Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ma Ying-jeou Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, the speeches

 The vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia view
Taiwan KMT presidential candidate Ma Ying-jeou

Kyoto, Japan, the Republic of Doshisha University
96 November 21
Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan Introduction
Thank you for your introduction, Professor Murata. If I remember correctly, this is my eighth time came to Japan. without exception, each visit can so I added a lot of this great country of knowledge and respect. Now let me scheduled for last July canceled a speech here to apologize. because of the typhoon's surprise visit, when, as mayor of Taipei, I must first return to ensure that fellow citizens safe. but it does not fulfill the coiled about not always in my heart. This is why I first put down a busy campaign, first here is my trip to Japan as the first stop then go on to meet other Japanese friends.
the past century, Doshisha University has proven that it is a very good higher education hall. founder of the new island-based Dr. Xiang (University of the United States have been awarded Amherst give him an honorary doctorate) expectations for education and commitment to the university are so many subjects to excel.
Some people have said Doshisha University, Waseda University in western Japan. But one of my Taiwanese friends, he also is an alumnus of Doshisha University has assured me that, in fact, is the East Waseda, Doshisha University in Japan.
But one thing is true: the new island is a Dr. who has a vision. In 1879 years of graduation, new graduates of the island of Dr. English said: This This Mr. Xiang embarked on a trip across the ocean to the United States to study Western science and Christian theology. A few years later, the new island to get the United States, became the first Japanese university graduate degrees. In the case of the parties to assist the new Mr. Island returned to Japan and set up schools in Kyoto in 1875, the establishment of Doshisha University. The new husband is a successful combination of island traditional Japanese culture and Western civilization, an important example. and this combination is key to success in today's modern Japan.
my visit Before I review a little history of Taiwan and Japan. Japan's colonial rule of Taiwan, despite a strong resistance caused by the people of Taiwan, but also create a lot of the people of Taiwan and Japan should cherish the friendship and nostalgia.
first worth We miss the Meiji Restoration of the fathers of Itagaki Taisuke count. He unequal status of Taiwan in the colony is very caring, Lin Hsien-tang, who earned the friendship and respect, has been advocated to treat the people of Taiwan.
We also thank the original Yanai Tadao professor. He has a profound sympathy for Taiwan and understanding, write the book for Taiwan Shenzhang Gong Road, and came to Taiwan to lecture in Taiwan Enlightenment site. Yanai, Professor Tadao later served as the original first post-war president of Tokyo University.
addition , and Yoichi Hatta President, he spent a decade building irrigation systems in southern Taiwan. Although he is running a living in Japan, 999 days; the predecessor of the Kuomintang Sun Alliance is established in Japan in 1905. In fact, the name of Sun Yat-sen, then add a word into years. In addition to the two gentlemen, the Chinese revolution sages and the relationship between Japan and many important people. At the same time, many Japanese who sympathize with the Chinese revolution, like the housing Chuang Chi-Mei, Yang Yi, the dog, but later became Sun and Jiang's friends.
I would say that you on the ancestors and our ancestors have close exchanges between the connected and each other learn from each other for many years. We both are in the history and geography tied as close, whether in the present, past and future alike. true historical past with a couple of places are not all that enjoyable. In some of the wrong policy, many people lose their lives national dignity suffered a heavy blow. But I firmly believe that today's twenty-first century, the end of World War II more than six decades, we have to nineteenth and twentieth century behind the shadows.
This is why I believe that in the case do not forget history, we must forgive, and out of the shadows. Let us now face each other honest. because our future is important to us, so we should not reoccurrence in history them. After World War II, Japan and Taiwan lack of mutual concern between the two sides tend only to look on the Western countries, while ignoring each other, and even still follow the old vision of the past. In the past we used to look at each other, black and white dichotomy , forget the fact there is great between the two ends of the gray areas.
Since all of you have been a new spirit of openness of the island, Mr., so I suggested to you as the primary application is the future of Taiwan and Japan, a new perspective re-examine the degree to each other. Japan is very different from earlier and the past, and now Japan is not only more confident, more view of the world, and more sure of himself. Taiwan are not the same as before, and more democratic, more noisy affairs, the international situation even more difficult , but also bring more trouble to others. Kuomintang of course, a transformation. Many Japanese friends may not have noticed changes in the KMT. KMT members not only to more younger, more democratic decision-making is also, of course, more identify with Taiwan. In view of These changes, if Taiwan and Japan still use the past to look upon each other, we will lose many opportunities, and even will repeat the mistakes of the past. If we can have thoughts and mind open, I believe we will not just acquaintances, but will become more intimate friend or partner. we have also more responsive to the changing environment in East Asia can be more effectively overcome this difficult problem within the region and the unpredictable variety of challenges. < br> President of the Republic of China if elected, I will wear a new pair of lenses in Taiwan-Japan relations stand. I will ask people exchanges to increase both the quality and quantity. Many people in Taiwan can speak Japanese; has more than twenty University set up a Japanese language or Japanese Studies. Japanese art and culture, including technology, dance, music, literature, video games, popular art, tea ceremony, flower arranging, architecture, gardening, Kendo, cooking, etc., can be seen almost everywhere in Taiwan. Just go to (95) in one year, there are 121 million people of Taiwan to the Japanese tourist; the same time Japanese tourists to Taiwan, there are 116 million people. two records are high. But I think that was not enough, we must beyond the scope of Japanese and Chinese, we must tell those who are not fluent in Japanese and Chinese people, they must be like trying to understand the Western world that is committed to understanding each other. I hope that in the long run this will give the history between us to bring a new page.
a in neighboring states rather than between far. two world wars, many more have been repaired enemies, and even become a close friend and neighbor. But this did not occur in East Asia which we live. For this situation, I often regret. When you and I look around four buildings, why we often feel a little resentment, suspicion or threat? We must be like this? have this happen is because ?
I believe in the long term, East Asia if you want to be prosperous, we must be prosperous together. to prosperity, we must increase the cooperation. In order to cooperate, we must remember the lessons of past history, and the unhappiness of the past left to history. Many other countries and nations have already done so. Some countries such as Germany and France had also experienced several hundred years and even the bloody war and suffering, but now they already decided to build a bright future together.
Therefore, I am very pleased to see the relationship between Japan and its neighbors can improve, but also look forward to the tensions on the Korean Peninsula to slow down. if elected, I will try to reduce tensions in the Taiwan Strait, the power to do their thin cotton.
In the meantime, between Taiwan and Japan in view of strong bilateral relations between the two countries will sign if the consultations in order to strengthen the bilateral economic interaction.
I am particularly pleased to see that Japan can play in international affairs a more important role. Japan is the world's second largest economy, it is Asia's most democratic politics, society's most open countries . Japan's culture as open and continue to progress and innovation. Japan really has much to learn from.
but as human beings, like other exchanges, learning is a mutual process. Taiwan must rediscover and learn the Japanese; Similarly, Japan should also come from a new understanding and appreciation of Taiwan's point of view. We both must learn to understand each other's expectations, self-esteem and fear. We need to warm the heart, rather than . from Itagaki Taisuke and Yanai original Tadao and others who I saw in Japan was a broad minded people. I am sure the people of Taiwan so too. If we can their feelings and listen to each other's hearts, I believe that between us there must be new the relations. Let us try, it really is good?
a pragmatic idealist vision
some of my Japanese friends have told me that they do not know me. from the nature of it, I an idealist, because I believe in democracy and freedom is a universal value. I condemn the Communist Tiananmen ***, in fact, since 1989 I have never been lacking in the annual commemoration of the meeting I had. I also represent individuals and KMT to 228 events in the White Terror period in Taiwan suffering deeply apologize to the family. I also hope that other peoples in this world can soon enjoy the fruits of democracy and freedom.
but I was also pragmatism persons. I am deeply aware of the diversity of East Asia and complexity. In this region, we can see that the democratic system, the communist totalitarian dictatorship coexist with the situation. East Asia like China, as countries with vast land, but also to dilute some of the kingdom of villains; here as in Japan's national economic progress, but there are some far behind the country's economic development. in religion is Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism coexist. In short, East Asia is very different qualitative areas, in order to live in peace here, in addition to adopt a pragmatic attitude, no other way.
Therefore, I can vision of Taiwan to illustrate the following aspects: First, we will be in East Asia to avoid. If you can get power, I will endeavor to help Taiwan become a hot longer.
Second, we present the basic policy of arms people have failed, I believe it is to re-confirm or consolidate the . In addition to continuing to purchase advanced weapons from abroad, we need to establish a be sustainable against the enemy), Treaty ways to encourage the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan Strait issue Second Consensus I think both sides should be in the Tourism .

Conclusion Ladies and gentlemen, as a pragmatic idealist, I will bring regional peace, political stability and economic development as the primary task of governing. For the foreign friends, we will not give us to create the core of our policy toward Japan. In this, I sincerely hope that if the KMT return to power next year, Taiwan and Japan will be more solid, earnest, and sincere relations. Thank you!
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Category: Foreign
Ma Ying-jeou to post a blog response, please log in or register. Forward Print
2007, 十一月 21 - 9:55 pm m the freedom of speech Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
1, Japan, the world's second largest economy, but because of World War II fascist and defeated background, politics and diplomacy have been suppressed by the international community, the most eager , Bai Gaoxing the Japanese that the Americans could not escape the control of, nor in China, South Korea, ASEAN's three attack, what in the hands of the international development arena.
2, Japan is a constitutional monarchy in the country, not What kind of may not be unhappy.
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:08 pm m speech Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
Koizumi to pressure China to use the United States, and the result to the cold and isolated Japan in Asia. put forward a US-Japan military alliance, but also to the Americans to control the Japanese army, but also spend money on mats for the United States military.
turn, Shinzo Abe want to destabilize by China with the United States, the results get to live in their own hospital.
now the aging and the new prime minister, may be the middle path, keeping a low profile diplomatic, economic and development, which is actually before the time of Japan's Koizumi policy. It also determines, on the Taiwan issue is not Japan, China and momentum Masamori face conflicts occur.
tenure in the new prime minister, Japan Taiwan fishermen to catch something random, should be convergent.
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:09 pm m intro Re: Sports
not know will not visit the Chunichi Dragons Hanshin Chen Weiyan Japan to help more players Lin Wei Rights
especially Wang Chen-chih ^ ^
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:10 pm m the freedom of speech Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
I do not understand politics, in fact Luanjiang ah. We the people is the way to talk about what comes to mind, even if it is said that the whole of touch. do not like politicians who talk about set, thought one thing and do another set.
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:18 pm m expression Re : the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
ask you a question: say the background Gangster *** right-wing forces in Japan, in addition to the Governor of Tokyo, as well as Who?
feel right-wing forces in Japan and Taiwan the relationship between the child feel special underworld.
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2007, 十一月 21 - 10:29 pm m intro Re: peace and prosperity in East Asia Vision
only know that Frank Hsieh, Alice King Otherwise they will not wear what heart of ocean color jacket ~ Action Coalition to engage with them has also been the dark side of the heart similar to pay attention to chatter!!
anyway, see also Asian Championship Do not seat a hundred to a soldier of the refund z uu!!
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2007, 十一月 22 - 6:47 am m KK Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
Ma would like a thorough ah well, super-impressed to say ^ ^
Yes, absolutely .. and pragmatic ideals can coexist,
the stick to stick, such as Ma said the defense part of the order to br> the only way to ensure that cross-strait peace, adhere to the Republic of China in the end,
but should also expand economic flows across.
year for the condemnation of the Tiananmen and the Diaoyu Islands Action Ma both
the peace and protect life as a starting point,
this point, this is all we have to learn the response, please log in or register. Forward Print
2007, 十一月 22 - 9:25 am m matw Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
share in this brief novel of a Japanese story of the Warring States period Japan's Warring States Period ~ ~
separate the various name ~ ~ ignore the existence of the major names have shogunate to achieve their own ambitions ~
but an enemy spy in order to prevent another big name out ~ have implemented strict system of locks States ~
people out of business is Baibandiaonan ~
named Oda Nobunaga at this time there was a name applied down the line ~ ~ ready to accept not only not to lock the country ~
also a lot of people open to enemy free access to their own business not be controlled territory ~ name ~
all know that after the ~ is laughing Oda Nobunaga is But the enemy did not expect the view ~ ~
Oda Nobunaga's Territory ~
as the result of free trade have happy ~ national merchants to do business ~ business all his territory to his sudden run ~
~ Oda Nobunaga's territory into the territory of the wealthy in Japan due to the economic prosperity ~ ~
Oda also put a lot of money instead of buying the Western territories of the gun only ~
also Houzhi the military ~ Oda
Oda at the beginning of the country when the time is ripe to attack the central control almost half of Japan ~ ~
name before all this time to recognize this not to surrender to the Oda army is coming defeat ~
and Oda Army forces will come from his strong economic backing ~
was wise Oda Mitsuhide hire, although unfortunately the assassination of ~
but he laid most of the country allows the Tokugawa Ieyasu unified the world ~ ~ laid the glory days of the Tokugawa shogunate was ~
the The moral of this story tells us very clearly ~ ~ ~
can not do that with our present government to be reflective ~ in the end who is the fool?
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2007, 十一月 22 - 10:03 am m tao Re: the vision of peace and prosperity in East Asia
heart, rather than understanding and communication on the mainland. be able to resolve the people's well-being of confrontation is the politicians that the highest purpose. and not even for a small group at the expense of a person's self-interest groups split off and confrontation. broken heart, broken He Anning about the people and the nation and well-being?
hope that Mr. Ma for both sides to bring stability, peace and common prosperity.
share the dignity of the Chinese nation to share the years has been for thousands of flies, but still warm Humanities.
think of a famous sociologist Karzai Stewart's few words with you for mutual encouragement:
Gladiator-like activity and complex rational struggle. complex, all the way.
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2007, 十一月 22 - 5:20 pm m Fun basket Re: May peace and prosperity in East Asia King
Article name: a letter to President Chen pen name: Rangers
Hello Dear President:
I am the people living in Taiwan, I was in your mouth sweet potatoes are sub- This year I was about to begin life, 25 years old, it was about to end.
25-year-olds is heading towards a career working for the national contribution to President Chen hard, but I was Teachers College students, I have no stage have no money ,
early age I seriously inspirational reading for the second Chen Shui-bian, has been to university and I seriously take more than 200 graduate credits, because I have filled in the heat sink,
want to get rid of the family from the labor, so that their families had more good life, but my broken dreams broken
Why, I told you I had four poor people live, because I brother are soldiers, soldiers eat and drink bleach prostitution gambling habits do not change, his dislike my sister is wandering teachers,
think our family is a group of waste through college, yes I have many students have become waste, it is mental torture.
noon cabbage home is not just the elderly, he did not shoot me because the father is a worker and his mother did not work, my brother read super expensive private university tuition fees bad, I told brother living at home with my sister and I cabbage
home, particularly at night have the courage to write to you, Because I'm so hungry, yesterday's lunch was still a little meat Songane tofu vegetables with an Egg Roll, I told my mom, super nutrition
fact, my very hungry, this is physical torture. < br> His family had no more money to your nanny, my mother is six years old, so cold I woke up recently with children, good hand feel sore, and when the money to support teachers with only a few thousand
not support the family of the legs are very sore, did not sleep well at night with this, which is suffering insomnia.
go to work without new clothes to wear, the clothes often wear seven or eight years ago, often leak a length navel, the formal school teachers were scolded thirty-eight, I can not say I actually money to my sister's wedding because my sister ran out of
hope broke his market, he hoped that the school admitted her, so I would not say she was married, this is the dignity of the torture.
yesterday as hungry to write a letter to the Executive Yuan in the morning to go to work, and looked again, riding a 15-minute way to work, I told myself not to cry, because crying makeup will dissipate,
even waste time re-coated cosmetics, which is physical torture.
school teacher I did not drink tea discussion, the school teacher to discuss the new hair I did not, teachers drive to work, I do not . school teacher I did not have enough money for education. School teacher ........ I NTU medical students told me he went to India, free clinics, such as helping people fall, like lifted him up, but who help me.
25-year-old dream died, sunken eye socket, messy hair, old clothes, no makeup on the makeup, do not know what the community can do? altogether kill myself, 25 years old Thus ended my dream.

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