Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to apply methods of leadership

 How to apply methods of leadership
business leaders should work in management and master how to apply the leadership approach? From social practice, how to use methods, is a timeless topic. Throughout the ages, I wonder how many political home, strategists and thinkers on this issue made a brilliant and highly of the summary and generalization. an surprise, unexpectedly management objectives, need to use different methods to ensure; resolve the various contradictions at work, need to use different methods to deal with; balance the various interests, need to rely on different methods to complete. in business management activities, the correct use methods of leadership, generally speaking, is to put themselves in position to grasp the their leadership position
from the actual situation, straighten leadership position in three dimensions. One on how to put right The book has some very insightful statement. In her view, because the to: instead of taking leading members of each of the enthusiasm and creativity of their respective terms.
the so-called members Gongzuo first line Dadan work; Youyao attention to work progress, good job Ducu 工作. For grades Yao Jishikending commended Duiyu inadequate to help Tigao, must not Buguanbuwen, laissez-faire.
the so-called squad leader and not when the parents ; one-man ; for the fault appears to take the initiative to assume responsibility for all aspects of protection motivation. do top leaders of the gay leadership to figure out what is the view of achievements. on the sector leaders, the work of a department is doing a good job performance; of enterprises the legal representative for a company doing a good job is the biggest achievement. However, this involves a big performance by the whole number of the composition of local small achievements. Every part of the work well, will have global performance, otherwise, the overall result will be the same as water from the barrel constitutes the shortest piece of wood to go high. Therefore, leaders should correctly understand and handle large and small achievements of the relationship between performance and must not be lost because of the small large, not to embrace minor merits and lost because of the great service. clever number one is not in charge of specific work, then, was to ask top leaders usually do? on a talk I said before, one decision, the second is employment, three is the corporate culture. had been able to do these three things very easy. At another level, when a good number one must remember two words: do what others can not do mm difficult ;, a supporting role, is the protagonist in mutual cooperation. In addition, Jiuzheng deputy position, the general is relative, not absolute. you are at this level is the principal, but from another perspective, but is the deputy. For example, the number one branch, at the head office to the layout to some extent, acts as a ;, because all of the state-owned enterprises, there is still a unit in charge of their own.
so-called issues, not on things beyond the duties arbitrarily call the shots, not to say then do not say, should not do not do; the organization of work, be careful and meticulous, no bias, good Shiyibuque. I want each to do deputy leader (including all the top leaders of state-owned enterprises) should remember this phrase: decision-making, must be resolutely implemented, in the collective personal opinion and views come into conflict, in accordance with the collective opinion do; for the encountered issues of principle, should have the courage to adhere to principles, and choose to respect and sincere manner appropriate to the leadership reflect the collective and the top leaders.
the so-called more support; also encountered the problem of independent thinking, a bold charge, do not push do not delay the timely processing.
the so-called ; and leadership utmost to assist the work of other members, willing help green leaves red flowers, can not red flowers and green leaves, br> The first is effect; found in the work process to take timely measures to remedy omissions, improper co-working, guest, of a short, take one of the long. for other people's flaws and disadvantages, should hold tolerance and an understanding attitude, and find ways to make their own strengths disadvantages. not man in the job, but not good at co-operation often defeating, often is The relationship between leadership team members, the main is to promote together deliberation, communication, discussion and exchange, work situation, leaders at all levels only after complete the operation and management of the new task. We are here to promote ; the work atmosphere of the process. In this sense, advocates
Second, grasp the essentials of the three essentials
first grasp the principal contradiction is good at the overall situation of work. in the leadership of the most taboo misplaced priorities, to learn to catch a major event, focus on the main line of work, do not be all things small, to remember their work objects: on the big or small, is not in order of priority, what are caught, what are tube, grasp the end, nothing like that of reached the end of peasant uprising leader Li Zicheng Beijing after facing a very complex situation, although Chongzhen emperor hanged himself in Jingshan, but the Ming dynasty and nobility dignitaries have not been completely conquered, they hide in secret for the restoration of the just around the corner; hand massive forces to be stationed at major military generals to the Ming Dynasty at the sidelines a lot of people, not the formation of Rereading and his knife-rattling. can be said that Rereading the most important problem is how to face the real left thousands of miles over rivers and mountains of the Ming Dynasty, including in the capital to appease the opposition, the strength of border amnesty faction, actively engaged the customs may at any time to the Ching rushed the hostile camp . But, dazzled by the victory of the Li Zicheng just committed a taboo, his deep all day, where people get along very well with the peasant rebel army into the city of Beijing in their dry after the burning and looting from the dirty, while the number two man under Li Tzu-cheng Liu Zongmin also took the opportunity to occupy a defender Sangui's concubine Chen Yuanyuan Shanhaiguan , prompting the Sangui Qing lost a million or eventually in history have lost. This case is sufficient proof of a decision maker for failing to grasp the principal contradiction and lead to serious consequences.
second main point is to improve research. Research needs to be investigated before a decision, after the implementation of decision-making process should also strengthen investigation and research, through research to continuously improve methods and measures. In the early revolutionary activities of the Chinese Communist Party,UGGs, Mao Zedong is neither a master from the Soviet Union and Europe to study the orthodox revolutionary theory back could not get out of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong, one of the factors of success is very important that he be good at research. early in the student's, Mao Xiao son and his classmates traveled on foot rise, many cities and counties in Hunan, Hunan folk investigate and understand the sentiments and the living conditions of all sectors of society; to participate in After the revolution, he was the case under investigation and write his famous Chinese revolution of a very deep article, are from his understanding of Chinese society, according to the correct conclusion, in turn, guide and promote the progress of Chinese society. Even the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese people mm approach to guide our work. Zhuadian Xing, is a There is an innate psychological study to the example of the pursuit, but also in providing an example for latecomers successful experience. So, as long as the leaders in the work of good practices found in typical, sum up the experience of success and promotion within the jurisdiction of a comprehensive , will receive good results. in China's reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping, had set up If the SAR became engaged, they can provide experience for the country, to promote. If it fails, it does not matter, not a serious impact on the overall situation. In the past, Ningxia Border Region is the SAR is not it? try to be bold, do not timid. to pass this test, to break a way to survive. SAR approach is the use of grasping the a relatively mature program, and large areas of promotion, this is the success of the reform in many areas of a model: a ready-made Typical Leadership issues are put out of their difficult problems at lower levels, if the problem reflects the lower level to the leadership of the future can not be effectively addressed, is bound to be a lower charge of the work that on the one hand an obstacle, thereby affecting the overall work. a business leaders must not only reflect the up in time to help solve the problem at lower levels, lower levels should also be actively concerned about the weal and woe,cheap UGG boots, often listen to the voice lower, and actively help solve the difficulties at lower levels, improve efficiency of subordinates.
reflects that leadership means service The best way is to create good working conditions for the lower and the environment. because only have a good working atmosphere, will it be possible to work wholeheartedly for maximum efficiency. This principle is the middle of the saying: Yip Hing. ministers, to solve your worries. In recent years the rapid progress of science and technology. solve the worries of subordinates, that is, under the leadership of the best service. a well-known entrepreneurs also said that, I work just two things that But regardless of the specific thing. improve the working environment under the will to subordinate themselves to be leaders in the sense of importance and respect in the greater respect for leaders to redouble their efforts to work to return the lead. leadership services at lower levels, said he was emotional investment Ye Hao, said he was really Solidarity comrades worth mentioning, if done well, the Federation received an unexpected effect.
American Civil War, General Grant (after U.S. President) use the service of the president under the great Abraham Lincoln, led the army to quell the rebels rebellion split the Federation. In Grant rose to army chief before his boss jealous of his talent but because of scattered attacks around his remarks, his colleagues were also unwilling to see him and get him addicted to the promotion the characteristics of the wine drinking hype the dangers of military command. this time, even though Lincoln never seen Grant's face, but since he learned of Grant's military commander distinguished, so against all the odds, as the General Grant Commander of the most suitable candidate, insisted he was promoted. Lincoln in front of him to every ill of that Grant said: sent back to buy drums and give to the other generals to drink! Following the most respected on the president to Washington, however, defeated the rebels on the battlefield is Grant. If you do not solve problems for Lincoln in the rear of the Grant, not Lincoln's strong support, and perhaps the history of the United States is a vastly different. < br> Second, we must establish the development role is great; but when the companies have been expanding, especially in showing the characteristics of group development, if longer confined to family-style management sustained and healthy development of enterprises is very harmful. We have a lot of state-owned enterprises there is a Group insiders To this situation, to work as the most important, regardless of relationship intimacy, regardless of personal likes and dislikes, and consciously to overcome the will be fine, distinct merits and demerits; departments in charge of the emphasis on balance, can not form a clear contrast between the subordinates, the imbalance caused affinities; can not let others suffer under a clear sense, not Abduction trial of strength inside. When leaders must resolutely overcome the ; independent kingdom Early in the off Liu Bei, Zhang, Zhao, Ma, Huang, on behalf of the Foundation of Sun Quan rival. However, when Liu Bei and his brothers have died after leaders of the death, Cao Pi, Sima Yi, Deng Ai, etc. to the top immediately, where Sun Quan, Lu Su, Lu Xun and other next generation is also done something big. There is no doubt that Liu Bei is the root cause of the failure of his cadres route out of the wrong, wrong and he that too much emphasis from the role of a small circle, ignoring the corners of the country. Bei cadres core strength is the to, and he made them the core of long-Shu occupy leadership positions, not only do not try to expand their core leadership team, no training and selection of reserve cadres, cadres caused his fault.
Also, Liu Bei cadres policy mistakes also a lack of cohesion of his team. He got rid of the team known as military discipline, cadres punished very severely wrong, but only outside the core leadership. on their own inner circle of the implementation is another standard. Zhang drink the fall of Xuzhou to Liu Bei's wife and children are lost, and Liu Bei not only without punishment, but nonsense: sewing, hand, foot off, could I continue? with altogether even I kill it! one o'clock seriousness at all. This small group eventually destroyed the hard-won career Shu: on the one hand, like Wei Yan, Mengda such outstanding abilities, but drifted away from the core of Liu Bei outside the circle against the hearts of cadres, and finally rebelled. there on the one hand, this position may be even more contempt for the people in the circle of discipline, undermining the overall situation. Guan Yu to fly in the face, and Sun Quan turn, finally Sun Quan side of the nest. Then, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as anxious to avenge his men were killed, so Liu Bei anxious Fire Attack heart, rush to send troops to avenge his younger brother, the result was seven years with Lu Xun fire camp Shu has never recovered. work to focus only on Trust: The work can rely on and trust subordinates; on the lower level authority must be reasonable, there is no special reason to doubt or not easily give up the practice of subordinates; talk about the work process, generally do not leapfrog assigned tasks. leapfrog the leader check the work is very necessary also adhere to the grass-roots level, a form of the masses. China's feudal society Incognito Travel inspection officials have a tradition of modern corporate leadership of the masses should be more. but do not leapfrog the general layout work. On the other hand, leaders expressed through emotional effects of trust, leadership telling me, should strive to be modest and prudent, moderate language, leaving room, should not condescending, to overwhelm people, calling the shots. leader should have a Welcome to Wikipedia, and bearing in mind, through the practice of mutual trust to a variety of temperament and personality of people gather together with its director, to avoid it short. a qualified leader, he should be ideal for all staff and material ideal spiritual sustenance, and strive to become the heart of each employee idol, with the charm of personal staff, Cohesion, and must not become a spokesperson for the interests of minorities.
Zeng for the military is almost an outsider, but,UGG boots, he set up his command of the similar to the current status of the militia, army training, equipment, and political status are not as good as the regular army) defeated the heyday of the Taiping. Xiangyong team, the ingredients very complex, unconventional scholar, homebound mountain hermit,UGG bailey button, wealthy squire , gonna punish outlaw, there are fish village bully and rob and kill robber wanted by the government and so on. However, the court neither money, nor to the food, but also the case that he win the war, Zeng had this group of , but in order to complete the The autonomy in all hard battle with the Taiping. And most of Zeng before these subordinate social status is low, thinking that life will not have any big breath of people, but in the ranks has been Zeng trust and reuse, we in turn have a reward Tseng, in the increasingly bloody fighting, not only over the green camp so quickly, , many people later rose to the rank generals, admirals, taking part, the governor or the Governor, the repair has become immortal. to say that the success of Tseng use of personnel, largely due to him that the Sea, the employer no doubt the style.
four to adhere to the concept of flexibility. As a leading cadres, seriously though it is very important to adhere to principles, but principles are not rigid, but not as a dogma. to dare to uphold the principles at the same time, attention to the flexible approach to leadership. flexible treatment of the problem is from the reality of work, respect the objective laws, respect the reality requirements, not legalistic treatment job, but reasonable and flexible approach to solve the problem and resolve conflicts. Communist Party of the early revolutionary activities
basically a approach is not feasible in China, decided to troop to the Jinggangshan, and the germination of the consumption of the army to fight the motor way, through mm flexible thinking, have guided the Communists, until seized power. If you use KMT, the Japanese fight consumption, the establishment of new China is probably unknown.
, of course, adhere to the concept of flexibility is not the principle of non-stress can even be said to adhere to the principle adopted more reasonable approach. The purpose of the Communist revolution is to seize power and establish a new political system, in order to achieve this purpose is the most effective way to take the Revolution should adhere to the principle of the Communists, as to what can be done to achieve this purpose the specific methods, will have, as the case may be. Otherwise, if the principles as immutable dogma, in order to uphold the principle of holding formal deadlock. In effect, in principle and is also the fundamental principle of negation.
in business management, adhere to the concept of flexibility, there are even more special meaning, that is, the courage to uphold the principle in the same time, good at grasping the handle issues measured. principle is often related to the fundamental interests of the major business development issues. As a business leader, in relation to a matter of principle, the loss must not hesitate, we must dare to uphold the principles of courage to uphold the fundamental interests of the enterprise, the courage to show their point of view. However, the principles are not rigid, but not as a dogma, if you find fault because of the principles which led to a greater loss of business, we should deal with the problem another way, in order to reduce the principle of self-injury force. This is the courage to uphold the principles in the same time, pay attention to deal with the problem of propriety, not too far or choose to deal with the problem because the timing was not right, leaving the company more harm than good. Zedong once said: principled way to understand it and grasp the measured mm is the lifeblood of business?
Fourth, the use of six techniques
first, in contradiction at work or a different opinion to stay calm and good at controlling emotions with reason. insofar as people working in cooperation, they will have different views and practices, also have a work conflict, this time leaders must be possible to hold his emotions, keep a good attitude, work and relationships to emotional damage reduced minimum. As the saying goes, . So, deal with the problem calmly, a leader must pay great attention to methodological issues. In short, come into conflict, to The Robinson at the front of all the officials to frequently moving in the face of criticism of Li Shimin, and sometimes very sharp criticism, which makes Li Shimin lost face, Xiabulaitai, occasionally let Li Shimin very angry. On one occasion, Wei Zheng Li Shimin by criticism is so No, Tuizhao return against Temple, he Qixiu Xiu Sun Queen said the Wei Laoer, one day I will kill him. Despite this, the emperor still struggled to control their emotions in public has always been open-minded to listen to Wei Zheng other people's views, even if some comments and criticisms are wrong, and he never retaliate with their own political views are substandard, so that their loss of face people. It is humble that he is satisfied that the attitude of remonstrance, was a result of direct subordinates dare to commit Longyan; is no guess them this monarch and his subjects, ; Dragon Court was furious, criticism and under the supervision of many mistakes, he can hardly become a famous treated differently. , should be advised a get drunk. Some strong views of his comrades so, but because of his bad temper has not put forward. These conditions are Zhou Enlai know. Shiyou to Beijing for a meeting once, take the initiative to invite him to drink Zhou Enlai wine. Why did the Prime Minister began Xu Shiyou not care about him a drink, conversation and the Prime Minister than the amount of alcohol being also see who drink more. unknowingly drank two bottles per person Maotai. to drink the third bottle of the time, Zhou Enlai still laughing, but it really is to drink Xu Shiyou not move, and finally lying drunk on a chair. The next day woke up from a dream, Xu Shiyou remember when the whole process of drinking realize that the Prime Minister and his desperate than the drinker , is too tactful to criticize his approach to persuade others to drink it! Behind the people beyond, regardless of people's capacity for liquor, forced to drink more than make life difficult for people, ah! thought of this, he felt very guilty. Since then, although he still loves drink, but no longer desperately forcing others not to drink. This is a small story, but it puts Xu Shiyou understand we have to be Zhou Enlai also demonstrated the superb art of interaction with others, talk and laugh quietly to between criticism and ...

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