Sunday, February 13, 2011

A thesis writing - on public opinion Harmony

 Pure thesis writing, do not want to come to one's incompetence in this. A few days ago to see some places closed forum, think of this painstaking official nature with some sort of harmonious society public opinion is public opinion in the air
harmony is an important manifestation of social harmony is an important aspect of a harmonious culture.
reflected in the interest of social harmony, harmony, social harmony, the harmonious relationship between man and nature , interpersonal harmony and so on. construction of social harmony, harmony is the fundamental interests of the social relations of harmony is the goal. everyday state of social harmony more marked in people, and objects on the harmonious relationship, that is, interpersonal harmony, the harmony between man and the environment.
people have different ways to value, but also have different interest demands, but in the pursuit of the interests of achieving the process, can and should achieve the interests of the legal and process control within the scale of morality. from the whole society, order, security, development, etc., all members of society constituted the common fundamental interests. people in the fundamental interests of consistency, in order to provide the basis for the interests of harmony, but also for the community create the conditions for harmonious relations.
barometer of public opinion, social relations, but also social relations and create objects, both embody a certain amount of social relations, itself created a certain social relations. Therefore, public opinion both in a certain harmony extent, the level of social harmony can be seen as the basic index, to a large extent the level of promoting social harmony. create a harmonious environment of public opinion, to promote social harmony is of great significance.
course, we attach importance to public harmony, the starting point is not to indicate the level of development of social harmony, but to promote social harmony through harmonious level of public opinion. As the level of the basic indices of social harmony, harmony is a result of public opinion; as an important factor in promoting social harmony and create a harmonious public opinion is an difference process. If the starting point to create a harmonious public opinion on the expression above the level of social harmony, it is possible to pursue and create a festive atmosphere similar things, while ignoring or even burying the real voice, and that is undoubtedly a cart before the horse.
this putting the cart before the phenomenon, people have seen many. For example, the path of a city landscape, as long as compatible with its economic and social development, will undoubtedly have marked the development of the level of significance, but in some places but for the display performance the blind pursuit of high-rise building, built square, set the actual interest expense of the masses, and made waste of resources, road landscape into a purely face-saving projects. create a harmonious environment of public opinion, must focus on promoting social harmony above the level, but not the pursuit of social harmony, the environment of public opinion as the the need for expanding consensus. public opinion is the basic way to form a social consensus. public opinion in the formation of social consensus in order to get people to face the different understanding of the premise. harmony itself means recognition of difference and difference rather than difference and the simple elimination of differences, harmony is the difference in the basis of difference and achieve order and this order is inside. people think of things the difference is the nature of society must reflect the rich, but also to create a harmonious environment of public opinion the role of field , it is because people are not only a fixed view of things, so the harmony of the proposed opinion it is very necessary.
create a harmonious flow of public opinion channel is the premise of public opinion and encourage public opinion to create a harmonious development is the basis of public opinion. the world has never been so closely linked to public competition across national boundaries, to encourage the development of public opinion, the country must make their voices. to encourage the development of public opinion, is the national cultural rights for citizens to achieve the conditions that must be provided.
With The basic work, we can study the real public opinion in order to effectively guide the direction of public opinion. Public opinion everywhere. newspapers, books, radio, television, Internet and other mass media platforms, both the formal exchange of a variety of public gathering spaces, but also public opinion to guide important medium. people's oral communication, and even some of the tacit, self-evident speaking, the media guide is a With the guidance of public opinion and public opinion can not be achieved alone, and social development must rely on the actual situation. This requires both the need to remove the command of public opinion to guide the practice of doctrine and replace them with wisdom, gentle, harmonious spirit found itself work also requires all parties in a positive manner to do their work in order to guide public opinion has persuasive facts.
create a harmonious environment of public opinion, focusing on ease negative, emotional factors of public opinion, guided a positive, rational, peaceful and constructive attitude of public opinion. social development issues and problems facing, will be reflected in public opinion up, and people still lies in the fundamental interests of order, security and development. negative, emotional Opinion, to the detriment order, security and development, and therefore does not meet people's fundamental interests. all kinds of views should be discussed opportunities for, and shall have the right to be informed, but the mainstream media should be positive, rational, discussion should remove the generation. harmonious environment of public opinion public opinion exists in the flow channels and form a rational opinion among good interaction.
both the whole community to address all social media, but also calm discussion of all social problems, we can say basically formed a harmonious environment of public opinion . Most people's concept, constitute a basic understanding of society, affecting the direction of social development. in a good public opinion environment, the mainstream values because of discussion by the full manifestation of the natural, social consensus may be due to the promotion of rational .
a harmonious society, there must be a harmonious environment of public opinion, public opinion environment of a harmonious society harmonious air. unimpeded media channels and encourage the development of public opinion, the study of real public opinion, and guide the direction of public opinion, let us strive to achieve harmony of public opinion. 2006.7.7

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