Friday, November 19, 2010

Five women have to be shattered dream

 Cinderella will wait until the Prince, the White Snake will encounter her husband, Romeo, Juliet will be met. From small to large,UGG shoes, all of the story is always saying: One Dream: Love is meant to give birth to the fate
crow's feet until the eye, until no more gallant men of their own, this time began to have regrets: not pleasant to the eye of the B and C had critical, are the percentage of the original of seventy, eighty percent or ninety percent of the lovers. go back and look at that sentence, yeah, the original, but is that best met at the right time for the right person, if the collision does not that the next best thing Ye Hao.
Unfortunately, many women, that is, stick to the winter wrapped a quilt together, is the greatest of happiness. the magic of the magical, beautiful woman, after all, still the minority. The plain ordinary women, the most alluring than a dream: he fell in love with the inner you, not your appearance.
to burst The second dream: he fell in love with your inner, rather than your appearance
no story than has become a heroine, and get a man so deeply loved.
stunning love story that we believe that those with real taste of the men thought there would be a unique vision to discard everything outside, just for the sake of our fall in love within us. really true? Jane - Rochester, love and ultimately stay together, he had lost the property, his eyes no longer see beauty and ugliness. Otherwise, who can guarantee that he will not be a moment Passion, with another Miss Ingram glamorous birth to a child do?
read the book more than a woman, most likely to overestimate the intrinsic beauty of the man's charm, Zhuge Liang to marry an ugly wife move thousands of years, only this one case. < br> newspaper community news section, less than three days there will be a female to climb the roof of the building to commit suicide in the news. people made tremendous efforts to save her down, often hear the phrase: He do not want me, without him, I do not know how to live.
have shattered the dream of the three: without him, I do not know how to live
you really do not have a similar idea? after falling out of love , a person lying in bed, is not also thought: Let me sleep in the past, never to wake up just fine? this nightmare, most people finally be able to break free; To others, it was finally nightmare, a bloody end victims. victims of throwing all the world, no remedy, say what is superfluous. frightening thing is that those who survive, often masochistic self-mutilation, low self-esteem, the most minor, but also self-pity, the best in women age, and bring herself to look not a human form: either the same as Xianglinsao abandoned wives everywhere declared himself a Jour; or overcast day, to face the vicissitudes of life had filled. so interesting it? to the old, live to understand, remember that time, the fear of shame and remorse only, right?
believe me, if you feel that leaving a person can not live, you just need to wait for some time. is three to five short month, are long, but three to five years, love the light will fade from him, then you will find that he in fact nothing more than a man, good, pretty good too, but just ordinary men, if not good,UGG boots, You will find in him makes you regret that the intestines are also the disadvantage of youth, this is the time for strength. this world, no one left who can not live, unless he is to provide you with water, air, sunlight and food of God . So, do not believe So, even though he romantic by nature, even though he playboy home, you can not stop his fantasy: I will be his last of a woman.
have shattered the dreams of the four: I will be his last of a woman
Maybe you do not so beautiful, you fall in love with a man not so rich, but you have the illusion that he had actually the same? I will be his last is a woman. the last one, the most cherished. No matter how many before him experience, as long as the experience you all have become the prelude music. Only you are the outcome of his best. feminine enough you might not glamorous, but your own unique place, such as kindness, such as talent, so that he deeply impressed, not you can not.
a romantic man, who would not be his last one woman. No matter how he put it nicely, he will not like you, depending on each other as life only. You just his life, the meaning of true love.
have shattered the dream of the Five: love him unconditionally and would give anything for him
of love, we have such a misunderstanding, right, a misunderstanding,bailey UGG boots, that what people love, should not do any request to give love, even if they have to do this take a lot of pain. all the public opinion told us that this is the fidelity, it is the only virtue. If you have some expectations of love,UGG boots cheap, no matter what, even if it is His equal love, equal respect, then you reap the, will be reprimanded, he can even openly kicked for this reason you can even get the understanding of public opinion. Only when we truly human women motherhood, torture some life experience, will know that this love had a TV in the fantasy novels touched one, put it in real life, but how heavy the yoke.
true love, should not be any conditions. Why can not recover until the time the expense was only their senses? you and your men, two had nothing to do with the world, why the two were once the link love they have for each other was not responsible, no one will pay what we seek to do for the other?
This is not justice.

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