Thursday, February 24, 2011

Somali pirates called the company to increase ammunition, the U.S. threatened to kill more hostages

 People's Feb. 24 hearing, according to the Associated Press has reported that Somali pirates said on Wednesday, following the confrontation before the incident, the American hostage, they were robbed of 30 to the additional personnel and ammunition ships, and threatening to kill more hostages.

the U.S. military said that as the American hostage was killed on Tuesday, they arrested 15 pirates will be tried in the United States. Currently, these pirates were detained in the East African waters in the United States aircraft carrier Enterprise.

in New York court under the 2009 Alabama sentenced a Somali pirate hijackings of 33 years in prison in less than a week to place the killing of four American hostages. The decision angered the pirates vowed to stand trial before being captured and killed hostages.

Osman Ali, who claimed
pirates said they had increased their hijacked vessels under the control of the defense system to deal with more rescue hostages. He said that following Tuesday's incident, they ordered the captain of hijacked vessel States Navy told not to go near, or to kill the hostages.

Ali said: can not close.

the face of the U.S. Navy blamed for hostage deaths, said the Somali pirates feel under attack and threatened to attack if the U.S. military will see only the body. A pirate named Abdullah, said:

of: Jing Dong Su Ting (Source: People's Daily Online - International Channel)

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