy blamed for hostage deaths, said the Somali pirates feel under attack and threatened to attack if the U.S. military will see only the body. A pirate named Abdullah, said:

of: Jing Dong Su Ting (Source: People's Daily Online - International Channel)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

She did not understand the secret

 Last night package of primary places, late at night doing nothing really, and bedroom lock also can not go back. That there are several Internet cafes movie film, then looked at. A a . I thought, a few weeks, it concluded that ranked no better thing where to go. so you must select a description of the old triad on the beach story . I fucking grass, very boring! true thing! did not see Do not look! actors, though they are hard, but the book it a few times too! to plot development and plot development! development is too far-fetched! I wasted more than 1 hour! read this, that day or black. I barely read the newspaper with the attitude of try . enlightened, this look really has trouble ah! this really hard! true story! did not immediately seize the time to look to see ! weeks Conclusion! line!!! urinary sex!!! In fact, the theme song of this ER should be . I'm fuckin, in particular, that part I like is to write like this The. hey man .... maybe `` `` can only appear in the dream; in marijuana smoke more time; in a very magical name Spectrum yard; in a very fantasy can not exist in the world of the piano; melody over looming ........ love, not . Who can not understand the secret.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Audio Afternoon Tea Motor Xoom flat market next week

 2 Tuesday, 22 October Lunar New Year January 20

【CD February 22 Afternoon Tea REVIEW】

 does not support Flash motorized Xoom flat market next week

 encounter production bottlenecks iPad 2 or will be delayed to June release

 built-in HD player decoding Patriot MK3566 hot

 audio amplifier criteria for judging the merits and features settings

Times】 【fresh

temporarily Xoom Flash motorized flat panel next week to support listing

Abstract: According to the U.S. tech blog Engadget reported that Motorola will be launched on February 24 Xoom Tablet PC, unfortunately, this product is also will not support Adobe Flash function, at least early in the product shipped, Motorola will not be its pre-installed Flash. U.S. carrier Verizon introduced on Xoom Tablet PC displayed on the page, this Tablet PC 【Detail】

】 【worlds

encounter production bottlenecks iPad 2 released in June will be postponed or

Abstract: According to today's Yuanta Securities research report shows that Apple originally planned for this year April release iPad2, but due to a number of reasons, iPad2 release postponed to June. The most likely result in delayed release is due to Apple on behalf of the Hon Hai factory faced some of the These bottlenecks include apple production in the last critical moment iPad2 modified the original design, but this time the occasion of the labor shortage in China's Lunar New Year. 【Detail】

special】 【crazy

built HD player decoding Patriot MK3566 hot

Abstract: Patriot MK3566 is the first launch of a new MP4, it is the Patriots and McLaren 2008 F1 championship , a common combination of A-Touch touch create the first production, we can see the origins of this machine is quite influential. Face a 4.3-inch wide touch screen high-definition Terri, built latest generation Rockchip 2728B high-definition video decoder chip, and support for 720P high-definition decoding, the most important thing is the dictionary has a strong learning function, as a gift given to children that is quite good. 【Detail】

Editorial Weapon

; criteria for judging the merits of audio amplifier and the feature set

Abstract: For the audio amplifier, how to judge the merits of good or bad does it? So here today Xiaobian few suggestions to help you to big sister, so that the problems we face when it is no longer such a headache and trouble. Is the amp for a lot of people think that However, such poor quality silicon steel ring of cattle, winding process does not cross the border. 【Detail】

Monday, February 21, 2011

Buddhist mountain tourism and cultural product marketing Deciding

 Did not come here more than a month, the blog software seems to have rusted, the listing fee for a long time effort, the user name and password are unfamiliar to me. Ha ha, finally squeezed into his own world. This burst of busy point, information search, see data, compiled data, the good news has finally come to an end. has invited four Chinese Foshan Marketing Forum, put my hair in the first outline of the speech here. Tourism moment, how many people really concerned about, research marketing it? Buddhist mountains in China's history and culture when the light flashed out from the hills turn incense, worth the wait.
Buddhist mountains in China, tourism and cultural product marketing Deciding
one mountain tourism products in China Brief
II , starting from the overall tourism demand tourism products rich content
Buddhist mountains yet, from Chile, row, sad, would like to proceed with the unique characteristics of a integrated marketing
, China Tourism Product Analysis
mountain mountain area China remains the most popular tourism products of China's four famous Buddhist mountains
market image:
and Guilin, Huangshan, Jiuzhaigou, Zhangjiajie than
compared with the China Zhi
and Yuntaishan, days Column Hill, Dabie Mountains less than the existing
light weight mountain temple, heavy tourist pilgrims light and heavy religious and cultural
the second light, proceed from the overall tourism demand tourism products rich in famous Buddhist connotation
Marketing (Marketing)
from a social point of view:
marketing through the creation of individual and collective, offers for sale, and with the free exchange of products and value to others to get things they need a Suoyu social process.
from a management point of view:
the purpose of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The purpose of marketing a deep knowledge and understanding of the customer, so that products and services perfectly suited to his needs and the formation of self-selling products . the ideal marketing will produce a customer ready to buy four Foshan
face to meet the market demand analysis
three customers demand:
entirely religious needs of Buddhist pilgrims
part of the revered Buddhist visitors request Clifford misfortune and leisure visitors
general sightseeing tour requirements
predict the future development opportunities:
strong international and domestic tourism consumption trends thriving tourist the advantage
gradually emerging multi-nationals to attract well-off society
mentality tend to pray a refuge after the completion of the highway network
convenient transportation
great tourist destination and business opportunities within the shifting
1. to expand the spirit of religious feelings: you The essence of Buddhism popular explains all you?
2. reveal the ultimate beauty of nature: the beauty of your landscape you are demonstrating?
3. filling history and culture of elegance: your stories are wonderful interpretation of the mysterious was up?
4. Strengthen poetry mood: Your appreciation of the interpretation of Famous masterpieces are you?
5. to create an atmosphere of leisure and self-cultivation: your unique rational use of resources are you?
expand the religious spirit of feelings: you have the essence of Buddhism popular explains you?
need to balance the situation of imbalance in the inner smooth successful peace
desire developed Struggling to open up the gate pray
how to pilgrims and tourists constant
successfully into the incremental
mass tourism in Taiwan at the monastery will be gorgeous and elegant in the end
reveal the ultimate beauty of nature: the beauty of your landscape are fully shows up?
peaks near and far the level of the soul of a surprise to see see the famous
mining of traditional Chinese landscape aesthetic use, create, bedding, highlighting Mountain Scenery, the level of the United States, progressive America.
filling history and culture, elegance : Your stories are wonderful interpretation of the mystery you?
story is the world's common language, no one wants to read an interesting story.
famous Japanese writer Haruki Murakami
Golden Mount: before Lu Zhishen , after Nie. Royal Priest.
copper Emei: White Snake and other Pirates of immortality.
Silver Putuo: Journey to the West, the South China Sea Iron Goddess of Mercy and other
Jiuhua: Jinqiao Jue, Li Bai, the body does not really rot and other
four famous Buddhist mountains in China past, present and future of cultural history and the fascinating story of a great treasure.
how to make those twists and turns moving, people and things a long time to spread out books, out of the heart and the small number of people mouth, stand in front of us alive, the tourists became a favorite, with a strong competitive attractive and unique tourism products, is worth thinking and exploring!
learn to use language to express the world the story yourself!
Explore the fascinating story of the story to do great economic
strengthen your poetry mood: Understanding your appreciation of the Famous masterpieces are you?
climb will be assigned
Emei Mountain Halfmoon round fall,
Qiang Jiang Ying-ping into the water.
nocturnal stream to the Three Gorges,
think you noticed that under the Yuzhou.
Xi Li Bai Jiujiang

, the peak overlooking Jiuhua.
Tianhe Gualv water, show nine hibiscus.
I want a wave, the phase from the persons who may be.
king host, this lying pine.
twist off bottles Tim Jiandi month strike smudging bowl to wash in the pool.
good to not have to frequent tears, accompanied by the monk was hazy.
from the artistic, aesthetic height of elucidation of the natural landscape the impact of landscape on human
pastoral poetry, painting, music and Buddhist self-cultivation
create an atmosphere of leisure: your unique rational use of resources are you?
broaden the product extension, the development of self-cultivation holiday
to develop in the mountains around the spa, gym, cycling, hiking and other leisure travel style.
Third, from the unique characteristics of the Chi Heng COMPASSION integrated marketing
begin marketing the short explanation is:
found demand has not been met and to meet it. your success others have not followed the dry matter of dry successful, but have only found people want to buy something you can sell.
marketing goal is to make selling superfluous m If you really can find and do not meet the needs of the work to meet the demand, you do not have too much up and down in the sales effort. (USA) Milton. Kotler
strategy to seek attention from a distance, sub-offices are located, increase the tension and the effective capacity
tactical start from their own area, enrich and perfect product content:
a seat very unique style vegetarian dinner
a Sin Yun Buddha's Light wind
a stylish cabaret Historical and Cultural Museum
elegant set of road signs in culture and a strong system of low layers of
forward a number of viewing distance mountain school of the various pavilions
Xi Yuan Buddhist mountain atmosphere of hospitality goodness < br> round leisure recreation fitness self-cultivation area
a creative proposal:
published four Foshan China clearance Wendie Dachaoshan (tourist visa)
About four images
four four Buddha four Foji
four famous poem seal quartet of four four ethereal painting

proposed two ideas:
establishment of China's four famous Buddhist site in Mt
and marketing of tourism resources network is very suitable for use creative language to express
Recommendation III:
establish the Commonwealth of China's four Buddhist
key marketing blitz Chinese Cultural Circle United States tourism market
exhibition sales, the main Japanese Korean market, taking into account European and American mainstream market
creative Recommendation IV:
establishment of China's four famous Buddhist mountains
Collection offers a variety of tourist routes, multiple entry of the line combination.
creative suggestions Five:
in the major Buddhist suitable sites for the establishment of famous mountains introduced three other facilities, Pictures, and truly promote each other.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The legend of the Goddess

 Eager for each day in the Lugu Lake, 8 years, 4 times to re-visit all left happy, I have 3 write Lugu Lake, and each time has a different feel, the kind you can only listen carefully to the feelings of Today I will go back there, to feel that the gentle goddess of home
simple to Lugu Lake from the Xichang newly paved road is not wide asphalt surface is smooth, not many cars, with the mountain ups and downs, like the sounds of nature on the water slide, quiet hard to endure, open the windows, let the fresh mountain breeze blowing down the window and enjoy the beauty of nature close to .255 km of winding road, even if the sounds of nature but also to go 5 hours, and good driving is not difficult, so give me more space for reverie.
to Lugu Lake was the last time when the honeymoon, when sworn to take his wife traveled all over the mountain I have Landscape of water, of course, be essential to Lugu Lake stop.
5 years ago, the road from Chengdu to here is not all through, drive my Jeep bounce a full 24 hours, we almost the collapse of the morning, we turned to the foot of stunning beauty are the immediate exposure and I wife was about to believe that we pulled into the dream.
Teana is still sliding in the mountains, along the side of the road the little cheerful River, water is said to come from Lugu Lake. driving colleagues may also revel in the 11 months in the southern scenery. mountain through the car, so memories and then wind wave.
time, Lugu Lake in the morning is quiet, the birds twitter herald a new day. I and his wife sat in the box under the wheels of the peninsula after the hillside, so vaguely floating in the landscape between thoughts.
Lugu Lake in the morning is quiet, curl of smoke in the lake, floating in the mountains, like an ink landscape painting; Lugu Lake is a leisurely morning, onto the tractor from the hillside behind us through, a group of singing ; Moso! song slide down the slope, drip into the early morning sun's reflection in the wind stirring was again broken into a shining pearl speckled lake, shrouded in mist the cage at the touch of tranquility in the beautiful hh
Lugu Lake in the morning.
Landscape fuss around when I saw his fingers along the highway who received tickets. Burongfenshui, each person was robbed of 41 million, but I'm always surprised that a similar repair on the highway toll station in the area door, is not as long as the car traffic on the highway, everyone should be exploited for a ticket to the local income is also a good experience. not to Lugu Lake, my memory has started a discount.
from Lake Road to Yunnan, Sichuan has been repaired, the basic still cobbled road flat, almost does not affect the car's passage. because we are after lunch departure from Xichang, to the lake down the days have been getting dark, and good Road good, we can move on.
said the tourist facilities in Yunnan, Sichuan building better than a few years ago was indeed the case. The thought that a few years time, will be greatly changed, however, gradually Black down the days once again confirmed this fact. the other side of the lake in Yunnan, it is already lit, and Sichuan it? light several small villages if the stars can only be described Liao. Fortunately, the way good today, moon good, cars are easily opened, so decided it fell into the water to go to Yunnan's largest, after all, are living there every time to Lugu Lake, because I am a nostalgic person.
large village fell into the water, I almost have identified not come out, along the lake, the village has doubled in full. I tried to look for when I had lived in the lake when the honeymoon cabin, found to be futile. the old landlord of the pub has changed owners, now is the Helen married the girl of Guangzhou's saying br> Which is not to go, the car head in the lake, facing the water, the moon, facing the mountains. Lugu Lake to retrieve that sense of natural simplicity.
and wife to a midsummer day honeymoon , Lugu Lake, the weather was not hot, summer heat will fade as the sun with a large .5 years ago the village fell into the water is not large, even if the dirt road slowly the lake, and back will take a quarter of an hour, dusk time, only sporadic Mosuo people, almost no tourists. At that time, the village's accommodation is not good, so most people only stay for a day, leaving a quiet backpackers are looking for.
eaten dinner, and his wife in a small way I walk, I do not know when, floating the sky rain down the dough, down to only wet hair. lake have abandoned shed, a pool fire, the fire has gone the owner I do not know what garrulous to the Folk lovers or travelers who travel. sitting on a stone bench beside the fireplace, the fire did not burn, has become a dark red. hut does not rain, rain came floating down carbon in the red, hit one fleeting black spots, issued a , and scattered clouds, the moon came out, the stars shining hh
on! like the moon in front of me, rubbed my eyes, I do not know just a dream or reverie, as if the fireplace and the 5-year share really quiet in front. really in front of the lake in the village 5 years ago, I found that peace, or that Yurun the moon, according to a faint cloud, Xiegua ridge on the opposite side of the mountains , and that the bright light shines on, no! is plated in the sparkling lake and the wind blowing over her hh
woke up, thought it was colleagues. lower the window, was actually two women are not familiar faces, skin color is the locals are not white, I get lost. . This simple, ancient culture, the only desecration of national anger.
my good memories and the love of beautiful Lugu Lake has been hit fragmented. I only thought was to flee, to escape this is not the Moso Lugu Lake.
1. from Xichang in Sichuan can enter the Lugu Lake to Yanyuan direction, starting from Chengdu about 850 km to the destination, and from the tolls 280, of which 170 km is high, and the rest National Road, traffic in general, which dragged on for some 6 km due Osan construction, road and poor
2. walk from Lijiang, Lugu Lake in Yunnan Province to enter into Yongning, except a small part of the national highway, the base is the highway, along the scenic spots, scenic spots and more
3. in the Lugu Lake accommodation, conditions there is no problem to the village fell into the water, for example, Moso human family hotel general 2 20 yuan per bed, standard room 110-130 yuan, health conditions, good
4. 7 pm every day the national dance worth seeing is the Moso people themselves performing the basic fare of 10 yuan 5. lake is not all local shops opened, selling mixed goods, purchase must be great bargain, recommended not to buy expensive goods
6. Moso culture does have to go the traditional marriage, but do not hold the mentality of one-night stand adventure and try to Lugu Lake travel, because people take the marriage is Moso has its own rules, hope that visitors to self
7. soliciting in the tourist areas, are known to take the marriage of street soliciting some flesh trade parade, not Mosuo people, such acts of Culture and great harm, but it is not security risks, do not be fooled

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Real estate broker power - remember Zheng Chen Shanghai Fanba policewoman

 This is a pair of urban women's hands: tiny, white. But it has suffered two serious blows: a dislocation, a fracture, both because the thief.
This is a one meter tall, five small woman, but her eyes eyes that allows the hand looks very tiny, but it has one characteristic m
m just touched the pickpocket, will force big boundless. Fanba decades, Chen Zheng, a pair of handcuffs to use on more than 1,000 pickpockets.
once Chen Zheng, a minibus in the discovery of two Shanghai old pickpocket crime. Chen Zheng and rushed tacit partner, one against one. only one meter tall and five-Zheng Chen is an experienced enough to have a meter tall Eight of the thief. ; blasted Bankai Zheng Chen's hand grasping the belt, and a to chase, and finally dislocated thumb, ligament serious injury.
Zheng Chen's hand will not only thief, will weave life. She was particularly good at line to cross stitch embroidered needle is the most relaxed day of Chen Zheng and most enjoy the moment.
Lee Head of Zheng Chen Wei
said thieves like the hook eye, specifically to the person's waist and pockets aim. The hands of the pickpocket fall Zheng Chen says: Liza, your eyes are really like two knives.
Zheng Chen's eyes that, but out of practice. In the past, she was sitting the office back office, dry Fanba are mid-life switch. fledgling, she stared looking for pickpockets, but how could not find more than a month before had posted by observing the advantage of easy, Qin Zhu for pickpockets stealing in the eyelids.
Ru Ju Chen Zheng eyes, do not cry easily, but she also has time to cry. One day, Chen Zheng, bus 42 A thief caught on. stolen was a silver-haired old man, old man ate the couple subsistence allowances, which in 2000 dollars is for his wife to see a doctor. In took a pile of money recovered, the old hands trembling, Zheng Chen bowed deeply to, kept saying: Thank you, thank police comrades.
At this point, Chen Zheng does not listen to the tears welling up: just doing their job to do, but harvest grateful for such a heavy, Chen Zheng felt his noble and great career.
Zheng Chen has been nearly fifty years. disciple once asked her:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Audition SF, Fan Bingbing love light transmission through lovers of France with her boyfriend walk hand in hand

 Fan Bingbing media broke the news that Hong Kong is wearing this dress shopping with her boyfriend hand
Xinhua BEIJING, June 9, according to the Hong Kong media, the 28-year-old Fan Bingbing, the feelings of what has been suspected illusions true, until recently , Mr. Right finally coming out. She went to France earlier film man arm in arm with the Tour of France in the streets, wearing striped lovers stick together throughout the two-corners, the spouses kiss the street-level degree is still as Michelle Reis Xu Jin Heng.
Fan Bingbing's love life has been the media of ;, but since the talk about their romance has been kept confidential, leaked last year, or even outside, claiming too busy at work, at least the past 3 years, never thought to find a boyfriend. Having said that, Fan Bingbing at the French Film Festival last month, and Wang Qi for her starring Wang Xiaoshuai's film French time last month at 16 o'clock on the 15th (ie, 10 pm Beijing time on the same day), Fan Bingbing and a middle-aged men who might have witnessed coming out of local streets arm in arm, the two men were photographed. was wearing red box Fan Bingbing sun glasses, a dark hat and holding a handbag, wearing a bright pink T-shirt, striped suit Waipi, put down her long hair of the makeup; her boyfriend are more casual dress, wearing a black and white striped short-sleeved T-shirt neck similar documents hanging on the neck strap. because they are Chinese so, on the streets of Cannes lovers show up, it is quite attention. But do not therefore seem evasive Fan Bingbing, Audition plug-in, seeing all the foreigners around the face, guard also significantly down, simply the line with her boyfriend Wan Shou, the two red carpet at the festival venue locations, has been walking to the direction of the nearby boutiques. Fan Bingbing full disregard of others eyes they simply speak, laugh out loud moment.
the director Wang Xiaoshuai held on 23 birthday party, Fan Bingbing dating jersey to wear to the Longevity Xianwen, unknown to the presence of her boyfriend?
Peach is not the first beauty must < br> In fact, Fan Bingbing, the behavior of the French started an international reputation, the trip was secret code Ma Ma, very much like to participate in the shuttle like a movie premiere fashion show, she also jokingly said: . Wang Xiaoshuai sent to the kiss, date unknown lover may have appeared at the banquet?
after joining the Peach Blossom Fan Bingbing since we do not, met with Anthony Wong and mainland businessmen rumor has been repeatedly night looks with different male partners, but her boyfriend, the only recognized only Wang Xuebing, because they will be close in Tokyo to take photos, women had just admitted affair. The day the middle-aged man walking with Fan Bingbing, regardless of age and appearance, are related to the small Muslim manager Ice light is very consistent. rumored they had in 2008, has been reported that the affairs of man in addition to dedicated Fan Bingbing, the further processing of the play for the Iraqi people love eggs, Dance SF, so Ice deeply moved, and even between two has come to the closeness of sharing a house, but denied that this situation has been Fan Bingbing.
Fan Bingbing love blossoms in fact be traced back, he threatened her too busy to get married last year in China to attend the Besieged City sightseeing tour new love, and finally from watching.
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Audition songs, actress exposed prosecution Pan Yue Ming Insider: converting comminuted fracture of the pelvis birth
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describe in detail on the characters is also more delicate, players can use different expressions to communicate with each other, rich is the previous expression for 02JAM can match. but also according to their own favorite, select a different game background, sunny tropical island, lively HIPHOP Street, a large pool of theater crowd Come and choose your street ... looking forward to dancing place it! scene was realistic shape of buildings, if the scene on a lively crowd warm again to add motion effects, will enable a richer game environments. Audition PW upbeat dance music with ring, depending on the direction of the keyboard, make the game character wielded in the hands of a variety of different dancing light out, if you are agile, can make the role of the action becomes more vividly Oh! game Perspectives in the game randomly changes If enough of your dancing and moving, it certainly will not let you go Oh lens.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unreal real tears Network

 There is a feeling, even if the call online dating, as long as the real intentions of the investment, and also to use lifetime to forget. There is a simple analogy; sunrise and sunset as love, we have all love the sunrise so crazy, and we are so in love on the pain behind, as was a perfect sunrise, while the sun is a kind of pathos.
in a networked world, the truth through the smart The fingers on the keyboard kept playing, like beating the original notes to two strange hearts close. who do not care of this so-called love can last forever almost unreal, but we just cherish the moment two hearts with each other; the Internet because the distance of time and space, so there is a feeling can not tell more real, more pure exchange. do not go for looks; appearances can deceive people. do not go for wealth; wealth will gradually disappear. just want to pursue one can hear you talk, make you happy, because the pressure of a working life too often, people just happy, you can make dark day seem full of glory. Although it is known that emotions can only be on the Internet, only in fantasy world, also understand that we can only get the spirit, but is enough!
If, now some people have asked me if I love that line? I will tell him: a corner in the network, perhaps there is a stars silly waiting for him! I could not understand why people would like to wait for such a persistent fall in love only those who can not spend, which is always a heavy topic, but also the feelings of the online world in the common experience of . Some people obviously know the beginning is an error which could not be saved, but not inhibition of deeper, not from the dial. Why can not spend together as a person willing to come crashing ? Perhaps the reality of marriage, people have too many responsibilities. can not be said to have no feelings, or someone would have no feelings, but after all, marriage has been established to have to take responsibility, we must do this while responsible, whether it is happy Ye Hao, sad matter whether, we can only take so feeble excuse to comfort myself. because the person's life, expectation and reality are often in conflict, we expect, and may not be available; we can get , and did not expect; However, this is life.
waiting for such a love but can not spend the only person who can only love quietly, silently blessing for each other. Because when we need care and care when the other party will never be around, perhaps he or she is waited at the woman belongs to him or the man's side, at a time when their own what is it? nothing! only to miss surrounded himself to guide their thoughts, to let the tears flow quietly, thinking she can quietly, quietly waiting, waiting for her and your convenience make a phone call or send a text message.
can wait a love but can not spend the people who need a courage, because we know that such love is great, but also should be selfless, it is sacred, and wait for love, but they can not spend such a person, also need a sincere and generous heart, all the grievances and the scars are hidden in the mutual love at the same time, should take into account the responsibility of love, love can be many, many people may also lose a lot, and this is the network the price of love, love to pay, but not necessarily pay off, get in return is not necessarily true.
but give up late for the hard-won love, and yet so not have the heart, so pain, has dedicated the results of the preparation of love is not love, only far far away and watching silent silent love, mind share of the pain, how can it be relieved? only so Olympus of love carefully, but are both caused by pain, can not give up but can not unbridled love, this is a what a sad thing ah. So both sides can only love each other deeply only love with a man but can not spend; only in the Remote Blessing him all the time happy, every minute of peace, that's enough, do not ask too much, can not imagine too more.
break up who lost more? a man lost a person who loved her, and the other just lost a like. who lost more?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Merry talented woman

 Merry Biography Talented m
Shi Pingmei Chapter VII
North Sea ice, like a side of a large mirror, flat whole. Sunset Fei Xia, reflecting the colorful bright light. That countless sharp blade, in the sunset glow , the shining silver bright light.
a both, line by line, with the music, slip into a large circle.'s passionate and sometimes majestic, sometimes mildly quiet Yang. boys and girls, such as wind rotary switch, such as Yunfei Xue Wu, smiling, reeling drunk, so wonderful, so happy: one by one, indulging in full bloom in the park.
the middle of a big circle, there is a whole body of the girl silk elements, flashing a charming figure, dance light, walking lightly. for a while as fleeting glimpse, a moment like swallows flew through the clouds; a while, such as galloping horse, while Yao You like a dragon.
it is Pingmei!
ice off of the spectators, several hundred pairs of eyes staring at her, with her eyes turning dance steps. The ice field, ice skating is that boys and girls formed a circle, like Bainiaozhaofeng, a consultant from time to time to turn the neck, that is the envy of attention, but also jealousy. < br> ten days since the Pingmei after class every day should be to the North Sea ice. Since her release, and Wu, break the pain of her trauma, sorrow and gloomy, in addition to the two most intimate friends mm Yin and deer inside out, and she deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, let no one know, not let anyone see it. mm noble such a beautiful girl, wrapped in the original but a broken heart broken; Beijing famous women of the original love, suffered a setback: No, never let them know, and never let them pleasure in her suffering, and never let them talk, laugh, become a staple of the talk of the streets of Beijing!
assessment means that joke Mette laugh, specially cheerfully, specifically to the North Sea for a maximum of ice. She always said to myself: before dignitaries joy, sorrow, after people have secretly turned to tears to flow to the stomach!
she came to the ice field, is to seek happiness, is to forget the tragedy. But her joy is not always the curtain came up empty, still and lonely bitter heart to comfort her. She finally realized she has missed the joy, sorrow and she'll never be divided . In the past the innocent, carefree girl, never looking for are not coming back! her to ice up, but the pursuit of temporary comfort, intoxicated moment, the moment of stimulation.
Yin is often laugh at her the ice rink in front of close friends, in fact, this close friend is the most unreliable. you are looking for a happy winter in Chunshen before the ice water will become soft. A Spring Lake, leave blank melancholy. Therefore, whenever Comments on about her to go skating, she said:
you have burned off infatuation of the draft, so why pretend to be also the kind of person in front of people laugh, people cry after it! these many years, the taste of the original is just hypocritical Shantou laugh, mask-like floating feeling. the universe, the only true love, only to give her comfort, only the mother's love, it is also water is not tired forever Haikudanlan Love does not transfer. originally only knew her naughty laugh blindly, and now, truly understand the sorrow of the world.
well, they're young do not know real depression!
it; when we can heal the wounds of my past say goodbye to my old dream of love Oh!
Yin busy, social activities and more. She and a dozen friends organized a secret society mm social reformers, she also participated in Central Park, ; held in literature will be set up, since then she has often some activities. Pingmei met her and always a few words, catch, come and gone.
Resentment Comments on the hearts of depression, only one deer Lu Jingqing decomposed for her.
Comments on smaller deer than four years old, grew up in Kunming, Yunnan, mother since childhood, suicide, loss of maternal love, my father married her stepmother and younger brother. Last fall, she came with the grief of the family misfortune to Beijing, passed the Women and Literature teachers. She very much appreciate the Comments on poetry. Comments on the total capacity to care for her older sister, thoughtful of her to take care of her. and their soul, like brothers. Comments on frustrated love, deer in addition to lectures , shadow, never leaving her, for her share those concerns.
deer in the South, this , came to the North Sea ice.
to the rink, just go up, they threw a few political thump thump, scared she quickly returned, the chair sit fine ice Comments on the sidelines. Comments on the ice , enjoy smooth, enjoy dance, like a mad general.
off the deer, but secretly weeping. because she knows that Mui was to hide his inner pain was so crazy to slide, crazy laughter . fawn distressed her Mui.
deer was weeping beside him suddenly someone whispered:
a youth.
surprise deer cried:
When the teacher. to pout, and said:
deer running out of patience, and face up against a red, whined:
the middle field. Gao Junyu saw her afar off, said even with the Comments on with gestures, glanced off to the Comments on, then drilled the crowd, moving rapidly over the side to Gao Junyu to. quick slide Gao Junyu front, she flies similar to a half twist, a emergency brake, very free and easy, very beautiful, Gao Junyu firmly parked in front. smiling, smiling, said:
pleased. , friends! really, I really appreciate you see me, friend! God, how he came in time! Moreover, the Jun Yu sound pragmatic, thinking deep. with him, you always feel a force.
while the deer to the locker room when asked Pingmei play Yu Jun good, Comments on open arms, excited to say that she was very fun, very happy!
Gao Junyu Yin Chen Xialian to:
; no, once in a. you skate every day to enjoy ah! depressed? ;
Comments on increasingly felt stunned.
Sea ice field, the halo being drunk for a moment the stimulus, but this is the practice of self-deception! In addition to the deer and the Yin suits the two close friends, no one can see through her. available today, Gao Junyu, the sharp-eyed people, but Yiyupode! Furthermore, very accurate!
she is really amazed!
Pingmei dropped his head and silenced a long while, only whispered:
deer far from the direction of the locker room came and said softly:
a tear, rose from his chair, smiled and let the deer chat Gao Junyu, she went to change shoes.
to be evaluated for a good plum shoes, dress coats, long scarves around come over when Yi Yi, deer told her that Gao Junyu to Central Park to ask them, pond north exit, and south, the south, west, after the Tiananmen Square, bought tickets and entered the Central Park. It was a Cooper on. If at the turn of summer flowers, here is more quiet than the quaint taste of winter.
the gallery. fawn just arrived in Beijing without a few months, and do not feel fresh. turn his face watching her, Here are four words. Comments on the deer asked, Comments on no attention to her. asked Jun Yu, Jun Yu told her: I remember that great Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, the Emperor once appreciated, very official hope. As a result, people will rush and Du Fu exchanges, a time is really booming. Du official news was silent, and people are no longer contacting him. So, they left out the door. Fu Chang was homebound, the sick Cross, a bit surname Wei's friends braved the rain to see him, he is very mixed feelings, he wrote a poem expressed his thanks. poetry in front of a small order, order, saying: moss and the couch. often when traveling visitor, the old rain, this rain does not come hh Lai Jin Yu Xuan, perhaps a deeper meaning? mm I was Du Fu, he was the surname Wei's friends again? she could not help but sneer at the heart a bit.
deer listening, laughing:
Mui's old rain l r, that is not to say that. You what? you Mui's old rain l r, l or this rain r? l old rain r. > finished, he looked Pingmei, Comments on the end seem to listen, did not look at him, still boring, without a word.
into the restaurant, Gao Junyu point of some food and wine. At this time, a man selling newspaper , carrying a bag loaded newspapers, the hands were holding a stack of newspapers came and put before them, silent, and then remove from the bag in the stack and lifts her, self-care leave, to turn to another table. pile Newspapers, in addition to Beijing published in Depression is not music, dazed from her wistful eyes, you can feel her inner anguish and sorrow. she did not speak, only to take up the pile of papers turned over, watching.
deer's mouth, restless .
; high-brother to see you this safe effort, some very honest kid, right? call me Han Ga l b r, that is, the meaning of Silly boy. a chivalric hero, once armed with wooden spears, machetes, beat the Boxers do foreign devils game.
you? Ask not work? Tan sway, laughed:
Yu nodded, looked sombre.
deer stretched face, hands and leaning his chin, very seriously, asked:
br> Comments on secretly with the awkward step on a deer foot, thinking: his happiness is not happiness, love is not love, what we control?
Surprisingly, the deer has endured a foot tiger yelled up Buthus martensii Karsch :
a deer, then to cover his face with a newspaper, quietly. deer said:
; high-brother, will you talk about you without reservation? But pressed dismay! hh
Nine years ago, Gao Junyu eighteen years old. in his father under the high single-handedly with day and forced him to the village and the county Yingyugou God save Cheung Lee married the daughter of Lee chilling. No matter how Gao Junyu protest high with day to recognize the shouted: would rather die, and never preparing for the wedding, not into the bridal chamber! with days of high anger was killing the five internal organs, Qiqiaoshengyan, fainting fell to the ground! s neighbors have, said that, to persuade the persuaded, Gao Junyu like: Father elderly, infirm, and if True to his mad, difficult to support the family, the parties can not be reasonable! Well, life is not made up my marriage, love, happiness can not be it. make personal sacrifices it! Gao Junyu upon the idea generation, could not help going to Heaven and sigh , burst into tears, promised to marry. after the thing, seems like a dream, clothing, weddings, and all the mercy of others.
the wedding, Gao Junyu minds of teenagers, and left deep wounds , the cause of his unfortunate life! wedding night, Gao Junyu head kick just into the bridal chamber Anthurium, they vomit the three major blood Gulp, from terminal one, almost lose his life. Later, his condition improved slightly, he excuses for for the environment, rehabilitation of ex-situ in order to convalesce. high with very poor health after their marriage day that his son, a very bad mood, it will allow him to move to convalesce treatment.
Who knows, Gao Junyu he never returned the first. he went to Taiyuan, several days, his father wrote to the high coordination, to cancel the marriage, the release of that poor woman! father, after all, not allow it. Two years later, Lin Wu (1916), in autumn, Gao Junyu directly from Taiyuan to Beijing, enrolled in the Beijing University Department of English. father tall with days that this message begins with the way friend is easier lost yu Shanxi to Beijing, after all, is the father loved his son. Jun Yu said to his father, determined to deny Lee chilling life wife, as a way to challenge the feudal ethical code . not find love among themselves, no longer seek happy. father, he had no alternative but to take.
Several Peking University, pursuing his girlfriend, the end result of Su aim at his heart, not as they move.
deer heard, was silent. After a while, she said:
I'm sorry, I should not have brought back your pain. great sorrow, she can not help but burst from the bottom of my heart filled with feelings of sympathy.
this time, food and wine have come up.
reported that sales people, seize the opportunity came.
Gao Junyu hurriedly placed a copper coin newspaper. sold the pile of newspaper journalists, together with the egg pick-up with copper, is still said nothing, went her own way their own.
deer to three cups full of wine to pour a bright red .
smiled, and said string, a sound, When Kuang Ji Jianwei to spit vision r ah! Gao Junyu that mean to me, right? this person, deep sensitivity, tolerance generous, liberal, generous, always giving a feeling of righteousness. If, Wu put Fengshen temperament like him, I might there will not be today's unfortunate and painful, right?
--------< br> �� Qiu Jin (1875 a 1907) Zhejiang Sanin (now Shaoxing) people. women. word Xuan Qing, No competition Xiong, also known as Jianhu Woman. Organization Independence Army against the Qing government, failed in 1907 was arrested July 15 in Shaoxing Xuan Ting port die a martyr. a adored the Fengshen temperament, has chosen the young students in front of us. was born in him, in any case can not love me to have feelings. at most, is respect it. Why? because I told him not understand, or because he did not elegant manners, handsome instrument? Maybe. But I will not think of any young generation to understand his ambition: a first love, frustration, trauma, enough for my lifetime of pain!
Well, girls love, life, first love it! it often affects a person's life, ah!
Anyway, I never fall in love, never get married again! this life hold celibate! I can and any youth between, but never love again. if who wants to love me, only my is Shi Pingmei myself, never imagined that she and Wu, put break and after a painful thought, is today, is here, she made mm
tears of acid reflux with my heart,
throat stem the Wang Jing spicy;
in front mm
have turned into, the Qing Qian smile! ��
----- ---
�� This is Comments on July 22, 1924 put down the mountain in Shanxi write said he has several friends on the railway workers to go.
Comment Mei Momo nodded, be agreed.
romantic Shi Pingmei Talented m
North Sea ice mass, like a side of a large mirror, a full flat setting sun. The Fei Xia, reflecting the colorful bright light. that countless sharp blade, in the sunset glow, the bright light shining silver.
a both, line by line, with the music, slip into a large circle.'s magnificent sometimes passionate, sometimes mildly quiet Yang. boys and girls, such as wind rotary switch, such as Yunfei Xue Wu, smiling, reeling drunk, so wonderful, so happy: one by one, indulging in full bloom in the park. < br> the middle of a large circle, there is a whole body of the girl silk elements, flashing a charming figure, light steps, walking lightly. for a while, like fleeting glimpse, a moment like swallows flew through the clouds; a while, such as galloping horse, while inviting like a dragon travel.
it is Pingmei!
ice off the spectators, several hundred pairs of eyes staring at her, with her eyes turning dance steps. The ice field, boys and girls are skating circles that the formation of , like Bainiaozhaofeng, a consultant from time to time to turn the neck, that is the envy of attention, but also jealousy.
ten days since the Pingmei after class every day should be to the North Sea ice. Since her release, and Wu, break the pain of her trauma, sorrow and gloomy, in addition to the two most intimate friends mm Yin and deer inside out, she was deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, let no one know, not let anyone see it. mm so a beautiful and virtuous girl, wrapped in the original but a broken heart broken; Beijing famous women suffered a setback on the original love: No, never let them know, and never let them pleasure in her suffering, and never let They talk, laugh, become a staple of the talk of the streets of Beijing!
assessment Mate intended laugh, specially cheerfully, specifically the North Sea to a maximum of ice. She always said to myself: joy before dignitaries, who, after sorrow, tears turned to secretly have the stomach to flow!
she came to the rink, is to seek happiness, is to forget the tragedy. But her joy is not always the curtain came up empty, to comfort her Coolness bitter heart. she finally realized that she has missed the joy, sorrow and she'll never be divided. In the past the innocent, carefree girl, never looking for are not coming back! her to ice up, but is seeking temporary solace intoxicated moment, the moment of stimulation.
Yin is often laugh at her in front of the skating rink close friend, in fact, this close friend is the most unreliable. you are looking for a happy winter, before the Chunshen , ice water will become soft. A Spring Lake, leave blank melancholy. And so, whenever her to go skating Mayo assessment, she said:

Otherwise, she said:
br> Comments on the first failure in love, she felt in this life is simply too little gain. the game has so many years, the taste of the original is just hypocritical Shantou laugh, mask-like floating feeling. the universe, the only true Love, the only give her comfort, and only the mother's love, it is not tired Haikudanlan also never transfer the water situation. originally only knew her mischievous laugh blindly, and now, truly understand the world of sadness.
well, they're young do not know real depression!
it; when we can heal the wounds of my past, bid farewell to my old dream of love Oh!
Yin busy, social activities and more. she and her friends organized a dozen mm, a secret society of social reformers, she also participated in Central Park, , catch, come and gone.
Resentment Comments on the hearts of depression, only one person for her deer Lu Jingqing decomposed.
Comments on smaller deer than four years old, grew up in Kunming, Yunnan Province, at an early age mother committed suicide, loss of maternal love, my father married her stepmother and younger brother. Last fall, she took the grief of family tragedies came to Beijing Normal Chinese women enrolled in the system. She is very appreciated Comments on poetry. Comments on the status of total care to older sister her thoughtful of her to take care of her. and their soul, like brothers. Comments on frustrated love, deer in addition to lectures, always together to accompany her, for her share those concerns.
deer in the South, this Comments on can order to accompany, she carrying a double-skates, along with commentary from Donghuamen plum out together, went to the North Sea ice.
to the rink, just go up, they threw a few political thump thump, scared She quickly returned, sat courtside chair ice upper Pingmei. Comments on the ice, enjoy smooth, enjoy dance, like a mad general.
off the deer, but secretly weeping. because she knows that Mui is to mask their inner pain, the landslide was so crazy, crazy laughter. fawn pained her Mui.
deer was weeping beside him suddenly someone whispered:
know I'm the deer? English Department of Beijing University students. something that I find her. meaningfully smiled, looked at her:
, I, I called her to be it. drilled the crowd, moving rapidly to glide side to Gao Junyu. quick slide Gao Junyu front, she flies like a half twist to an emergency brake, very free and easy, very beautiful, Gao Junyu firmly parked in front. smiling, smiling, said:
I am so happy! !, frame of mind, happened to her hometown to visit her, she did very excited and feel Xiejun Yu. ah. God, how much time he came! Moreover, the Jun Yu sound pragmatic, thinking deep. with him, you always feel to a force.
deer to the locker room to take advantage of the time, Jun Yu asked Pingmei play good, Comments on open arms, excited to say that she was very fun, very happy!
Gao Junyu Yin Chen Xialian to:
Jan. 18. to now, ten days, one day does not leak, but also in a while you? slowly lowered her eyes:
> , is sincere, his heart is sincere, Comments on even more stunned.
These days, she very cleverly disguised themselves as very subtle. In addition to the deer and the Yin suits the two close friends, no one can see through her. available today, Gao Junyu, the sharp-eyed people, but Yiyupodi! Furthermore, very accurate!
she is really amazed!
> Gao Junyu smile:
Why did you come to me? Why are you into the sea of bitterness in my heart, do not bother? The two emerged with a soft, gratitude, feel to tears.
Gao Junyu to see deer in the direction far from the locker room came and said softly:
. Comments on for a good shoes, wearing a coat, scarf around a long time to come over Yiyi, deer told her that Gao Junyu to ask them to Central Park, to go, dragging her deer life and death, but unfortunately had to take on Pingmei.
three, from north pond North exit, and south, the south, west, after Tiananmen Square, bought tickets and entered the Central Park. After a ; axiom defeat > Xuan Tell her: I remember great Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, once Emperor appreciated, very official of hope. So, people are scrambling, and Du Fu contacts, a time is really booming. Later, the news of Du Fu's official silence, people no longer contacting him. So, they left out the door. Fu Chang was homebound, the sick Cross, surnamed Wei's friends braved the rain to see him, he is very mixed feelings, he wrote a poem expressed his thanks. Poem a small order, order, saying: refers to an old friend; After listening in silence. I thought: He invited us to come here, and probably also the meaning of it? perhaps a deeper meaning? mm I was Du Fu, he was the surname Wei's friends again? she could not help but sneer at the heart a bit.
deer listening, laughing:
l this rain r? ? language.
into the restaurant, Gao Junyu point some food and wine. At this time, a man selling newspaper, carrying a bag loaded newspapers, hands were holding a stack of newspapers came and put before them, silent, from the then remove the bag in the stack and lifts her, self-care leave, to turn to another table. pile of newspapers, in addition to Beijing published in

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A thesis writing - on public opinion Harmony

 Pure thesis writing, do not want to come to one's incompetence in this. A few days ago to see some places closed forum, think of this painstaking official nature with some sort of harmonious society public opinion is public opinion in the air
harmony is an important manifestation of social harmony is an important aspect of a harmonious culture.
reflected in the interest of social harmony, harmony, social harmony, the harmonious relationship between man and nature , interpersonal harmony and so on. construction of social harmony, harmony is the fundamental interests of the social relations of harmony is the goal. everyday state of social harmony more marked in people, and objects on the harmonious relationship, that is, interpersonal harmony, the harmony between man and the environment.
people have different ways to value, but also have different interest demands, but in the pursuit of the interests of achieving the process, can and should achieve the interests of the legal and process control within the scale of morality. from the whole society, order, security, development, etc., all members of society constituted the common fundamental interests. people in the fundamental interests of consistency, in order to provide the basis for the interests of harmony, but also for the community create the conditions for harmonious relations.
barometer of public opinion, social relations, but also social relations and create objects, both embody a certain amount of social relations, itself created a certain social relations. Therefore, public opinion both in a certain harmony extent, the level of social harmony can be seen as the basic index, to a large extent the level of promoting social harmony. create a harmonious environment of public opinion, to promote social harmony is of great significance.
course, we attach importance to public harmony, the starting point is not to indicate the level of development of social harmony, but to promote social harmony through harmonious level of public opinion. As the level of the basic indices of social harmony, harmony is a result of public opinion; as an important factor in promoting social harmony and create a harmonious public opinion is an difference process. If the starting point to create a harmonious public opinion on the expression above the level of social harmony, it is possible to pursue and create a festive atmosphere similar things, while ignoring or even burying the real voice, and that is undoubtedly a cart before the horse.
this putting the cart before the phenomenon, people have seen many. For example, the path of a city landscape, as long as compatible with its economic and social development, will undoubtedly have marked the development of the level of significance, but in some places but for the display performance the blind pursuit of high-rise building, built square, set the actual interest expense of the masses, and made waste of resources, road landscape into a purely face-saving projects. create a harmonious environment of public opinion, must focus on promoting social harmony above the level, but not the pursuit of social harmony, the environment of public opinion as the the need for expanding consensus. public opinion is the basic way to form a social consensus. public opinion in the formation of social consensus in order to get people to face the different understanding of the premise. harmony itself means recognition of difference and difference rather than difference and the simple elimination of differences, harmony is the difference in the basis of difference and achieve order and this order is inside. people think of things the difference is the nature of society must reflect the rich, but also to create a harmonious environment of public opinion the role of field , it is because people are not only a fixed view of things, so the harmony of the proposed opinion it is very necessary.
create a harmonious flow of public opinion channel is the premise of public opinion and encourage public opinion to create a harmonious development is the basis of public opinion. the world has never been so closely linked to public competition across national boundaries, to encourage the development of public opinion, the country must make their voices. to encourage the development of public opinion, is the national cultural rights for citizens to achieve the conditions that must be provided.
With The basic work, we can study the real public opinion in order to effectively guide the direction of public opinion. Public opinion everywhere. newspapers, books, radio, television, Internet and other mass media platforms, both the formal exchange of a variety of public gathering spaces, but also public opinion to guide important medium. people's oral communication, and even some of the tacit, self-evident speaking, the media guide is a With the guidance of public opinion and public opinion can not be achieved alone, and social development must rely on the actual situation. This requires both the need to remove the command of public opinion to guide the practice of doctrine and replace them with wisdom, gentle, harmonious spirit found itself work also requires all parties in a positive manner to do their work in order to guide public opinion has persuasive facts.
create a harmonious environment of public opinion, focusing on ease negative, emotional factors of public opinion, guided a positive, rational, peaceful and constructive attitude of public opinion. social development issues and problems facing, will be reflected in public opinion up, and people still lies in the fundamental interests of order, security and development. negative, emotional Opinion, to the detriment order, security and development, and therefore does not meet people's fundamental interests. all kinds of views should be discussed opportunities for, and shall have the right to be informed, but the mainstream media should be positive, rational, discussion should remove the generation. harmonious environment of public opinion public opinion exists in the flow channels and form a rational opinion among good interaction.
both the whole community to address all social media, but also calm discussion of all social problems, we can say basically formed a harmonious environment of public opinion . Most people's concept, constitute a basic understanding of society, affecting the direction of social development. in a good public opinion environment, the mainstream values because of discussion by the full manifestation of the natural, social consensus may be due to the promotion of rational .
a harmonious society, there must be a harmonious environment of public opinion, public opinion environment of a harmonious society harmonious air. unimpeded media channels and encourage the development of public opinion, the study of real public opinion, and guide the direction of public opinion, let us strive to achieve harmony of public opinion. 2006.7.7

Friday, February 11, 2011

Zhou Daojiong actively promote innovation and development of tradable securities under the

 Actively promote innovation and development of tradable securities under the
mm in the second session of the China Securities Market Annual Meeting of the former Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission
speech, former president of China Construction Bank, PECC Financial Market Development Committee Chairman Zhou Daojiong
by the Securities Daily, State Council Development Research Center of Financial Research, Peking University, Anhui Tongling Municipal Government organized the held. First, on behalf of the annual meeting of the Organizing Committee to the NPC Financial and Economic Committee, China Securities Regulatory Commission, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, People's Bank of China, National Development and Reform Commission, the SASAC and other relevant departments to express my sincere thanks the support to the participants of the distinguished guests and friends a warm welcome!
as a fundamental system of China's capital market reform, the share reform in all areas under the careful organization and concerted action, after a year of hard work, good progress , almost basically completed, and its significance is profound. It is in this annual meeting held under the background.
we know, with 10 years of China's stock market troubles tradable basically solved the problem the securities market has undergone fundamental change pattern, a series of market regulatory reform and innovation are the basic system in depth. In the circulation conditions, to regulate the securities market development and innovation promotion will be the focus of the work. Therefore, the current Annual OK ; Eleventh Five-Year Plan The annual meeting of National Development and Reform Commission also invited to the main leaders on the and stock market listing in 2006 has become an important investment in the main line, and that the central integration of related enterprises in Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies have held up quite well. stock market have been taking place in the reform initiatives and product innovation, such as directional issuance, repurchase, warrants and other all with the state-owned holding companies. SASAC had also repeatedly made clear that the Central will present nearly 200 large state-owned playing a large internationally competitive companies or enterprise groups, the state-owned assets to the important industries and key fields, the industry pacesetter concentration. can be expected, the central enterprises will integrate the central enterprises to change the current market, the 200 A shares of holding company status. Therefore, the annual meeting of the principal leaders invited to the SASAC for the state-owned Development of Securities Market Innovation Holdings keynote speech.
the annual meeting of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges are also invited to the State Council Development Research Center, listed companies, securities companies, fund companies, foreign banks (QFII) and other agency representatives and experts around the breakthrough progress has been made in institution building, comprehensive management of securities companies, listed companies standardize development, development and expansion of institutional investors and improve and perfect the market and the legal system a lot of hard and painstaking work, have made remarkable achievements. With the split share structure reform basically ended, a new era of a new circulation toward us.
in the circulation conditions, the governance structure of listed companies will face reconstruction, the market will be an endless stream of innovative, value investment philosophy will be a real deepening of institutional investors who will lead the market as the market mainstream mainly to change the direction of long-term investment hh all these new features of the new pattern, all we need to study concluded. Let us join hands, and actively promote the circulation of innovation and development under the securities markets, China's securities markets function together to create better, more rational pricing mechanism, the market more efficient, stronger international competitiveness of a better future!
here, another point to raise, that is, the development of financial futures market in China is facing new historical opportunity, ready to come. tradable share reform, such as with the basic completion for the launch of stock index futures clearing the way; With the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism and the acceleration of interest rate market, the emergence of financial market volatility, not only hedge as internal demand, but also for financial derivative products based on the transaction and so on. In short, positive and steady development of financial futures market conditions are ripe, we must attach importance to cherish and work together, run the financial futures market in China.
Finally, I wish the conference a great success!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Aspect 20 gold medals two gold and red Chinese Army Men looking forward to the semi-finals

 Tencent AP August 19, the first 11 days of the Olympic Games, produced a total of 20 gold medals, our athletes performed well, but also in gymnastics, trampoline and diving won the championship on four projects will increase our total number of Delegation of the gold medal to 43, to continue Gold List ranks the first. Today, the Olympic Games will enter the 12th match day, would result in a total of 11 gold medals, is less since the start of the second day. But apart from taekwondo athletes Wu Jing Yu and windsurfing athletes Yin Jian, the other items on our country there is no absolute gold strength, but is still expected to medal in a number of projects and to achieve a historic breakthrough. Wu Jing Yu 49 kg taekwondo the following class (gold medal hopes: 80%) Women's Taekwondo 49 kg class competition will be held the following day started at 9 am, decide the winner at 20:00. Wapa as Thailand's Yao's absence, Wu Jing and Yu Yang Shujun Chinese Taipei is currently the biggest favorites to win this level. According to ballot results, the two belong to one and a half area, which means they most likely early in the semi-final staged a RS: X class (gold medal hopes: 70%) at 13, the first cut of a total score of player Yin Jian of China will celebrate her in this project the last game, has won the Olympic Mist silver plate pull her sailing team is the best hope for gold. The game, Yin Jian is Italy's biggest rival Sensini. The following items while China has medal potential: Jiang Wenwen, Jiang Tingting double synchronized swimming final of the afternoon 15, will be held at the National Aquatics Center Synchronized Swimming Duet Free Routine final. China's Water Cube, a more brilliant flowers blooming. Zhang Wenxiu Women's hammer throw final in the women's hammer throw preliminaries, Zhang Wenxiu our players played well as second place in the finals. In addition, the defending champion, Cuba's star and world champion Moreno Germans are also the smooth clearance of Schindler. had four consecutive world championships and won the 2007 world championships bronze medal in the Star of Hope Women's Hammer Throw Zhang Wenxiu and what they would spark clashes, at 19:00 20 points, wonderful not to be missed. In addition, after the group stage with 2 wins and 3 were negative record and the fourth qualifying position B group of Chinese men's basketball quarter-finals which will be encountered in the first group A European powerhouse Lithuania, China coach Jonas Kazlauskas will be the first time in Olympic competition with their own country enemies, the game will be 16:45 in the afternoon started. and the rival series of four consecutive Olympic Games, but all were defeated in battle in China whether at home team takes the plunge and surprise to the fans, let us look forward to. Tencent Sports will broadcast live for the game of your video. In addition, previous results 69 to 9 seconds broke the world record to win 100 meters champion Bolt will join his main entry, the men's 200 meters final. for track and field fans, Bolt is not able to win the biggest suspense of the 200-meter final the biggest surprise in Bolt can break the U.S. star Michael - Johnson maintained a 12-year-old world record. Jamaica, :

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Buddhist classic love story, do not look do not know what is love

 Once there was a round sound temple every day, many of the Buddhist temple, incense is very prosperous. In the round sound beam in front of the temple there is a spider on the net, because every day by incense and reverent worship smoked care, spider will have a Buddha nature. After a thousand years of cultivation, increased the number of spider Buddha.
suddenly one day, Lord Buddha Temple to visit a round sound, and saw where incense is very busy, very happy. When leaving the temple, not the inter easily looked up and saw a spider on the beam. Buddha stopped and asked the spider: over a thousand years, what true knowledge humble opinion. how? to: practice on the beam, it greatly increased the Buddha. day of the Lord Buddha went to the Temple and the spider said: ; Spider said: Then, after a thousand years, one day, blowing a gale, the wind blew the dew drop spider web. spider looking nectar, see it shining brilliantly, very beautiful, like the meaning of sudden and devastating. spider nectar every day looking very happy It think this is the most fun three days of the millennium. Suddenly,
has whipped up strong winds, swept away the dew. spiders that have lost what once was very lonely and sad. Then the Lord Buddha and came, and asked the spider: r and l have lost less than r. , became a wealthy lady, parents, she was named Zhu Er. flash, Zhuer to sixteen years old, has become a graceful young girl, long very beautiful, very lovely.
the Day , the new division champion Sergeant Lang Gan Lu, the emperor decided to be held in the back garden for his celebration party seats. to a lot of young girls, including Zhu Er, well the emperor's little princess princess winds. scholar Lang performing poetry at the banquet large offer talent, the presence of young girls are all by him Zhedao. but Zhuer not nervous and jealous, because she knows that it is the Lord Buddha gave her the marriage.
some days, to say it Qiao, Zhu Er, when the Buddhist temple, accompanied by his mother, just come willing to deer, accompanied by his mother. to complete the Hong worshiping Buddha, two elderly people on the side of said words. Zhuer and willing to chat on the deer came to the corridor , Zhuer very happy, and like people can finally be together, but the deer was not willing to demonstrate her love. Zhuer of Gan Lu said: spider web of things? .
Zhuer home, I thought, since the Lord Buddha has arranged this marriage, why not let him remember that thing, sweet little deer why I did not feel?
few days later, the emperor summoned , ordered new division champion and the wind and the princess married Lu Gan; Zhuer and married Prince chicho. The news Zhuer skies like thunder, how she would like different, Lord Buddha did this to her. a few days, she does not eat do not drink, read all the documents anxious thinking, souls will be hatched, lives are at stake. Prince chicho know, quickly rushed to the scene, throwing himself at the bedside of the dying Zhu Er said: , I told you at first sight, I seek in Fu Huang, he was promised. If you die, then I would not live. The Lord comes, he hatched the Zhuer about the soul, said: in the end it is taken away by the wind. Gan deer are winds princess, he is the life for you, but an episode. The Prince is a year round tone Chi Temple of grass in front of a grass, he saw you three thousand years, three years of your love, but you never do head down read it. spiders, I again ask you, what is the world's most valuable? She Lord Buddha said: bit, and opened his eyes and saw the Prince chicho about committing suicide, she immediately knocked the sword, and Prince Edward holding hh
deep end of the story, you can understand Zhuer the last minute and say to him?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Navigation airport in Xinjiang after 5 years to reach 22 - Regional Finance - gold in the online

 URUMQI, January 30 Xinhua, Navigation airport will reach 22.

reporter from the Xinjiang Civil Aviation Authority was informed that, here, Xinjiang plans to build the tower, the Yarkand, Loulan, Tumushuke four airports, relocation Shihezi, Qiemo, Fuyun three airports, renovation and expansion Urumqi, Korla, Wada three airports. Among them, Fuyun and start construction this year and strive to Qiemo airport.

expected to months, nearly a commuter airport, covering all of the county-level administrative units.

2010, the region to achieve passenger throughput of 11.69 million air passengers, cargo throughput of 101,500 tons postal, transport movements 118,600 vehicles. Currently, airlines operating in Xinjiang in the aviation market over 52, the opening of routes 130 and navigation up to 79 cities. Urumqi in western

hub airport to speed up construction, convergence.

2015, Xinjiang Airport passenger throughput will reach 20.44 million passengers, cargo and mail throughput of 204,000 tons, 21 million vehicles taking off and landing flight.

present, a total of Urumqi in Xinjiang, Kashi, Yining, Korla, Altay, Aksu, Hotan, Tacheng, Kuqa, Qiemo, Karamay (hosted), Nalati, Kanas, Hami, Turpan Bole 16 operating airports.