Monday, February 14, 2011

Merry talented woman

 Merry Biography Talented m
Shi Pingmei Chapter VII
North Sea ice, like a side of a large mirror, flat whole. Sunset Fei Xia, reflecting the colorful bright light. That countless sharp blade, in the sunset glow , the shining silver bright light.
a both, line by line, with the music, slip into a large circle.'s passionate and sometimes majestic, sometimes mildly quiet Yang. boys and girls, such as wind rotary switch, such as Yunfei Xue Wu, smiling, reeling drunk, so wonderful, so happy: one by one, indulging in full bloom in the park.
the middle of a big circle, there is a whole body of the girl silk elements, flashing a charming figure, dance light, walking lightly. for a while as fleeting glimpse, a moment like swallows flew through the clouds; a while, such as galloping horse, while Yao You like a dragon.
it is Pingmei!
ice off of the spectators, several hundred pairs of eyes staring at her, with her eyes turning dance steps. The ice field, ice skating is that boys and girls formed a circle, like Bainiaozhaofeng, a consultant from time to time to turn the neck, that is the envy of attention, but also jealousy. < br> ten days since the Pingmei after class every day should be to the North Sea ice. Since her release, and Wu, break the pain of her trauma, sorrow and gloomy, in addition to the two most intimate friends mm Yin and deer inside out, and she deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, let no one know, not let anyone see it. mm noble such a beautiful girl, wrapped in the original but a broken heart broken; Beijing famous women of the original love, suffered a setback: No, never let them know, and never let them pleasure in her suffering, and never let them talk, laugh, become a staple of the talk of the streets of Beijing!
assessment means that joke Mette laugh, specially cheerfully, specifically to the North Sea for a maximum of ice. She always said to myself: before dignitaries joy, sorrow, after people have secretly turned to tears to flow to the stomach!
she came to the ice field, is to seek happiness, is to forget the tragedy. But her joy is not always the curtain came up empty, still and lonely bitter heart to comfort her. She finally realized she has missed the joy, sorrow and she'll never be divided . In the past the innocent, carefree girl, never looking for are not coming back! her to ice up, but the pursuit of temporary comfort, intoxicated moment, the moment of stimulation.
Yin is often laugh at her the ice rink in front of close friends, in fact, this close friend is the most unreliable. you are looking for a happy winter in Chunshen before the ice water will become soft. A Spring Lake, leave blank melancholy. Therefore, whenever Comments on about her to go skating, she said:
you have burned off infatuation of the draft, so why pretend to be also the kind of person in front of people laugh, people cry after it! these many years, the taste of the original is just hypocritical Shantou laugh, mask-like floating feeling. the universe, the only true love, only to give her comfort, only the mother's love, it is also water is not tired forever Haikudanlan Love does not transfer. originally only knew her naughty laugh blindly, and now, truly understand the sorrow of the world.
well, they're young do not know real depression!
it; when we can heal the wounds of my past say goodbye to my old dream of love Oh!
Yin busy, social activities and more. She and a dozen friends organized a secret society mm social reformers, she also participated in Central Park, ; held in literature will be set up, since then she has often some activities. Pingmei met her and always a few words, catch, come and gone.
Resentment Comments on the hearts of depression, only one deer Lu Jingqing decomposed for her.
Comments on smaller deer than four years old, grew up in Kunming, Yunnan, mother since childhood, suicide, loss of maternal love, my father married her stepmother and younger brother. Last fall, she came with the grief of the family misfortune to Beijing, passed the Women and Literature teachers. She very much appreciate the Comments on poetry. Comments on the total capacity to care for her older sister, thoughtful of her to take care of her. and their soul, like brothers. Comments on frustrated love, deer in addition to lectures , shadow, never leaving her, for her share those concerns.
deer in the South, this , came to the North Sea ice.
to the rink, just go up, they threw a few political thump thump, scared she quickly returned, the chair sit fine ice Comments on the sidelines. Comments on the ice , enjoy smooth, enjoy dance, like a mad general.
off the deer, but secretly weeping. because she knows that Mui was to hide his inner pain was so crazy to slide, crazy laughter . fawn distressed her Mui.
deer was weeping beside him suddenly someone whispered:
a youth.
surprise deer cried:
When the teacher. to pout, and said:
deer running out of patience, and face up against a red, whined:
the middle field. Gao Junyu saw her afar off, said even with the Comments on with gestures, glanced off to the Comments on, then drilled the crowd, moving rapidly over the side to Gao Junyu to. quick slide Gao Junyu front, she flies similar to a half twist, a emergency brake, very free and easy, very beautiful, Gao Junyu firmly parked in front. smiling, smiling, said:
pleased. , friends! really, I really appreciate you see me, friend! God, how he came in time! Moreover, the Jun Yu sound pragmatic, thinking deep. with him, you always feel a force.
while the deer to the locker room when asked Pingmei play Yu Jun good, Comments on open arms, excited to say that she was very fun, very happy!
Gao Junyu Yin Chen Xialian to:
; no, once in a. you skate every day to enjoy ah! depressed? ;
Comments on increasingly felt stunned.
Sea ice field, the halo being drunk for a moment the stimulus, but this is the practice of self-deception! In addition to the deer and the Yin suits the two close friends, no one can see through her. available today, Gao Junyu, the sharp-eyed people, but Yiyupode! Furthermore, very accurate!
she is really amazed!
Pingmei dropped his head and silenced a long while, only whispered:
deer far from the direction of the locker room came and said softly:
a tear, rose from his chair, smiled and let the deer chat Gao Junyu, she went to change shoes.
to be evaluated for a good plum shoes, dress coats, long scarves around come over when Yi Yi, deer told her that Gao Junyu to Central Park to ask them, pond north exit, and south, the south, west, after the Tiananmen Square, bought tickets and entered the Central Park. It was a Cooper on. If at the turn of summer flowers, here is more quiet than the quaint taste of winter.
the gallery. fawn just arrived in Beijing without a few months, and do not feel fresh. turn his face watching her, Here are four words. Comments on the deer asked, Comments on no attention to her. asked Jun Yu, Jun Yu told her: I remember that great Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, the Emperor once appreciated, very official hope. As a result, people will rush and Du Fu exchanges, a time is really booming. Du official news was silent, and people are no longer contacting him. So, they left out the door. Fu Chang was homebound, the sick Cross, a bit surname Wei's friends braved the rain to see him, he is very mixed feelings, he wrote a poem expressed his thanks. poetry in front of a small order, order, saying: moss and the couch. often when traveling visitor, the old rain, this rain does not come hh Lai Jin Yu Xuan, perhaps a deeper meaning? mm I was Du Fu, he was the surname Wei's friends again? she could not help but sneer at the heart a bit.
deer listening, laughing:
Mui's old rain l r, that is not to say that. You what? you Mui's old rain l r, l or this rain r? l old rain r. > finished, he looked Pingmei, Comments on the end seem to listen, did not look at him, still boring, without a word.
into the restaurant, Gao Junyu point of some food and wine. At this time, a man selling newspaper , carrying a bag loaded newspapers, the hands were holding a stack of newspapers came and put before them, silent, and then remove from the bag in the stack and lifts her, self-care leave, to turn to another table. pile Newspapers, in addition to Beijing published in Depression is not music, dazed from her wistful eyes, you can feel her inner anguish and sorrow. she did not speak, only to take up the pile of papers turned over, watching.
deer's mouth, restless .
; high-brother to see you this safe effort, some very honest kid, right? call me Han Ga l b r, that is, the meaning of Silly boy. a chivalric hero, once armed with wooden spears, machetes, beat the Boxers do foreign devils game.
you? Ask not work? Tan sway, laughed:
Yu nodded, looked sombre.
deer stretched face, hands and leaning his chin, very seriously, asked:
br> Comments on secretly with the awkward step on a deer foot, thinking: his happiness is not happiness, love is not love, what we control?
Surprisingly, the deer has endured a foot tiger yelled up Buthus martensii Karsch :
a deer, then to cover his face with a newspaper, quietly. deer said:
; high-brother, will you talk about you without reservation? But pressed dismay! hh
Nine years ago, Gao Junyu eighteen years old. in his father under the high single-handedly with day and forced him to the village and the county Yingyugou God save Cheung Lee married the daughter of Lee chilling. No matter how Gao Junyu protest high with day to recognize the shouted: would rather die, and never preparing for the wedding, not into the bridal chamber! with days of high anger was killing the five internal organs, Qiqiaoshengyan, fainting fell to the ground! s neighbors have, said that, to persuade the persuaded, Gao Junyu like: Father elderly, infirm, and if True to his mad, difficult to support the family, the parties can not be reasonable! Well, life is not made up my marriage, love, happiness can not be it. make personal sacrifices it! Gao Junyu upon the idea generation, could not help going to Heaven and sigh , burst into tears, promised to marry. after the thing, seems like a dream, clothing, weddings, and all the mercy of others.
the wedding, Gao Junyu minds of teenagers, and left deep wounds , the cause of his unfortunate life! wedding night, Gao Junyu head kick just into the bridal chamber Anthurium, they vomit the three major blood Gulp, from terminal one, almost lose his life. Later, his condition improved slightly, he excuses for for the environment, rehabilitation of ex-situ in order to convalesce. high with very poor health after their marriage day that his son, a very bad mood, it will allow him to move to convalesce treatment.
Who knows, Gao Junyu he never returned the first. he went to Taiyuan, several days, his father wrote to the high coordination, to cancel the marriage, the release of that poor woman! father, after all, not allow it. Two years later, Lin Wu (1916), in autumn, Gao Junyu directly from Taiyuan to Beijing, enrolled in the Beijing University Department of English. father tall with days that this message begins with the way friend is easier lost yu Shanxi to Beijing, after all, is the father loved his son. Jun Yu said to his father, determined to deny Lee chilling life wife, as a way to challenge the feudal ethical code . not find love among themselves, no longer seek happy. father, he had no alternative but to take.
Several Peking University, pursuing his girlfriend, the end result of Su aim at his heart, not as they move.
deer heard, was silent. After a while, she said:
I'm sorry, I should not have brought back your pain. great sorrow, she can not help but burst from the bottom of my heart filled with feelings of sympathy.
this time, food and wine have come up.
reported that sales people, seize the opportunity came.
Gao Junyu hurriedly placed a copper coin newspaper. sold the pile of newspaper journalists, together with the egg pick-up with copper, is still said nothing, went her own way their own.
deer to three cups full of wine to pour a bright red .
smiled, and said string, a sound, When Kuang Ji Jianwei to spit vision r ah! Gao Junyu that mean to me, right? this person, deep sensitivity, tolerance generous, liberal, generous, always giving a feeling of righteousness. If, Wu put Fengshen temperament like him, I might there will not be today's unfortunate and painful, right?
--------< br> �� Qiu Jin (1875 a 1907) Zhejiang Sanin (now Shaoxing) people. women. word Xuan Qing, No competition Xiong, also known as Jianhu Woman. Organization Independence Army against the Qing government, failed in 1907 was arrested July 15 in Shaoxing Xuan Ting port die a martyr. a adored the Fengshen temperament, has chosen the young students in front of us. was born in him, in any case can not love me to have feelings. at most, is respect it. Why? because I told him not understand, or because he did not elegant manners, handsome instrument? Maybe. But I will not think of any young generation to understand his ambition: a first love, frustration, trauma, enough for my lifetime of pain!
Well, girls love, life, first love it! it often affects a person's life, ah!
Anyway, I never fall in love, never get married again! this life hold celibate! I can and any youth between, but never love again. if who wants to love me, only my is Shi Pingmei myself, never imagined that she and Wu, put break and after a painful thought, is today, is here, she made mm
tears of acid reflux with my heart,
throat stem the Wang Jing spicy;
in front mm
have turned into, the Qing Qian smile! ��
----- ---
�� This is Comments on July 22, 1924 put down the mountain in Shanxi write said he has several friends on the railway workers to go.
Comment Mei Momo nodded, be agreed.
romantic Shi Pingmei Talented m
North Sea ice mass, like a side of a large mirror, a full flat setting sun. The Fei Xia, reflecting the colorful bright light. that countless sharp blade, in the sunset glow, the bright light shining silver.
a both, line by line, with the music, slip into a large circle.'s magnificent sometimes passionate, sometimes mildly quiet Yang. boys and girls, such as wind rotary switch, such as Yunfei Xue Wu, smiling, reeling drunk, so wonderful, so happy: one by one, indulging in full bloom in the park. < br> the middle of a large circle, there is a whole body of the girl silk elements, flashing a charming figure, light steps, walking lightly. for a while, like fleeting glimpse, a moment like swallows flew through the clouds; a while, such as galloping horse, while inviting like a dragon travel.
it is Pingmei!
ice off the spectators, several hundred pairs of eyes staring at her, with her eyes turning dance steps. The ice field, boys and girls are skating circles that the formation of , like Bainiaozhaofeng, a consultant from time to time to turn the neck, that is the envy of attention, but also jealousy.
ten days since the Pingmei after class every day should be to the North Sea ice. Since her release, and Wu, break the pain of her trauma, sorrow and gloomy, in addition to the two most intimate friends mm Yin and deer inside out, she was deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, let no one know, not let anyone see it. mm so a beautiful and virtuous girl, wrapped in the original but a broken heart broken; Beijing famous women suffered a setback on the original love: No, never let them know, and never let them pleasure in her suffering, and never let They talk, laugh, become a staple of the talk of the streets of Beijing!
assessment Mate intended laugh, specially cheerfully, specifically the North Sea to a maximum of ice. She always said to myself: joy before dignitaries, who, after sorrow, tears turned to secretly have the stomach to flow!
she came to the rink, is to seek happiness, is to forget the tragedy. But her joy is not always the curtain came up empty, to comfort her Coolness bitter heart. she finally realized that she has missed the joy, sorrow and she'll never be divided. In the past the innocent, carefree girl, never looking for are not coming back! her to ice up, but is seeking temporary solace intoxicated moment, the moment of stimulation.
Yin is often laugh at her in front of the skating rink close friend, in fact, this close friend is the most unreliable. you are looking for a happy winter, before the Chunshen , ice water will become soft. A Spring Lake, leave blank melancholy. And so, whenever her to go skating Mayo assessment, she said:

Otherwise, she said:
br> Comments on the first failure in love, she felt in this life is simply too little gain. the game has so many years, the taste of the original is just hypocritical Shantou laugh, mask-like floating feeling. the universe, the only true Love, the only give her comfort, and only the mother's love, it is not tired Haikudanlan also never transfer the water situation. originally only knew her mischievous laugh blindly, and now, truly understand the world of sadness.
well, they're young do not know real depression!
it; when we can heal the wounds of my past, bid farewell to my old dream of love Oh!
Yin busy, social activities and more. she and her friends organized a dozen mm, a secret society of social reformers, she also participated in Central Park, , catch, come and gone.
Resentment Comments on the hearts of depression, only one person for her deer Lu Jingqing decomposed.
Comments on smaller deer than four years old, grew up in Kunming, Yunnan Province, at an early age mother committed suicide, loss of maternal love, my father married her stepmother and younger brother. Last fall, she took the grief of family tragedies came to Beijing Normal Chinese women enrolled in the system. She is very appreciated Comments on poetry. Comments on the status of total care to older sister her thoughtful of her to take care of her. and their soul, like brothers. Comments on frustrated love, deer in addition to lectures, always together to accompany her, for her share those concerns.
deer in the South, this Comments on can order to accompany, she carrying a double-skates, along with commentary from Donghuamen plum out together, went to the North Sea ice.
to the rink, just go up, they threw a few political thump thump, scared She quickly returned, sat courtside chair ice upper Pingmei. Comments on the ice, enjoy smooth, enjoy dance, like a mad general.
off the deer, but secretly weeping. because she knows that Mui is to mask their inner pain, the landslide was so crazy, crazy laughter. fawn pained her Mui.
deer was weeping beside him suddenly someone whispered:
know I'm the deer? English Department of Beijing University students. something that I find her. meaningfully smiled, looked at her:
, I, I called her to be it. drilled the crowd, moving rapidly to glide side to Gao Junyu. quick slide Gao Junyu front, she flies like a half twist to an emergency brake, very free and easy, very beautiful, Gao Junyu firmly parked in front. smiling, smiling, said:
I am so happy! !, frame of mind, happened to her hometown to visit her, she did very excited and feel Xiejun Yu. ah. God, how much time he came! Moreover, the Jun Yu sound pragmatic, thinking deep. with him, you always feel to a force.
deer to the locker room to take advantage of the time, Jun Yu asked Pingmei play good, Comments on open arms, excited to say that she was very fun, very happy!
Gao Junyu Yin Chen Xialian to:
Jan. 18. to now, ten days, one day does not leak, but also in a while you? slowly lowered her eyes:
> , is sincere, his heart is sincere, Comments on even more stunned.
These days, she very cleverly disguised themselves as very subtle. In addition to the deer and the Yin suits the two close friends, no one can see through her. available today, Gao Junyu, the sharp-eyed people, but Yiyupodi! Furthermore, very accurate!
she is really amazed!
> Gao Junyu smile:
Why did you come to me? Why are you into the sea of bitterness in my heart, do not bother? The two emerged with a soft, gratitude, feel to tears.
Gao Junyu to see deer in the direction far from the locker room came and said softly:
. Comments on for a good shoes, wearing a coat, scarf around a long time to come over Yiyi, deer told her that Gao Junyu to ask them to Central Park, to go, dragging her deer life and death, but unfortunately had to take on Pingmei.
three, from north pond North exit, and south, the south, west, after Tiananmen Square, bought tickets and entered the Central Park. After a ; axiom defeat > Xuan Tell her: I remember great Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, once Emperor appreciated, very official of hope. So, people are scrambling, and Du Fu contacts, a time is really booming. Later, the news of Du Fu's official silence, people no longer contacting him. So, they left out the door. Fu Chang was homebound, the sick Cross, surnamed Wei's friends braved the rain to see him, he is very mixed feelings, he wrote a poem expressed his thanks. Poem a small order, order, saying: refers to an old friend; After listening in silence. I thought: He invited us to come here, and probably also the meaning of it? perhaps a deeper meaning? mm I was Du Fu, he was the surname Wei's friends again? she could not help but sneer at the heart a bit.
deer listening, laughing:
l this rain r? ? language.
into the restaurant, Gao Junyu point some food and wine. At this time, a man selling newspaper, carrying a bag loaded newspapers, hands were holding a stack of newspapers came and put before them, silent, from the then remove the bag in the stack and lifts her, self-care leave, to turn to another table. pile of newspapers, in addition to Beijing published in

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